16 research outputs found

    Digital Radiography with Computerized Conventional Monitors Compared to Medical Monitors in Vertical Root Fracture Diagnosis

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    Introduction: Vertical root fracture (VRF) is a complication which is chiefly diagnosed radiographically. Recently, film-based radiography has been substituted with digital radiography. At the moment, there is a wide range of monitors available in the market for viewing digital images. The present study aims to compare the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of medical and conventional monitors in detection of vertical root fractures. Material and Methods: In this in vitro study 228 extracted single-rooted human teeth were endodontically treated. Vertical root fractures were induced in 114 samples. The teeth were imaged by a digital charge-coupled device radiography using parallel technique. The images were evaluated by a radiologist and an endodontist on two medical and conventional liquid-crystal display (LCD) monitors twice. Z-test was used to analyze the sensitivity, accuracy and specificity of each monitor. Significance level was set at 0.05. Inter and intra observer agreements were calculated by Cohen’s kappa. Results: Accuracy, specificity and sensitivity for conventional monitor were calculated as 67.5%, 72%, 62.5% respectively; and data for medical grade monitor were 67.5%, 66.5% and 68% respectively. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences in detecting VRF between the two techniques. Inter-observer agreement for conventional and medical monitor was 0.47 and 0.55 respectively (moderate). Intra-observer agreement was 0.78 for medical monitor and 0.87 for conventional one (substantial). Conclusion The type of monitor does not influence diagnosis of vertical root fractures

    Razina dušikova oksida u slini odraslih s različitim DMFT vrijednostima u odabranoj iranskoj populaciji: presječno istraživanje

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    Objectives: Due to the emphasis on the protective and antimicrobial role of Nitric Oxide against gas-trointestinal diseases, investigating its relationship with dental caries is a right topic. Therefore, this research has investigated the amount of saliva Nitric Oxide in different volumes of DMFT indicator in adults. Material and Methods: In this descriptive- analytical cross-sectional study, 80 participants (20-35 years old), without a history of systemic disease and drug use participated as research sam-ples, (53.8% of the participants in the study were women). Participants were selected from patients who had visited dental Department. The participants were divided in four groups based on DMFT (DMFT=0, 1≤DMFT≤3, 3<DMFT<10, DMFT≥10). Non-stimulating saliva was collected from all partici-pants between 9-11 am in a calibrated tube. Saliva Nitric Oxide was measured using a Nitrous Oxide test, based on the Griess reaction. We used a correlation test to analyze quantitative variables, and t-test or ANOVA for qualitative and quantitative variables. Results: A significant relationship between DMFT and age was identified. At different levels of DMFT, significant relationship between DMFT and sex was not found. In different groups of DMFT, no significant relationship between Nitric Oxide and DMFT exist. Conclusion: The level of Nitric Oxide saliva was not affected by the amount of DMFT.Svrha istraživanja: Zbog zaštitnog i antimikrobnog djelovanja dušikova oksida kad je riječ o gastrointestinalnim bolestima, istraživanje njegove povezanosti sa zubnim karijesom važna je tema. Zato je u ovom istraživanju analizirana količina dušikova oksida u slini s različitim vrijednostima DMFT indeksa kod odraslih osoba. Materijal i metode: U ovom deskriptivno-analitičkom presječnom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 80 ispitanika a (20 – 35 godina) bez sistemskih bolesti i uzimanja lijekova u anamnezi (53,8 % sudionika bile su žene). Odabrani su među pacijentima koji su došli na Odjel dentalne medicine. Bili su podijeljeni u četiri skupine na temelju DMFT vrijednosti (DMFT = 0, 1 ≤ DMFT ≤ 3, 3 < DMFT < 10, DMFT ≥ 10). Nestimulirana slina skupljena je od svih sudionika između 9 i 11 sati prijepodne u kalibriranu epruvetu. Dušikov oksid u slini mjeren je s pomoću testa dušikova oksida temeljenog na Griessovoj reakciji. Za analizu kvantitativnih varijabli upotrijebljen je korelacijski test, a za kvalitativne i kvantitativne varijable t-test ili ANOVA. Rezultati: Ustanovljena je značajna korelacija između DMFT-a i dobi. Na različitim razinama DMFT-a nije pronađena značajna povezanost između DMFT-a i spola. U različitim skupinama DMFT-a nije postojala značajna povezanost između dušikova oksida i DMFT-a. Zaključak: DMFT vrijednost nije utjecala na razinu dušikova oksida u slini

