2,681 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Dalam rangka meningkatkan sumber daya manusia pada peserta didik khususnya siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK), disusun suatu metode pembelajaran yang dapat membantu peserta didik berpikir kreatif dan lebih inovatif. Pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode SAVI merupakan pembelajaran yang menggabungkan  gerak fisik dengan aktivitas intelektual dan penggunaan semua indera yang  dapat berpengaruh besar terhadap pembelajaran peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa modul pada standar kompetensi memahami sifat dasar sinyal audio. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan, yang mempunyai  7 (tujuh) tahapan yaitu: (1) tahap analisis masalah, (2) tahap pengumpulan data, (3) tahap desain produk, (4) tahap validasi desain, (5) tahap revisi desain, (6) tahap ujicoba produk dan (7) tahap analisa dan pelaporan. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh hasil validasi perangkat pembelajaran dari hasil validasi perangkat pembelajaran yaitu pada RPP, Bahan ajar dan butir soal maka didapatkan nilai validasi keseluruhan adalah 83,33% dan dapat dikategorikan sangat valid/layak. Dari angket respon siswa didapatkan nilai keseluruhan adalah 76,21% dan dapat dikatakan baik/layak. Prosentase ketuntasan belajar siswa pada kelas Eksperimen sebesar 80,03% dan kelas control 72,21%. Sedangkan perhitungan menggunakan uji t didapat nilai t hitung 4,043 dan untuk t tabel pada taraf signifikan 5% (0,05) adalah 1,70. ini berarti ketuntasan belajar dengan menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran yaitu RPP dan modul dengan pendekatan SAVI pada standar kompetensi menerapkan dasar-dasar elektronika dapat dicapai dengan baik.   Kata kunci: Perangkat Pembelajaran, Penelitian dan Pengembangan, Menerapkan dasar-dasar elektronika.   Abstract In order to improve human resources to students especially students of vocational high school (SMK), developed a method of learning that can help students to think creatively and be more innovative. Learning to use the SAVI method of learning that combines physical movement with intellectual activity and the use of all the senses that can greatly affect the learning of students. This research is aimed at developing learning tools to produce learning tools in the form of modules in the standard of competence to understand the nature of the audio signal. The method used is the research and development, which has 7 (seven) stages, namely: (1) stage of problem analysis, (2) the data collection phase, (3) the product design stage, (4) design validation phase, (5) the revision stage design, (6) product testing phase and (7) analysis and reporting stages. From the research that has been done, the validation results obtained from the results of the validation study is on learning the lesson plans, teaching materials and items about the overall validation of the value obtained is 83.33% and can be categorized as very valid / feasible. From the questionnaire responses of students overall value obtained is 76.21% and can be good / decent. The percentage of students in the classroom mastery learning experiment by 80.03% and 72.21% grade control. While the calculations obtained using the t test t value 4.043 and for t table at significance level of 5% (0.05) is 1,70. This means that mastery learning using learning tools and modules that RPP SAVI approach the standard of competence apply the basics of electronics can be achieved with either.  Keywords: Learning Tools, Research and Development, Applying the basics of electronics


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    Intersections are a critical location for pedestrian safety and also have a role in traffic operational efficiency. To improve pedestrian safety, the Exclusive Pedestrian Phase (EPP) was developed in the 1960s, which adds a phase entirely for pedestrian movements without any conflict with vehicles. The EPP is believed to be the safest type of pedestrian protection and has been installed in many places instead of Concurrent Pedestrian Phase (CPP). CPP allows pedestrians to cross in parallel to moving vehicles which allows conflicts between turning vehicles and pedestrians. The research hypothesis was to explore whether EPP has encouraged pedestrian non-compliance (crossing without the walk signal) and conflicting pedestrians (crossing in the direct path of a vehicle) or not and what the impact of such behavior is on vehicular intersection delay. This pedestrian behavior may lead to a less safe situation for pedestrians. The research compared 8 pairs of intersections representing both EPP and CPP operations, which were selected based on similar area type and intersection geometry. The intersections selected were in the Pittsburgh urban area with one lane approaches and simple two-phase or three-phase traffic signal operations. Pedestrian crossings were observed and classified at those intersections, which provided the number of non-compliant and conflicting pedestrian’s movements. Four of the 16 intersections with EPP, in four different land use types, were then analyzed using the traffic simulation tool Synchro. The results of the analysis revealed the impact of non-compliant crossings on intersection vehicular delay. Analysis of the intersections was done in Synchro for different cases by modifying current pedestrian behavior, which provided a comparison of intersections delays for compliant and non-compliant crossings and the conversion of operations to CPP. The research findings, based on the field observations, were that non-compliant crossings were significantly higher for all of the intersections with EPP when compared to similar CPP intersections. For these highly non-compliant EPP crossing intersections, changes in intersection delay was simulated under the condition of compliant behavior and delay was found to decrease slightly. Another case of total conflicting behavior of pedestrians with EPP was also simulated and intersection delay also increased. However, when the conversion of an intersection operation from EPP to CPP was modeled, delay decreased by more than 50%, even with a very high number of conflicting pedestrians. In summary, it was found that intersections with EPP encourages pedestrian non-compliance behavior which also increases intersection delay. Even if pedestrian behavior was altered, to be more compliant, the delays would not be changed significantly. However, when an EPP intersection is converted to CPP operations, delays decreased significantly, and intersection operations improved. This could also result in improved pedestrian safety because pedestrian crossing compliance is much higher at intersections with CPP, as revealed by the research

