411 research outputs found
The Death Penalty in Contemporary Egypt: States, Murderers, and State Murderers
This thesis is an ethnography of the encounters between figures of the state and some death row detainees and their family members. The project explores what it means to be sentenced to death and executed in contemporary death row cases, what fantasies encounters with the ‘state’ imply or satisfy, and how time unfolds throughout the murder. As such, in exploring the genealogy and bureaucratization of murder, this ethnography problematizes the official discourses of abstraction, efficacy, and sanitization around the penalty. Instead, it focuses on the everydayness of the penalty within the legal and penal systems, and draws heavily on the details and nuances of encounters with state personnel in courtrooms, prisons, and morgues. In doing so, I ask who kills the bodies? How do they become killable? When do they (not) die? Whose are they? Where do they go? Starting with the body, and the networks in and through which the body moves, the project nevertheless expands on possibilities of presence despite the absence of the physical body, thereby pointing to the intricacies of and between life/death, human/nonhuman, and memory/future
The extent to which the Social Security Institution in Jordan adheres to the requirements of International Accounting Standard No (19) for employee benefits
This study aimed to identify the extent to which the Social Security Institution in Jordan adheres to the requirements of International Accounting Standard No (19) related to employee benefits. The study population included the Social Security Institution in Jordan. As for the sample, it consisted of (78) respondents from financial managers, department heads and their deputies, and accountants working in the financial and accounting departments in the institution. The study found that the institution adheres to the requirements of International Accounting Standard No (19) for short-term and long- term employee benefits, and is also committed to post-service employee benefits and end- of-service benefits. It turned out that the level of this commitment was at a high level. The study recommended the provision of optional and mandatory burdens to the beneficiary within the framework of individual institutions, and the provision of salaries and wages in exchange for performing the service with the associated social and tax burdens
An Empirical Study Towards an Automatic Phishing Attack Detection Using Ensemble Stacking Model
Phishing attacks have become one of the most attacks facing internet users, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, as most organizations have transferred part or most of their work and communication to become online using well-known tools, like email, Zoom, WebEx, etc. Therefore, cyber phishing attacks have become progressively recent, directly and frankly reflecting the designated website, allowing the attacker to observe everything while the victim is exploring Webpages. Hence, utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques has become a necessary approach that could be used to detect such attacks automatically. In this paper, we introduce an empirical analysis for automatic phishing detection using several well-known machine learning classification algorithms compared with an ensemble learning model for detecting phishing sites based on the uniform resource locator (URL) using two preprocessed datasets. In this empirical study, we concluded that the ensemble model grants accuracy 97.49% for dataset 1 and 98.69% for dataset 2, which gives higher accuracy than using a single machine learning classification algorithm such as Naive Bayes (NB), Decision Trees (DTs), Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA). We also compared the proposed ensemble model with one of the most recent similar model
Managing Online Buying and Selling Products for UUM Students
University Utara Malaysia (UUM) has more than 28 thousand local students and more than two thousand international students. After conducting interviews with some of UUM students, the researcher found that the majority of them have had a lot of difficulties during their staying in this region; one of those difficulties is to find primary products. Each student especially international students, need to buy basic needs during the early days in UUM within short time. On other side, they need to sell them again in certain time when they finish their studying. This project aims to develop a system for managing selling and buying products or belongings which could be used to assist students in UUM to advertise their products and in an appropriate and quick way. This research will evaluate the acceptance of the proposed system
An Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering with Various Distance Measurements for Ground Level Ozone Clustering in Putrajaya, Malaysia
Ground level ozone is one of the common pollution issues that has a negative influence on human health. The key characteristic behind ozone level analysis lies on the complex representation of such data which can be shown by time series. Clustering is one of the common techniques that have been used for time series metrological and environmental data. The way that clustering technique groups the similar sequences relies on a distance or similarity criteria. Several distance measures have been integrated with various types of clustering techniques. However, identifying an appropriate distance measure for a particular field is a challenging task. Since the hierarchical clustering has been considered as the state of the art for metrological and climate change data, this paper proposes an agglomerative hierarchical clustering for ozone level analysis in Putrajaya, Malaysia using three distance measures i.e. Euclidean, Minkowski and Dynamic Time Warping. Results shows that Dynamic Time Warping has outperformed the other two distance measures
Development of temperature-responsive and photo-reactive polymers for biomedical applications
東京都立大学Tokyo Metropolitan University博士(理学)doctoral thesi
Säkularer Trend und Bewegungsleistungsergebnisse bei ungarischen Schülern
Secular changes in growth and development are ways of observing the socioeconomic conditions of populations as well as their state of health.
The series of height and body mass arithmetic means for Budapest children shows a significant trend towards increasing (Bodzsár, 1998). The increase of mean stature and body mass has been larger in boys and young adult males during the past 20-30 years (Eiben, Barabás & Pantó, 1991; Mészáros, Szmodis, Mohácsi & Frenkl, 1981). Unfortunately, no published data are available about the changes in motor performance either in Hungary or in Europe. The aim of the present investigation was to compare the height, body mass, relative body fat content and two motor test scores (30m dash and 1,200m run) in the samples of Budapest children aged between 10 and 13 years, investigated in 1975 (n = 739) and 2000 (n = 660). As one of the consequences of the secular growth trend boys were significantly taller and heavier in the year 2000 than 25 years ago in all the four studied age groups. Unfortunately, their mean relative body fat content was also larger. No significant differences were found between the means of the 30m dash time. Nevertheless, their average running time in the endurance test was statistically longer in the year 2000. The possible explanations of the observed unfavourable tendencies can be: the decrements in prestige of general, non-competitive training, like regular physical activity, the decrease in the number of classes with an extra PE curriculum, as well as in the number of sport schools and youth sections within the sport clubs. All of these opportunities for organized physical activity of the young have diminished during the past decades. Physical activity has become a profitable business. However, the majority of families cannot and do not want to pay for their children’s regular physical activity.Uvod
U auksologiji(znanosti o rastu) termin sekularni trend (skokovite promjene) općenito se upotrebljava za označivanje pozitivnih promjena koje se manifestiraju kao ubrzani rast, ranije dozrijevanje djece, veća tjelesna visina odraslih i slično (Susanne & Bodzsár, 1998). Istina, opisane su i negativne tendencije, osobito za duža razdoblja u kojima su uvjeti života postali znatno lošiji nego prije. Sukladno tome sekularne, skokovite promjene tijekom rasta i razvoja jesu jedan od načina na koji se manifestiraju socio-ekonomski uvjeti života populacije, ali i njen zdravstveni status. U europskim zemljama sekularni trend je uočljiviji u nižim društvenim klasama negoli u višima (Vercauteren & Slachmuylder, 1993). Podaci o prosječnim vrijednostima tjelesne visine i tjelesne mase budimpeštanske mladeži za razdoblje od 1930. do 1990. godine, pokazuje znatan trend porasta (Bodzsár, 1998). Znatnije povećanje tjelesne visine i tjelesne mase zabilježeno je među dječacima i mladim muškarcima posljednjih 20-30 godina (Eiben i sur., 1991; Mészáros i sur., 1993). U svezi s konstitucijskim tipom i tjelesnom kompozicijom dvije napomene mogle bi biti zanimljive. Eiben (1995) je opisao sve izraženiji porast endomorfnosti u somatotipiji tijekom promatranog razdoblja od trideset godina. Mohácsi i suradnici (1994) istražili su tipove rasta prema Conradu (1963) na podacima o budimpeštanskoj mladeži iz 1975 i 1991. Primijetili su da je prosječan tip rasta bio linearniji 1991. godine. Nažalost, ni u Europi ni u Mabarskoj nema istraživanja o promjenama motoričkih sposobnosti. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio usporediti podatke o tjelesnoj visini, tjelesnoj masi, relativnoj količini masnoga tkiva i rezultate koje je u dva motorička testa postigao uzorak budimpeštanske djece u dobi od 10-13 godina 1975. i 2000. godine. Bez sumnje se očekivala potvrda o povećanju visine i težine, a pretpostavljene su veća količina masnoga tkiva te slabija prosječna izdržljivost i lošiji rezultati u brzinskom testu za uzorak iz 2000. godine.
Materijal i metode
Dječaci - ispitanici (165 – 191 dječak u svakoj dobnoj skupini) bili su dobrovoljci iz istih dijelova glavnoga grada u oba istraživanja. Nitko se nije bavio sportom, a pohađali su redovitu nastavu tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture (2-3 sata nastave tjedno; sat po 45 minuta). Iz uzorka su isključeni dječaci koji su sudjelovali u programu tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture za djecu s posebnim potrebama. Dobne skupine oblikovane su prema uputama Međunarodnog biološkog programa (International Biological Program - IBP, Weiner & Lourie, 1969). Prema propisima IBP-a izmjereni su tjelesna visina, tjelesna masa i debljina kožnih nabora. S obzirom na iznimno važan odnos između tjelesne visine i težine, izračunata je i relativna tjelesna masa (relativna tjelesna masa = tjelesna masa x 0.01 visina-1). Količina masnoga tkiva izražena je kao postotak ukupne tjelesne mase, a prema tablicama koje je dala Parizková (1961). Kardiopulmonalna izdržljivost i brzina procijenjene su testovima trčanja 1200m (izdržljivost) i sprintom na 30m (brzina). Testovi su se provodili prema atletskim pravilima. Test brzine izvodio se tri puta, a u obzir je za statističku analizu uzet najbolji rezultat.
