33 research outputs found


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    Generator set memiliki fungsi sebagai pemberi suplai daya listrik alternatif. Pengopersian generator set kebanyakkan dilakukan di ruang terbuka yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi kebisingan dan terhirupnya gas buang pada saat operasi. Pengoperasian diruang terbuka seringkali tidak memperhatikan keadaan temperatur sekitar, dimana temperatur dapat mempengaruhi kedudukan suatu benda termasuk kinerja mesin generator .Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi temperatur bahan bakar (premium dan pertamax) terhadap unjuk kerja mesin generator set 4 langkah. Bahan bakar pada tangki dikondisikan sehingga didapatkan temperatur bahan bakar di dalam ruang pelampung karburator pada reng temperatur: 29.461°C -30.001°C, 31.4964°C-32.20256°C, dan 36.543°C-38.4331°C. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan mengukur tegangan dan arus listrik pada pembebanan 500, 1000, 1500, dan 2000 Watt sehingga didapat daya dan komsumsi bahan bakar spesifik. Dengan peningkatan temperatur bahan bakar dapat meningkatkan daya mesin dari 2.051516 Hp (premium dan pertamax) menjadi 2.15159 Hp (premium) dan 2.11334 Hp (pertamax) pada pembebanan 1500 watt begitu juga pada pembebanan lainnya. namun nilai konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik mengalami penurunan dari 0.31993 (premium) dan 0.273274 (pertamax) menjadi 0.255245 (premium) dan 0.249674 (pertamax) pada pembebanan 1500 watt, begitu juga pada pembebanan yang lain


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    Penelitian ini menganalisa pengaruh modifikasi kepala silinder terhadap campuran bahan bakar-udara pada mesin Honda GX-160. Penelitian ini  dilakukan dengan cara memotong kepala silinder sebesar 0,1, 0,2, 0,3, 0,4, dan  0,5. mm yang akan memperkecil ruang bakar sehingga mempertingi kompresi.  Hasil penelitian pada performa mesin kondisi kepala silinder standar, untuk nilai  torsi yang tertinggi dihasilkan 0,63 N.m pada putaran mesin 3800 rpm. Dan pada  kondisi kepala silinder yang telah dimodifikasi, nilai torsi yang tertinggi pada  putaran mesin 1,10, 1,14, 2,74, 3,13,5,09. N-m.Daya tertinggi yang dihasilkan  pada kondisi kepala silinder standar yaitu 3800 rpm yaitu 0,36 hp serta pada  kondisi kepala silinder yang telah dimodifikasi daya tertinggi pada putaran mesin  3800 rpm yaitu 0,64, 0,66, 1,57, 1,82, 2,97 hp Nilai torsi dan daya yang  dihasilkan cenderung lebih tinggi dengan menggunakan kepala silinder  modifikasi. Komsumsi bahan bakar spesifik (SFC) yang dihasilkan pada kondisi  standar cenderung lebih tinggi di bandingkan dengan kondisi kepala silinder  yang telah dilakukan modifikasi, SFC terendah pada kepala silinder yang telah  dimodifikasi yaitu pada putaran mesin 3800 rpm yaitu 1,67, 1,61, 0,87 0,58 0,32  kg/hp.h.

    Portable Thermoelectric Cooler Box Performance with Variation of Input Power and Cooling Load

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    The thermoelectric module is a device that works by using the Peltier effect when electrical power supplied on it. In this study, the thermoelectric module is applied as thermoelectric cooler (TEC) using air cooling heat sink where cooling box capacity is 22 L. This paper experimentally investigates the thermal performance of thermoelectric cooler with a variation on input power and cooling load. The investigation has been conducted by three variations on input power (50.5W, 72.72W and 113.64W) and by two variations of the cooling load using mineral water (1440 mL and 2880 mL) with input power 113.64W. The box temperature achieved at input power 50.5W, 72.72W and 113.64W are 19.98oC, 19.77oC and 18.52oC, respectively. While at the cooling load of 1440 mL and 2880 mL, the temperature achieved in the box are 22.45oC and 23.32oC, respectively. The test results showed that in variation on the input power from low to high, the temperature in box becomes lower on high input power and causes the lower of COP, this is because more energy could be absorbed on high input power. In the cooling load variation, the greater the cooling load given in cooling box, then the longer the box  temperature  stability can be achieved because of more energy needed for decreasing the temperature of cooling box

    Design of Portable Beverage Cooler Using One Stage Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) Module

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    The Portable Beverage Cooler (PBC) has been designed to satisfy the need of cooler apparatus that could be carried easily. The utilization of this apparatus was intended to minimize the environmental damage affected by vapour compression refrigeration system using CFCs Refrigerant. The peltier effect from thermoelectric module was utilized in this PBC and called as Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC). Furthermore, heat-sink and fan were needed to ensure the cooling effect continously worked. To achieved the objectives of this machine (portable, environment-friendly, low watt, affordable), the design consideration are heat load, insulating material, weight of components, electric consumption, and dimension of the cooling box.  The results of the design shows the PBC cooling box dimension is 6 cm x 6.5 x 15 cm. The insulation of the PBC cooling box are polyurethane foam and polystyrene expanded with thickness 6 mm and 5.3 mm, respectively. The alumunium plate was applied as inner wall to enhance the cooling capacity of cooling room temperature. In this PBC was used one stage of TEC that could yield cooling room temperature until 15 oC in 30 minutes operation by consuming 20 W of electricity.