    Inferring the Origin Locations of Tweets with Quantitative Confidence

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    Social Internet content plays an increasingly critical role in many domains, including public health, disaster management, and politics. However, its utility is limited by missing geographic information; for example, fewer than 1.6% of Twitter messages (tweets) contain a geotag. We propose a scalable, content-based approach to estimate the location of tweets using a novel yet simple variant of gaussian mixture models. Further, because real-world applications depend on quantified uncertainty for such estimates, we propose novel metrics of accuracy, precision, and calibration, and we evaluate our approach accordingly. Experiments on 13 million global, comprehensively multi-lingual tweets show that our approach yields reliable, well-calibrated results competitive with previous computationally intensive methods. We also show that a relatively small number of training data are required for good estimates (roughly 30,000 tweets) and models are quite time-invariant (effective on tweets many weeks newer than the training set). Finally, we show that toponyms and languages with small geographic footprint provide the most useful location signals.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Version 2: Move mathematics to appendix, 2 new references, various other presentation improvements. Version 3: Various presentation improvements, accepted at ACM CSCW 201

    Starspot-induced optical and infrared radial velocity variability in T Tauri star Hubble 4

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    We report optical (6150 Ang) and K-band (2.3 micron) radial velocities obtained over two years for the pre-main sequence weak-lined T Tauri star Hubble I 4. We detect periodic and near-sinusoidal radial velocity variations at both wavelengths, with a semi-amplitude of 1395\pm94 m/s in the optical and 365\pm80 m/s in the infrared. The lower velocity amplitude at the longer wavelength, combined with bisector analysis and spot modeling, indicates that there are large, cool spots on the stellar surface that are causing the radial velocity modulation. The radial velocities maintain phase coherence over hundreds of days suggesting that the starspots are long-lived. This is one of the first active stars where the spot-induced velocity modulation has been resolved in the infrared.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Creation of macroscopic quantum superposition states by a measurement

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    We propose a novel protocol for the creation of macroscopic quantum superposition (MQS) states based on a measurement of a non-monotonous function of a quantum collective variable. The main advantage of this protocol is that it does not require switching on and off nonlinear interactions in the system. We predict this protocol to allow the creation of multiatom MQS by measuring the number of atoms coherently outcoupled from a two-component (spinor) Bose-Einstein condensate.Comment: 4 pages (revtex4), 2 figure

    Quantum Chaos in the Bose-Hubbard model

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    We present a numerical study of the spectral properties of the 1D Bose-Hubbard model. Unlike the 1D Hubbard model for fermions, this system is found to be non-integrable, and exhibits Wigner-Dyson spectral statistics under suitable conditions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Evaluation of three fast- and slow-growing chicken strains reared in two production environments

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    The present study evaluated performance, physiological response and economics of commercial fast growing (CFG), commercial slow growing (CSG), and Rhode Island Red (RIR) chickens under intensive and free-range rearing environments. After 21 days of rearing under the same intensive environment 240 birds from each strain were subjected to free-range and intensive rearing until they were 56 days old. Each treatment was replicated six times with 20 birds in each replicate. Body surface and cloacal temperatures, respiration and heart rates, feed intake, bodyweight and weight gain, feed conversion efficiency, growth efficiency, and liveability were recorded. Significant differences among strains were detected in physiological response and growth performance (except liveability). Rearing environment also caused significant differences in physiological parameters (except body surface temperature) and growth performance (except liveability). Significant interactions of the strains and production systems were detected. The CFG strain grew most rapidly under the intensive system with differences between strains being reduced in the free-range system. The RSG and CSG strains had similar respiration rates under the two production systems but differed significantly from each other. However, the CFG strain had a significantly elevated respiration rate in the free-range system. Total input cost of rearing CFG under the intensive system was highest (3.54)amongthetreatments,whereasCSGunderafreerangeenvironmentgeneratedthehighestprofit(3.54) among the treatments, whereas CSG under a free-range environment generated the highest profit (0.37 per bird). In conclusion, rearing CSG under free range was the most economic farming strategy in today’s scenario.Keywords: economics, fast-growing, free range, growth, intensive system, physiology, slow-growing rural chicken