198 research outputs found

    An analysis of ongoing trends in airline ancillary revenues

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    This paper examines the performance of the two core classifications of airline ancillary revenues, which are unbundled products and commission based income. It also investigates the willingness of passengers to pay (WTP) for these services together with what type of ancillary items are acceptable at a particular price point. The study found that passengers value a narrow range of perceived ‘necessity’ products and services such as food and drink, checked baggage and seat assignment as opposed to perceived ‘optional’ unbundled or commission based products/services. It also found significant differences in WTP for specific ancillary services based on carrier type (FSC/LCC/Charter), length of flight (long and short haul) and journey purpose (business, leisure, VFR)

    Multimodal validation of facial expression detection software for real-­time monitoring of affect in patients with suicidal intent

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    We sought to test the hypothesis that previously validated biomarkers of high risk for suicide, namely EEG event related potentials (ERP), Galvanic skin response (GSR) and heart rate variability (HRV) can be employed in combination with facial affect and pupil dilation measures, in a novel diagnostic battery that will ultimately increase reliability of clinical evaluations of suicidal persons

    Factors influencing participation in a vascular disease prevention lifestyle program among participants in a cluster randomized trial

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    BackgroundPrevious research suggests that lifestyle intervention for the prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disease (CVD) are effective, however little is known about factors affecting participation in such programs. This study aims to explore factors influencing levels of participation in a lifestyle modification program conducted as part of a cluster randomized controlled trial of CVD prevention in primary care.MethodsThis concurrent mixed methods study used data from the intervention arm of a cluster RCT which recruited 30 practices through two rural and three urban primary care organizations. Practices were randomly allocated to intervention (n = 16) and control (n = 14) groups. In each practice up to 160 eligible patients aged between 40 and 64 years old, were invited to participate. Intervention practice staff were trained in lifestyle assessment and counseling and referred high risk patients to a lifestyle modification program (LMP) consisting of two individual and six group sessions over a nine month period. Data included a patient survey, clinical audit, practice survey on capacity for preventive care, referral and attendance records at the LMP and qualitative interviews with Intervention Officers facilitating the LMP. Multi-level logistic regression modelling was used to examine independent predictors of attendance at the LMP, supplemented with qualitative data from interviews with Intervention Officers facilitating the program.ResultsA total of 197 individuals were referred to the LMP (63% of those eligible). Over a third of patients (36.5%) referred to the LMP did not attend any sessions, with 59.4% attending at least half of the planned sessions. The only independent predictors of attendance at the program were employment status - not working (OR: 2.39 95% CI 1.15-4.94) and having high psychological distress (OR: 2.17 95% CI: 1.10-4.30). Qualitative data revealed that physical access to the program was a barrier, while GP/practice endorsement of the program and flexibility in program delivery facilitated attendance.ConclusionBarriers to attendance at a LMP for CVD prevention related mainly to external factors including work commitments and poor physical access to the programs rather than an individuals’ health risk profile or readiness to change. Improving physical access and offering flexibility in program delivery may enhance future attendance. Finally, associations between psychological distress and attendance rates warrant further investigation

    Review and show distribution pattern of marine fish larvae of Iranian coastal waters Persian Gulf by GIS

