29 research outputs found

    Patterns of democracy: Coalition governance and majoritarian modification in the United Kingdom, 2010–2015

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    The UK is often regarded as the archetype of Westminster democracy and as the empirical antithesis of the power-sharing coalitions of Western Europe. Yet, in recent years a different account has emerged that focuses on the subtler institutional dynamics which limit the executive. It is to this body of scholarship that this article responds, locating the recent chapter of coalition government within the wider context of the UK’s democratic evolution. To do so, the article draws Lijphart’s two-dimensional typology of democracies, developing a refined framework that enables systematic comparison over time. The article demonstrates that between over the course of the 2010-15 Parliament, the UK underwent another period of majoritarian modification, driven by factors including the long-term influence of the constitutional forces unleashed under Labour and the short-term impact of coalition management. The article makes several important contributions, salient in the UK and beyond. Theoretically, it offers a critical rejoinder to debates regarding the relationship between institutional design and democratic performance. Methodologically, it demonstrates that the tools of large-scale comparison can be effectively scaled-down to facilitate withincase analysis. Empirically, it provides a series of conclusions regarding the tenability of the UK’s extant democratic architecture under the weight of pressures to which it continues to be subject

    Federalismo, dinĂąmica eleitoral e polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas no Brasil: uma tipologia e algumas hipĂłteses Federalism, electoral dynamics and public policies in Brazil: a typology and some hypotheses

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    O presente trabalho propĂ”e um modelo tipolĂłgico capaz de fundamentar o entendimento da conexĂŁo entre polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas e dinĂąmica eleitoral em uma democracia federal onde o poder de formular e implementar polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas Ă© relativamente descentralizado. De modo mais geral, esta tipologia de polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas pretende avançar alĂ©m das dicotomias tradicionais da ciĂȘncia polĂ­tica - clientelismo vs. universalismo / partidos catch-all vs. partidos programĂĄticos - oferecendo uma nova perspectiva analĂ­tica, de corte nĂŁo dualista. A tipologia classifica as polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas a partir de duas dimensĂ”es: os critĂ©rios de alocação de recursos (polĂ­ticopartidĂĄrios ou universalistas) e a natureza dos bens e serviços produzidos (privados ou pĂșblicos). A partir do cruzamento das duas dimensĂ”es, o trabalho define quatro tipos de estratĂ©gias de implementação de polĂ­ticas pĂșblicas: clientelismo, polĂ­tica distributiva, focalização e universalismo. TambĂ©m sĂŁo definidas algumas hipĂłteses capazes de explicar as escolhas de polĂ­tica pĂșblica realizadas pelos governos subnacionais. O trabalho leva em conta trĂȘs ordens de fatores explicativos: competição polĂ­tica horizontal (entre partidos polĂ­ticos), competição vertical (entre esferas de governo) e contexto socioeconĂŽmico e demogrĂĄfico.<br>This paper proposes a typological model to provide further understanding of the connection between public policies and electoral dynamics in a federal democracy in which the power to formulate and implement public policies is relatively decentralized. More generally, this typology of public policies is intended to move beyond the traditional dichotomies of political science - clientelism vs. universalism / catch-all parties vs. programmatic parties - offering a new analytical perspective, with a non-dualistic approach. The typology classifies public policies according to two dimensions: the criteria for allocation of resources (partisan or universal) and the nature of the goods and services produced (private or public). From the intersection of the two dimensions, the paper defines four types of strategies for the implementation of public policies: clientelism, distributive policy, policy targeting and universalism. It also proposes some hypotheses to explain the choices of public policy made by the state governments. The article takes into account three types of explanatory factors: horizontal political competition (between political parties), vertical competition (between the spheres of government), and the socio-economic and demographic context

    Political Institutions, Policymaking, and Economic Policy in Latin America

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    This paper surveys selected themes in the political economy of policymaking in Latin America, with an emphasis on recent research focusing on actual decision and implementation processes, and on the political institutions and state and social actors involved in those processes. In particular, the paper addresses how political rules work for or against intertemporal cooperation among political actors. The document shows that the extent to which polities obtain the key policy features that seem to determine development depends on the workings of political institutions, which define how the policymaking game is played, on the characteristics of the arenas of interaction, which define where the policymaking game is played, and on certain characteristics of key socioeconomic groups, which define who interacts with professionalpoliticians in pursuing different policy preferences