4,502 research outputs found

    One-loop contributions to decays eb→eaγe_b\to e_a \gamma and (g−2)ea(g-2)_{e_a} anomalies, and Ward identity

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    In this paper, we will present analytic formulas to express one-loop contributions to lepton flavor violating decays eb→eaγe_b\to e_a \gamma, which are also relevant to the anomalous dipole magnetic moments of charged leptons eae_a. These formulas were computed in the unitary gauge, using the well-known Passarino-Veltman notations. We also show that our results are consistent with those calculated previously in the 't Hooft-Veltman gauge, or in the limit of zero lepton masses. At the one-loop level, we show that the appearance of fermion-scalar-vector type diagrams in the unitary gauge will violate the Ward Identity relating to an external photon. As a result, the validation of the Ward Identity guarantees that the photon always couples with two identical particles in an arbitrary triple coupling vertex containing a photon.Comment: The version accepted to Nuclear Physics

    Papers in Southeast Asian Linguistics No. 1

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    Stochastic modelling of the correlation between transformer loading and distributed energy resources in LV distribution networks

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    The rapid growth of distributed energy resources (DERs) poses operational challenges for the low-voltage (LV) distribution networks, such as overloading of the transformer and/or voltage violation. Many smart strategies based on flexibility and coordinated control of DER have been developed to address these issues. To facilitate this implementation, this study presents a stochastic modelling technique, based on the Monte Carlo approach, to analyse the correlation between transformer loading and voltage magnitudes measured at the point of connection (POC) of DER in the network. A case study has been performed using IEEE European LV test feeder and smart meter measurement from the Netherlands to reflect the realistic aspects of operational conditions. Advanced statistical modelling techniques are applied to generate a set of scenarios, consisting of solar irradiation, and electric vehicle charging and load consumption profiles. Simulation results reveal a strong linear relationship between transformer loading and voltage magnitudes at the POC of DERs. Thus, these findings can aid in implementing flexibility and coordinated control DERs for congestion management in the LV distribution network.</p

    Stochastic modelling of the correlation between transformer loading and distributed energy resources in LV distribution networks

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    The rapid growth of distributed energy resources (DERs) poses operational challenges for the low-voltage (LV) distribution networks, such as overloading of the transformer and/or voltage violation. Many smart strategies based on flexibility and coordinated control of DER have been developed to address these issues. To facilitate this implementation, this study presents a stochastic modelling technique, based on the Monte Carlo approach, to analyse the correlation between transformer loading and voltage magnitudes measured at the point of connection (POC) of DER in the network. A case study has been performed using IEEE European LV test feeder and smart meter measurement from the Netherlands to reflect the realistic aspects of operational conditions. Advanced statistical modelling techniques are applied to generate a set of scenarios, consisting of solar irradiation, and electric vehicle charging and load consumption profiles. Simulation results reveal a strong linear relationship between transformer loading and voltage magnitudes at the POC of DERs. Thus, these findings can aid in implementing flexibility and coordinated control DERs for congestion management in the LV distribution network.</p

    Suboptimal breastfeeding practices are associated with infant illness in Vietnam

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    Loss of α-Synuclein Does Not Affect Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Rodent Neurons.

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    Increased α-synuclein (αsyn) and mitochondrial dysfunction play central roles in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD), and lowering αsyn is under intensive investigation as a therapeutic strategy for PD. Increased αsyn levels disrupt mitochondria and impair respiration, while reduced αsyn protects against mitochondrial toxins, suggesting that interactions between αsyn and mitochondria influences the pathologic and physiologic functions of αsyn. However, we do not know if αsyn affects normal mitochondrial function or if lowering αsyn levels impacts bioenergetic function, especially at the nerve terminal where αsyn is enriched. To determine if αsyn is required for normal mitochondrial function in neurons, we comprehensively evaluated how lowering αsyn affects mitochondrial function. We found that αsyn knockout (KO) does not affect the respiration of cultured hippocampal neurons or cortical and dopaminergic synaptosomes, and that neither loss of αsyn nor all three (α, β and γ) syn isoforms decreased mitochondria-derived ATP levels at the synapse. Similarly, neither αsyn KO nor knockdown altered the capacity of synaptic mitochondria to meet the energy requirements of synaptic vesicle cycling or influenced the localization of mitochondria to dopamine (DA) synapses in vivo. Finally, αsyn KO did not affect overall energy metabolism in mice assessed with a Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System. These studies suggest either that αsyn has little or no significant physiological effect on mitochondrial bioenergetic function, or that any such functions are fully compensated for when lost. These results implicate that αsyn levels can be reduced in neurons without impairing (or improving) mitochondrial bioenergetics or distribution

