64 research outputs found

    An empirical investigation of the nature of management development with particular emphasis on the influence of learning styles on the levels of accumulated managerial tacit knowledge in the Malaysian Public Service

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    This study explored the broad learning patterns associated with the acquisition of managerial tacit knowledge. The study then proceeded to examine whether levels of accumulated managerial tacit knowledge (LAMTK) may be associated with managers' learning styles and/or the extent to which a person's style is consonant with the context of their work environment. The possibility that deliberate learning strategies normally associated with formal rather than informal learning would be unrelated to LAMTK was also examined.The research employed a cross-sectional, mixed-method approach incorporating both qualitative interview and survey data collection. For the qualitative element, interviews were conducted with 14 public sector managers based on a method developed by Nestor-Baker (1999). For the quantitative element, survey data were collected from 356 public sector managers attending management development training courses at the Malaysian National Institute of Public Administration. Respondents completed a questionnaire designed to measure tacit knowledge based on Stemberg et al's (2000) Tacit Knowledge Inventory for Managers, learning styles based on Geiger et al's (1993) normative version of Kolb's Learning Style Inventory, learning strategy based on Warr & Downing's (2000) Learning Strategies Questionnaire, and a range of other selfdeveloped items.The interviews revealed that most managers were unaware of the learning associated with the acquisition of tacit knowledge, as it occurs in an unplanned and unintentional manner. Several adult learning principles such as reflection and learning from experience emerged from the analyses. While learning styles were found to be significant in predicting LAMTK, a rather surprising finding was that learning strategies, believed to be associated with declarative as opposed to tacit knowledge, were also related to LAMTK. Based on these findings it was concluded that the process of tacit knowledge acquisition involves the interaction of learning that takes place in both formal and informal settings. Outcomes of the research suggest that in management development initiatives, formal approaches should be blended with informal approaches in order to achieve effective learning

    Student Level Achievement in Different Public University of Bangladesh: A Comparison Between Multilevel Models and Classical Regression Models

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    In this study, the main purpose is to consider generalized linear modeling where the regression coefficients are also modeled. The models used here are where slopes and intercepts may vary by group or university. The study time of selected students is a dependent variable and the socio and demographic variables are independent variables. The statistical method of data analysis used for this study is the two-level multilevel modeling. In this analysis, we find the dependent variable is associated with time spends in reading academic books (TSRAB), time spends in reading nonacademic books (TSRNAB), and time spends in reading central library (TSRCL) at the 95% level of significance. Using R, we get three multilevel modeling names as the first model is null or empty model when the intercept is fixed, the second model with random intercepts and fixed slopes and the final or the third model with random intercepts and random slopes. Comparing three models, based on AIC and BIC statistics, we get the final model is preferable to the first two models. The results coefficient of determination (R-square) revealed that the multilevel model is better than the classical regression model

    Factors Influencing Employee Perception on Performance Management System

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    Without the employee feedback, the developed performance management system (PMS) cannot be assumed as an effective system that able to stimulate their workers to achieve the company’s objectives and targets. This paper aims to identify the implementation of performance management system in the company, to analyze the factors that affect employee perception on PMS, and subsequently to determine the relationship between factors influencing employee perception and PMS. 119 questionnaires were distributed to employees in Company X. The response rate is 43% of the total sample. The finding shows that the respondents strongly agreed on the implemented PMS in the company. Also, employee participation was the highest factor that influencing employee perception of PMS, followed by employee knowledge and skills, and rating techniques. Overall, each of the factors had a significant relationship with the PMS. This study may assist managers in improving their communication with employees on their work performance. Therefore, this will increase the employee understanding of how they have been assessed and feel that the process is fair. Later, this will ensure a positive employee perception of the implemented PMS

    Trend berkomunikasi dan transaksi dalam talian: selamatkah data peribadi belia Malaysia?

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    Isu keselamatan data peribadi pengguna secara dalam talian menjadi perdebatan hangat seantero dunia termasuk di Malaysia. Krisis kesihatan pandemik Covid-19 menjadi pemangkin kepesatan penggunaan teknologi dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan. Global Threat Report 2021 menggesa penduduk dunia untuk menjadikan keselamatan siber sebagai budaya sementara pakar teknologi berjuang mengesan dan menghentikan ancaman siber sepenuhnya. Justeru, artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji tingkah laku golongan belia agar sentiasa melindungi data peribadi yang dikongsikan secara dalam talian. Kajian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik yang diedarkan secara dalam talian ini dijalankan ke atas belia Malaysia semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) masih berkuatkuasa. Seramai 535 orang belia berumur 19 hingga 30 tahun di Putrajaya dan Cyberjaya telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Pemilihan ini menggunakan pendekatan multi tahap iaitu berdasarkan kategori umur, jantina, etnik dan lokasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) versi 28.0. Analisis regresi berganda mendapati bahawa faktor kawalan tingkah laku (R2 = .819) merupakan menyumbang paling besar dan signifikan dalam usaha melindungi keselamatan data peribadi berbanding faktor lain seperti sikap, norma subjektif, niat, mudah guna, kepercayaan dan faedah. Dapatan ini menjelaskan bahawa bagi memastikan belia Malaysia cenderung untuk menjadi pengguna secara dalam talian yang selamat mereka perlu memiliki sifat kawalan tingkah laku yang tinggi untuk melindungi keselamatan data peribadi mereka. Budaya menghindari diri daripada menjadi mangsa ancaman siber ini perlu disemai dalam diri setiap individu belia seiring dengan kepesatan teknologi bagi menangani cabaran era digital dewasa ini

