10 research outputs found

    Pengaplikasian Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno Pada Simulasi Sistem Pengapian Mesin Bensin 4 Langkah (4 Silinder)

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    The 4 stroke (4 cylinder) gasoline engine ignition system simulation based on the Arduino Uno microcontroller was designed as one of the modeling of conventional ignition system modification into an electronic ignition system based on the Arduino Uno microcontroller. Conventional ignition systems are modified by removing distributor components and replaced with microcontrollers as ignition system controllers. Spark plug and coil cables are replaced with Igniton coil that uses Igniter. Arduino Uno microcontroller is used as a controller that receives signals from the optocoupler sensor and activates the module relay so that the electric current enters the Ignition Trigger, the voltage needed by Igniton Trigger is 2 V by using a step down transformer to reduce the voltage. So that the Ignition Coil is active and produces a high voltage so that it can produce sparks on each spark plug. This Arduino Uno microcontroller processes data received from an optocoupler senso

    Alat Pengering Kerupuk Palembang Dengan Menggunakan Gas LPG

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    This cracker dryer is made considering that there are still many cracker industries that use solar thermal energy directly to dry raw crackers before the frying process, so that the cracker production results will decrease due to inefficient drying process, therefore all obstacles are always experienced when using energy sunlight can be overcome by using a cracker dryer using gas (LPG). This cracker dryer has dimensions of length 550 mm x width of 450 mm x height of 1000 mm and size of drying rack with a length of 500 mm x width of 400 mm x height of 25 mm. This tool has 4 drying racks with a capacity of each rack 1.5 kg. This dryer uses the principle of convection that is utilizing heat energy generated from the heat of the fire produced through a gas-using stove (LPG), the radiated fire produces heat that enters the drying cabinet. Hot air is locked in a drying room, so that the heat can help the drying process of cracker

    Pengujian Alat Modifikasi Alternator Mobil Menjadi Listrik Rumah

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    This paper discusses the use of alternator cars into home electricity. This paper aims to overcome the energy crisis by reducing dependence on fossil energy sources by utilizing alternative energy sources or by developing technology in the form of alternator modifications, and also from this paper we can find out the optimum conditions of rotation and generating electricity. The workings of this alternator modification tool so as to produce electrical power that is using a motor as a drive connected to the alternator produced mechanical energy converted into electrical energy and from this alternator a voltage of 12 volts comes out and goes into travo to increase the voltage to 220 Volts. From the results of the testing of this final project, the effect of rotation on the production of electrical energy coming out on this alternator modification tool is if the rotation produced is high then the power output is also good and if the rotation is slowed the power coming out will also be small. The optimum condition of this test is at 1600rpm. Key words: keywords are written in 5 words which should be a subset of paper titles, written using lowercase letters except for abbreviations, and separated by comma punctuation for between words


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    Sanding work is a stage that is carried out before entering the finishing process to remove defects and smooth the surface of the object. The main purpose of making sanding machines with this mechanical belt system is to help and simplify the sanding process. The method for making sanding machines with mechanical belt systems is: needs analysis, problem analysis and specifications, problem statements, concept design, technical analysis, work drawing and tool testing. The results of the design of the sanding machine with a mechanical belt system are obtained in the form of a design with a working drawing of a sanding machine with a mechanical belt system. The sanding machine with a mechanical belt system has specifications that are 500 mm long, 350 mm wide, and 1400 mm high. The source of driving the sanding machine with a mechanical belt system is an electric motor ¼ HP with 2800 rpm rotation. The transmission system uses pulleys. The sanding machine with a mechanical belt consists of several components, namely the engine frame, electric motor, pulleys, tables, belt aplas, and adjustment of the belt strength of the sandpaper. The belt pulley used is from ST 37 with a diameter of 25 mm and pulley rotation of 2800 rpm. Frame construction uses hollow iron measuring 40x40x3 mm from ST 37 material. The table uses 590x150 acrylic material

