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    Tempat merupakan salah satu konsep geografi yang terbentuk dari kondisi fisik dan sosial secara terintegrasi, menghasilkan sebuah produk khas dan tidak dapat di temui di tempat lain yang ada di bumi. Produk tersebut dikenal dengan nama indikasi geografis (Geographical Indication). Selada air di Kecamatan Parongpong memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan indikasi geografis karena tumbuh pada kondisi geografis yang khas dan sampai saat ini sudah dipasarkan di luar negeri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data dari sampel yang dapat mewakili seluruh populasi sehingga dapat menggambarkan jawaban dari rumusan masalah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka dan dokumentasi. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis menggunakan koefisiensi lokasi (LQ), presentase, deskriptif, skala linkert, overlay, klasifikasi iklim Junghun dan Schmidt-Ferguson. Selada air di Kecamatan Parongpong tumbuh pada iklim agak basah (Schmidt-Ferguson) dan sedang sejuk (Junghun) dengan suhu 28° sampai 23º Celcius. Kondisi morfologi dimodifikasi secara khas, agar sesuai untuk lokasi penanaman. Sementara kondisi hidrologi berintegrasi dengan kondisi geologi dan tanah sehingga kebutuhan air dari tanaman ini dapat terpenuhi dengan baik. Penduduk yang terlibat budidaya selada air memiliki sikap cukup senang terlibat budidaya selada air dan cukup setuju selada air didaftarkan sebagai indikasi geografis, pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang baik. Lebih menguntungkan, mudah dilakukan dan kondisi alam (fisik) di Kecamatan Parongpong menjadi minat sekaligus motivasi penduduk untuk membudidayakan selada air. Penanaman dilakukan dengan membuat petak-petak khusus pada lahan. Kemudian lahan diberi pupuk dan dibersihkan dari tanaman liar sampai waktu panen. Setelah 2 bulan selada air dipanen dan dibawa ke lokasi pengolahan (ngunder). Kemudian disortir, dibersihkan (nyetek), dipotong (reping) dan dikemas yang selanjutnya dijual ke penampung untuk dipasarkan di dalam dan luar negeri. Selada air memiliki keunggulan produksi, luas tanam dan pendapatan penduduk, dengan nilai LQ > 1. Waktu panen selada air lebih cepat dibandingkan 14 jenis sayuran lain. Harga selada air juga lebih mahal dibandingkan dengan jagung, ubi kayu, beberapa jenis sayuran, buah-buahan dan tanaman hias Place is one of molded geography concept of condition of physical and particular social. Condition of physical and interacting particular social each other somewhere will result one typical product and can't at elsewhere find which is at earth. Product is recognised by the name of geographical indication (Indikasi Geografis). Water lettuce at Parongpong's sub district have potency to be made geographical indication because growing on condition of geographical typical one and until now was marketted at another country. This research using descriptive method, to collect data from sample to represent all of population to answer purpose from research. Data collecting did by observation, interview, book study and documentation. That fact then analyst by Location Quentient (LQ), presetation, linkert's scale, overlay, climatic classification Junghun and Schmidt Ferguson . Water lettuce at Parongpong's district grows up on climate slightly nabs (Schmidt Ferguson) and be balmy (Junghun) with temperature 28° until 23º Celcius. Condition of modified morphology typically, that fits for instilling location. While hidrologi's condition gets integration with condition of geology and soil so amount of water required of this plant get with every consideration been accomplished. Conductings the interesting resident water lettuce have adequately leisured and adequately accepts if water lettuce became geographical indication, knowllege and good skill. More advantages, easy to do and condition of nature (physical) at Parongpong's sub district becomes proclivity and motivation of resident to cultivate water lettuce. Instilling did by makes special terracing on farm. Then farm was given to manure and is cleared from wild until reaping time plant. After 2 months water lettuce is harvested and is taken in to processing location( ngunder ). Then is sorted out, cleared (nyetek ), cutting (reping) and is packed that succeeding being sold to distibutor to been marketted local dan international market. Water lettuce has production top, far ranging implant and resident income, with LQ's point> 1. Faster water lettuce reaping time than 14 other vegetable types. Water lettuce price also more expensive as compared to corn, cassava, some type vegetable, fruis and flower


