29 research outputs found

    Multivariate modeling in improving product creation processes

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    NykypÀivÀn kilpailuhenkinen liiketoimintaympÀristö ajaa yritykset tuottamaan uusia tuotteita niin tehokkaasti kuin vain on mahdollista. Yksi pÀÀalue, mihin tehokkuusajattelua on sovellettu, on tuotekehitysprosessi. Yritys hyötyy huomattavasti, jos se pystyy nostamaan tuotantomÀÀriÀÀn, mutta silti kÀyttÀmÀÀn saman verran resursseja kuin aikaisemmin. Tehokkaampi tuottavuus saavutetaan usein, kun tuotekehitysprosessista saadaan poistettua sitÀ hidastavat pullonkaulat. TÀmÀn diplomityön tutkimuskohteena oli Nokian tuotekehitysprosessi. Nokia on maailman johtava matkapuhelinvalmistaja luoden noin 40 uutta matkapuhelinmallia joka vuosi. Tutkimus on rajattu 64:n vuosina 2006 ja 2007 markkinoille saapuneen mobiililaitteen tuotekehitysprosessien mallintamiseen. Tavoitteena oli luoda malli, joka löytÀisi tuotekehitysprosessin pullonkaulat ja joka voisi toimia pÀÀtöksenteon tukena tuotekehitystyössÀ toimiville henkilöille. Malli pystyisi sekÀ seuraamaan ettÀ ennustamaan tuotekehityksen kulkua. Mallintamisen työkaluina olivat PCA, PLS ja panosprosessimallinnus. Tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ PCA-mallit toimivat hyvin tuotekehityksen ominaispiirteiden visualisoinnissa. Johtuen puutteellisesta datasta, PLS-mallit eivÀt puolestaan pystyneet tuottamaan tarpeeksi luotettavia malleja tuotekehitykseen kuluneesta ajasta puhumattakaan siitÀ, ettÀ mallit olisivat kyenneet ennustamaan prosessin tai edes sen osien kestoa. Panosprosessimallit sopivat hyvin tuoteprosessin kulun mÀÀrittelemiseen ja prosessin pullonkaulojen havainnoimiseen. Tutkimuksen tulokset esiteltiin tuotekehityksen kanssa lÀheisessÀ tekemisessÀ oleville henkilöille, ja heidÀn kommenttinsa validoivat osaltaan työssÀ tuotettuja malleja.The modern competitive business environment forces companies to produce new products as efficiently as possible. One of the key areas where productive thinking has lately been applied to, is product development processes. The company will benefit greatly if it can produce more output with same amount of resources as before. The more efficient process is usually achieved when the bottlenecks of the product development process are removed. This thesis studies Nokia's product creation process. Nokia is the global market leader in mobile device manufacturing creating about 40 completely new models every year. In this study, 64 products launched during the years 2006 and 2007, were modeled using PCA, PLS and batch statistical process control. The target was to create a model that would find the bottlenecks of the process and facilitate decision-making in the product development area while monitoring the process and even predicting the course of it. The results suggest that PCA is a good method to visualize the general characteristics of a product creation process. On the other hand, due to the unsuitable data, PLS models were not able to produce reliable models of the product cycle time, not to mention the ability to predict the process duration or even any parts of it. Batch statistical process control functioned relatively well in defining the product process path and it was also successfully used for detecting some process bottlenecks. The results of the study were discussed with people working within product development and their comments validated a lot of the modeling results

    Annual cycle of Scots pine photosynthesis

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    Photosynthesis, i.e. the assimilation of atmospheric carbon to organic molecules with the help of solar energy, is a fundamental and well-understood process. Here, we connect theoretically the fundamental concepts affecting C-3 photosynthesis with the main environmental drivers (ambient temperature and solar light intensity), using six axioms based on physiological and physical knowledge, and yield straightforward and simple mathematical equations. The light and carbon reactions in photosynthesis are based on the coherent operation of the photosynthetic machinery, which is formed of a complicated chain of enzymes, membrane pumps and pigments. A powerful biochemical regulation system has emerged through evolution to match photosynthesis with the annual cycle of solar light and temperature. The action of the biochemical regulation system generates the annual cycle of photosynthesis and emergent properties, the state of the photosynthetic machinery and the efficiency of photosynthesis. The state and the efficiency of the photosynthetic machinery is dynamically changing due to biosynthesis and decomposition of the molecules. The mathematical analysis of the system, defined by the very fundamental concepts and axioms, resulted in exact predictions of the behaviour of daily and annual patterns in photosynthesis. We tested the predictions with extensive field measurements of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) photosynthesis on a branch scale in northern Finland. Our theory gained strong support through rigorous testing.Peer reviewe

