284 research outputs found

    Tree maps having chain movable fixed points

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    AbstractIn this paper we discuss some basic properties of chain reachable sets and chain equivalent sets of continuous maps. It is proved that if f:T→T is a tree map which has a chain movable fixed point v, and the chain equivalent set CE(v,f) is not contained in the set P(f) of periodic points of f, then there exists a positive integer p not greater than the number of points in the set End([CE(v,f)])−Pv(f) such that fp is turbulent, and the topological entropy h(f)⩾(log2)/p. This result generalizes the corresponding results given in Block and Coven (1986) [2], Guo et al. (2003) [6], Sun and Liu (2003) [10], Ye (2000) [11], Zhang and Zeng (2004) [12]. In addition, in this paper we also consider metric spaces which may not be trees but have open subsets U such that the closures U¯ are trees. Maps of such metric spaces which have chain movable fixed points are discussed

    Superradiant anomaly magnification in evolution of vector bosonic condensates bounded by a Kerr black hole with near-horizon reflection

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    Ultralight vector particles can form evolving condensates around a Kerr black hole (BH) due to superradiant instability. We study the effect of near-horizon reflection on the evolution of this system; by matching three pieces of asymptotic expansions of the Proca equation in Kerr metric and considering the leading order in the electric mode, we present explicit analytical expressions for the corrected energy level shifts and the superradiant instability rates. Particularly, in high-spin BH cases, we identify an anomalous situation where the superadiance rate is temporarily increased by the reflection parameter R\mathcal{R}, which also occurs in the scalar scenario, but is largely magnified in vector condensates due to a faster growth rate in dominant mode; we constructed several featured quantities to illustrate this anomaly, and formalized the magnification with relevant correction factors, which may be of significance in future studies of gravitational waveforms of this monochromatic type. In addition, the duration of superradiance for the whole evolution is prolonged with a delay factor, which is calculated to be (1+R)/(1R)(1+\mathcal{R})/({1-\mathcal{R}}) approximately

    The impact of international codes of conduct on employment conditions and gender issues in Chinese flower companies

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    The study examined how international codes of conduct address employment conditions and gender issues in the Chinese flower industry. A sample of 20 companies was purposively selected and 200 workers from these companies were interviewed. The adoption of international codes did not improve workers conditions and gender issues and codes were poorly enforced. There was evidence of discrimination based on workers’ status of employment and gender. A permanent worker mean daily wage was RMB14.1 higher than a casual worker. Although welfare benefits were provided to permanent workers, males and females beneficiaries differed significantly by 32.4 and 24.1%, respectively. This paper provided the basis for the need to gender audit, mainstream flower companies and adopts participatory auditing for flower companies’ compliance to the use of codes of conduct.Key words: Codes of conduct, Chinese flower industry, mainstream, gender, permanent worker, casual worker, employment conditions

    Comparative Study of Adenosine Analogs as Inhibitors of Protein Arginine Methyltransferases and a Clostridioides difficile- Specific DNA Adenine Methyltransferase

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    S-Adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) analogs are adaptable tools for studying and therapeutically inhibiting SAM-dependent methyltransferases (MTases). Some MTases play significant roles in host–pathogen interactions, one of which is Clostridioides difficile-specific DNA adenine MTase (CamA). CamA is needed for efficient sporulation and alters persistence in the colon. To discover potent and selective CamA inhibitors, we explored modifications of the solvent-exposed edge of the SAM adenosine moiety. Starting from the two parental compounds (6e and 7), we designed an adenosine analog (11a) carrying a 3-phenylpropyl moiety at the adenine N6-amino group, and a 3-(cyclohexylmethyl guanidine)-ethyl moiety at the sulfur atom off the ribose ring. Compound 11a (IC50 = 0.15 μM) is 10× and 5× more potent against CamA than 6e and 7, respectively. The structure of the CamA–DNA–inhibitor complex revealed that 11a adopts a U-shaped conformation, with the two branches folded toward each other, and the aliphatic and aromatic rings at the two ends interacting with one another. 11a occupies the entire hydrophobic surface (apparently unique to CamA) next to the adenosine binding site. Our work presents a hybrid knowledge-based and fragment-based approach to generating CamA inhibitors that would be chemical agents to examine the mechanism(s) of action and therapeutic potentials of CamA in C. difficile infection