    Validasi Metode Analisis Multiresidu Pestisida Organoklor dalam Salak Menggunakan Kromatografi Gas-Detektor Penangkap Elektron

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    Validation of methods is a key step in the accreditation process of the method. Validation of organoklor pesticide residues method in snakefruit based on the method recommended by FAO-WHO, conducted in LPPT-UGM reported in this study. Snake fruit was homogenized, extracted using toluene/2-propanol (2:1), cleaned up using activated carbon and Celite 545, followed by analysis using gas chromatography-electron capture detector. Validation covered specificity and selectivity, limits of detection and quantification, linear range, precision and accuracy. Validation results showed good specificity and selectivity shown by the inter-peak chromatogram resolution greater than 1.5. Limits of detection and quantification for heptaklor, endosulfan, dieldrin and p, p-DDT were 0.002 and 0.006, 0.5 and 1.7; 0.0006 and 0.002, as well as 0.014 and 0.047 ppm respectively. The linear range for heptaklor, endosulfan, dieldrin, and p,p-DDT were 0.0017 to 2 ppm, 0.165 to 2 ppm, 0.023 to 2 ppm and 0.229 to 2 ppm, respectively. Precision methods meet the acceptance of Horwitz RSD value less than 12.78% at a concentration of 0.3 ppm. Accuracy is indicated by recovery, for each pesticide in the range of 80-110% acceptance at a concentration of 0.1 ppm. Analysis of organochlorine pesticides in three commercial snakefruit samples showed no pesticide residues at concentrations higher than the detection limit.ASBTRAKValidasi metode merupakan tahap kunci dalam proses akreditasi suatu metode. Validasi metode uji residu pestisida organoklor dalam salak berdasarkan metode yang direkomendasikan FAO-WHO, di LPPT-UGM dilaporkan pada penelitian ini. Buah salak dihomogenisasi, diekstraksi menggunakan toluen/2-propanol (2:1), clean up menggunakan karbon aktif dan Celite 545, dilanjutkan analisis menggunakan kromatografi gas-detektor penangkap elektron. Validasi mencakup spesifisitas dan selektivitas, batas deteksi dan kuantifikasi, range linier, presisi serta akurasi. Hasil validasi menunjukkan spesifisitas dan selektivitas yang baik ditunjukkan dengan resolusi antar puncak kromatogram lebih besar dari 1,5. Batas deteksi dan batas kuantifikasi untuk heptaklor, endosulfan, dieldrin dan p,p-DDT secara berturut-turut adalah 0,002 dan 0,006; 0,5 dan 1,7; 0,0006 dan 0,002; serta 0,014 dan 0,047 ppm. Range linier untuk heptaklor adalah 0,0017-2 ppm, endosulfan 0,165-2 ppm, dieldrin 0,023-2 ppm dan p,p-DDT 0,229-2 ppm. Presisi metode memenuhi batas keberterimaan Horwitz dengan nilai RSD lebih kecil dari 12,78% pada konsentrasi 0,3 ppm. Akurasi ditunjukkan dengan recovery, untuk tiap pestisida masuk dalam rentang keberterimaan 80-110% pada konsentrasi 0,1 ppm. Analisis pestisida organoklorin pada 3 sampel salak komersial menunjukkan tidak adanya residu pestisida dengan konsentrasi lebih tinggi dari batas deteksi
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