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    Kota Cimahi salah satu kota di Jawa Barat dan termasuk daerah resapan air. Banyak terjadi degradasi lingkungan di Kota Cimahi diantaranya pencemaran udara, pencemaran air dan pencemaran tanah. Penyebab dari degradasi lingkungan tersebut karena tingginya aktivitas industri, tingginya volume kendaraan, tingginya pertumbuhan penduduk dan kurangnya ruang terbuka hijau. Karenanya perlu upaya untuk mengurangi degradasi lingkungan di Kota Cimahi, salah satunya dengan menumbuhkan kecerdasan ekologis. Penumbuhan kecerdasan ekologis dapat dilakukan melalui budaya sekolah dan pembelajaran geografi yang memiliki muatan lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey berbasis pendekatan kuantitatif dan desain korelasional. Teknik penentuan jumlah sampel menggunakan stratified ramdom sampling, didapatkan 36 sekolah dan 260 peserta didik. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, angket, studi literatur dan studi dokumentasi. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan persamaan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan muatan lingkungan dalam budaya berada pada skor yang bervariasi dari sedang sampai tinggi. Muatan lingkungan dalam pembelajaran geografi dengan skor sedang sampai tinggi. Tingkat kecerdasan ekologis peserta didik dengan skor sedang sampai tinggi. Budaya sekolah berpengaruh sedang (31.13%) terhadap pembentukan kecerdasan ekologis kecerdasan ekologis. Pembelajaran geografi berpengaruh sedang (22.65%) terhadap pembentukan kecerdasan ekologis. Secara bersama budaya sekolah dan pembelajaran geografi berpengaruh sedang (35.99%) terhadap kecerdasan ekologis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kecerdasan ekologis dapat dibangun melalui budaya sekolah dan pembelajaran geografi dengan muatan lingkungan didalamnya. Aspek keteladanan dalam menjaga lingkungan dalam budaya sekolah seharusnya dipertahankan. Pembiasaan warga sekolah dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan seharusnya dapat menjadi sebuah aturan baku yang terpusat. Sumber dan media pembelajaran geografi menjadi aspek yang seharusnya mendapatkan perhatian untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan ekologis.;---Cimahi city is one of the city in West Java Povince. There are lot of environmental degradation in Cimahi City, among are air, water and land pollutions. Impact from hight industry activity, high total vehicle and lack of green open space. Therefore there sould be an effort for decrease environmental degradation on of them by growing ecological intelligence. Growing ecological intelligence could do with school culture and geography learning with content of environmental. This research using survey method basicly quantitative approach and corelational design. Using stratified random sampling obtained sample 36 school and 260 students. Data collecting by observation, interview, quisioner, literature review and document review. Data analys by regression. Result of the research show environmental content in school culture with variation score midle until high. Environmental content in geography learning with variation score midle until high. Level of ecological intelligence students with variation score midle until high. Contribution of school culture growing ecological intelligence student is 31.13%. Contribution of geography learning growing ecological intelligence is 22.65%. Together school culture and geography learning growing ecological intellience is 35.99%. The result show that ecological intelligence could build by school cuture and geography learning with environmental content inside it. Role model aspect in maintaining the environmental in school culture have to depend. Behavioral residents of the school for maintaining the school environmental should be centralized rule. Resources and media of the geography learning became aspect must be noticed for improve student ecological inteligence

    Pengaruh Perkeretaapian Terhadap Perkembangan Struktur Tata Ruang Kota Cirebon Berdasarkan Tinggalan Arkeologis

