51 research outputs found

    Tuha Peut Perempuan : Peluang dan Diferensiasi Sosial Pembangunan Gampong di Aceh Mahmuddin

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    By marking Qanun no.5 2003 regarding “gampong/village governance and has been emphasized by UUPA no.11 2006 regarding Aceh Local Government is indicating new eras in “Social Identity of the Shadow Society” which had by forgotten during conflict eras in the region. The gampong governances that are consist of; Tuha Peut, geuchik and Teungku Imum which Tuha Peut is the consulting institution to support the Keuchiek were selected from the intellectual, schollars and youth and the women element personalities. The representativeness of women in Tuha Peut of the Gampong is turned to be a basic argument from the Act (No.5 year 2003) that previously had not been included in the structure of the gampong. The interference and the representativeness of women in the Gampong structural leader still considers as in the weak point. Women are not yet completely active in the Tuha Peut Leader institution structure of the gampong. Currently the culture of patriarchy that was noticed women as a second class citizen of the society and additionally the thought that is considering women as an inability actors in gampong development and being interfere in conflict solving of the Gampong is a basic problem in women reposition in gampong institutional structure

    Perencanaan Distribusi Tekanan Air Pada Sistem Jaringan Pipa Di Wilayah Buton Selatan

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    Ketersediaan air berdasarkan sumber air merupakan salah satu modal dasar pembangunan, sehingga perlu tindakan bijak agar ketersediaan kualitas dan kuantitas nya terjaga dan tidak merusak keseimbangan ekosistem lingkungan. Selain itu penyediaan air yang baik harus mampu melayani kebutuhan air yang memadai serta mendapat respon dan dukungan yang positif dari masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung kapasitas kebutuhan air baku dan merencanakan system distribusi tekanan air bersih di Desa Banabungi dan Desa Banabungi Selatan, Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu : metode survey yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data yang terjadi pada masa lampau. Dari hasil analisis kapasitas air baku yang ada di desa Banabungi dan Desa Banabungi Selatan memiliki debit 5,28 liter/detik dan kebutuhan air baku 3,666 liter/detik pada distribusi tekanan air menggunakan bantuan program Epanet 2.2 dapat diketahui elevation pada reservoir yaitu 37.62 m memiliki tekanan sebesar 10.84 m/detik dan elevation pada titik maksimum Junc Q yaitu 39.43 m membutuhkan tekanan sebesar 28.22, untuk elevation pada titik Minimum Junc H yaitu 0.56 m membutuhkan tekanan sebesar 65.12 m/detik. Menunjukkan perolehan ukuran diameter pipa distribusi utama rencana adalah 6 inchi sepanjang 1886.410 m, 1 inch sepanjang 2282.980 m


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    The addition of Covid-19 cases took place quite quickly and has spread between countries. The high incidence is important to improve health services, especially the pre-hospital phase services. In this phase, good emergency management will reduce the number of disability to death by up to 50% by starting from activating calls prior to the incident location, health workers who understand first aid and transportation using an ambulance and being observed until they arrive at the hospital. Knowing the Pre-Hospital Phase Emergency Management in Covid-19 Patient: Literature Review. The research method used is a literature review. In this method, online searches for articles, journals and books are carried out using accessible databases, namely Google Scholar, PubMed, and Biomed Central. It is known from 10 Literature Articles, journals and books in the emergency management of Covid-19 in the Pre-Hospital phase must be done as much as possible to minimize the number of deaths and transmission that occurs. Handling of emergency Covid-19 in the Pre-Hospital phase includes: Basic and Advanced Life Support (BLS), Oxygen Therapy, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and Patient Transport. It is important for medical personnel to pay attention to many things in providing emergency nursing care to Covid-19 patient. Pre-Hospital emergency measures for patient with Covid-19 can be carried out in various ways to improve the patient condition while at the Pre-Hospital, besides that, it can also prevent transmission to medical personnel and people around Covid-19 patient

    Knowledge on the Validity of the Hadith on Veil, the Obligation to Wear and Its Application in Social Life: A Case Study at UIN Alauddin Makassar

