1,142 research outputs found

    Two-phase flow characterization using reactor noise techniques

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    Biochemical Profile and Assessment of risk factors for Patients Diagnosed with Myocardial Infarction in Al-Ramadi City, Iraq

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    Myocardial infarction (MI) continues to be a major cause of mortality and also death at early ages all over the world. This study is undertaken to evaluate the effect of  MI on the levels of lipid profile, two  enzymatic markers, fasting blood sugar (FBS), urea, creatinine and total serum bilirubin (TSB), rather than to assess the risk factors which lead to MI and its relation to these variables. The sample of the study consisted of (50) patients admitted to the Cardiac Care Unit in Al-Ramadi General hospital. MI patients had significantly (P≤0.05)  higher levels of triglyceride (TG) (201.4 mg/dl) as compared with the controls (142.8 mg/dl), while high density lipoprotein (HDL) significantly (P≤0.05)  decreased in patients (42.24 mg/dl) compared with control group (58.7mg/dl). Total cholesterol (TC) (183.6 mg/dl) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) (109.3mg/dl) were not affected significantly (P≤0.05)  in MI group when compared with control group with the average of (172.2 mg/dl), (116 mg/dl) respectively. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) increased significantly (P≤0.05) in patients (61.38 IU/L) compared to the control group (23.5 IU/L) , while there was no significant (P≤0.05) difference in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) between MI and control group. Levels of fasting blood sugar (FBS) in the serum of MI group (206 mg/dl) increased significantly (P≤0.05) comparing with the control group (122.1 mg/dl). This study showed increase in urea (55.6 mg/dl) and creatinine (1.26 mg/dl) levels in the MI group contrast with the control group which its mean was (29.8 mg/dl), ( 0.85 mg/dl) respectively. There was no difference in the level of TSB. Findings of this study, stating differences in levels of some biochemical parameters can use as a biomarker of myocardial infarction. There is an increase in the incidence of myocardial infarction and some differences in the level of parameters  in the presence of one or more major risk factors


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    The present study considers the dependence of mechanical properties in composite laminates on the fibre architecture. The objective is to characterise the mechanical properties of composite plates while varying the fibre distribution but keeping the constituent materials unchanged. Image analysis and fractal dimension have been used to quantify fibre distribution and resin-rich volumes (RRV) and to correlate these with the mechanical properties of the fibre-reinforced composites. The formation, shape and size of RRV in composites with different fabric architectures is discussed. The majority of studies in literatures show a negative effect of the RRV on the mechanical behaviour of composite materials. RRV arise primarily as a result of (a) the clustering of fibres as bundles in textiles, (b) the stacking sequence, and/ or stacking process, (c) the resin properties and flow characteristics, (d) the heating rate as this directly affects viscosity and (e) the consolidation pressure. Woven glass and carbon/epoxy fabric composites were manufactured either by the infusion or the resin transfer moulding (RTM) process. The fractal dimension (D) has been employed to explore the correlation between fabric architecture and mechanical properties (in glass or/ carbon fibre reinforced composites with different weave styles and fibre volume fraction). The fractal dimension was determined using optical microscopy images and ImageJ with FracLac software, and the D has been correlated with the flexural modulus, ultimate flexural strength (UFS), interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) and the fatigue properties of the woven carbon/epoxy fabric composites. The present study also considers the dependence of fatigue properties in composite laminates on static properties and fibre architecture. Four-point flexural fatigue test was conducted under load control, at sinusoidal frequency of 10 Hz with amplitude control. Using a stress ratio (R=σmin/σmax) of 0.1 for the tension side and 10 for the compression side, specimens were subjected to maximum fatigue stresses of 95% to 82.5% step 2.5% of the ultimate flexural strength (UFS). The fatigue data were correlated with the static properties and the fibre distribution, in order to obtain a useful general description of the laminate behaviour under flexural fatigue load. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique was applied to the results obtained to identify statistically the significance of the correlations. Composite strength and ILSS show a clear dependence on the fibre distribution quantified using D. For the carbon fabric architectures considered in this study, the fatigue properties of composite laminates have significant correlations with the fibre distribution and the static properties of the laminates. The loss of 5-6 % in the flexural modulus of composite laminates indicates an increasing risk of failure of the composite laminates under fatigue loads. The endurance limits, based on either the static properties or the fibre distribution, were inversely proportional to the strength for all laminates.The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR)-Ira