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    The survey of fish larva in Iranian water has done from 1995 till 2007. The aims of this study were included of identification, abundance, diversity index and distribution of fish larva in Iranian coastal waters of the Persian Gulf. In all research, sampling was done by Bongo net in day time. Totally 119006 specimen was collected and identified in 54 fish larva family from 90 stations. Gobiidae, Engraulididae ، Leiognathidae، Sparidae، Sillaginidae، Clupeidae, Cynoglossidae، Sciaenidae were the dominate families with higher abundance. 83342 specimen was collected from Khuzestan waters (higher than others) in 27 family, 26797 specimen in 52 fish larva family in Bushehr waters. The result of GIS map was shown; Clupeidae with three subfamily distributed in all Iranian waters with more abundance in summer and autumn, Sillaginidae was percent in all study area with more abundance in Bushehr waters, Gobiidae was in estuary habitat with higher abundance in Khuzestan waters in warm period, Sparidae distributed in the Persian gulf in more month of year, Engraulididae was collected from area with more abundance from Hormozgan with two spawning peaks; spring and autumn. Cynoglossidae with higher abundance from Khuzestan waters, Leiognathidae in Khuzestan waters was in warm period and in others site in all month. Sciaenidae was in Hormozgan more than others area. Mosa Creek-Estuary in Khuzestan with homogeny habitat was attractive the family related to the shore and muddy kind family, such as: Gobiidae, Leiognathidae whereas Bushehr waters with variety of habitat; Creek-Estuary, mangrove forest, rocky coral, coral path was attractive more family with different groups such as: lutjanidae ، Cepolidae ، Apogonidae، Lethrinidae and Atherinidae that some case only recorded from Bushehr in Persian gulf. Coastal waters of Bushehr province habitat was affected of sea waves and current therefore the abundance of family lower than Khuzestan waters except in some deeper stations. Finally there are different occasions influencing on fish larvae percent, abundance and distribution of them that are include: abiotic factors (temperature, salinity, depth and clarity), habitat, adult spawning behavior, morphologic characters of coastal area, In addition, from the type and geomorphologic structure of marine – coastal area, the difference between abundance and diversity of ichthyoplankton in two main coasts group as name wave dominant (open coasts) and tide dominant 9semi closed coasts) have harmony with together and are clear

    Two Loop Low Temperature Corrections to Electron Self Energy

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    We recalculate the two loop corrections in the background heat bath using real time formalism. The procedure of the integrations of loop momenta with dependence on finite temperature before the momenta without it, has been followed. We determine the mass and wavefunction renormalization constants in the low temperature limit of QED, for the first time with this preferred order of integrations. The correction to electron mass and spinors in this limit is important in the early universe at the time of primordial nucleosynthesis as well as in astrophysics.Comment: 8 pages and 1 figure to appear in Chinese Physics

    Notch Signaling as a Regulator of the Tumor Immune Response: To Target or Not To Target?

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    The Notch signaling pathway regulates important cellular processes involved in stem cell maintenance, proliferation, development, survival, and inflammation. These responses to Notch signaling involving both canonical and non-canonical pathways can be spatially and temporally variable and are highly cell-type dependent. Notch signaling can elicit opposite effects in regulating tumorigenicity (tumor-promoting versus tumor-suppressing function) as well as controlling immune cell responses. In various cancer types, Notch signaling elicits a “cancer stem cell (CSC)” phenotype that results in decreased proliferation, but resistance to various therapies, hence potentially contributing to cell dormancy and relapse. CSCs can reshape their niche by releasing paracrine factors and inflammatory cytokines, and the niche in return can support their quiescence and resistance to therapies as well as the immune response. Moreover, Notch signaling is one of the key regulators of hematopoiesis, immune cell differentiation, and inflammation and is implicated in various autoimmune diseases, carcinogenesis (leukemia), and tumor-induced immunosuppression. Notch can control the fate of various T cell types, including Th1, Th2, and the regulatory T cells (Tregs), and myeloid cells including macrophages, dendritic cells, and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs). Both MDSCs and Tregs play an important role in supporting tumor cells (and CSCs) and in evading the immune response. In this review, we will discuss how Notch signaling regulates multiple aspects of the tumor-promoting environment by elucidating its role in CSCs, hematopoiesis, normal immune cell differentiation, and subsequently in tumor-supporting immunogenicity

    Study on fauna and flora community of the Iranian coastal zones

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    The report provides comprehensive information and exclusive native species and their status in terms of protection, browse and view Resorts® reserve forest vegetation and coastal areas of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea and Caspian Sea is mentioned. In a series of studies including field trips, collect and identify plants in Iran, the list has been presented since 1362 to date in the form of plans and programs identify plants is planned. It should be noted that all identified studies and knowledge of plants and notes as well as an identification key based on the information contained in Flora Iranica valuable book written K.H. Rechinger plays a key role and is essential to identify the plants. along with scientific names, synonyms and names mentioned Farsi and English with the geographic distribution is presented according to two area Shmnaly and south. Based on existing resources, conservation status of species under national legislation and international and native status (Endemic) and biological values and biodiversity of geographically referenced