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    Abstract. Cirebon is a strategic city in the north of Java which, based on concentric theory, has a dynamic development process. This research used a qualitative approach and the descriptive method followed the pattern of inductive reasoning where data was collected through a) a literature study to documents from Indonesian National Archives (ANRI) and PT KAI Indonesia; b) field survey to observe the remains of the railroads; and c) interviews with the community leaders. Data were then analyzed spatially, using indicators from concentric theory, to see the effect of railroads on the development of the spatial structure of Cirebon. The result of the study reveals that the palace used to be the center of community activities during the kingdom reign, then shifted after the Dutch arrived and built the railroads. The center of the activities shifted to the ports, the stations, along the train stops, the plantation areas, the sugar factories, and the meeting points of the roads. The remains of the railroads today become a contextual proof of the development of the spatial structure of Cirebon which must be preserved as an archaeological value. Keywords: Train Heritage, Spatial Structure, Cirebon Abstrak. Cirebon merupakan kota yang strategis di bagian utara Pulau Jawa. Jika didasarkan pada teori konsentris, kota ini memiliki proses perkembangan dinamis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, metode deskripstif mengikuti pola penalaran induktif. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi literatur, yakni dokumen dari Arsip Nasional Indonesia dan PT KAI Indonesia; survei untuk melihat sisa tinggalan perkeretaapian dari studi literasi; dan wawancara kepada tokoh masyarakat. Data dianalisis secara spasial dengan indikator dari teori konsentris untuk melihat pengaruh perkeretaapian terhadap perkembangan struktur tata ruang Kota Cirebon. Hasil penelitian tinggalan arkeologis perkeretaapian menunjukan bahwa pada masa kerajaan, pusat aktivitas masyarakat berada di sekitar keraton, kemudian bergeser setelah Belanda datang dan membangun perkeretaapian. Pusat aktivitas bergeser ke pelabuhan, stasiun, sepanjang perhentian kereta api, kawasan perkebunan, pabrik gula dan titik pertemuan jalan. Kondisi tinggalan tersebut menjadi bukti kontekstual perkembangan struktur tata ruang Kota Cirebon yang harus dilestarikan sebagai peninggalan bernilai arkeologis. Kata kunci: Tinggalan Perkeretaapian, Struktur Tata Ruang, Cirebo


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    The development of railways in Indonesia is related to the exploration and exploitation of the Dutch Colonial Government. This mode of transportation is used for the transport of agricultural commodities so that a compilation of enforced planting politics is enforced. Indramayu is one of the areas on the island of North Java which is traversed by the construction of this route, so it has archaeological remains, everything related to trains or is called railways. This remains a fact and basis in colonial history. The difficulty of preserving the railroad relics in the Indramayu Region is difficult to find and approve. Through qualitative and exploratory methods, this study further discusses railways that have archaeological values on the track built by the Dutch colonial government, namely (1) the non-active Jatibarang - Indramayu railway line; (2) Jatibarang - Karangampel non-active train line; (3) Haurgeulis - Arjawinangun Lane which is an active route at this time. Data collected through literature studies, documentation studies, observations collected by interviews. The results showed some relics in this region which are found in several districts namely Jatibarang, Karangampel, Haurgeulis Districts and along the Jatibarang-Indramayu, Jatibarang-Karangampel and Jatibarang-Arjawinangun subdistricts. Also around the former station Kadokangabus Station, Terisi and Telagasari. Besides that, it was located in the center of Cimanuk economic activity during the colonial period. Perkembangan kereta api di Indonesia, terkait dengan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda. Mode transportasi ini digunakan untuk pengangkutan komoditas pertanian, sehingga menguat ketika diberlakukannya politik tanam paksa. Indramayu adalah salah satu wilayah di Utara Pulau Jawa yang dilalui oleh pembangunan jalur ini, sehingga memiliki tinggalan arkeologis, segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan kereta api atau disebut dengan perkretaapian. Tinggalan tersebut menjadi fakta dan dasar dalam mengidentifikasi sejarah masa kolonial. Kurangnya kesadaran pelestarian tinggalan perkretaapian di Wilayah Indramayu, membuatnya sulit dicari dan di identifikasi. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif dan metode eksploratif, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi tinggalan perkeretaapian yang memiliki nilai arkeologis di jalur yang dibangun pemerintah kolonial belanda yakni jalur (1) Jalur kereta api non aktif Jatibarang – Indramayu; (2) Jalur kereta api non aktif Jatibarang – Karangampel; (3) Jalur Haurgeulis – Arjawinangun yang merupakan jalur aktif saat ini. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi literatur, studi dokumentasi, observasi yang diperkuat oleh wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan beberapa peninggalan di wilayah ini yang terdapat di beberapa kecamatan yakni Kecamatan Jatibarang, Karangampel, Haurgeulis serta di sepanjang jalur penelusuran Jatibarang-Indramayu, Jatibarang-Karangampel dan Jatibarang-Arjawinangun. Juga di sekitar bekas stasiun Stasiun Kadokangabus, Terisi dan Telagasari. Selain itu terdapat tinggalan di pusat aktivitas ekonomi Cimanuk pada masa kolonial