    Networks of Emotion Concepts

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    The aim of this work was to study the similarity network and hierarchical clustering of Finnish emotion concepts. Native speakers of Finnish evaluated similarity between the 50 most frequently used Finnish words describing emotional experiences. We hypothesized that methods developed within network theory, such as identifying clusters and specific local network structures, can reveal structures that would be difficult to discover using traditional methods such as multidimensional scaling (MDS) and ordinary cluster analysis. The concepts divided into three main clusters, which can be described as negative, positive, and surprise. Negative and positive clusters divided further into meaningful sub-clusters, corresponding to those found in previous studies. Importantly, this method allowed the same concept to be a member in more than one cluster. Our results suggest that studying particular network structures that do not fit into a low-dimensional description can shed additional light on why subjects evaluate certain concepts as similar. To encourage the use of network methods in analyzing similarity data, we provide the analysis software for free use (http://www.becs.tkk.fi/similaritynets/)

    Climate change reshuffles northern species within their niches

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    Climate change is a pervasive threat to biodiversity. While range shifts are a known consequence of climate warming contributing to regional community change, less is known about how species' positions shift within their climatic niches. Furthermore, whether the relative importance of different climatic variables prompting such shifts varies with changing climate remains unclear. Here we analysed four decades of data for 1,478 species of birds, mammals, butterflies, moths, plants and phytoplankton along a 1,200 km high latitudinal gradient. The relative importance of climatic drivers varied non-uniformly with progressing climate change. While species turnover among decades was limited, the relative position of species within their climatic niche shifted substantially. A greater proportion of species responded to climatic change at higher latitudes, where changes were stronger. These diverging climate imprints restructure a full biome, making it difficult to generalize biodiversity responses and raising concerns about ecosystem integrity in the face of accelerating climate change.The authors analyse four decades of distribution data for various taxonomic groups to understand the shift of species within their climatic niches and the changing influences of different climate factors. The diverse and diverging climate imprints raise concerns about future ecosystem integrity.</p

    Varhaiskasvattajien kokemuksia pienryhmÀtoiminnasta

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    Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittÀmÀÀn pienryhmÀtoiminnan toteutumista vaasalaisissa pÀivÀkodeissa sekÀ henkilökunnan omia kokemuksia pienryhmÀtoiminnasta. Tutkimuksessa kÀytettiin kyselylomakkeita, jotka sisÀlsivÀt sekÀ avoimia kysymyksiÀ ettÀ strukturoidun eli monivalintakysymyksen. Kyselyn avulla selvitettiin neljÀn vaasalaisen pÀivÀkodin henkilökunnan mielipiteitÀ ja kokemuksia pienryhmÀtoiminnasta. Kyselylomakkeisiin vastattiin 100 prosenttisesti. PienryhmÀtoiminnan parhaimmiksi ominaisuuksiksi koettiin rauhallisuus ja se, ettÀ jokainen lapsi tulee huomioiduksi yksilöllisesti hoitopÀivÀn aikana. Haasteellisinta puolestaan oli henkilökunnan riittÀvyys, pienryhmÀn ryhmÀdynamiikka ja toiminnan suunnittelu.The aim of this bachelor's thesis was to find out how smallgroup activities are impelemented in daycare centres in Vaasa and what kind of experiences the personnel has about it. The study was carried out with a questionnaire with open ended questions and a multiple- choice question. The aim was to find out the opinions and experiences of the personnel of 4 daycare centres in Vaasa - what they think about the smallgroup activities. The response rate was 100. The best thing about these activities was that every child is taken into account as an individual and the situations are peaceful and calm. The challenges included things like personnel resources, group dynamics and planning the activities