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    Dr. Kai-yun Liu devoted himself to the traditional Chinese medicine massage. He established the “Five-meridian massage”, and good at using “Ten methods of Liu’s massage” in treatment of pediatric diseases. And he also developed skills of infantile massage. However, the regionalism restricted the spread of Liu’s infantile massage, though the effectiveness and reputation of Liu’s infantile massage. This article is based on the clinical and academic experience of Dr.Kai-yun Liu. By combining the theory of evidence-based, data mining and “man-machine integration” together, we put forward the research inheritance of clinical experience and academic thoughts of Dr. Kai-yun Liu.【摘要】刘开运老先生毕生致力于中医推拿,创立了“推五经治脏腑”小儿推拿法,擅长运用推揉、拿按以及摩、运、搓、摇、掐、捏的“刘氏小儿推拿十法”治疗小儿疾病,并研发了一系列小儿推拿技术。刘氏小儿推拿虽然疗效显著、在湖湘久负盛名,但因地域因素(湘西地处偏远,信息流通不畅,知识传播较慢),多年来其学术思想未能得到普遍关注与广泛流传。本文试从刘开运老先生的临证经验及学术思想入手,将循证理念、信息数据挖掘技术、“人机结合”原则有机、合理的进行综合运用,提出湖湘名医刘开运临证经验及学术传承的研究思路

    Identification and Functional Analysis of Variant Haplotypes in the 5′-Flanking Region of Protein Phosphatase 2A-Bδ Gene

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    Serine-threonine protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a trimeric holoenzyme that plays an integral role in the regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. The substrate specificity and (sub)cellular localization of the PP2A holoenzymes are highly regulated by interaction with a family of regulatory B subunits (PP2A-Bs). The regulatory subunit PP2A-B/PR55δ (PP2A-Bδ) is involving in the dephosphorylation of PP2A substrates and is crucial for controlling entry into and exit from mitosis. The molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of expression of PP2A-Bδ gene (PPP2R2D) remain largely unknown. To explore genetic variations in the 5′-flanking region of PPP2R2D gene as well as their frequent haplotypes in the Han Chinese population and determine whether such variations have an impact on transcriptional activity, DNA samples were collected from 70 healthy Chinese donors and sequenced for identifying genetic variants in the 5′-flanking region of PPP2R2D. Four genetic variants were identified in the 1836 bp 5′-flanking region of PPP2R2D. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns and haplotype profiles were constructed for the genetic variants. Using serially truncated human PPP2R2D promoter luciferase constructs, we found that a 601 bp (−540 nt to +61 nt) fragment constitutes the core promoter region. The subcloning of individual 5′-flanking fragment revealed the existence of three haplotypes in the distal promoter of PPP2R2D. The luciferase reporter assay showed that different haplotypes exhibited distinct promoter activities. The EMSA revealed that the −462 G>A variant influences DNA-protein interactions involving the nuclear factor 1 (NF1). In vitro reporter gene assay indicated that cotransfection of NF1/B expression plasmid could positively regulate the activity of PPP2R2D proximal promoter. Introduction of exogenous NF1/B expression plasmid further confirmed that the NF1 involves in the regulation of PPP2R2D gene expression. Our findings suggest that functional genetic variants and their haplotypes in the 5′-flanking region of PPP2R2D are critical for transcriptional regulation of PP2A-Bδ

    Identification of Candidate Susceptibility and Resistance Genes of Mice Infected with Streptococcus suis Type 2