    Analisis kesesuaian lahan rawa untuk pengembangan kawasan permukiman di Kecamatan Gondang Kabupaten Tulungagung

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    Gondang District is a drained swamp morphology with an area of 37.85 Km2 with a slope of <2%. Regarding this, it has different physical condition from other settlement areas. This study aimed to evaluate the suitability of the land for settlement development in the area. The data related to slope, soil structure, soil texture, drainage, and depth of ground water level, rock weathering level, level of flooding / flooding, soil carrying capacity, permeability, and potential for soil wrinkle (index cole) were collected through observation. Through the sample type of purposive sampling on land unit maps resulted from overlay maps of slope, land use maps, and maps of soil types, scoring was then conducted. Using descriptive evaluative method, the results show that the land which has been or will be developed into a settlement area has some limiting values so as further evaluation is required when used as a settlement areaKecamatan Gondang mempunyai luas area 37,85 Km2 dengan kemiringan lereng < 2% merupakan morfologi rawa yang mengalami pengeringan sehingga semiliki kondisi fisik yang berbeda dari kawasan permukiman yang lain. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melakukan evaluasi kesesuaian lahan di untuk pengembangan permukiman di daerah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif evaluatif. Data kemiringan lereng, struktur tanah, tekstur tanah, drainase, kedalaman muka air tanah, tingkat pelapukan batuan, tingkat penggenangan/banjir, daya dukung tanah, permeabilitas, dan potensi kembang kerut tanah (index cole)dikumpulkan dengan observasi. Melalui sampel jenis purposive sampling pada peta unit lahan yang dihasilkan dari overlay peta kemiringan lereng, peta penggunaan lahan, dan peta jenis tanah yang kemudian dilakukan pengharkatan (scoring). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan yang telah dikembangkan maupun yang akan dikembangkan menjadi kawasan permukiman mempunyai beberapa nilai pembatas sehingga perlu adanya evaluasi lebih lanjut apabila digunakan sebagai kawasan permukiman.         


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    Cirebon is one of the regions in West Java Province with a coastal landcape, its strategic location and fertile land makes Cirebon rich in agricultural resources. These conditions encouraged the Dutch Government to exploit and occupy in Cirebon. The relatively abundant exploitation of commodities has led to the establishment of efficient transportation facilities for transporting agricultural products. Railroad is an efficient transportation transportation technology that at that time developed, so railroad lines, stations and stops were built with all the facilities. The first development was the Semarang - Cirebon route with the tram class of 1897 and continued to experience development. Through a qualitative approach with a descriptive explorative research method this research seeks to map and identify railroad relics in the Cirebon Region, based on Geographic Information System technology (GIS) to obtain historical social information on the development of the Cirebon Region during the Dutch Colonial period. Data was collected through observation by tracing rail tracks so that railroad relics were found in the form of railroad tracks, stations and stops that were still functioning or those that were no longer active. The tracing data was strengthened with literature studies, literature studies and documentation studies and then analyzed with the Geographic Information System so that a map of the railroad distribution was obtained and described in written form. The results of the study found railroad relics in the form of former railroad tracks, former station buildings and former stops with various supporting facilities including the former buildings of Mundu Station, Warudurur, Kanci, Sindanglaut, Karangsuwung, Jatiseeng, Ciledug, Losari and Babakan. Then stop at Jatipiring, Cibogo, Waled, Luwunggajah, and Titik Simpang Bedilan. The remains are scattered along the former railroad tracks, both those that are still functioning and those that are no longer active

    Does Educational Disaster Mitigation Need To Be Introduced In School?