    Taimikon varhaishoitokampanjan vaikuttavuus Pohjois-Karjalan alueella

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    Taimikon varhaishoitotyö on merkittĂ€vĂ€ työlaji kiertoajan alussa. Sen tekemĂ€ttĂ€ jĂ€ttĂ€misen voi havaita metsĂ€ssĂ€ aina pÀÀtehakkuuvaiheeseen saakka. Varhaishoidossa kasvatettavalle taimelle annetaan riittĂ€vĂ€sti elintilaa sitĂ€ haittaavalta muulta kasvillisuudelta ja nĂ€in varmistetaan taimikon vakiintuminen. Taimikon varhaishoito on lakisÀÀteinen metsĂ€nhoitotyö, joka on sisĂ€llytetty uudistamisvelvoitteeseen metsĂ€lain 8. §:ssĂ€. ViimeisimmĂ€n valtakunnan metsien inventoinnin mukaan varhaishoitorĂ€stejĂ€ on alkanut kertyĂ€ erityisesti yksityismetsĂ€nomistajien mailla. TĂ€mĂ€ johtuu varhaishoitotyön laiminlyömisestĂ€. Varhaishoitotöiden kannustimeksi metsĂ€keskukset jĂ€rjestivĂ€t kesĂ€llĂ€ 2010 valtakunnallisen taimikon varhaishoitokampanjan ja kampanjakilpailun, johon kyseisenĂ€ kesĂ€nĂ€ varhaishoitoa tehneet metsĂ€nomistajat saivat osallistua. TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ valtakunnallisen taimikon varhaishoitokampanjan vaikuttavuutta Pohjois-Karjalan metsĂ€keskuksen alueella. Tutkimusaineisto kerĂ€ttiin postikyselynĂ€ syyskuussa 2010. HyvĂ€ksyttyjĂ€ vastauksia saatiin 178 ja vastausprosentiksi muodostui 44,5. MetsĂ€nomistajat suhtautuivat positiivisesti metsĂ€keskuksen kampanjointiin mutta eivĂ€t kokeneet sen juurikaan vaikuttaneen omaan varhaishoitoaktiivisuuteensa. Vuoden 2010 taimikon varhaishoitokampanjalla saatiin nostettua Pohjois-Karjalan varhaishoitomÀÀrÀÀ 1 % vertailemalla tutkimuksen kohde- ja vertailuryhmÀÀ. Kuitenkin metsĂ€nomistajien mielestĂ€ kampanjointi ja muistuttaminen nostavat yleisesti aktiivisuutta ja toimivat hyvĂ€nĂ€ kannustimena. LisĂ€ksi ihmisten mielikuviin on helpompi vaikuttaa kuin aikaansaada kĂ€ytĂ€nnön toimia.Seedling stand management work is important at the beginning of the rotation time. Neglect of seedling stand management can be seen until the final felling time. In seedling stand management, the sapling is given enough living space from the surrounding plants. Seedling stand man-agement ensures the establishment of the seedling stand. Seedlings stand management work is set in the law which is included in the regeneration obligation in the Forest Act. According to the latest nationwide forest inventory, neglecting of seedling stand management has started to increase especially in private owners’ lands. To motivate seedling stand manage-ment work, forestry centers arranged a seedling stand management campaign and a campaign competition in which forest owners’ who had done seedling stand management work could participate. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the effects of the nationwide seedling stand management campaign in the area of the Forestry Centre of North Karelia. The research material was gathered as a mail survey in September 2010. The number of accept-able responses was 178, and the response rate was 44.5 percent. Forest owners’ attitude towards the forestry centers’ campaign was positive, but they experienced that it did not affect their own management work in seedling stands. Seedling stand management campaign of 2010 was able to increase seedling stand management volume in North Karelia by 1 % by comparing the control groups of survey. However forest owners think that campaigning and reminding them about seedling stand management raise the activity on the whole and serve as a good incentive. In addition, people’s mental picture is easier to influence than to achieve hands-on action

    From Emotional Intelligence to Systems Intelligence CHAPTER 9

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    Emotional intelligence helps us to understand and manage our own emotions as well as other people’s emotions towards us. Social intelligence, on the other hand, concentrates on social situations like how we interact with other people and how well we understand them. And then there is systems intelligence. Systems intelligence considers that human action always takes place in systemic settings consisting of both human and other kind of elements. Systems intelligent people understand why they act like they do – they understand their emotions. Systems intelligent people also understand social interaction connections. This is why people should, above all, focus on making themselves more systems intelligent

    EdistÀen, maltilla vai puolustaen? : eettiset teemat ja urheilujohtajien diskurssit eettisistÀ teemoista Helsingin Sanomissa ja UrheilulehdessÀ

