1,744 research outputs found

    The Winning Edge: Naval Technology in Action, 1939-1945

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    Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict

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    Transforming the U.S. Armed Forces

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    The U.S. armed forces themselves have embraced—at least rhetorically—the need to transform so as to meet the demands of information-age warfare. Nevertheless, in each service, efforts at trans- formation have faced opposition from traditionalists who perceive threats in new ways of war

    Avoiding Trivia: The Role of Strategic Planning in American Foreign Policy

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    Students of American national security policy, particularly those without the benefit of firsthand policy-making experience, frequently under- or over- estimate the difficulty of formulating and implementing strategy in the U.S. government. As a result, observers tend either to portray senior policy makers as dolts or incompetents or to engage in a sort of strategic nihilism holding that it is impossible to develop sound strategy in this day and age

    Mesoscopic modeling of the rtm process for homogenization

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    Intrinsic hybrids can be manufactured in a modified resin transfer molding (RTM) process for fibre reinforced polymers. Our work concentrates on mesoscopic modeling for temperature-dependent visco-elastic effects accompanied by curing within the RTM process. During hybridization and later thermal loading the periodic mesostructure defined by resin and fibres is taken into account as a representative volume element (RVE) subjected to thermo-mechanical loading. Homogenization leads to results on the less resolved macroscale. In the examples we illustrate the characteristic behavior of the mesoscopic model, such as shrinking due to curing and temperature dependence and simulate the RTM process as well as thermal loading of the cured composite with the finite-element-method

    A coupled multiphase-field and carbon diffusion model for lower bainitic transformation

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    A multiphase-field method coupled to a Cahn-Hilliard diffusion model is pre- sented in this paper. The underlying thermodynamic framework is based on the concept of generalized stresses. A prototype model is developed to simulate the lower bainitic transformation, including phase transitions, the separation of carbon within the supersat- urated phase and the precipitation of carbides. The system of partial differential equa- tions is solved with the finite element method. Numerical results of the model showing the qualitative mechanism are discussed