1,262 research outputs found

    Solvability of an Infinite System of Singular Integral Equations

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 45G15, 26A33, 32A55, 46E15.Schauder's fixed point theorem is used to establish an existence result for an infinite system of singular integral equations in the form: (1) xi(t) = ai(t)+ ∫t0 (t − s)− α (s, x1(s), x2(s), …) ds, where i = 1,2,…, α ∈ (0,1) and t ∈ I = [0,T]. The result obtained is applied to show the solvability of an infinite system of differential equation of fractional orders

    Effects of soil amendment treatments on growth, yield and fruit quality of selected banana (Musa AAA) cultivars

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           Banana cultivation in Sudan is restricted to the narrow strip of silt deposits along the banks of the Blue Nile and the River Nile. Hence, there is a need to expand banana cultivation in the high terrace, heavy clay soils. Banana performance in heavy clay soils is very poor, unless soil amendments are applied. Therefore, the objective of this research was to study the effects of soil amendment treatments on growth, yield and fruit quality of selected banana cultivars. The experiment was conducted in the Research Farm of the National Institute for the Promotion of Horticultural Exports, University of Gezira, during 2009-2011. Treatments consisted of three selected banana cultivars : Two introduced cultivars, namely, Grand Nain 1824 (GN) and William’s Hybrid 172 (WH) and the local cultivar Dwarf Cavendish (DC). Soil amendment treatments were : 1, 50% heavy clay (HC) + 50% loam (L); 2, 50% HC + 50% chicken manure (CM); 3, 50% HC + 25% L + 25% CM; 4, 33% HC + 33% L + 34% CM; 5, 100% HC (control). Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Results showed that the introduced cultivars GN and WH had more vigorous vegetative growth, higher yield components, total yield and better fruit quality than the local cultivar DC. Soil amendment treatments of 50% HC + 25% L + 25% CM and 33% HC + 33% L + 34% CM resulted in the most vigorous vegetative growth, the highest yield components and total yield and the best fruit quality, followed by 50% HC + 50% L and 50% HC +50%CM, whereas the least vegetative growth, the lowest yield components, total yield and the worst fruit quality were produced by bananas grown in 100% HC (control). In order to expand banana production for the local market and export, it is recommended to amend heavy clay soils with loams and chicken manure at 33% each and grow the introduced cultivars GN and WH.      تنحصر زراعة الموز في السودان على الشريط الضيق للتربة الغرينية على ضفاف النيل الأزرق ونهر النيل. هنالك حاجة ماسة للتوسع في زراعة الموز في السودان ولذلك لا بد من محاولة زراعته في الاراضي الطينية الثقيلة و التي لا تصلح لزراعة الموز إلا إذا تمت بعض المعالجات. لذلك فإن الهدف من هذا البحث هو دراسة تأثير بعض مستصلحات التربة على النمو ومكونات الإنتاج والإنتاج الكلي لثلاثة أصناف منتخبة من الموز في هذا النوع من الأراضي. أجريت التجربة في مزرعة بحوث المعهد القومي لتنمية الصادرات البستانية بجامعة الجزيرة خلال الفترة 2009-2011. اشتملت المعاملات على ثلاثة أصناف منتخبة من الموز: صنفان مستجلبان من خارج السودان وهما جراندنين 1824 (GN) وهجين وليامز172 (WH) بالإضافة إلى الصنف المحلي الكافندش القزم (DC). إشتملت مستصلحات التربة على: (1) 50% تربة طينية ثقيلة + 50% تربة غرينية ، (2) 50% تربة طينية + 50% ماروق دواجن ، (3) 50% تربة طينية + 25% تربة غرينية + 25% ماروق دواجن، (4) 33% تربة طينية + 33% تربة غرينية + 34% ماروق دواجن ، (5) 100% تربة طينية (شاهد). أستخدم تصميم القطع العشوائية الكاملة  بثلاثة مكررات . أظهرت النتائج أن الأصناف المستجلبة من الخارج GN وWH كانت أفضل في النمو الخضري وأعلى إنتاجية وأفضل جودة للثمار من الصنف المحلي DC. معاملات مستصلحات التربة 50% تربة طينية + 25% تربة غرينية + 25% ماروق دواجن و 33% تربة طينية و33% تربة غرينية و34% ماروق دواجن أعطت أفضل نمو خضري وأعلى إنتاجية وأفضل نوعية للثمار ، تليها المعاملات 50% تربة طينية + 50% تربة غرينية و50% تربة طينية + 50% ماروق دواجن. أما زراعة الموز في الأراضي الطينية الثقيلة بدون مستصلحات أدت  إلى أقل نمو خضري وأقل إنتاجية وأدنى نوعية للثمار. لذلك لكي يتم التوسع في زراعة الموز فى الاراضى الطينية الثقيلة للسوق المحلي والتصدير ، فإنه يوصى بإضافة  التربة الغرينية و ماروق الدواجن بنسبة 33% لكل منهما وزراعة الأصناف المستجلبة GN و WH. &nbsp

