115 research outputs found


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    Different studies have presented various results on Alexithymia and Theory of Mind in both women and men. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to determine differences of alexithymia and theory of mind among Children survivors in the Kurdistan's among children with nursing careers parents. Therefore, 284 nurses (123 boys and 161 girls) were chosen among children with nursing careers parents located in hospital sanandaj in 2016. Then the respondents completed the Toronto Alexithymia and Mind Reading through Eyes questionnaires. Descriptive Statistical Method and Multi-Variate Variance Analysis were used to analyze the data. Results of the research showed that the rates of theory of mind and externally orientated thinking were different in both genders. In other words, survival boys showed higher levels of externally orientated thinking and lower levels of theory of mind compared to survival girls

    Proton-deuteron radiative capture cross sections at intermediate energies

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    Differential cross sections of the reaction p(d,3He)γp(d,^3{\rm He})\gamma have been measured at deuteron laboratory energies of 110, 133 and 180 MeV. The data were obtained with a coincidence setup measuring both the outgoing 3^3He and the photon. The data are compared with modern calculations including all possible meson-exchange currents and two- and three- nucleon forces in the potential. The data clearly show a preference for one of the models, although the shape of the angular distribution cannot be reproduced by any of the presented models.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in EPJ

    Systematic investigation of the elastic proton-deuteron differential cross section at intermediate energies

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    To investigate the importance of three-nucleon forces (3NF) systematically over a broad range of intermediate energies, the differential cross sections of elastic proton-deuteron scattering have been measured at proton bombarding energies of 108, 120, 135, 150, 170 and 190 MeV at center-of-mass angles between 3030^\circ and 170170^\circ. Comparisons with Faddeev calculations show unambiguously the shortcomings of calculations employing only two-body forces and the necessity of including 3NF. They also show the limitations of the latest few-nucleon calculations at backward angles, especially at higher beam energies. Some of these discrepancies could be partially due to relativistic effects. Data at lowest energy are also compared with a recent calculation based on \chipt

    Evidence of the Coulomb force effects in the cross sections of the deuteron-proton breakup at 130 MeV

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    High precision cross-section data of the deuteron-proton breakup reaction at 130 MeV deuteron energy are compared with the theoretical predictions obtained with a coupled-channel extension of the CD Bonn potential with virtual Delta-isobar excitation, without and with inclusion of the long-range Coulomb force. The Coulomb effect is studied on the basis of the cross-section data set, extended in this work to about 1500 data points by including breakup geometries characterized by small polar angles of the two protons. The experimental data clearly prefer predictions obtained with the Coulomb interaction included. The strongest effects are observed in regions in which the relative energy of the two protons is the smallest.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physics Letters

    Caractérisation antibiotypique et biochimique des souches marocaines de Salmonella enteritidis d'origine humaine et alimentaire

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    L’antibiotypie et la biotypie des souches marocaines de Salmonella enteritidis d’origine humaine et alimentaire ont été investiguées. Cinquante et une souches ont été isolées entre janvier 96 et décembre 97. Parmi les 31 souches humaines, dix souches se sont révélées résistantes aux antibiotiques dont quatre étaient résistantes à plus d’un antibiotique. Parmi les 20 souches alimentaires, onze étaient résistantes dont 6 résistantes à plus d’un antibiotique. Les résultats obtenus montrent une similitude avec les souches méditerranéennes. Les profils biochimiques atypiques étaient rencontrés aussi bien pour les souches alimentaires que pour les souches humaines. L’atypie affecte aussi bien les souches sensibles que les souches résistantes aux antibiotiques. Les caractères atypiques concernent le métabolisme de certains sucres et acides aminés

    Spin observables in deuteron-proton radiative capture at intermediate energies

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    A radiative deuteron-proton capture experiment was carried out at KVI using polarized-deuteron beams at incident energies of 55, 66.5, and 90 MeV/nucleon. Vector and tensor-analyzing powers were obtained for a large angular range. The results are interpreted with the help of Faddeev calculations, which are based on modern two- and three-nucleon potentials. Our data are described well by the calculations, and disagree significantly with the observed tensor anomaly at RCNP.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PL

    Leishmania tropica au Maroc. III. Rôle vecteur de Phlebotomus sergenti. A propos de 89 isolats.

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    In a Moroccan focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania tropica, 7,907 female sandflies captured with CDC traps were dissected from summer to autumn 1989. Among species of the genus Phlebotomus, only P. sergenti harbored promastigotes. Eighty-nine strains belonging to the complex L. tropica were isolated. The frequency of vector infection was zero in June, rose to 1.3% in August, and reached 9.9% in October, which indicates that the period of high risk is at the end of the hot season. Out of 89 strains isolated, 74 were completely typed and corresponded to the following four zymodemes: MON-102 (one strain), MON-107 (56 strains), MON-122 (two strains), and MON-123 (15 strains). Only the first two were observed in humans. The distribution of zymodemes MON-102 and MON-107 was very different in humans, dogs, and the vector. In one of the sites surveyed, which was strongly dominated by MON-107, the absence of human cases involving this zymodeme suggests the existence of a wild reservoir

    Investigation of the quasi-free domain in deuteron-deuteron break-up using spin observables

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    Precision measurements of vector and tensor analyzing powers of the 2H(d, dp)n break-up process for configurations in the vicinity of the quasi-free scattering regime with the neutron as spectator are presented. These measurements are performed with a polarized deuteron-beam with an energy of 65MeV/nucleon impinging on a liquid-deuterium target. The experiment was conducted at the AGOR facility at KVI using the BINA 4π-detection system. Events for which the final-state deuteron and proton are coplanar have been analyzed and the data have been sorted for various momenta of the missing neutron. In the limit of vanishing neutron momentum and at large deuteron-proton momentum transfer, the data agree well with the measured and theoretically predicted spin observables of the elastic deuteronproton scattering process. The agreement deteriorates rapidly with increasing neutron momentum and/or decreasing momentum transfer from the deuteron beam to the outgoing proton. This study reveals the presence of a significant contribution of final-state interactions even at very small neutron momenta

    Search for Three-Nucleon Force Effects in Analyzing Powers for p→d Elastic Scattering

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    A series of measurements have been performed at KVI to obtain the vector analyzing power Ay of the 2H(p→,pd) reaction as a function of incident beam energy at energies of 120, 135, 150, and 170 MeV. For all these measurements, a range of ϑc.m. from 30° to 170° has been covered. The purpose of these investigations is to observe possible spin-dependent effects beyond two-nucleon forces. When compared to the predictions of Faddeev calculations, based on two-nucleon forces only, significant deviations are observed at all energies and at center-of-mass angles between 70° and 130°. The addition of present-day three-nucleon forces does not improve the description of the data, demonstrating the still insufficient understanding of the properties of three-nucleon systems

    Cross Sections of the Deuteron-Proton Breakup at 130 MeV:A Probe of Three-Nucleon System Dynamics

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    Three-nucleon system dynamics can be investigated quantitatively by comparing observables calculated with the use of Faddeev equations with results of precise measurements. Proper description of the experimental data can be achieved only if the dynamical models include, in addition to the nucleon-nucleon interaction, subtle effects of suppressed degrees of freedom, effectively introduced by means of genuine three-nucleon forces. A large set of high precision, exclusive cross-section data for the (1)H(d,pp)n breakup reaction at 130 MeV contributes significantly to constrain the physical assumptions underlying the theoretical interaction models. Comparison of nearly 1,800 cross section data points with the predictions using nuclear interactions generated in various ways, allowed to establish importance of including both, the three-nucleon and the Coulomb forces to significantly improve the description of the whole data set