    Adaptive Processing of Spatial-Keyword Data Over a Distributed Streaming Cluster

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    The widespread use of GPS-enabled smartphones along with the popularity of micro-blogging and social networking applications, e.g., Twitter and Facebook, has resulted in the generation of huge streams of geo-tagged textual data. Many applications require real-time processing of these streams. For example, location-based e-coupon and ad-targeting systems enable advertisers to register millions of ads to millions of users. The number of users is typically very high and they are continuously moving, and the ads change frequently as well. Hence sending the right ad to the matching users is very challenging. Existing streaming systems are either centralized or are not spatial-keyword aware, and cannot efficiently support the processing of rapidly arriving spatial-keyword data streams. This paper presents Tornado, a distributed spatial-keyword stream processing system. Tornado features routing units to fairly distribute the workload, and furthermore, co-locate the data objects and the corresponding queries at the same processing units. The routing units use the Augmented-Grid, a novel structure that is equipped with an efficient search algorithm for distributing the data objects and queries. Tornado uses evaluators to process the data objects against the queries. The routing units minimize the redundant communication by not sending data updates for processing when these updates do not match any query. By applying dynamically evaluated cost formulae that continuously represent the processing overhead at each evaluator, Tornado is adaptive to changes in the workload. Extensive experimental evaluation using spatio-textual range queries over real Twitter data indicates that Tornado outperforms the non-spatio-textually aware approaches by up to two orders of magnitude in terms of the overall system throughput

    Design methodology for general enhancement of a single-stage self-compensated folded-cascode operational transconductance amplifiers in 65 nm CMOS process

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    The problems resulting from the use of nano-MOSFETs in the design of operational trans-conductance amplifiers (OTAs) lead to an urgent need for new design techniques to produce high-performance metrics OTAs suitable for very high-frequency applications. In this paper, the enhancement techniques and design equations for the proposed single-stage folded-cascode operational trans-conductance amplifiers (FCOTA) are presented for the enhancement of its various performance metrics. The proposed single-stage FCOTA adopts the folded-cascode (FC) current sources with cascode current mirrors (CCMs) load. Using 65 nm complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process from predictive technology model (PTM), the HSPICE2019-based simulation results show that the designed single-stage FCOTA can achieve a high open-loop differential-mode DC voltage gain of 65.64 dB, very high unity-gain bandwidth of 263 MHz, very high stability with phase-margin of 73°, low power dissipation of 0.97 mW, very low DC input-offset voltage of 0.14 uV, high swing-output voltages from −0.97 to 0.91 V, very low equivalent input-referred noise of 15.8 nV/Hz, very high common-mode rejection ratio of 190.64 dB, very high positive/negative slew-rates of 157.5/58.3 V⁄us, very fast settling-time of 5.1 ns, high extension input common-mode range voltages from −0.44to 1 V, and high positive/negative power-supply rejection ratios of 75.5/68.8 dB. The values of the small/large-signal figures-of-merits (s) are the highest when compared to other reported FCOTAs in the literature

    Work design improvement of food steamer at Pau Mira Frozen Food Industry

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    Pau Mira is a frozen food company located at kilometer 13, Kampung Tanah Merah, Pagoh Muar, Johor. It was devloped by a family in Kampung Tanah Merah. Pau Mira was initially made and sold daily, nearby the road side. Currently, the brand has continued to flourish in the food industry when its entrepreneur Mr. Misnan Ramijo, succeeded in establishing a company to supply increasingly popular frozen food especially its main product which is the frozen ‘pau mira’. The pau is a traditional and local steamed bun made of flour and yeast with various filling inside. It is also called as bao or baozi which is well known in the chinese cuisine. However, the term pau will be further used in this chapter

    Pengkorporatan Universiti Utara Malaysia: Tanggapan pelajar Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    Kajian ringkas ini dijalankan bagi mengumpul maklumat mengenai tanggapan pelajar Universiti Utara Malaysia terhadap cadangan Kerajaan untuk mengkorporatkan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysia.Kajian ini mendapati seramai 90.6% pelajar Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) adalah berumur tidak melebihi 24 tahun dengan peratusan pelajar yang sudah berkahwin seramai 3.8%. Seramai 82.1 pelajar masih mempunyai ibu-bapa yang tinggal bersama dan seramai 70.3% pelajar mempunyai adik-beradik yang ramai (4-9 orang).Lebih daripada separuh (69.2%) pelajar berasal dari keluarga yang berpendapatan bulanan kurang daripada RM1000.00.Purata pendapatan bulanan keluarga pelajar UUM adalah kurang daripada RM1200.00.Seramai 69.2% pelajar menggunakan sebahagian daripada pendapatan mereka untuk menampung kos pengajian mereka di peningkatan (termasuk nilai biasiswa setahun) dalam menawarkan biasiswa atau pinjaman, kenaikan yuran pengajian selaras dengan pengkorporatan universiti sudah tentu akan membebankan lebih daripada separuh populasi pelajar UUM.Pada masa ini ibu-bapa merupakan sumber pembiayaan utama (69.8%)bagi menampung kos pengajian diikuti dengan pinjaman kerajaan/agensi/swasta (45.5%) dan biasiswa kerajaan/agensi/swasta (17.6%).Seramai 63.0% pelajar tidak bersetuju untuk menanggung sebahagian daripada pertambahan kos mengkorporatkan universiti.Walaubagaimanapun Pelajar bersetuju menanggung kurang daripada 20% semua kos perkhidmatan yang disenaraikan yang disenaraikan melalui yuran pengajian