150 research outputs found


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    Komnas Perempuan memiliki tugas yang diatur berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 65 Tahun 2005 tentang Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan. Pada tahun 2020 terdapat 302.300 kasus, pada 2021 meningkat menjadi 459.094 kasus. Peningkat jumlah kasus tersebut menjadi latar belakang penulis dalam merumuskan masalah: Pertama, bagaimana implementasi tugas Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 65 Tahun 2005 tentang Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan? Kedua, bagaimana kendala yang dihadapi Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap perempuan dalam menjalankan tugas? Ketiga, bagaimana pandangan Islam tentang Implementasi Tugas Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian empiris melalui wawancara dan observasi. Analisis data mengunakan kualitatif yang diolah dalam bentuk kalimat yang dijabarkan dalam beberapa kategori. Adapun hasil dari pembahasan: Pertama, Komnas Perempuan belum maksimal pada tugas melakukan pemantauan, pencarian fakta dan pendokumentasian, melakukan kerja sama regional dan pendampingan perempuan korban kekerasan yang berada di sejumlah Kabupaten/Kota di seluruh Indonesia. Kedua, Komnas Perempuan dalam menjalankan tugasnya mengalami kendala: a. keterbatasan akses menangani perempuan korban kekerasan yang tersebar di berbagai Kab/kota di Indonesia; b. sumber daya manusia yang belum cukup; c. anggaran yang tidak sebanding dengan lembaga HAM lainnya; dan d. lemahnya dasar hukum berdirinya Komnas Perempuan. Ketiga, Islam turut mendukung tugas Komnas Perempuan yang telah menerapkan prinsip Islam, dalil Maqasid Syariah, Komnas Perempuan melindungi jiwa dan melindungi keturunan bagi Perempuan Korban Kekerasan. Adapun yang menjadi saran dalam penulisan skripsi ini: Pertama, Komnas Perempuan diharapkan dapat lebih maksimal terkait pendampingan korban yang berada di sejumlah Kab/Kota. Kedua, diperkuatnya dasar hukum Komnas Perempuan menjadi Undang-Undang. Ketiga, dibentuknya perwakilan Komnas Perempuan di tingkat Provinsi. Keempat, peningkatan sumber daya manusia sejumlah 191 Badan Pekerja. Kelima, peningkatan anggaran untuk pendampingan para korba

    Systematic review on multilevel analysis of radiation effects on bone microarchitecture.

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    This is the final version. Available from Hindawi via the DOI in this record. Data Availability: The data supporting this systematic review are from previously reported studies and datasets, which have been cited.Introduction: Modern radiation therapy has become an effective method to treat and monitor tumour growth in cancer patients. It has proved to be a successful way to minimise mortality rates. However, the adverse effects of radiation have been historical evidence in the clinical environment involving diminishing the quality and density of bone and causing fragility fracture to the bone in the long run. This systematic review was aimed at identifying and evaluating the effects of irradiation on morphology and mechanical properties of murine model bone in previous publications. Methods: A systematic literature review was undertaken following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systemic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. A comprehensive literature search was performed using Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct databases (English only studies published between 2015 and 2020). The selected studies were evaluated according to three criteria: (1) criteria for study sample selection; (2) criteria for methodological procedures; and (3) criteria for detection and evaluation. Results: The initial search strategy identified 1408 related studies, 8 of were included based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. This review revealed an association between bone destruction and the magnitude of time and dose postirradiation. We agreed that the effect of radiation on bone morphology and strength primarily is a later stage event but noticeable in both low (1 Gy) and high dose (30 Gy) radiation. Trabecular and cortical bone microstructures were significantly altered at irradiation and contralateral sites. Besides, the mechanical strength was significantly impacted in both shorter and longer periods. Conclusion: Overall, the radiotherapy altered bone microstructures and substantially decreases bone mechanical properties. The alteration was related to quantity and the activity of the osteoblast and osteoclast. Early detection of those most at risk for radiation-induced bone alterations could lead to better prophylactic intervention decisions.Ministry of Education, Malaysia, and UiTMGeran Penyelidikan Kha

    Prevalence of head lice and hygiene practices among women over twelve years of age in Sindh, Balochistan, and North West Frontier Province: National Health Survey of Pakistan, 1990-1994

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    Background: Head lice infestation is an infection of the scalp and skin which causes blood loss, discomfort, and social and psychological distress with the possibility of secondary bacterial infections occurring at scratch sites. In Pakistan, although some small scale studies have been conducted to investigate prevalence of head lice in school children and the general population, no population based estimates have been reported. The National Health Survey of Pakistan (NHSP 1990 - 94) was a nationally representative health examination survey of the Pakistani population. The NHSP is the first population based household survey to collect data on the prevalence of head lice in adult women in Pakistan. In this paper we use data from the NHSP to present an epidemiological profile of personal hygiene practices and head lice infestation among women aged 12 years or older in three provinces of Pakistan, Balochistan, Sindh and North West Frontier Province (NWFP). Results: Overall about 7% women aged 12 years and older suffered from head lice infestation. Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified factors independently associated with presence of head lice. Age less than 16 years and crowding at home were associated with higher infestation-rates. The impact of household socio-economic status on infestation rates among women was different in urban and rural settings, urban women with low socio-economic status were more vulnerable than similar women in rural settings. Bathing infrequently in summer was associated with higher prevalence rates only in Sindh, possibly due to the fact that among the three provinces Sindh has a hotter and more humid summer. Conclusions: The results of our analysis of NHSP indicate high levels of head lice infestation among girls and women in the three Provinces. The epidemiological profile of hygienic practices of women indicated that NWFP and Balochistan as compared to Sindh, and rural as compared to urban areas were less developed with respect to access to water supply and soap for maintaining personal hygiene. Simple and cost-effective measures such as provision of water and soap, and improving awareness regarding maintaining personal hygiene can contribute significantly towards improving public health status of the women in Pakistan

    A systematic review of the evidence for single stage and two stage revision of infected knee replacement

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    BACKGROUND: Periprosthetic infection about the knee is a devastating complication that may affect between 1% and 5% of knee replacement. With over 79 000 knee replacements being implanted each year in the UK, periprosthetic infection (PJI) is set to become an important burden of disease and cost to the healthcare economy. One of the important controversies in treatment of PJI is whether a single stage revision operation is superior to a two-stage procedure. This study sought to systematically evaluate the published evidence to determine which technique had lowest reinfection rates. METHODS: A systematic review of the literature was undertaken using the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases with the aim to identify existing studies that present the outcomes of each surgical technique. Reinfection rate was the primary outcome measure. Studies of specific subsets of patients such as resistant organisms were excluded. RESULTS: 63 studies were identified that met the inclusion criteria. The majority of which (58) were reports of two-stage revision. Reinfection rated varied between 0% and 41% in two-stage studies, and 0% and 11% in single stage studies. No clinical trials were identified and the majority of studies were observational studies. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence for both one-stage and two-stage revision is largely of low quality. The evidence basis for two-stage revision is significantly larger, and further work into direct comparison between the two techniques should be undertaken as a priority

    Prevalence and determinants of asthma in adult male leather tannery workers in Karachi, Pakistan: A cross sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence and to identify some risk factors of adult asthma in male leather tannery workers in Karachi, Pakistan. METHODS: A cross sectional study was conducted from August 2003 to March 2004 on leather tannery workers of Karachi, Pakistan. Data were collected from 641 workers engaged in 95 different tanneries in Korangi industrial area selected as sample of convenience. Face to face interviews were performed using a structured pre-tested questionnaire by trained data collectors. RESULTS: Prevalence of adult asthma was 10.8% (69/641) in this study population. The prevalence of perceived work-related asthma was 5.3% (34/641). Multivariable logistic regression model showed that after taking into account the age effect, the leather tannery worker were more likely to be asthmatic, if they were illiterate (adjusted OR = 2.13, 95% CI: 1.17–3.88), of Pathan ethnicity (adjusted OR = 2.69; 95% CI: 1.35–5.36), ever-smoked (adjusted OR = 2.22, 95% CI: 1.16–4.26), reportedly never used gloves during different tanning tasks (OR = 3.28; 95% CI : 1.72–6.26). Also, the final model showed a significant interaction between perceived allergy and duration of work. Those who perceived to have allergy were more likely to have asthma if their duration of work was 8 years (adjusted OR = 2.26; 95% CI: 1.19 – 4.29) and this relationship was even stronger if duration was 13 years (adjusted OR = 3.67; 95% CI: 1.98–6.79). CONCLUSION: Prevalence of asthma in leather tannery workers appears to be high and is associated with educational status, ethnicity, smoking, glove use, perceived to have allergy and duration of work

    Measures, Gaps, and Mitigation Strategies in Bangladesh’s COVID-19 Response

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    AbstractThe Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread rapidly from China to most other countries around the world in early 2020 killing millions of people. To prevent virus spread, world governments implemented a variety of response measures. This paper’s objectives were to discuss the country’s adopted measures to combat the virus through June 2020, identify gaps in the measures’ effectiveness, and offer possible mitigations to those gaps. The measures taken included screening device deployment across international air and land ports, flight suspensions and closures from COVID-19 affected countries, and declaration and extension of a national public holiday (equivalent to lockdowns in other countries). Identified gaps were test kit, PPE, ICU beds, and ventilator shortages, limited public awareness, and insufficient coordination and collaboration among national and international partners. Proper and timely risk mapping, preparedness, communication, coordination, and collaboration among governments and organizations, and public awareness and engagement would have provided sufficient COVID-19 mitigation in Bangladesh. </jats:p

    Microfabricated Physical Spatial Gradients for Investigating Cell Migration and Invasion Dynamics

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    We devise a novel assay that introduces micro-architectures into highly confining microchannels to probe the decision making processes of migrating cells. The conditions are meant to mimic the tight spaces in the physiological environment that cancer cells encounter during metastasis within the matrix dense stroma and during intravasation and extravasation through the vascular wall. In this study we use the assay to investigate the relative probabilities of a cell 1) permeating and 2) repolarizing (turning around) when it migrates into a spatially confining region. We observe the existence of both states even within a single cell line, indicating phenotypic heterogeneity in cell migration invasiveness and persistence. We also show that varying the spatial gradient of the taper can induce behavioral changes in cells, and different cell types respond differently to spatial changes. Particularly, for bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs), higher spatial gradients induce more cells to permeate (60%) than lower gradients (12%). Furthermore, highly metastatic breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) demonstrate a more invasive and permeative nature (87%) than non-metastatic breast epithelial cells (MCF-10A) (25%). We examine the migration dynamics of cells in the tapered region and derive characteristic constants that quantify this transition process. Our data indicate that cell response to physical spatial gradients is both cell-type specific and heterogeneous within a cell population, analogous to the behaviors reported to occur during tumor progression. Incorporation of micro-architectures in confined channels enables the probing of migration behaviors specific to defined geometries that mimic in vivo microenvironments


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    After a gastroenteritis outbreak of unknown etiology in the municipality ofSebastião da Grama, SãoPaulo, Brazil, we conducted a parasitological survey to establish the epidemiological profile of enteroparasitosis in children and staff members attending the public urban schools in operation in town. The cross-sectional study evaluated 172 children aged 11 months to 6 years old and 33 staff members aged 19 to 58 years old. Overall, 96 (55.81%) children and 20 (60.61%) staff members were mono-parasitized, while 58 (33.72%) children and 4 (12.12%) workers were poly-parasitized. Protozoa (88.37%; 72.73%) was more prevalent than helminthes (3.48%; 0%) in children and staff members respectively.Blastocystis spp. was the most prevalent parasite in children (86.63%) and staff members (66.67%). The age of 1 year old or less was found to be associated with increased prevalence of giardiasis [OR = 13.04; 95%CI 2.89-58.91; p = 0.00] and public garbage collection was identified as a protective factor against intestinal helminth infections [OR = 0.06; 95%CI 0.00-0.79; p = 0.03]. Although most of the children tested positive for Blastocystis spp. and also presented clinical signs/symptoms (62.2%), this association was not statistically significant [OR = 1.35; 95%CI 0.53-3.44; p = 0.51]. Intestinal parasites still represent a public health concern and this study underscores the importance of further investigations to better understand the pathogenic role ofBlastocystis spp
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