    Phytoplankton, zooplankton and ichthyoplankton abundance, distribution and diversity investigation in the Iranian waters of the Oman Sea

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    This study was carried out in the North of Oman Sea in parts of Iranian waters during pre-monsoon and post monsoon seasons between 2007 and 2009. Number of 10 transects were chosen from coastal to maximum 50 meter depth. Cruise was done with Fredous ship and Rosette bottle multi watersampler was used for sampling. A phytoplankton community in the North of Oman Sea included in 204 species and divided in six taxonomic divisions: Bacillariophyceae (89 species), Dinophyceae (105species), Cyanophyceae (6species), Dicthyochophyceae (2species), Euglenaphyceae and silicoflagellate each (1species) respectively. Density decreased in most transects from inshore toward offshore waters and maximum density was in surface layear.Significant differences between each transects were found. Dinophyceae and Bacillariophyceae were dominant in pre-monsoon and post-monsoon respectively throughout two years. Important genuses of diatoms are Rhizosolenia, Chaetoceros, Pleurosigma, Coscinodiscus, Gyrosigma, Nitzscha, Navicula, and Leptocylindrus. And also there were Dinophyceae like: Scrippsiella, Pyrophacus, Gymnodinium, Pyrodinium, Prorocentrum, Cochlodinium, and Noctiluca. Phytoplankton density in the post-monsoon were recorded higher than pre-monsoon, furthermore phytoplankton density in 2009 was more than 2007. Cochlodinium polykrikoides density increased in 2009 especially in the pre-monsoon then dropped to post-monsoon season. Zooplankton population in this study is characterized by 8 phylum, 8 classes, 15 orders, 35 families and 78 genuses. Copepoda was the most abundant group of zooplankton and included in 4 orders of Cyclopoida, Calanoida, Poecilostomatoid and Harpacticoida. The static result showed significance among different transects layers and lines. In this study, 31 ichthyoplankton families with different density and distribution were recorded. In the pre-monsoon eight families was identified and Scainidaea family had the highest density and also in postmonsoon 6 families was classified in which scainidae was dominant family. In pre-monsoon 2009, we found 8 families that Pomacentridae family had higher density; Hemiramophidae was in the second position and followed by Clupeidae. In post-monsoon season density and diversity were increased and 23 families were recorded. Myctophidae family was the most abundant. The highest frequency there was other important families like Engraulidae, Synodontidae, Scainidae, and Leiognathidae in this period. Result of this study indicated that the monsoon was important and effect on abundance, distribution and species composition of plankton

    Health-related quality of life in infertile couples receiving IVF or ICSI treatment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Infertile couples might experience psychological distress and suffer from impaired health-related quality of life. This study aimed to examine health-related quality of life in infertile couples receiving either in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a cross-sectional study of quality of life in infertile couples attending to Vali-e-Asr Reproductive Health Research Center or Royan Institute for either IVF or ICSI treatment in Tehran, Iran. Health-related quality of life was assessed using the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36). Patients' demographic and clinical characteristics were also recorded. Data were analyzed to compare quality of life in infertile women and men and to indicate what variables predict quality of life in infertile couples.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In all 514 women and 514 men (n = 1028) were studied. There were significant differences between women and men indicating that male patients had a better health-related quality of life. Also health-related quality of life was found to be better in infertility due to male factor. Performing logistic regression analysis it was found that female gender, and lower educational level were significant predictors of poorer physical health-related quality of life. For mental health-related quality of life in addition to female gender and lower educational level, younger age also was found to be a significant predictor of poorer condition. No significant results were observed for infertility duration or causes of infertility either for physical or mental health-related quality of life.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings suggest that infertility duration or causes of infertility do not have significant effects on health-related quality of life in infertile couples. However, infertile couples, especially less educated younger women, are at risk of a sub-optimal health-related quality of life and they should be provided help and support in order to improve their health-related quality of life.</p