456 research outputs found

    Mechanical Characterization of Torsional Micropaddles Using Atomic Force Microscopy

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    The reference cantilever method is shown to act as a direct and simple method for determination of torsional spring constant. It has been applied to the characterization of micropaddle structures similar to those proposed for resonant functionalized chemical sensors and resonant thermal detectors. It is shown that this method can be used as an effective procedure to characterize a key parameter of these devices and would be applicable to characterization of other similar MEMS/NEMS devices such as micromirrors. In this study, two sets of micropaddles are manufactured (beams at centre and offset by 2.5 μm) by using LPCVD silicon nitride as a substrate. The patterning is made by direct milling using focused ion beam. The torsional spring constant is achieved through micromechanical analysis via atomic force microscopy. To obtain the gradient of force curve, the area of the micropaddle is scanned and the behaviour of each pixel is investigated through an automated developed code. The experimental results are in a good agreement with theoretical results

    H2 Formation on the Dust Grain Surface in Divertor Plasma

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    Edge plasma of divertor in tokamak is characterized by different values of plasma parameters (plasmadensity and temperature), plasma composition and overcoming plasma dynamics processes. We survey amodel for theoretical study of the interaction of hydrogen with dust surface and apply our results the H2formation on dust grain surfaces in the divertor. In this model, considering both physisorbed andchemisorbed sites on the grain surface and then adatoms mobility to go from one site to other site bythermal diffusion, describes the formation of H2 on grain surfaces. We find H2 formation rate on the hightemperature dust surfaces in divertor for a range of dust and gas temperatures and densities


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    Since the mortality of 1-59 babies is the most serious challenges facing human society and an important indicator of the health and development of countries, providing solutions to reduce this rate as much as possible is of paramount importance. The main objective of the present study is to examine mortality causes of 1-59 months babies in villages under the protection of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences from 2012 to 2015. The present cross-sectional study was conducted through census. The study included the death of all babies registered in Zahedan villages from 2012 to 2015. Required data was collected using raw information form and Child Health Bureau of the Ministry of Health standard questionnaire; SPSS, version 18, was used to process and analyze collected data. The present study examined the death of an overall number of 1252 Zahedan village babies aged between 1 to 59 months; 752 infants aged less than month and this age group turned out to have highest mortality rate; i.e. 60; the lowest mortality rate, 16.7, happened in the age group of 1 to 4 years. The most common causes of death included perinatal disease (29.8), unintentional injuries (17.5), respiratory system diseases (13.2), infectious and parasitic diseases (6.5), congenital and chromosome diseases (6), and cardiovascular disease (2.5). Since the highest mortality rate, 29.8, is related to perinatal diseases of infants, couples pre-pregnancy care and counselling can play crucial role in decreasing the rate of baby, and specially infants, mortality

    A Combined Metaheuristic Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem and its Open Version

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    Abstract: The Open Vehicle Routing Problem (OVRP) is one of the most important extensions of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) that has many applications in industrial and service. In the VRP, a set of customers with a specified demand of goods are given and a depot where a fleet of identical capacitated vehicles is located. We are also given the ‘‘traveling costs’’ between the depot and all the customers, and between each pair of customers. In the OVRP against to VRP, vehicles are not required to return to the depot after completing service. Because VRP and OVRP belong to NP-hard Problems, an efficient hybrid elite ant system called EACO is proposed for solving them in the paper. In this algorithm, a modified tabu search (TS), a new state transition rule and a modified pheromone updating rule are used for more improving solutions. These modifications lead that the proposed algorithm does not trapped at the local optimum and discovers different parts of the solution space. Computational results on fourteen standard benchmark instances for VRP and OVRP show that EACO finds the best known solutions for most of the instances and is comparable in terms of solutions quality to the best performing published metaheuristics in the literature

    Stationary Josephson effect in a weak-link between nonunitary triplet superconductors

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    A stationary Josephson effect in a weak-link between misorientated nonunitary triplet superconductors is investigated theoretically. The non-self-consistent quasiclassical Eilenberger equation for this system has been solved analytically. As an application of this analytical calculation, the current-phase diagrams are plotted for the junction between two nonunitary bipolar ff-wave superconducting banks. A spontaneous current parallel to the interface between superconductors has been observed. Also, the effect of misorientation between crystals on the Josephson and spontaneous currents is studied. Such experimental investigations of the current-phase diagrams can be used to test the pairing symmetry in the above-mentioned superconductors.Comment: 6 pages and 6 figure

    Morphological Effects of Combined Systemic Administration of Fluoxetine and Sildenafil in the Murine Hippocampus