Razlike među pojedinim aritmetičkim sredinama provjerene su t-testom na razini slučajne pogreške od 5%.
Rezultati i rasprava
Dječaci predpubertetske dobi iz 2000. godine znatno su viši od svojih vršnjaka od prije 25 godina u sve četiri dobne skupine, ali se standardne devijacije nisu znatnije promijenile tijekom promatranog razdoblja. Ispitanici iz 2000. godine su i znatno teži od svojih vršnjaka iz 1975. godine. Djelomično se povećanje tjelesne mase može pripisati povećanju visine, ali statistički značajne razlike između aritmetičkih sredina relativnih tjelesnih težina upućuju na to da su dječaci iz 2000. godine teži od svojih vršnjaka i relativno i apsolutno. Prosječne tjelesna visina i masa bile su 1975. godine vrlo blizu referentnim podacima za Budimpeštu (Eiben i sur., 1992), dok je uzorak iz 2000. godine bio nešto viši i teži od prosjeka karakterističnih za početak posljednjeg desetljeća 20. stoljeća (Eiben i sur., 1992). Prosječna visina i veća tjelesna težina mogu se povezati s učincima sekularnih, skokovitih promjena rasta, no povećanje relativne količine masnoga tkiva posljedica je promijenjenoga načina življenja. Količina masnoga tkiva, povezana s tjelesnom masom, bila je statistički značajno i konzistentno veća u drugom istraživanju. Standardne devijacije prosjeka masnoga tkiva bile su u oba istraživanja izrazito velike (kretale su se u rasponu od 25-33%). Zabilježena povećana masnoća (debljina) poklapa se s promatranjima Eibena (1985) koji je istraživao populaciju iz Körmenda (jugozapadna Ma- barska).
Valja ovdje naglasiti da se u oba istraživanja zabilježen sadržaj masnoga tkiva koji prelazi 18 – 20 % tjelesne mase dječaka u dobi od 10- 13 godina može označiti kao visok, nepoželjan i rizičan za zdravlje. Ova umjerena pretilost uglavnom je posljedica sedentarnog načina življenja. Neka ranija istraživanja zabilježila su 14- 15% masnoga tkiva u normalno treniranoj mladeži (ali ne onih koji se bave natjecateljskim sportom) iste dobi (Mészáros i sur., 1991). Nisu zabilježene konzistentne razlike u aritmetičkim sredinama rezultata brzinskih testova postignutih u oba istraživanja (sprint 30m), premda su numeričke vrijednosti bile nešto veće u drugom istraživanju. Prema našemu mišljenju, rezultati nesportaša u eksplozivnim aktivnostima određeni su najviše faktorom nasljeđa. A nije realno očekivati da se tijekom 25 godina dogode znatnije promjene genetičke podloge (u zdravim skupinama populacije).
Aerobna funkcionalna sposobnost (fitnes) procijenjena je trčanjem na 1 200m. U svim dobnim skupinama drugog istraživanja dobiveni su značajno slabiji rezultati u aerobnoj aktivnosti. Nepromijenjena brzina i znatno snižena aerobna funkcionalna sposobnost uzorka iz 2000. godine, a u odnosu na uzorak iz 1975. godine, u najmanju ruku izaziva čuđenje. Prema statistički značajnim negativnim relacijama između tjelesne visine, tjelesne mase, rezultata sprinta na 30m i trcanja na 1 200m (Mészáros i sur., 1985) očekivali bi se puno bolji rezultati u motoričkim testovima.