    Relationship between Posterior Permanent Dentition Pattern and Radiographic Changes of the Mandibular Condyle

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    This study assessed the relationship between posterior permanent dentition and radiographic changes of the mandibular condyle. This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on 300 panoramic radiographs of patients over 40 years of age (188 females and 112 males). Panoramic radiographs were evaluated for condylar changes such as flattening, subcortical sclerosis, subcortical cyst, erosion, osteophytes, and generalized sclerosis. Presence of muscle pain and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain and sounds, and history of TMJ trauma were also assessed. The occlusal scheme of posterior teeth was analyzed according to the Eichner&rsquo;s index. The frequency of condylar changes was calculated in the right and left sides, and their association with posterior permanent dentition was analyzed by the Chi-square test (alpha = 0.05). The frequency of flattening, muscle pain, TMJ sounds, and erosion was 11.7%, 9.7%, 5.7%, and 3.7% in the right side, respectively. The frequency of flattening, muscle pain, erosion, and subcortical cyst was 12%, 9.3%, 5%, and 5% in the left side, respectively. The frequency of bilateral muscle pain, flattening, TMJ sounds, and TMJ pain was 18%, 16.7%, 11.7%, and 9.3%, respectively. Cases with TMJ trauma, generalized sclerosis, and osteophytes were few. According to the Eichner&rsquo;s index, most patients with condylar changes had classes A and B, and a smaller percentage had class C. No significant difference was noted between healthy individuals and those with condylar changes regarding dentition patterns. No relationship existed between condylar changes and posterior permanent dentition pattern

    Forensic Gender Determination by Using Mandibular Morphometric Indices an Iranian Population: A Panoramic Radiographic Cross-Sectional Study

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    Gender determination is the first step in forensic identification, followed by age and height determination, which are both affected by gender. This study assessed the accuracy of gender estimation using mandibular morphometric indices on panoramic radiographs of an Iranian population. This retrospective study evaluated 290 panoramic radiographs (145 males and 145 females). The maximum and minimum ramus width, coronoid height, condylar height, antegonial angle, antegonial depth, gonial angle, and the superior border of mental foramen were bilaterally measured as well as bicondylar and bigonial breadths using Scanora Lite. Correlation of parameters with gender was analyzed by univariate, multiple, and best models. All indices except for gonial angle were significantly different between males and females and can be used for gender determination according to univariate model. Condylar height, coronoid height, and superior border of mental foramen and ramus were still significantly greater in males than in females after controlling for the effect of confounders (p &lt; 0.05). Based on the best model, a formula including five indices of bicondylar breadth, condylar height, coronoid height, minimum ramus width, and superior border of mental foramen was used for gender determination. Values higher than 56% indicate male gender, while lower values indicate female gender, with 81.38% specificity for correct detection of females and 88.97% sensitivity for correct detection of males. Despite the satisfactory results, future research should focus on larger populations to verify the accuracy of the present findings

    The Frequency of Normal Variations of Oral Mucosa in Patients Referred to Qazvin School of Dentistry, Spring, 2015

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    Background: Oral mucosa which covers inside of the mouth is a complex structure that has been adapted for its particular function and anatomical location. Some oral conditions, despite their different physical features, are not pathological; rather, they are considered normal such as Linea Alba, Parotid Papilla, Geographic Tongue and Fissured Tongue. Materials and Methods: in this cross-sectional study 692 patients were registered through clinical examination and fulfillment of predesigned questionnaire. Diagnostic criteria in this study included the normal changes of the oral mucosa (including geographic tongue, fissured tongue, scalloped tongue, parotid papilla, palatal and mandibular torus, Lina Alba, frenal tag, leukoedema, Fordyce granules). Results: 692 people with an average age of 35years participated in this study. The overall sum of oral cavity normal variations was 806, 542 cases of which were female and 264 cases male. Conclusion: In this study 692 patients were examined by specialists; 494 cases, a sum of 71% had oral cavity normal variations. Linea Alba had the highest frequency among normal variations