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    Modular Chiller adalah suatu central Air Conditioning (AC)  yang  terdiri dari beberapa modul yang bekerja bersama-sama untuk membuang panas yang diserap oleh chilled water dari gedung untuk dibuang ke lingkungan. Chiller jenis ini juga merupakan solusi untuk penghematan penggunaan energi listrik karena jumlah unit yang beroperasi dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan beban panas yang dihasilkan gedung yang cenderung berubah-ubah tergantung pada jumlah ruangan yang digunakan, jumlah alat elektronik yang digunakan, jumlah orang yang beraktifitas, dan faktor-faktor beban lainnya. Chiller dioperasikan dengan temperatur acuan 6oC. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas pendinginan aktual  (QL) pada evaporator, daya kompresor aktual (Wk)  dan kapasitas panas aktual (QH) yang dibuang di kondensor berturut-turut adalah sebesar 357,5 kW dari total 845 kW kapasitas pendinginan yang tersedia, 66,1 kW dari total  daya kompresor 157 kW, dan 423,6 kW dari total 1002 kW potensi panas yang dibuang dengan COP chiller sebesar 5,4. Kapasitas pendinginan yang tersedia 57,7 % lebih besar dari total kapasitas pendinginan aktual, sehingga lebih dari cukup untuk memenuhi beban pendingin keseluruhan hotel Y, untuk memperoleh kenyamanan termal yang sesuai standar  SNI, 03-6572-2001


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    The aim of this community service is to improve the environment and public health in the city of Bengkulu, and the success of the human development index in the health sector. While the goal in particular is the amount of waste in the landfill can be significantly reduced over time so that the cleanliness of the environment and health can be realized, can boost the economic value of the plastic waste from households because it can be sold to a factory producing plastic pellets and machinery This can help people who are interested in waste processing technology to become entrepreneurs plastic pellets. This activity lasted for ten months in cooperation with two partners, namely the Parks Department and Sanitation of Bengkulu and CV Terang Bulan engaged in the sale of plastic waste. In implementing this program assisted with the research team of students to design and create a municipal waste processing machine a plastic which is more practical with affordable production costs for society. On completion of this machine in addition to the stages involves students will also involve CV. Terang Bulan as a partner in business who have started this garbage. The partners are expected to play an active role in providing fill-enter on the specifications desired by the user. After making machines is completed then it is disseminated to the public that waste management is important and profitable economically. Keywords: Waste Processing Machines, Seeds plastic, household wast


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    This community service activitiy aims to improve the capacity, knowledge and skills in various aspects of micro scale enterprise (MSE) or business of gnetum chips (production, management and law). In addition, the goal is improving the quantity and quality of produced gnetum chips. The training has been done to diversify the products processed chips gnetum IE cookies crackers and chips caramelized on the Group micro scale business of Rafflesia and Cempaka in Bengkulu City. In management aspects of the business, it has been implemented various activities that can enhance the knowledge and skills of the partners in managing their business, such as business management and computerized marketing training. Lastly, in terms of the law, it has been implemented mentoring of legal permission to partner in order to register their business to P-IRT. Keywords: mikro scale enterprise, genum (emping), business, incom

    Performansi Mesin Pendingin Tipe Chiller untuk Cold Storage dan Indoor Menggunakan Ethylene Glycol Coolant

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    AbstractRefrigeration device is used to reduce the temperature of the room or cooled material by absorbing heatfrom the room/material. The most refrigeration device operated by using the vapor compression refrigerationcycle. This research was done experimentally using refrigeration device chiller type to cool the ethylene glycolcoolant in the refrigeration box (evaporator unit), and ethylene glycol coolant is used to absorb heat in coldstorage and indoor (test room). The results show for the circulation of ethylene glycol coolant to the coldstorage COP value is 2.80, while the circulation of ethylene glycol coolant to the indoor COP value is 5.12. Onthe testing of ethylene glycol coolant was circulated to the indoor with 1000 Watt cooling load, the COP value is5.19, and for circulated to the cold storage and indoor simultaneously COP is of 3.66. The performance ofchiller refrigeration device is influenced by the cooling load, the greater of cooling load that would affect thework of the compressor so that the pressure in compressor increase and the energy consumption to operate thecompressor also increasing too.Keywords: refrigeration, heat, COP, PF, cooling load