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    This study seeks to assess the impact of students' degree of comprehension on the veracity of the hadith on veil, the law governing its wearing, and its application in their social lives. This study is a mixed-methods approach, using a case study as the methodology to get a full grasp of a specific legal matter in order to generate more understanding on the issue of veil. The data were collected through interviews, literature studies and surveys. The results revealed that the respondents' knowledge on the authenticity of the hadith was modest, while their comprehension of the legislation governing the wearing of the veil ranged between a lack of understanding and a sufficient understanding, and their application in daily life was quite high. In addition, it was discovered that there were reasons that influenced their persistent usage of the veil, given their strong commitment to doing so. These considerations include the external supports, for example the support of friends, families, and communities. Supposedly, if the acceptance of new behavior is founded on information, awareness, and a good attitude, this kind of behavior will be persistent. If, on the other hand, a behavior is not founded on knowledge and awareness, it will be easily left out. This case study also found that there were factors other than knowledge that influenced female students in social applications to wear the veil, namely support from family, friends and organizations.In the future efforts are needed so that knowledge about the authenticity and content of hadith law regarding the veil can be increased. So that a person can strike a balance between the spirit of religion and his knowledge of the law governing the text's authenticity (hadith) and Islamic law

    Kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Palangka Raya Dalam Pengelolaan Pasar Kahayan

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    Pasar Kahayan merupakan salah satu pasar tradisional di Palangka Raya. Dalam pengelolaan pada pasar Kahayan, Pemerintah Kota Palangka Raya memperoleh pinjaman dari Bank Dunia melalui program Urban Sector Development Reform Project dalam membangun pertokoan di Pasar Kahayan. Kajian ini berupaya membahas dan menganalisis proses kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Palangka Raya dalam pengelolaan Pasar Kahayan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan pengelolaan Pasar Kahayan belum maksimal. Kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Palangka Raya belum memberikan dukungan yang optimal untuk para pedagang. Para pedagang tidak dilibatkan dalam perencanaan revitalisasi Pasar Kahayan. Pemerintah Kota Palangka Raya tidak membangun kolaborasi yang aktif dengan pedagang Pasar Kahayan. Hal ini terlihat dari kesenjangan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Akibatnya, kebijakan yang ada belum memberikan kesejahteraan bagi para pedagang. Beberapa permasalahan seperti keamanan dan harga sewa lapak yang tidak juga masih belum terselesaikan. Buruknya kebijakan pengelolaan Pasar Kahayan ini berdampak negatif bagi pertumbuhan perekonomian lokal dan kualitas hidup pedagang masih kuran

    Evaluation of Video Transmission of MAC Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a wireless network which consists of sensor nodes scattered in a particular area which are used to monitor physical or environment condition. Each node in WSN is also scattered in sensor field, so an appropriate scheme of MAC protocol should have to develop communication link for data transferring. Video transmission is one of the important applications for the future that can be transmitted with low aspect in side of cost and also power consumption. In this paper, comparison of five different MAC WSN protocol for video transmission namely IEEE 802.11 standard, IEEE 802.15.4 standard, CSMA/CA, Berkeley-MAC, and Lightweight-MAC protocol are studied. Simulation experiment has been conducted in OMNeT++ with INET network simulator software to evaluate the performance. Obtained results indicate that IEEE 802.11 works better than other protocol in term of packet delivery, throughput, and latency

    Flow-Based Approach on Bro Intrusion Detection

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    Packet-based or Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) intrusion detection systems (IDSs) face challenges when coping with high volume of traffic. Processing every payload on the wire degrades the performance of intrusion detection. This paper aims to develop a model for reducing the amount of data to be processed by intrusion detection using flow-based approach. We investigated the detection accuracy of this approach via implementation of this model using Bro IDS. Bro was used to generate malicious features from several recent labeled datasets. Then, the model made use the machine learning classification algorithms for attribute evaluation and Bro policy scripts for detecting malicious flows. Based on our experiments, the findings showed that flow-based detection was able to identify the presence of all malicious activities. This verifies the capability of this approach to detect malicious flows with high accuracy. However, this approach generated a significant number of false positive alarms. This indicates that for detection purpose, it is difficult to make a complete behavior of the malicious activities from only limited data and flow-level