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    We examined the effects of fluoxetine, a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, of sildenafil, a phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitor, and of combined administration of these agents on morphometric characteristics of principal cells of the murine hippocampus. Fluoxetine (5 mg/kg), sildenafil (2 mg/kg), or a combination of these drugs in the above doses were administered i.p. daily for 2 weeks to male mice. Hippocampal sections (5 mm thick) were stained with hematoxylin/eosin. Both drugs and their combination evoked no considerable changes in the dimensions of pyramidal cells in the CA1 and CA2 areas and in the dentate gyrus (DG), except for a trend toward some decrease of this parameter after fluoxetine injections in the CA1 area. Combined administration of fluoxetine and sildenafil provided significant decreases in the density of pyramidal neurons (their mean number per 10 mm of the slice) in the CA1 area and DG. Isolated administration of fluoxetine resulted in significant but less intense decreases in the density of principal cells in the CA2 area and DG. Possible mechanisms of the effects of the mentioned drugs are discussed. Further studies of interaction between fluoxetine and sildenafil in their effects on morphological and physiological properties of cells in different subregions of the hippocampus are recommended.Ми досліджували вплив флуоксетину (селективного інгібітора зворотного захвату серотоніну), силденафілу (інгібітора фосфодіестерази-5, PDE5) та їх сукупного введення на морфометричні характеристики основних (пірамідних) клітин гіпокампа мишей. Флуоксетин (5 мг/кг), силденафіл (2 мг/кг) або комбінація цих агентів у зазначених дозах уводилися самцям мишей внутрішньоочеревинно щоденно протягом двох тижнів. Зрізи гіпокампа завтовшки 5 мкм забарвлювали гематоксиліном та еозином. Обидві речовини та їх комбінація не викликали значних змін розмірів пірамідний нейронів у зонах CA1, CA2 та зубчастої звивини (ЗЗ), певна тенденція до зменшення зазначеного параметра спостерігалася після ін’єкцій флуоксетину в зоні CA1. Сукупна дія флуоксетину та силденафілу призводила до істотного зменшення щільності пірамідних нейронів (їх середньої кількості з розрахунку на 10 мкм зрізу) у зоні CA1 та ЗЗ. Обговорюються можливі механізми ефектів згаданих агентів. Доцільними є подальші дослідження особливостей взаємодії флуоксетину та силденафілу на морфологічні та фізіологічні характеристики клітин у різних підрозділах гіпокампа

    Morphological Effects of Combined Systemic Administration of Fluoxetine and Sildenafil in the Murine Hippocampus

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    We examined the effects of fluoxetine, a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, of sildenafil, a phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitor, and of combined administration of these agents on morphometric characteristics of principal cells of the murine hippocampus. Fluoxetine (5 mg/kg), sildenafil (2 mg/kg), or a combination of these drugs in the above doses were administered i.p. daily for 2 weeks to male mice. Hippocampal sections (5 mm thick) were stained with hematoxylin/eosin. Both drugs and their combination evoked no considerable changes in the dimensions of pyramidal cells in the CA1 and CA2 areas and in the dentate gyrus (DG), except for a trend toward some decrease of this parameter after fluoxetine injections in the CA1 area. Combined administration of fluoxetine and sildenafil provided significant decreases in the density of pyramidal neurons (their mean number per 10 mm of the slice) in the CA1 area and DG. Isolated administration of fluoxetine resulted in significant but less intense decreases in the density of principal cells in the CA2 area and DG. Possible mechanisms of the effects of the mentioned drugs are discussed. Further studies of interaction between fluoxetine and sildenafil in their effects on morphological and physiological properties of cells in different subregions of the hippocampus are recommended.Ми досліджували вплив флуоксетину (селективного інгібітора зворотного захвату серотоніну), силденафілу (інгібітора фосфодіестерази-5, PDE5) та їх сукупного введення на морфометричні характеристики основних (пірамідних) клітин гіпокампа мишей. Флуоксетин (5 мг/кг), силденафіл (2 мг/кг) або комбінація цих агентів у зазначених дозах уводилися самцям мишей внутрішньоочеревинно щоденно протягом двох тижнів. Зрізи гіпокампа завтовшки 5 мкм забарвлювали гематоксиліном та еозином. Обидві речовини та їх комбінація не викликали значних змін розмірів пірамідний нейронів у зонах CA1, CA2 та зубчастої звивини (ЗЗ), певна тенденція до зменшення зазначеного параметра спостерігалася після ін’єкцій флуоксетину в зоні CA1. Сукупна дія флуоксетину та силденафілу призводила до істотного зменшення щільності пірамідних нейронів (їх середньої кількості з розрахунку на 10 мкм зрізу) у зоні CA1 та ЗЗ. Обговорюються можливі механізми ефектів згаданих агентів. Доцільними є подальші дослідження особливостей взаємодії флуоксетину та силденафілу на морфологічні та фізіологічні характеристики клітин у різних підрозділах гіпокампа

    Josephson effect in point contacts between ''f-wave'' superconductors

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    A stationary Josephson effect in point contacts between triplet superconductors is analyzed theoretically for most probable models of the order parameter in UPt_{3} and Sr_{2}RuO_{4}. The consequence of misorientation of crystals in superconducting banks on this effect is considered. We show that different models for the order parameter lead to quite different current-phase dependences. For certain angles of misorientation a boundary between superconductors can generate the parallel to surface spontaneous current. In a number of cases the state with a zero Josephson current and minimum of the free energy corresponds to a spontaneous phase difference. This phase difference depends on the misorientation angle and may possess any value. We conclude that experimental investigations of the current-phase dependences of small junctions can be used for determination of the order parameter symmetry in the mentioned above superconductors.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure