7 research outputs found

    Linear Parameter Varying Power Regulation of Variable Speed Pitch Manipulated Wind Turbine in the Full Load Regime

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    In a wind energy conversion system (WECS), changing the pitch angle of the wind turbine blades is a typical practice to regulate the electrical power generation in the full-load regime. Due to the turbulent nature of the wind and the large variations of the mean wind speed during the day, the rotary elements of the WECS are subjected to significant mechanical stresses and fatigue, resulting in conceivably mechanical failures and higher maintenance costs. Consequently, it is imperative to design a control system capable of handling continuous wind changes. In this work, Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) H_inf controller is used to cope with wind variations and turbulent winds with a turbulence intensity greater than 10%. The proposed controller is designed to regulate the rotational rotor speed and generator torque, thus, regulating the output power via pitch angle manipulations. In addition, a PI-Fuzzy control system is designed to be compared with the proposed control system. The closed-loop simulations of both controllers established the robustness and stability of the suggested LPV controller under large wind velocity variations, with minute power fluctuations compared to the PI-Fuzzy controller. The results show that in the presence of turbulent wind speed variations, the proposed LPV controller achieves improved transient and steady-state performance along with reduced mechanical loads in the above-rated wind speed region.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Improving the accuracy of the active power load sharing in paralleled generators in the presence of drive motors shaft speed instability

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    Improving the accuracy of the active power load sharing in paralleled generators in the presence of drive motors shaft speed instability / Abdullah M. Eial Awwad, Mahmoud M. S. Al-Suod, Alaa M. Al-Quteimat, O. O. Ushkarenko, Atia AlHawamleh // International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications. – 2021. – Vol. 67. – P. 371–377.The paper suggests an improved method of active power distribution among the gas-diesel generators operating in parallel; the method involves the control of torque and the angular positions of their rotors. The use of the suggested approach to the solution of the active power distribution task in the presence of instability of drive motor speed provides the increase of autonomous power system operation efficacy and rising the power unit’s performance. The authors analyzed the causes of generation of low-frequency fluctuations of generator drive engine speed; in autonomous electric power systems, gas diesel generators are increasingly used as such generator drive engines. It is suggested to use the developed method and structure of the optical device for control of rotation period and the measurement of the generator rotor angle position characterized with high accuracy, as the sensor. The authors developed a schematic diagram of active power distribution among the generators operating in parallel, which uses the cross feedback for gas-powered diesel engine shafts momentum and the generator rotor angle position. They obtained experimental results confirming the efficiency of the suggested active power distribution method and its practical implementation

    Розробка апаратно-програмних засобів для вимірювання та моніторингу коефіцієнту несиметрії трифазної системи напруг

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    Hardware and software for measuring and monitoring the unbalance factor of the three-phase voltage system is developed. The shortcomings of the existing technical and software solutions for calculating the unbalance factor, as well as problems of applying the methods used for analog control systems to digital systems are described. The block diagram of the microprocessor system for measuring the voltage unbalance factor in the ship three-phase network with the effective values of phase voltages is used. The analysis of the analytical expressions to calculate the unbalance factor allowed minimizing the utilization of system hardware necessary for the formation of all necessary signals. The optimized structure of the digital filter to calculate the effective value of the deterministic periodic signal at the optimum speed of a discrete system is proposed. An increase in the sampling rate in the optimized filter structure does not lead to an increase in the number of arithmetic operations of addition and multiplication, which is an advantage of the proposed system in comparison with similar ones. This allows monitoring of instantaneous changes in the unbalance factor of three-phase voltage and enables the system to operate in real time. The developed hardware and software can be integrated into the automated control system of the power plant and used in voltage control systems, as well as for the timely detection of voltage unbalance to protect equipment and prevent violation of normal operation.Разработан аппаратно-программный комплекс измерения и мониторинга коэффициента несимметрии трехфазной системы напряжений. Предложена структурная схема микропроцессорной системы измерения коэффициента несимметрии напряжения в судовой трехфазной сети, в которой используются действующие значения фазных напряжений. Предложена оптимизированная структура цифрового фильтра для расчета действующего значения детерминированного периодического сигнала при оптимальном быстродействии дискретной системыРозроблено апаратно-програмний комплекс вимірювання і моніторингу коефіцієнту несиметрії трифазної системи напруг. Запропоновано структурну схему мікропроцесорної системи вимірювання коефіцієнту несиметрії напруги в судновій трифазній мережі, в якій використовуються діючі значення фазних напруг. Запропоновано оптимізовану структуру цифрового фільтру для розрахунку діючого значення детермінованого періодичного сигналу при оптимальній швидкодії дискретної систем

    Розробка апаратно-програмних засобів для вимірювання та моніторингу коефіцієнту несиметрії трифазної системи напруг