    In Vitro Micropropagation of Aquarium Plants Pearl Grass Hemianthus micranthemoides (Nuttall) and Micro Sword Grass Lilaeopsis brasiliensis (Glaziou) Affolter (Apiaceae)

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    Hemianthus micranthemoides and Lileaopsis brasiliensis are nowadays sold in the form of tissue culture production by aquaria and ornamental trade in Malaysia. However, there is no to limited report about in vitro micropropagation of both aquarium plants. In this study, an experimental procedure for micropropagation of both plants was documented. The propagation were done in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with eight combination of different concentration of 6-Benzylaminopurine with Naphteneacetic acid (BAP-NAA) and 1-phenyl-3-1,2,3- thiadizol-5-yl urea with Naphteneacetic acid (TDZ-NAA) following the rooting technique for 42 days. All treatments for 1 L MS medium were regulated to pH 5.7 to 5.8 and added with sucrose (30 g/L) and phytagel (2.5 g/L). All combination treatments had induced rooting. There was a significance different in the shoot regeneration of H. micranthemoides in all treatment (95% confidence level, F = 13.907, n = 240, p = 0.000), on the contrary there was no different were observed in shoot regeneration of L. brasiliensis treatment. Overall, all treatment of TDZ- NAA were significantly higher in the shoot regeneration than those in BAP-NAA treatment. Particularly the T7 (TDZ-NAA, 0.075: 0.1 mg/L) given highest result in diameter (1.626±0.213 cm) and area (1.724±0.308 cm2) of shoot clumps in H. micranthemoides, and formation of shoots (51.5±4.95), nodes (20.0±2.83) and roots (45.5±13.4) in L. brasiliensis. Hardening of in vitro cultured plantlets was done in aquatic laboratory. All of the plants survived and transferred into aquarium. This study has provided beneficial information in further micropropagation protocol for the mass production of both aquarium plants.   Keywords: Aquarium plants, Hemianthus micranthemoides, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Micropropagatio

    Komunikasi strategik dan peranannya untuk mewujudkan komunikasi berkesan dalam organisasi

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    Kertas konsep ini membincangkan kepentingan komunikasi strategik dalam organisasi. Komunikasi strategik merupakan komunikasi berencana, terancang dan digunakan untuk mencapai matlamat organisasi. Komunikasi perlu dilihat sebagai suatu yang konstitutif, berlandaskan perancangan yang teliti, pelaksanaan yang berhati-hati serta penilaian yang berterusan. Dalam konteks kertas ini, sorotan literatur telah dibuat dan disintesiskan mengikut tema tertentu. Antaranya ialah perbincangan tentang skop komunikasi strategik yang boleh dilihat dalam konteks pendekatan, model dan konsep. Skop yang dibincangkan adalah pelbagai iaitu daripada suatu yang bersifat umum hinggalah kepada suatu yang bersifat khusus. Tema seterusnya yang disoroti ialah peranan komunikasi strategik dalam organisasi. Peranannya yang paling banyak dibincangkan ialah untuk mencari solusi dalam isu komunikasi keorganisasian, diikuti meningkatkan morale pekerja dan mengurangkan konflik emosi, menguruskan reputasi sektor awam dengan berkesan dan mendorong kepada proses perubahan keorganisasian. Komunikasi strategik turut dilihat dari perspektif keberkesanan komunikasi dan impaknya kepada organisasi. Dalam konteks ini, kajian lepas banyak membincangkan tentang elemen yang terkandung dalam komunikasi strategik yang mendorong kepada pencapaian komunikasi berkesan. Antaranya ialah pola komunikasi yang digunakan iaitu baik berupa arah komunikasi, saluran komunikasi, kandungan komunikasi dan gaya komunikasi. Aspek lain yang dilihat ialah peranan kepimpinan, hubungan interpersonal, perancangan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian komunikasi

    Effect of high-pressure steam treatment on enzymatic saccharification of oil palm empty fruit bunches.

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    The effectiveness of high-pressure steam treatment (HPST) with various treatment temperatures (170, 190, 210, and 230 °C) on the enzymatic hydrolysis yield of oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) was successfully investigated. Analysis of the compositions of raw and treated OPEFB showed that significant changes occurred after the HPST was performed. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed that the treated OPEFB gave better results in removing the silica bodies as compared to the untreated OPEFB. This analysis was in agreement with FTIR results, which revealed a significant decrease in the content of hemicelluloses after HPST. During saccharification, the amount of sugar produced was higher for treated OPEFB than untreated OPEFB. Thus, the results suggest that HPST can be applied as an alternative treatment method for the alteration of OPEFB structure and to enhance of the digestibility of the biomass, therefore improving enzymatic hydrolysis