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    Indonesia is an archipelagic country in subduction of three global plates namely Eurasia, Pacific and Indo-Australia. Make it has many active volcanoes and mountain morphology that are prone to earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides. In astronomical location Indonesia is a country in tropical latitude with high rainfall and irradiation. Makes it vulnerable to atmospheric and hydrosphere disasters such as drought, tropical storms and floods. Also has multicultural population that makes it vulnerable to social conflict. Various factors indicate that Indonesia is a country prone to various disasters. Need disaster mitigation socialization efforts early on. This study describe the need to introduce disaster mitigation education as one of the efforts of disaster risk reduction in schools to students. This study uses literature study method by collecting various written references from books and publications of research results. Use descriftive analysis tecnique for process data. The results show that disaster mitigation education needs to be introduced at the level of schooling in Indonesia. As one of the efforts to prepare the people of Indonesia disaster preparedness. Disaster mitigation education should be included in the curriculum of education, especially on subjects that have a correlation therein

    Does Educational Disaster Mitigation Need To Be Introduced In School?

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    Indonesia is an archipelagic country in subduction of three global plates namely Eurasia, Pacific and Indo-Australia. Make it has many active volcanoes and mountain morphology that are prone to earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides. In astronomical location Indonesia is a country in tropical latitude with high rainfall and irradiation. Makes it vulnerable to atmospheric and hydrosphere disasters such as drought, tropical storms and floods. Also has multicultural population that makes it vulnerable to social conflict. Various factors indicate that Indonesia is a country prone to various disasters. Need disaster mitigation socialization efforts early on. This study describe the need to introduce disaster mitigation education as one of the efforts of disaster risk reduction in schools to students. This study uses literature study method by collecting various written references from books and publications of research results. Use descriftive analysis tecnique for process data. The results show that disaster mitigation education needs to be introduced at the level of schooling in Indonesia. As one of the efforts to prepare the people of Indonesia disaster preparedness. Disaster mitigation education should be included in the curriculum of education, especially on subjects that have a correlation therein

    Pemanfaatan Keanekaragaman Bambu Secara Hidrologis, Ekonomis, Sosial dan Pertahanan

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    Indonesia is one of countries with a relatively high level of biodiversity. One of these biological resources, is bamboo. The existence of bamboo plants in Asia, including Indonesia, is widely used by segments, reeds, midribs, colors and height for various purposes. The writing of this article aims to explain the use of bamboo diversity in a hydrological, economic, social and defense manner in society, as one of the alternative solutions for the utilization of biological resources in Indonesia. The type of data used is literature data in the form of scientific papers or relevant research results. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed: 1) the hydrological function of bamboo provides direct benefits as a conservation plant reducing erosion, preventing landslides, good land cover for water catchments, while indirectly as a support for the population's water needs such as pipes, canals and water containers; 2) the economic function of bamboo helps to support human needs, increase income and open up new economic opportunities such as building construction materials, plaits, concrete bones, ropes, connecting tools, roofs, floors and bridges; 3) The social function of bamboo is to trigger social activities between individuals or community groups, such as the use of bamboo for musical instruments, eye drops, fishing rods, nurseries, rafts and cigarette pipes; and 4) The function of bamboo defense itself is closely related to the history of the Indonesian people, especially as a weapon in the fight against invaders, in addition to the function of bamboo defense itself, namely as a defense field and live and artificial fences

    Ecological Intelligence Level Of Hight School Students In Cimahi City

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    Indonesia is experiencing serious environmental problems as a negative impact of development. One of the areas that shows the problem of the environment is Cimahi City located in West Java Province. Therefore, efforts are needed to prepare future generations in order to have high ecological intelligence. The intelligence can be prepared and established through the process of education in the School. The purpose of this study is to measure the level of ecological intelligence of high school students in Cimahi City. This research uses survey method based on quantitative approach. The technique of determining the number of samples using stratified ramdom sampling and obtained 35 schools as sample. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, questionnaires, literature studies and documentation studies. Data then analyzed and presented with descriptive statistic technique. The results showed that the level of ecological intelligence of learners varied between schools, from moderate to high levels. Judging from the components of ecological intelligence, the attitude aspect has the highest score followed by aspects of knowledge, skills and participation. All parties need to encourage schools and learners to improve ecological intelligence through various programs at schools based on environmental conservation efforts