17 research outputs found

    Out-of-equilibrium dynamical equations of infinite-dimensional particle systems. I. The isotropic case

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    We consider the Langevin dynamics of a many-body system of interacting particles in dd dimensions, in a very general setting suitable to model several out-of-equilibrium situations, such as liquid and glass rheology, active self-propelled particles, and glassy aging dynamics. The pair interaction potential is generic, and can be chosen to model colloids, atomic liquids, and granular materials. In the limit d→∞{d\to\infty}, we show that the dynamics can be exactly reduced to a single one-dimensional effective stochastic equation, with an effective thermal bath described by kernels that have to be determined self-consistently. We present two complementary derivations, via a dynamical cavity method and via a path-integral approach. From the effective stochastic equation, one can compute dynamical observables such as pressure, shear stress, particle mean-square displacement, and the associated response function. As an application of our results, we derive dynamically the `state-following' equations that describe the response of a glass to quasistatic perturbations, thus bypassing the use of replicas. The article is written in a modular way, that allows the reader to skip the details of the derivations and focus on the physical setting and the main results

    Impact of jamming criticality on low-temperature anomalies in structural glasses

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    We present a novel mechanism for the anomalous behaviour of the specific heat in low-temperature amorphous solids. The analytic solution of a mean-field model belonging to the same universality class as high-dimensional glasses, the spherical perceptron, suggests that there exists a crossover temperature above which the specific heat scales linearly with temperature while below it a cubic scaling is displayed. This relies on two crucial features of the phase diagram: (i) The marginal stability of the free-energy landscape, which induces a gapless phase responsible for the emergence of a power-law scaling (ii) The vicinity of the classical jamming critical point, as the crossover temperature gets lowered when approaching it. This scenario arises from a direct study of the thermodynamics of the system in the quantum regime, where we show that, contrary to crystals, the Debye approximation does not hold.Comment: 7 pages + 38 pages SI, 5 figure

    Out-of-equilibrium dynamical equations of infinite-dimensional particle systems. II. The anisotropic case under shear strain

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    As an extension of the isotropic setting presented in the companion paper [J. Phys. A 52, 144002 (2019)], we consider the Langevin dynamics of a many-body system of pairwise interacting particles in dd dimensions, submitted to an external shear strain. We show that the anisotropy introduced by the shear strain can be simply addressed by moving into the co-shearing frame, leading to simple dynamical mean field equations in the limit d→∞{d\to\infty}. The dynamics is then controlled by a single one-dimensional effective stochastic process which depends on three distinct strain-dependent kernels - self-consistently determined by the process itself - encoding the effective restoring force, friction and noise terms due to the particle interactions. From there one can compute dynamical observables such as particle mean-square displacements and shear stress fluctuations, and eventually aim at providing an exact d→∞{d \to \infty} benchmark for liquid and glass rheology. As an application of our results, we derive dynamically the 'state-following' equations that describe the static response of a glass to a finite shear strain until it yields.Comment: Typo corrected in Eq. (47

    Density scaling of generalized Lennard-Jones fluids in different dimensions

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    Liquids displaying strong virial-potential energy correlations conform to an approximate density scaling of their structural and dynamical observables. This scaling property does not extend to the entire phase diagram, in general. The validity of the scaling can be quantified by a correlation coefficient. In this work a simple scheme to predict the correlation coefficient and the density-scaling exponent is presented. Although this scheme is exact only in the dilute gas regime or in high dimension d, a comparison with results from molecular dynamics simulations in d = 1 to 4 shows that it reproduces well the behavior of generalized Lennard-Jones systems in a large portion of the fluid phase.Comment: Submission to SciPos

