1,325 research outputs found

    Peranan Komonikasi dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Peserta Didik

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    Dalam sistem kehidupan manusia, komunikasi merupakan sesuatu yang sangatdiperlukan. Komunikasi adalah suatu proses pertukaran informasi yang terjadi antaradua orang atau kelompok-kelompok orang dimana dengan bahasa mereka sendirisehingga terjadi saling pengertian dan dapat mengubah tingkah laku mareka. Pendidikanmerupakan upaya mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa dan meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia dalam mewujudkan masyarakat yang maju, adil dan makmur sertamemungkinkan para warganya untuk mengembangkan diri baik yang berkenaan denganaspek jasmaniah maupun rohaniah melalui proses komonikasi pembelajaran.Metodologi penelitian digunakan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tehnikpengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, dokumnatsi di Kecamatan Gambut KabupatenBanjar. Untuk mencapai tujuan suatu organisasi sangat diperlukan komunikasi efektif,dan kemampuan berkomunikasi seorang pemimpin memegang peranan penting karenaseorang pemimpin akan berhadapan dengan beraneka ragam manusia dengan berbagaiwatak dan latar belakangnya. maka diperlukan pula pemahaman pribadi terhadapbawahannya secara individual berbeda-beda. Komunikasi dapat dilakukan denganbentuk-bentuk seperti instruksi atau perintah, saran, bimbingan, petunjuk, nasehatmaupun kritik yang bersifat konstruktif. Dengan komunikasi baik, efektif dan efisienyang terjalin antara kepala sekolah dan guru-guru di sekolah mempunyai perananpenting dalam rangka mencapai tujuan sekolah terutama meningkatkan prestasi siswadari waktu ke waktu


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    Public service is an activity or series of activities in the framework of fulfilling service needs in accordance with statutory regulations for every citizen and resident of goods, services, or administrative services provided by public service providers. All types of services are provided and provided to the community by the village government apparatus, in general it has not satisfied many people. The services provided are too complicated for reasons according to the procedure, the amount of fees charged, and a very long time, so the services provided tend to be ineffective and inefficient. In this study predictions will be made about the community's satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the performance of village officials in improving services using the Naïve Bayes algorithm method. The Naive Bayes algorithm is a classification with probability and statistical methods proposed by the British scientist Thomas Bayes, which predicts future opportunities based on past experience so that it is known as Bayes theorem. This research was conducted using a data collection technique in the form of a questionnaire filled out by 50 respondents 10% of the total population, from a population of 5,539 permanent residents in the village of Lenek Lauk. Analysis of the results of the study was conducted using the Naïve Bayes algorithm method. Function to see the level of accuracy. Measurement with naïve bayes algorithm produces 92.26% accuracy and AUC value on the ROC curve is 0.924.DOI : 10.29408/jit.v3i2.231

    Aktualisasi Peran Majelis Taklim Az-Zikra dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Keagamaan Umat

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    Majelis taklim is an effective and efficient medium for interaction and dissemination of Islamic teachings for its adherents either through oral, written or concrete actions aimed at improving Muslim religious understanding. Majelis taklim Az-zikra is a fairly popular taklim assembly founded by ust.Arifin Ilham, a charismatic cleric who has a vision to build a Muslim Indonesian community that has a person of remembrance who brings peace and safety to the world of the hereafter. In carrying out the vision of majelis taklim, Az-zikra has an important role in increasing the religious values of Muslims in the Az-zikra environment, including in the field of religious education and the economic sector. Program activities that encourage the Az-zikra taklim assembly in carrying out its role, including: 1) The field of religious education includes: zikir akbar, routine recitation, student camps, sakinah family shrines and the Az-zikra boarding school Meanwhile, 2) the economic sector includes: Zikra mart, Az-zikra canteen, zikra laundry, multipurpose building rental, horse racing, Az-zikra travel, Az-zikra honey and Az-zikra boutique

    Detecting Irregular Patterns in IoT Streaming Data for Fall Detection

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    Detecting patterns in real time streaming data has been an interesting and challenging data analytics problem. With the proliferation of a variety of sensor devices, real-time analytics of data from the Internet of Things (IoT) to learn regular and irregular patterns has become an important machine learning problem to enable predictive analytics for automated notification and decision support. In this work, we address the problem of learning an irregular human activity pattern, fall, from streaming IoT data from wearable sensors. We present a deep neural network model for detecting fall based on accelerometer data giving 98.75 percent accuracy using an online physical activity monitoring dataset called "MobiAct", which was published by Vavoulas et al. The initial model was developed using IBM Watson studio and then later transferred and deployed on IBM Cloud with the streaming analytics service supported by IBM Streams for monitoring real-time IoT data. We also present the systems architecture of the real-time fall detection framework that we intend to use with mbientlabs wearable health monitoring sensors for real time patient monitoring at retirement homes or rehabilitation clinics.Comment: 7 page

    The importance of being Reidy

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    Pengklasifikasian Kemampuan Akademik Mahasiswa Menggunakan Analisis Cluster Berdasarkan Nilai Mata Kuliah Sains Dasar