    Quality of life among asthmatic children in Zagazig University Hospitals

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    Background: Asthma is a heterogeneous disease, usually characterized by chronic airway inflammation. The Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (PAQLQ) is one of the most widely used instruments for measuring health-related QOL in children with asthma.Objective: to evaluate health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in children with bronchial asthma to identify the most important determinants adversely affecting their QOL.Patients and methods: This study was conducted on 72 asthmatic children over six months period. They were recruited from The Outpatient Clinic of Pediatrics Pulmonology Unit, Zagazig University Hospitals. All study patients were subjected to complete history taking, clinical examination, determination of level of asthma symptom control and filling PAQLQ.Results: About 58% of patients had partially controlled asthma and one quarter of them had well controlled asthma (Symptoms domain was the most affected domain ranged from 3 to 5.2 with mean 4.056). There was statistically significant relation between sex and physical, emotional and overall score of PQLQ. There was statistically significant relation between residence & social class and QOL scores. There was statistically significant relation between BMI and QOL scoresConclusion: Asthma significantly adversely affects the QOL of the affected children. Control of the main determinants of QOL scores might improve the QOL of these patients

    Effects of filtermud on growth and yield of three banana cultivars grown in Kenana Sugar Scheme area, central Sudan

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    ABSTRACT  Banana is an important fruit crop in the Sudan and its production is mainly confined to the alluvial deposits of rivers. Organic matter is known to improve soil physical and chemical characteristics and provide plant mineral nutrients. Therefore, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of filtermud levels on vegetative growth, yield components and total yield of the mother, first, second and third ratoon crops of three banana cultivars. Field experiments were conducted during December 2012 to November 2014 at Kenana Sugar Scheme area. Banana cultivars were the introduced banana clones Williams Hybrid and Grand Nain and the local cultivar Dwarf Cavendish. Levels of filtermud were 15% and 30% by volume. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Three months after planting, two plants from each plot were randomly selected, tagged and used for growth and yield measurements. Results showed significant differences among cultivars in vegetative growth, yield components and total yield. The introduced banana clones Williams Hybrid and Grand Nain had the most vigorous vegetative growth and the highest yield components and total yield compared to that of the local cultivar Dwarf Cavendish. However, Dwarf Cavendish was earlier than the introduced clones. Application of filtermud at both rates resulted in a significant increase in all vegetative growth parameters and in the earliness of banana crop. Filtermud also produced a significant increase in all yield components and total yield compared to the untreated control. It is recommended to grow the introduced cultivars Williams Hybrid and Grand Nain and apply filtermud at the rate of 15% by volume in heavy clay soils

    New methodology to detect the effects of emotions on different biometrics in real time

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    Recently, some problems have appeared among medical workers during the diagnosis of some diseases due to human errors or the lack of sufficient information for the diagnosis. In medical diagnosis, doctors always resort to separating human emotions and their impact on vital parameters. In this paper, a methodology is presented to measure vital parameters more accurately while studying the effect of different human emotions on vital signs. Two designs were implemented based on the microcontroller and National Instruments (NI) myRIO. Measurements of four different vital parameters are measured and recorded in real time. At the same time, the effects of different emotions on those vital parameters are recorded and stored for use in analysis and early diagnosis. The results proved that the proposed methodology can contribute to the prediction and diagnosis of the initial symptoms of some diseases such as the seventh nerve and Parkinson’s disease. The two proposed designs are compared with the reference device (beurer) results. The design using NI myRIO achieved more accurate results and a response time of 1.4 seconds for real-time measurements compared to its counterpart based on microcontrollers, which qualifies it to work in intensive care units

    Designing and Implementing of Electronic Health Record System in Ksa using Sql & Asp.Net