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    TĂ€mĂ€n pro gradu -tutkielmani tavoitteena on tarkastella, mitĂ€ suomalaista huippu-urheilua koskevia eettisiĂ€ teemoja nousi esiin Helsingin Sanomissa ja UrheilulehdessĂ€ vuonna 2018, ja miten urheilujohtajat eettisistĂ€ teemoista puhuivat. Johtajien puheenvuoroista arvioin lisĂ€ksi, voiko niiden perusteella muodostaa tulkintaa urheilujohtajista eettisinĂ€ johtajina. Urheilujohtajiksi tutkimuksessa katsoin huippu-urheiluorganisaatioissa työskentelevĂ€t tai huippu-urheilun kanssa aktiivisesti tekemisissĂ€ olevat johtajat. Aineiston analysoin teemoittelun, sisĂ€llön erittelyn ja retorisesti painottuneen diskurssianalyysin keinoin. Johtajien yhteyksiĂ€ eettisen johtajuuteen arvioin Treviñon ym. (2000) eettisen johtajuuden tarkastelumallin pohjalta. Tutkimusaineistoni koostui 112 lehtijutusta, joista 31 juttua muodostivat ydinaineistoni. Tutkimukseni osoittaa, ettĂ€ urheilun lieveilmiöt ovat tasaisesti esillĂ€ tutkituissa lehdissĂ€, ja urheilujohtajat suhtautuvat niihin pÀÀsÀÀntöisesti vakavasti. Koko aineistostani tunnistin eettisiĂ€ teemoja kymmenen, jotka olivat 1. tasa-arvo ja yhdenvertaisuus, 2. seksuaalinen hĂ€irintĂ€, 3. kielletyt aineet ja menetelmĂ€t, 4. valmennuksen inhimillisyys, 5. ilmastonmuutos ja ympĂ€ristövastuu, 6. ottelumanipulaatio ja sÀÀntörikkomukset, 7. syrjintĂ€ ja rasismi, 8. geenimanipulaatio, 9. ihmisoikeudet sekĂ€ 10. urheilun vĂ€kivaltaisuus. Teemoista yleisimmĂ€t olivat tasa-arvo ja yhdenvertaisuus, seksuaalinen hĂ€irintĂ€ sekĂ€ valmennuksen inhimillisyys. Ydinaineistosta tunnistin kolme diskurssia, jotka nimesin maltillisuusdiskurssiksi, edistysdiskurssiksi sekĂ€ puolustavaksi ja ongelman etÀÀnnyttĂ€vĂ€ksi diskurssiksi. Maltillisuusdiskurssissa tulkitsin johtajien pyrkimykseksi keskustelun hillitsemisen ja edistysdiskurssissa puolestaan keskusteluun kannustamisen. Puolustavassa ja ongelman etÀÀnnyttĂ€vĂ€ssĂ€ diskurssissa johtajat eivĂ€t halunneet sitoutua keskusteltavaan teemaan. Maltillisuusdiskurssin ilmentĂ€mĂ€ rauhallinen, mutta aiheen vakavasti ottava lĂ€hestymistapa oli johtajilla yleisin. Eniten lĂ€hteinĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin eettisten teemojen ympĂ€rillĂ€ lajiliittojen johtajia. Urheilujohtajien ja eettisen johtajuuden vĂ€lisistĂ€ yhteyksistĂ€ ei voi tĂ€mĂ€n tutkimusaineiston perusteella tehdĂ€ yleistyksiĂ€, sillĂ€ suoraa puhetta eettisestĂ€ johtajuudesta ei aineistossa esiintynyt.The aim of this study was to examine which Finnish high-performance sports related ethical themes arose from the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat and sports magazine Urheilulehti during year 2018 and how sports managers commented those themes in the features. Additionally, I evaluated the connections between sports managers and ethical leadership in the data. I defined sports manager as a manager who works in the high-performance sports organization or works otherwise closely to high-performance sports. I analyzed the data by using content analysis and rhetorical discourse analysis. The connections to ethical leadership I evaluated based on Treviño’s etc. (2000) definition. My research data consisted of 112 features of which 31 features created the main data. The whole research data included ten ethical themes, which were 1. equality and parity, 2. sexual harassment, 3. prohibited substances and methods, 4. the humanity of high-performance training, 5. climate change and environmental liability, 6. match fixing and forfeits, 7. discrimination and racism, 8. genetic engineering, 9. human rights and 10. violence in sports. This study shows ethical themes figured regularly in the papers and the most popular themes were equality and parity, sexual harassment and the humanity of high-performance training. On the basis of my analysis I found three discourses: moderate discourse, progress discourse and defense discourse. In the moderate discourse sports managers tried to restrain the conversation while in the progress discourse the aim was to urge for discussion. In the defense discourse sports managers did not want to commit themselves to the themes discussed. The main result of this study was that sports managers took the ethical topics seriously but calm representing moderate discourse in the most cases. Most likely it was a leader of the sports governing bodies who was asked to give his or her comments. Ethical leadership was not directly mentioned in the statements of the sports managers. Based on this research data, it is not possible to make generalization about the connections between the sports managers and ethical leadership

    Comparison of conventional and lignin-rich microcrystalline cellulose

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    Three microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) samples were manufactured from bleached and unbleached softwood kraft pulp, and their properties were compared to those of the commercial MCC, Avicel PH-101. One of the produced samples retained a large portion of lignin (10.3%), while the two others retained only some. The physical, chemical, thermogravimetric, and molecular properties were analyzed. The presence of lignin caused a substantial effect on the thermogravimetric and chemical properties of the MCC, as well as on its surface characteristics. The lignin-containing sample degraded at lower temperatures, and its UV Raman spectra had a high intensity aromatic band (1600 cm-1) arising from the lignin. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed a high surface lignin coverage (40%) in this specimen only. Particle size and BET surface area measurement results varied in some limits between MCCs, while the cellulose crystallinity index showed almost equal values between 0.82 and 0.84. This work introduces a new wood-based product, the lignin-containing MCC, comparable in properties to the wide-marketed Avicel.Peer reviewe