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    Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) mahasiswa yang heterogen bisa menjadi indikasi adanya perbedaan kemampuan akademik antara mahasiswa yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Kondisi tersebut tentunya harus diminimalisir agar capaian kompetensi mahasiswa tersebar secara merata dan maksimal. Pengklasifikasian adalah salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menangani keheterogenan kemampuan akademik mahasiswa sehingga setiap kelompok mahasiswa hasil pengklasifikasian dapat diberikan perlakuan berbeda untuk mengoptimalkan kemampuan akademiknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan kemampuan akademik mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Internasional Batam berdasarkan nilai mata kuliah sains dasar menggunakan analisis cluster. Analisis cluster pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Ward dan jarak Euclidean untuk mengukur jarak antar objek amatannya. Hasil pengklasifikasian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Sipil Universitas Internasional Batam 2019 terbagi ke dalam 3 (tiga) kelompok. Kelompok pertama terdiri dari 9 mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan akademik terbaik. Kelompok kedua terdiri dari 9 mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan akademik cukup baik. Kelompok ketiga terdiri dari 11 mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan akademik belum baik

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis dissertation develops a macroeconomic model of state borrowing costs for the U.S. monetary union that is founded on the real business cycle theory. The model develops supply and demand side equations for the U.S. monetary union. It shows that the spread between the borrowing cost of a state and the risk free rate is function of default probability (PD) of the state government and loss given default (LGD) for investors. In this macroeconomic model framework, the probability of default is determined simultaneously by the intertemporal utility maximization behaviors of investors (consumers) and the ability of a state government to maintain its budget constraints. This model also empirically identifies exogenous shocks that influence the default probability and the borrowings cost of a state in the U.S. monetary union. After analyzing 17,400 newly issued general obligation bonds and controlling for the variation in bond characteristics, empirical analysis shows that exogenous shocks emerge from state fiscal institutions, political institutions, government budgetary decisions, public debt stock, pension funding, and labor market conditions; all these variables impact the yield spread between a state borrowings cost and the risk free rate

    Kemampuan guru agama islam dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa melalui ekstrakurikuler keagamaan di SMAN 1 Mentaya hilir Selatan Kabuten Kotawaringin Timur

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    Tujuan Pendidikan Agama di sekolah adalah untuk membentuk manusia bertaqwa, yaitu manusia yang patuh pada Tuhannya dalam menjalankan ibadah serta menekankan pada pembinaan kepribadian. Banyak yang beranggapan ektrakurikuler keagamaan masih dianggap hanya menggangu prestasi belajar siswa. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa melalui ekstrakurikuler keagamaan. Adapun permasalahan yang diangkat adalah: (1) Apa saja bentuk ekstrakurikuler keagamaan yang dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa SMAN 1 Mentaya Hilir Selatan?; (2) Bagaimana kemampuan guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa melalui ekstrakurikuler keagamaan di SMAN 1 Mentaya Hilir Selatan?. Penilitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun yang menjadi subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 2 orang guru pembina ekstakurikuler pendidikan agama Islam di SMAN 1 Mentaya Hilir Selatan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengabsahan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik triangulasi. Analisis data melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, penariakn kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: (1) Ektrakurikuler keagamaan yang dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dalam bidang akademik dan non akademik adalah ektrakurikuler SBQ (Seni Baca Al-Quran) dan BTQ Baca Tulis Al-Qur’an); (2) Kemampuan guru dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa melalui ekstrakurikuler keagamaan di SMAN 1 Mentaya Hilir Selatan dikatakan mampu, yang mana guru tidak hanya memberikan materi yang berhubungan dengan ekstrakurikuler yang dilaksanankan, tetapi juga menghubungankan materi ekstrakurikuler dengan materi pembelajaran yang ada disekolah. Guru juga menerapkan keterampilan dasar mengajar, meyelenggarakan pembelajaran metode dan media pembelajaran yang bermacam-macam yang sesuai dengan pembelajaran yang ada dalam kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, serta mengelola keadaan kelas dan keadaan siswa dengan baik. Prestasi belajar siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler keagamaan yaitu SBQ dan BTQ di SMAN 1 Mentaya Hilir Selatan mengalami peningkatan seiring berjalannya waktu yang digunakan unutk mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan. Abstract The purpose of religious education in schools is to form pious people, that is, people who are obedient to their Lord in carrying out worship and emphasize personality development. Many people believe that religious extracurricular activities are still considered to only interfere with student achievement. Therefore, this study aims to describe the ability of Islamic Religious Education teachers in improving student learning achievement through religious extracurriculars. The issues raised are: (1)What are the forms of religious extracurricular activities that can improve student achievement in SMAN 1 Mentaya Hilir Selatan ?; (2)What is the ability of Islamic Religious Education teachers in improving student learning achievement through religious extracurricular activities at SMAN 1 Mentaya Hilir Selatan? This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive qualitative approach. As for whoThe subjects in this study were 2 teachers of Islamic religious education extracurricular at SMAN 1 Mentaya Hilir Selatan. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The data validation technique in this study uses triangulation techniques. Data analysis through data reduction, data presentation, conclusions withdrawal and verification. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Religious extracurricular activities that can improve student achievement in academic and non-academic fields are extracurricular SBQ (Al-Quran Reading Art) and BTQ Read Write Al-Qur'an);(2) The ability of teachers to improve student achievement through religious extracurricular activities at SMAN 1 Mentaya Hilir Selatan is said to be capable, in which the teacher not only provides material related to extracurricular activities, but also links extracurricular materials with learning material at school. The teacher also applies basic teaching skills, organizes a variety of learning methods and learning media that are compatible with existing learning in extracurricular activities, as well as managing the classroom and student situation well. Student achievement in joining religious extracurricular activities, namely SBQ and BTQ at SMAN 1 Mentaya Hilir Selatan, has increased with the time taken to participate in religious extracurricular activities
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