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    Streptococcus suis type 2 (SS2) is an important swine pathogen and zoonosis agent. A/J mice are significantly more susceptible than C57BL/6 (B6) mice to SS2 infection, but the genetic basis is largely unknown. Here, alterations in gene expression in SS2 (strain HA9801)-infected mice were identified using Illumina mouse BeadChips. Microarray analysis revealed 3,692 genes differentially expressed in peritoneal macrophages between A/J and B6 mice due to SS2 infection. Between SS2-infected A/J and control A/J mice, 2646 genes were differentially expressed (1469 upregulated; 1177 downregulated). Between SS2-infected B6 and control B6 mice, 1449 genes were differentially expressed (778 upregulated; 671 downregulated). These genes were analyzed for significant Gene Ontology (GO) categories and signaling pathways using the Kyoto Encylopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database to generate a signaling network. Upregulated genes in A/J and B6 mice were related to response to bacteria, immune response, positive regulation of B cell receptor signaling pathway, type I interferon biosynthesis, defense and inflammatory responses. Additionally, upregulated genes in SS2-infected B6 mice were involved in antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptides, peptide antigen stabilization, lymphocyte differentiation regulation, positive regulation of monocyte differentiation, antigen receptor-mediated signaling pathway and positive regulation of phagocytosis. Downregulated genes in SS2-infected B6 mice played roles in glycolysis, carbohydrate metabolic process, amino acid metabolism, behavior and muscle regulation. Microarray results were verified by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) of 14 representative deregulated genes. Four genes differentially expressed between SS2-infected A/J and B6 mice, toll-like receptor 2 (Tlr2), tumor necrosis factor (Tnf), matrix metalloproteinase 9 (Mmp9) and pentraxin 3 (Ptx3), were previously implicated in the response to S. suis infection. This study identified candidate genes that may influence susceptibility or resistance to SS2 infection in A/J and B6 mice, providing further validation of these models and contributing to understanding of S. suis pathogenic mechanisms

    ALMA Survey of Orion Planck Galactic Cold Clumps (ALMASOP) : How Do Dense Core Properties Affect the Multiplicity of Protostars?

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    During the transition phase from a prestellar to a protostellar cloud core, one or several protostars can form within a single gas core. The detailed physical processes of this transition, however, remain unclear. We present 1.3 mm dust continuum and molecular line observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array toward 43 protostellar cores in the Orion molecular cloud complex (lambda Orionis, Orion B, and Orion A) with an angular resolution of similar to 0.'' 35 (similar to 140 au). In total, we detect 13 binary/multiple systems. We derive an overall multiplicity frequency (MF) of 28% +/- 4% and a companion star fraction (CSF) of 51% +/- 6%, over a separation range of 300-8900 au. The median separation of companions is about 2100 au. The occurrence of stellar multiplicity may depend on the physical characteristics of the dense cores. Notably, those containing binary/multiple systems tend to show a higher gas density and Mach number than cores forming single stars. The integral-shaped filament of the Orion A giant molecular cloud (GMC), which has the highest gas density and hosts high-mass star formation in its central region (the Orion Nebula cluster), shows the highest MF and CSF among the Orion GMCs. In contrast, the lambda Orionis GMC has a lower MF and CSF than the Orion B and Orion A GMCs, indicating that feedback from H ii regions may suppress the formation of multiple systems. We also find that the protostars comprising a binary/multiple system are usually at different evolutionary stages.Peer reviewe

    Tanshinones Inhibit the Growth of Breast Cancer Cells through Epigenetic Modification of Aurora A Expression and Function

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    The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of tanshinones from a Chinese herb Salvia Miltiorrhiza on the growth of breast cancer cells, and to elucidate cellular and molecular mechanisms of action. Tanshinones showed the dose-dependent effect on the growth inhibition of breast cancer cells in vitro, with tanshinone I (T1) the most potent agent. T1 was also the only tanshinone to have potent activity in inhibiting the growth of the triple-negative breast cancer cell line MDA-MB231. T1 caused cell cycle arrests of both estrogen-dependent and estrogen-independent cell lines associated with alterations of cyclinD, CDK4 and cyclinB, and induced breast cancer cell apoptosis associated with upregulation of c-PARP and downregulation of survivin and Aurora A. Among these associated biomarkers, Aurora A showed the most consistent pattern with the anti-growth activity of tanshinones. Overexpression of Aurora A was also verified in breast tumors. The gene function assay showed that knockdown of Aurora A by siRNA dramatically reduced the growth-inhibition and apoptosis-induction activities of T1, suggesting Aurora A as an important functional target of T1 action. On the other hand, tanshinones had much less adverse effects on normal mammary epithelial cells. Epigenetic mechanism studies showed that overexpression of Aurora A gene in breast cancer cells was not regulated by gene promoter DNA methylation, but by histone acetylation. T1 treatment significantly reduced acetylation levels of histone H3 associated with Aurora A gene. Our results supported the potent activity of T1 in inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells in vitro in part by downregulation of Aurora A gene function. Our previous studies also demonstrated that T1 had potent anti-angiogenesis activity and minimal side effects in vivo. Altogether, this study warrants further investigation to develop T1 as an effective and safe agent for the therapy and prevention of breast cancer