930 research outputs found

    The Islamic Education in Responding to the Barrenness of Information Technology

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    This research aims to find the extent of Islamic education in addressing and follow the flow of information technology. the progress in information technology has resulted in massive changes in human culture. As part of the world community, at the same time Muslims growing niche to be less-able to keep abreast of the times. Moreover if you want to Compete of other nations in the mastery of science and technology to change towards a better life. Certainly it is more complicated. It all proved by few problems in general items, namely how to prepare the young generation who are very Easily influenced by the flow of information technology while the foundation is not solid faith, to have the ability in the future to address all the challenges they face adequately through Islamic education. The results Showed that 1) an Islamic education both institutionally and in the education system of the nation's children must work in synergy among families, institutions, government and the community to be well controlled. Because of to repair a nation's moral obligation is not only an obligation but Also Islamic education obligation of all parties. While the position of Islamic education is as neutralizer between technology and reality. 2) the role of teachers to educate students to be human is always with the times without leaving the roots are very important in Determining the nation's next trip. 3) The role of the government as controller movement of information technology is always evolving in order to continue to conduct monitoring and analysis with more specific to the problem in society. Overall this aspect shows that between Islamic education and technology must always be paired with continuous control by implementing three key controlling Islamic education to the technology that is commanding the good, nahi unjust, and faith

    Pembentukan sistem biner asam mefenamat - piperin dengan metode solvent evaporation

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    Asam mefenamat merupakan analgesik yang praktis tidak larut dalam air . Dalam sistem klasifikasi biofarmasetik asam mefenamat termasuk dalam kelas kedua dimana kelarutan rendah dengan permeabilitas tinggi sehingga mempengaruhi kecepatan absorpsi obat dalam tubuh. Kelarutan asam mefenamat yang sangat kecil memerlukan strategi baru untuk meningkatkan kelarutan dan bioavibilitasnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelarutan dan disolusi asam mefenamat dengan pembuatan sistem biner asam mefenamat – piperin dengan metode solvent evaporation (penguapan pelarut) perbandingan equimolar 1:1. Sampel dikarakterisasi dengan analisa difraksi sinar -X (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dan fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Hasil DSC pada sistem biner asam mefenamat – piperin 1:1 terbentuk pucak endotermik baru, titik leburnya lebih rendah dari dua komponen penyusunnya. Data analisis spektrum spektroskopi FTIR terjadi pergeseran panjang bilangan gelombang pada gugus fungsi N-H. Sedangkan pada hasil analisa difraksi sinar-X, tidak terbentuknya fase kristalin baru (kokristal). Pembentukan sistem biner ini menunjukkan terbentuknya campuran eutetik yang dapat dilihat dari analisis karakteristik DSC,sinar-X dan FTIR. Pada uji kelarutan terjadi peningkatan kelarutan pada sistem biner sebesar 2,836 kali sedangkan campuran fisik 1,750 kali. Pada uji disolusi sistem biner memberikan profil disolusi yang lebih meningkat 98,198% dibandingkan dengan campuran fisik asam 67,449% pada waktu 45 menit. Kata kunci : asam mefenamat, piperin, sistem biner, kelarutan, disolus


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    Morphological granulometry for classification of evolving and ordered texture images.

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    In this work we investigate the use of morphological granulometric moments as texture descriptors to predict time or class of texture images which evolve over time or follow an intrinsic ordering of textures. A cubic polynomial regression was used to model each of several granulometric moments as a function of time or class. These models are then combined and used to predict time or class. The methodology was developed on synthetic images of evolving textures and then successfully applied to classify a sequence of corrosion images to a point on an evolution time scale. Classification performance of the new regression approach is compared to that of linear discriminant analysis, neural networks and support vector machines. We also apply our method to images of black tea leaves, which are ordered according to granule size, and very high classification accuracy was attained compared to existing published results for these images. It was also found that granulometric moments provide much improved classification compared to grey level co-occurrence features for shape-based texture images