    Théorie des liquides et verres en dimension infinie

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    The dynamics of liquids, regarded as strongly-interacting classical particle systems, remains a field where theoretical descriptions are limited. So far, there is no microscopic theory starting from first principles and using controlled approximations. At the thermodynamic level, static equilibrium properties are well understood in simple liquids only far from glassy regimes. Here we derive, from first principles, the dynamics of liquids and glasses using the limit of large spatial dimension, which provides a well-defined mean-field approximation with a clear small parameter. In parallel, we recover their thermodynamics through an analogy between dynamics and statics. This gives a unifying and consistent view of the phase diagram of these systems. We show that this mean-field solution to the structural glass problem is an example of the Random First-Order Transition scenario, as conjectured thirty years ago, based on the solution of mean-field spin glasses. These results allow to show that an approximate scale invariance of the system, relevant to finite-dimensional experiments and simulations, becomes exact in this limit.La dynamique des liquides, considĂ©rĂ©s comme des systĂšmes de particules classiques fortement couplĂ©es, reste un domaine oĂč les descriptions thĂ©oriques sont limitĂ©es. Pour l’instant, il n’existe pas de thĂ©orie microscopique partant des premiers principes et recourant Ă  des approximations contrĂŽlĂ©es. Thermodynamiquement, les propriĂ©tĂ©s statiques d’équilibre sont bien comprises dans les liquides simples, Ă  condition d’ĂȘtre loin du rĂ©gime vitreux. Dans cette thĂšse, nous rĂ©solvons, en partant des Ă©quations microscopiques du mouvement, la dynamique des liquides et verres en exploitant la limite de dimension spatiale infinie, qui fournit une approximation de champ moyen bien dĂ©finie. En parallĂšle, nous retrouvons leur thermodynamique Ă  travers une analogie entre la dynamique et la statique. Cela donne un point de vue Ă  la fois unificateur et cohĂ©rent du diagramme de phase de ces systĂšmes. Nous montrons que cette solution de champ moyen au problĂšme de la transition vitreuse est un exemple du scĂ©nario de transition de premier ordre alĂ©atoire (RFOT), comme conjecturĂ© il y a maintenant trente ans, sur la base des solutions des modĂšles de verres de spin en champ moyen. Ces rĂ©sultats nous permettent de montrer qu’une invariance d’échelle approchĂ©e du systĂšme, pertinente pour les expĂ©riences et les simulations en dimension finie, devient exacte dans cette limite

    Theory of high-dimensional liquids and glasses

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    La dynamique des liquides, considĂ©rĂ©s comme des systĂšmes de particules classiques fortement couplĂ©es, reste un domaine oĂč les descriptions thĂ©oriques sont limitĂ©es. Pour l’instant, il n’existe pas de thĂ©orie microscopique partant des premiers principes et recourant Ă  des approximations contrĂŽlĂ©es. Thermodynamiquement, les propriĂ©tĂ©s statiques d’équilibre sont bien comprises dans les liquides simples, Ă  condition d’ĂȘtre loin du rĂ©gime vitreux. Dans cette thĂšse, nous rĂ©solvons, en partant des Ă©quations microscopiques du mouvement, la dynamique des liquides et verres en exploitant la limite de dimension spatiale infinie, qui fournit une approximation de champ moyen bien dĂ©finie. En parallĂšle, nous retrouvons leur thermodynamique Ă  travers une analogie entre la dynamique et la statique. Cela donne un point de vue Ă  la fois unificateur et cohĂ©rent du diagramme de phase de ces systĂšmes. Nous montrons que cette solution de champ moyen au problĂšme de la transition vitreuse est un exemple du scĂ©nario de transition de premier ordre alĂ©atoire (RFOT), comme conjecturĂ© il y a maintenant trente ans, sur la base des solutions des modĂšles de verres de spin en champ moyen. Ces rĂ©sultats nous permettent de montrer qu’une invariance d’échelle approchĂ©e du systĂšme, pertinente pour les expĂ©riences et les simulations en dimension finie, devient exacte dans cette limite.The dynamics of liquids, regarded as strongly-interacting classical particle systems, remains a field where theoretical descriptions are limited. So far, there is no microscopic theory starting from first principles and using controlled approximations. At the thermodynamic level, static equilibrium properties are well understood in simple liquids only far from glassy regimes. Here we derive, from first principles, the dynamics of liquids and glasses using the limit of large spatial dimension, which provides a well-defined mean-field approximation with a clear small parameter. In parallel, we recover their thermodynamics through an analogy between dynamics and statics. This gives a unifying and consistent view of the phase diagram of these systems. We show that this mean-field solution to the structural glass problem is an example of the Random First-Order Transition scenario, as conjectured thirty years ago, based on the solution of mean-field spin glasses. These results allow to show that an approximate scale invariance of the system, relevant to finite-dimensional experiments and simulations, becomes exact in this limit

    Generating dense packings of hard spheres by soft interaction design

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    Packing spheres efficiently in large dimension dd is a particularly difficult optimization problem. In this paper we add an isotropic interaction potential to the pure hard-core repulsion, and show that one can tune it in order to maximize a lower bound on packing density. Our results suggest that exponentially many (in the number of particles) distinct disordered sphere packings can be effectively constructed by this method, up to a packing fraction close to 7 d 2−d7\, d\, 2^{-d}. The latter is determined by solving the inverse problem of maximizing the dynamical glass transition over the space of the interaction potentials. Our method crucially exploits a recent exact formulation of the thermodynamics and the dynamics of simple liquids in infinite dimension