    PKM Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos Limbah Pertanian

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    Kelompok Tani Cahaya Baru Nagari Persiapan Lubuk Gadang Barat Kecamatan Sangir Kabupaten Solok Selatan telah mendapat penyuluhan dari tim pengabdian masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Padang.  Sosialisi yang diberikan adalah tentang bagaimana cara membuat pupuk kompos dari limbah pertanian. Permasalahan yang ditemukan adalah petani sering kekurangan pupuk untuk memupuk tanamannya. Sehingga untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya harus membeli pupuk dengan harga yang mahal. Solusi  yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi pada kelompok tani  tersebut adalah memberikan penyuluhan cara membuat pupuk kompos dari  limbah pertanian. Dengan memberikan penyuluhan ini diharapkan kelompok tani dapat menyediakan pupuk alami untuk kebutuhan petani di desa Bumi Ayu umumnya dan kelompok tani Cahaya Baru khususnya. Kontribusi mendasar pada khalayak sasaran adalah setelah program pengabdian ini diharapkan petani mampu membuat pupuk kompos yang dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk alam untuk mengatasi ketergantungan terhadap pupuk kimia, sehingga dapat menjaga kesuburan tanah di lahan pertanian

    Kajian Potensi Air Pengerak Pompa Hidram untuk Mengairi Sawah di Daerah Pakandangan Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

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    Energy is needed in mobilizing a mechanism both electric energy and energy derived from fossils. Hydram pump is a device to raise water from a low place to a high place by utilizing water impacts without using renewable energy. In Pakandangan, Padang Pariaman Regency, there is a water source that cannot be utilized to flow through the rice fields around 10 Ha. Because the rice fields are higher with water sources. The methodology is to survey the location and design the dimensions of the hydram pump. The results obtained head data height of incoming water is 2.5 meters, the height of water lift to the shelter is 7 meters the flow of water entering the pump is 25 lt / sec. The dimensions of the pump are the result of the design of a hydram 1 size with an inside diameter of 2 inche

    Analisa Kekerasan dan Ketebalan Permukaan Lapisan Hasil Elektroplating Kuningan Pada Baja

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    Korosi merupakan proses spontan yang terjadi pada logam karena pengaruh lingkungan. Terbentuknya korosi dipermukaan logam tidak bisa dicegah, tetapi bisa diperlambat proses terjadinya. Salah satu usaha untuk memperlambat laju korosi adalah dengan melakukan pelapisan (elektroplating) pada permukaan logam tersebut. Telah dilakukan proses elektroplating kuningan pada baja karbon rendah ST-37  dengan variasi waktu 10 menit, 15 menit, 20 menit dan 25 menit serta variasi suhu larutan elektrolit 40°C, 45°C, 50°C, dan 55°C. Karakteristisasi lapisan dilakukan dengan menggunakan mikroskop stereo dan kekerasan dengan uji keras Vicker. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa peningkatan waktu dan suhu berbanding lurus  dengan ketebalan dan kekerasan yang dihasilkan. Nilai ketebalan dan kekerasan terendah ditemukan pada 40°C dengan waktu 10 menit 11,323 μm 182,4 VHN, dan nilai rata-rata ketebalan dan kekerasan tertinggi diperoleh pada 25 menit dengan suhu 55°C yaitu 29,333 μm dan 218,8 VHN.  Dari hasil yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan waktu dan suhu yang diberikan berbanding lurus dengan ketebalan dan kekerasan. Nilai ketebalan dan kekerasan tertinggi diperoleh pada 25 menit dengan suhu larutan 55°C

    Perancangan Mesin Pemutar Gerabah Dengan Kekuatan Tumpuan Maksimal 10 kg

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    Pottery is an art craft made from clay which besides having a high use value also has a pretty good aesthetic value. Pottery craft business has existed in Indonesia since ancient times until now. This business has a deficiency in the production machine part, where the production machine still uses human power as the main driving force during the rotation during the pottery making process. Therefore, a modification of a better pottery turning machine is needed to support the pottery craft business. The design of this pottery turning machine uses a working drawing design of a pottery turning machine product with a rotating speed that can be adjusted according to work requirements via a speed control pedal. The pottery turning machine has a strong construction with machine specifications of length 760 x width 400 x height 700 mm, with the addition of 2 pulleys with a first pulley diameter of 2.5 inches, and a second pulley diameter of 12 inches with a connecting belt using type A-57. And by using umbrella gears with a ratio of z1 = 25 and z2 = 50 with a maximum pedestal capacity of 10 kg