Prosječni stas i tjelesna masa budimpeštanske mladeži upućuju na to da su dječaci viši i teži od svojih vršnjaka od prije 25 godina. Te razlike u skladu su s opisanim tendencijama sekularnog rasta (Bodzsár, 1998; Susanne & Bodzsár, 1998). Međutim, zabilježeno povećanje relativne količine masnoga tkiva ne može se ocijeniti poželjnom karakteristikom toga trenda. Na temelju povećane količine masnoga tkiva i slabijih rezultata u aerobnom testu izdržljivosti teško je prognozirati zadovoljavajući zdravstveni status iduće generacije. Navest ćemo neke moguće razloge i objašnjenja za primijećene nepoželjne tendencije. Dok mađarski vrhunski sportaši postižu zavidne uspjehe na nacionalnom i internacionalnom planu, što se i u Mađarskoj smatra visokom vrijednošću, ugled općeg, ne-natjecateljskog vježbanja, poput redovite, svakodnevne fizičke aktivnost, jako je opao tijekom proteklih desetljeća. Omjer mladih sportaša u populaciji opao je s 20-25% na 7-8%. Razredni odjeli s pojačanim sportskim programom danas su rijetkost, a prije 25 godina bilo ih je čak 30% u sus- tavu mabarskog školstva. Usporedo s kontinuiranim opadanjem životnog standarda u razdoblju 1980.-1995., broj sportskih škola i mlabih selekcija u sportskim klubovima dramatično se smanjio. Nasuprot tome, pružanje usluga fizicke aktivnosti postao je unosan posao. No, većina obitelji ne može i ne želi plaćati za redovitu tjelesnu aktivnost svoje djece. Neujednačena zastupljenost sati tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u programu os- novne škole ne može kompenzirati nedostatak biološki nužnog fizičkog podražaja.Säkulare Veränderungen im Wachstum und in der Entwicklung sind die Wege, wie man sowohl die sozio-ökonomische Bedingungen als auch den Gesundheitszustand von Grundgesamtheiten beobachten kann. Die Serie von arithmetischen Mitteln der Höhe und Hörpermasse für die Hinder aus Budapest zeigt einen Steigerungstrend (Bodzsár, 1998). Die Steigerung von durchschnittlicher Statur und Hörpermasse ist größer bei Jungen und jungen erwachsenen Männern in den letzten 20 – 30 Jahen (Eiben et al., 1991; Mészáros et al., 1981). Leider stehen uns keine veröffentlichten Daten zur Verfügung über die Veränderungen in der Bewegungsleistung entweder in Ungarn oder in Europa. Das Ziel dieser Forschung war, Höhe, Hörpermasse, relatives Hörperfett und Resultate von zwei Bewegungsleistungstests (30-Meter-Sprint und 1200- Meter-Lauf) zu vergleichen. Als Stichprobe galten 10 – 13jährige Hinder aus Budapest, die im Jahre 1975 (n = 739) und 2000 (n = 660) getestet wurden. Eine der Folgen von säkularem Wachstumstrend war, dass die Jungen aus allen vier analysierten Altersgruppen im Jahre 2000 höher und schwieriger waren als vor 25 Jahren. Leider, ihr relatives Hörperfett war auch größer. Heine bedeutenden Unterschiede zwischen den Mittelwerten der Laufzeit im 30-Meter-Sprint wurden gefunden. Die durchschnittliche Laufzeit im Ausdauertest war jedoch statistisch länger im Jahre 2000. Die möglichen Deutungen von diesen negativen Trends können Folgende sein: das Zurückgehen im Prestige des allgemeinen Trainings, dem es am Wettbewerbsgeist fehlt, die Verringerung von regelmäßiger sportlicher Betätigung, die Reduzierung sowohl von der Anzahl der Sportunterrichtsstunden in der Schule als auch von Sportschulen und Gruppen für die Jugendlichen in Sportklubs. Alle diese Möglichkeiten, Sportaktivitäten für die jungen Menschen zu organisieren, verringerten sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten. Sportliche Betätigung wurde zum profit-bringenden Geschäft. Die meisten Familien können nicht und wollen nicht für die regelmäßige sportliche Betätigung ihrer Hinder bezahlen
Perceptual model-based information hiding in audio signals
Audio data hiding is the process of embedding information into an audio signal so that the embedded information is inseparable from
it and imperceptible to the listener. Information hiding is a multi- disciplinary area that combines signal processing with cryptography,
communication theory, coding theory, information theory and the theory of human auditory and visual systems where information is
hided within a host signal. A data hiding system should be robust, meaning that the embedded data could be decoded from the
combined signal, even if it is distorted or attacked. This paper examines information hiding in speech signals. A perceptual modelbased
information hiding in speech signal is developed
Hand gesture spotting and recognition using HMMs and CRFs in color image sequences
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Diss., 2010von Mahmoud Othman Selim Mahmoud Elmezai
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