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    Electronic health record (EHR) rapid progress for reporting electronic data storage that employs uniform data standards will enable health care organizations to respond more quickly to federal state, and private reporting requirements, including those that support patient safety and disease surveillance. An examination of many hospitals that recently implemented in King Saudi Arabia (KSA). A little of electronic health record (EHR) system finds that clinical and administrative leaders built EHR adoption into their strategic plans to integrate, inpatient and outpatient care system and a provide  continuum of coordinated services. Using Relational Data Base Management Systems (RDBMS) with eXtend Marker Language (XML) Systems and ASP.NET as web based system. Successful implementation depended on: strong leadership, full involvement of clinical staff in design and implementation, mandatory staff training, and strict adherence to timeline and budget. The EHR systems facilitate patient safety and quality development through; use of checklists, alerts, and predictive tools embedded clinical guidelines that promote standardized, evidence-based practices electronic prescribing and test-ordering that reduces errors and redundancy and discrete data fields that foster use of performance dashboards and compliance reports. The proposed system will be developed using ASP.NET as a technology of web based system. In this paper; most of the services, enjoyed on the Web are provided by web database applications and using .net technology. Such as, Web-based email, online shopping, forums and bulletin boards, corporate web sites, and sports and news portals are all database-driven. The main goals in this work, building a modern web site of electronic health record system in KSA hospitals. Keywords: XML, RDBMS, EHR , EMR, EPR, GIS, PH

    Pre-harvest foliar application of mineral nutrients to retard chlorophyll degradation and preserve bio-active compounds in broccoli

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    Foliar application of micronutrients has become a common farm management practice to increase the overall yield of various crops. However, the effects of foliar fertilization on shelf life and postharvest quality of the crops are rather under-researched. The aim of this field experiment was to evaluate the effect of foliar application of individual mineral nutrients (calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe) on pre and postharvest quality of broccoli. The broccoli plants were subjected to single foliar sprays of either Ca, Fe, Zn, or Mn, which was repeated four times during plant growth at a 1 g/kg concentration. Once harvested, the broccoli heads were refrigerated at 4 °C for 28 days. Our results indicated that foliar application of Ca, Zn, Mn, and Fe did not have a significant effect on plant growth parameters, apart from enhancing Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) chlorophyll meter values. However, during postharvest, foliar application treatment showed a positive response on weight loss during storage and reduction in yellowing of the broccoli heads. Foliar treatments increased the concentration of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Ca, Zn, Mn and Fe significantly in the broccoli head tissue. Total chlorophyll content, total phenolic compound, ascorbic acid, peroxidase activity, glucoraphanin and glucobrassicin and flavonoids were significantly increased by all foliar treatments. Crude protein content and sulforaphane were enhanced by Ca and Mn treatments. Overall, foliar application of the investigated mineral nutrients may prove beneficial in improving the shelf-life and nutrient content of broccoli during postharvest handling and storage

    The role of chamomile oil against ochratoxin A in quail breeders: productive and reproductive performances, egg quality and blood metabolites

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    This study aimed to evaluate the beneficial role of chamomile essential oil in improving productive and reproductive performances, egg quality, and blood metabolites and reducing the toxic effect of Ochratoxin A (OTA) in quail breeder's diets. A total of 144 mature quails, 8 wk old, were divided into 6 groups. The treatments were: G1 (the control), G2 (supplemented with OTA 1 mg/kg diet), G3 (supplemented with chamomile oil 0.5 g/kg diet), G4 (supplemented with chamomile oil 1 G/kg diet), G5 (supplemented with OTA 1 mg/kg diet + chamomile oil 0.5 g/kg diet), and G6 (supplemented with OTA 1 mg/kg diet + chamomile oil 1 g/kg diet). The OTA administration alone significantly decreased egg production and mass in quail breeders (P < 0.0001). Moreover, poor feed conversion ratio (FCR), fertility percentage (P < 0.0001), and hatchability percentage (P < 0.0009) were recorded. A significant decline (P < 0.05) in the levels of serum protein (total protein and globulin) was also recorded in OTA-contaminated groups, along with elevated serum levels of liver enzymes such as alanine transaminase (ALT) and Aspartate transaminase (AST) and kidney function test as urea and creatinine levels (P < 0.05). Ochratoxin A-contaminated feed resulted in a significant elevation (P < 0.05) in total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), along with a significant reduction (P < 0.05) in antioxidant status and immunological response. The supplementation of chamomile essential oil, either 0.5 g/kg or 1g/kg, to the basal diet or OTA-supplemented feed, revealed a significant increase in hatchability %, fertility, egg mass, and egg production and better FCR, egg quality, and immunological status when compared to OTA only. Moreover, chamomile essential oil supplementation improves liver and kidney function markers, decreases LDL, VLDL), TG, and TC. Along with a significant increase (P < 0.05) in terms of antioxidant status as glutathione peroxidase enzyme (GPX), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and significantly (P < 0.05) improves immunological response as IgM, IgG, lysozyme and complement 3. In summary, chamomile oil supplementation, either separate or combined with OTA, reduced the adverse effects of OTA and led to improved productive and reproductive performance, egg quality, and blood metabolites in Japanese quail breeders