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan akhlak siswa pada pembelajaran Agama Islam di MAS Al Washliyah Kedaisianam Batubara. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif, metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan Dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa perkembangan akhlak pada siswa di MAS Al Washliyah Kedaisianam Batubara pembentukan akhlak pada siswa sudah berhasil dilakukan oleh pihak sekolah, hal ini dilakukan dengan cara melakukan koordinasi terhadap orang tua dalam mengembangkan akhlak siswa. faktor penghambat di MAS Al Washliyah Kedaisianam fasilitas untuk menunjang pembelajaran agama Islam belum memadai hanya ada musholla yang terdapat di dalam sekolah, faktor yang mendukung terbentuknya akhlak siswa di MAS Al Washliyah Kedaisianam Batubara diantaranya adalah adanya peraturan dan tata tertib sekolah, mulai dari tata tertib untuk siswa dan juga tata tertib bagi guru yang bertujuan untuk membentuk akhlak siswa agar berperilaku dan bersikap sesuai dengan akhlak yang mulia, seperti peraturan setiap hari jum‟at siswa MAS Al Washliyah Kedaisianam Batubara diwajibkan memakai baju muslim dan muslimah untuk pria memakai baju koko dan wanita memakai jilbab, diharapkan pembelajaran akhlak ini untuk terus menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan keimanan siswa yang diwujudkan dalam akhlaknya yang terpuji, melalui pemberian dan pemupukan pengetahuan, penghayatan serta pengalaman siswa tentang akhlak Islam, sehingga menjadi manusia muslim yang terus berkembang dan meningkatkan kualitas keimanan dan ketaqwaannya kepada Allah Swt

    Classification of ordered texture images using regression modelling and granulometric features

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    Structural information available from the granulometry of an image has been used widely in image texture analysis and classification. In this paper we present a method for classifying texture images which follow an intrinsic ordering of textures, using polynomial regression to express granulometric moments as a function of class label. Separate models are built for each individual moment and combined for back-prediction of the class label of a new image. The methodology was developed on synthetic images of evolving textures and tested using real images of 8 different grades of cut-tear-curl black tea leaves. For comparison, grey level co-occurrence (GLCM) based features were also computed, and both feature types were used in a range of classifiers including the regression approach. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the granulometric moments over GLCM-based features for classifying these tea images

    Pemanfaatan Biji Karet Sebagai Agregat Kasar Terhadap Workability dan Kuat Tekan Beton Ringan

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    PEMANFAATAN BIJI KARET SEBAGAI AGREGAT KASAR TERHADAP WORKABILITY DAN KUAT TEKAN BETON RINGAN Sumiati *1, Mahmuda 2, Fadhilla Firdausa 31 , 2, 3Jurusan Teknik Sipil Politeknik Negeri sriwijaya Palembange-mail: *[email protected]., [email protected], [email protected] AbstrakBeton ringan mempunyai keunggulan pada beratnya, sehingga dapat memimalisir momen lentur dan memitigasi gempa bumi.  Salah satu cara untuk membuat beton menjadi ringan adalah dengan mengganti agregatnya dengan agregat ringan. Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk mendapatkan workability dari beton segar yang baik, sehingga akan didapatkan kuat tekan optimum dengan menggantikan sebagian agregat kasar dengan biji karet. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap 84 sample beton berdiameter 15 cm dan tinggi 30cm. Biji karet yang menggantikan agregat kasar bervariasi 0%-30% terhadap berat agregat  kasar. Sebelum pengujian kuat tekan, sample dicuring terlebih dahulu dan dilakukan pengujian setelah berumur 7; 14; 21 dan 28 hari. Berdasarkan (SNI 03-3449-2002) dan hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa jika biji karet yang menggantikan coarse aggregate <10%, dapat digolongkan beton ringan struktural,  sedangkan jika agregat kasar yang digantikan >10% maka digolongkan  beton ringan non struktural. Penggunaan biji karet <10% mempunyai workability yang baik, semakin banyak biji karet yang digunakan semakin buruk workability nya.  Kata Kunci: biji karet, beton ringan, workability AbstractLightweight concrete has an advantage in weight, which may reduce the bending moment and prevent the effect when earthquakes occur. One of the methods to make concrete lightweight is replace the conventional aggregate using lightweight aggregate. This study aims to replace some coarse aggregates with rubber seeds by considering the workability of fresh concrete and obtained optimum compressive strength results.84 concrete specimens with a size of 15 cm in diameter and 30 cm in height were carried out. Rubber seeds that replace coarse aggregates varied 0% -30% to the total weight of coarse aggregates.The compressive strength was examinate during the cured time at 7; 14; 21 and 28 days. According to the (SNI 03-3449-2002) and the test results obtained that rubber seeds containing coarse aggregate <10%, can be classified as lightweight concrete structures, whereas if coarse aggregates are replaced >10% then classified as non-structural lightweight concrete. Using rubber seeds <10% has good workability, the more rubber seeds used the worse the workability.Key word:  rubber seeds, lightweight concrete,workabilit