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    Hardware and software for measuring and monitoring the unbalance factor of the three-phase voltage system is developed. The shortcomings of the existing technical and software solutions for calculating the unbalance factor, as well as problems of applying the methods used for analog control systems to digital systems are described. The block diagram of the microprocessor system for measuring the voltage unbalance factor in the ship three-phase network with the effective values of phase voltages is used. The analysis of the analytical expressions to calculate the unbalance factor allowed minimizing the utilization of system hardware necessary for the formation of all necessary signals. The optimized structure of the digital filter to calculate the effective value of the deterministic periodic signal at the optimum speed of a discrete system is proposed. An increase in the sampling rate in the optimized filter structure does not lead to an increase in the number of arithmetic operations of addition and multiplication, which is an advantage of the proposed system in comparison with similar ones. This allows monitoring of instantaneous changes in the unbalance factor of three-phase voltage and enables the system to operate in real time. The developed hardware and software can be integrated into the automated control system of the power plant and used in voltage control systems, as well as for the timely detection of voltage unbalance to protect equipment and prevent violation of normal operation.Разработан аппаратно-программный комплекс измерения и мониторинга коэффициента несимметрии трехфазной системы напряжений. Предложена структурная схема микропроцессорной системы измерения коэффициента несимметрии напряжения в судовой трехфазной сети, в которой используются действующие значения фазных напряжений. Предложена оптимизированная структура цифрового фильтра для расчета действующего значения детерминированного периодического сигнала при оптимальном быстродействии дискретной системыРозроблено апаратно-програмний комплекс вимірювання і моніторингу коефіцієнту несиметрії трифазної системи напруг. Запропоновано структурну схему мікропроцесорної системи вимірювання коефіцієнту несиметрії напруги в судновій трифазній мережі, в якій використовуються діючі значення фазних напруг. Запропоновано оптимізовану структуру цифрового фільтру для розрахунку діючого значення детермінованого періодичного сигналу при оптимальній швидкодії дискретної систем

    Analysis of logical-dynamic conversion processes in arithmetic devices of digital control systems

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    Mahmoud, M. Al-Suod. Analysis of logical-dynamic conversion processes in arithmetic devices of digital control systems / M. Al-Suod Mahmoud, A. Ushkarenko, L. Petrenko // Eastern European Journal of enterprise technologies. – 2017. – Vol. 6, № 4 (90). – P. 28–34.Розроблено методику аналізу логіко-динамічних процесів перетворення аргументів в арифметичних пристроях цифрових систем управління. Описано недоліки і обмеження використовуваних формальних методів опису процесів в системах управління, запропонований графо-аналітичний метод опису процесів перетворення аргументів. Виконано аналіз логіко-динамічних процесів перетворення інформаційних аргументів на суматорах і помножувачах, які використовуються в цифрових системах керування

    Аналіз логіко-динамічних процесів перетворення аргументів в арифметичних пристроях цифрових систем керування

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    The procedure for analysis of logical-dynamic processes of argument conversion in arithmetic devices of digital control systems was developed. Disadvantages and limitations of the formal methods used to describe processes in control systems were described and a graph-analytical method for describing the processes of argument conversion was proposed. Analysis of the logical-dynamic processes of conversion of data arguments in adders and multipliers used in digital control systems was performed. Sign-positional notation makes it possible to significantly increase speed of adders and multipliers in digital control systems. In this case, a necessity of formation of scientifically substantiated analytical rules for conversion of logical arguments and functional structures through which they are implemented appears. The analytical description of the processes of conversion of information arguments in digital control systems allows one to form their mathematical models with increased technological and informational qualities as well as solve optimization problems. The summation process in arithmetic devices is realized in accordance with the logic of argument conversion of the ternary notation. The axioms of the ternary notation can serve as a theoretical basis of the process of summation of arguments implemented in the binary notation format. The proposed approach enables evaluation of speed of the performed arithmetic operations with the use of various digital codes and opens up the possibility of improving the methods and algorithms of data processing in digital control systemsРазработана методика анализа логико-динамических процессов преобразования аргументов в арифметических устройствах цифровых систем управления. Описаны недостатки и ограничения используемых формальных методов описания процессов в системах управления, предложен графо-аналитический метод описания процессов преобразования аргументов. Выполнен анализ логико-динамических процессов преобразования информационных аргументов в сумматорах и умножителях, которые используются в цифровых системах управленияРозроблено методику аналізу логіко-динамічних процесів перетворення аргументів в арифметичних пристроях цифрових систем управління. Описано недоліки і обмеження використовуваних формальних методів опису процесів в системах управління, запропонований графо-аналітичний метод опису процесів перетворення аргументів. Виконано аналіз логіко-динамічних процесів перетворення інформаційних аргументів на суматорах і помножувачах, які використовуються в цифрових системах керуванн

    Optimization of the Speed Controller in Gas Diesel Device Including in the Autonomous Electric Power System

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    Mahmoud, M. Al-Suod. Optimization of the Speed Controller in Gas Diesel Device Including in the Autonomous Electric Power System / M. S. Al-suod Mahmoud, M. Eial Awwad Abdullah, S. Al-arni Mohammad, M. Al-Quteimat Alaa, O. Ushkarenko // Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Ser. II. – 2019. – Vol. 14, іss. 4. – P. 42–48.Abstract: The work consists of the development of the clarified model of a gas-diesel device by taking into account its design features and the influence of the turbo-supercharger. The analysis of the influence of the turbine on the physical processes occurring in the gas-diesel device, on the basis of which positive feedback on the torque on the shaft of the gas-diesel device is introduced, has been carried out. The process of parametric optimization of the PID-controller of the gas-diesel device has been automated to ensure high performance of the control quality in dynamic modes of its operation. As a result of modeling, oscillograms(records produced by an oscillograph or oscilloscope.) of transients before and after optimization of the controller have been obtained