2,123 research outputs found


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    Islam has similarities with other theistic religions in terms of its views on the purpose of life in this world and the hereafter. That goal is part of the life of every human being and because of that humans are also competing to show humans universally about the truth of their religion. The dynamic view of Islam in providing solutions to problems faced by mankind cannot be separated from what is presented in detail in its holy book, namely the great Qur'an. Islam is a religion in which there are complete teachings with guidance as a guide for human life. its teachings are an important part of making Islam itself a blessing for the universe. Religion seen from its esoteric and exoteric dimensions has provided an open space for anyone who wants to study the study of religions. In this case, many disciplines have developed such as Christology, Islamology, Hinduism, and Buddhism. These disciplines are the right way to understand existing religions as a way to understand the religious values ​​that each religion has as our knowledge material to create a culture of peace

    Pelaksanaan Standar Prosedur Operasional Pemasangan Gelang Identitas Pasien Berhubungan Dengan Kepuasan Pasien di Ruang Penerimaan Pasien Rawat Inap

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    Salah satu Identifikasi pasien, yaitu dengan pemberian gelang identitas dilakukan sejak pasien masuk rumah sakit. Identifikasi pasien secara pasti harus dilakukan supaya terhindar dari kesalahan yang berakibat fatal bagi keselamatan pasien. Untuk mengetahui hubungan pelaksanaan standar prosedur operasional pemasangan gelang identitas pasien dengan kepuasan pasien di ruang penerimaan pasien rawat inap. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan accidental sampling dengan responden sebanyak 75 orang. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Kendal tau. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan responden dengan sebagian besar pelaksanaan SPO pemasangan gelang identitas pasien di ruang PPRI berada dalam kategori baik yaitu sebanyak 32 orang (42,7%) serta kepuasan pasien sebagian besar kategori puas yaitu sebanyak 42 orang (56,0%). Hasil analisa bivariat pada uji statistik dengan menggunakan kendal tau menunjukkan nilai p-value sebesar p=0,000 dan nilai korelasi sebesar r=0,386. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pelaksanaan SPO pemasangan gelang identitas pasien dengan kepuasan pasien. Kata Kunci: kepuasan pasien, keselamatan pasien, identifikasi pasie


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    The Covid pandemic has a bad impact on UMKM business actors so that a strategy for developing MSME products is needed during the Covid pandemic, this strategy is an example for other business actors to survive this pandemic. The research method used a qualitative approach with case studies to see how the UMKM product development strategy for arrowroot skin chips. The results of the study explain that steps are needed to develop existing products and target product development carried out by skin chips UMKM, namely old products that are modified into products according to market and customer demand


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    The UK has incorporated the strict liability principle in dealing with the environmental offence in its legislations. However, the principle application has some detrimental impacts. This article aims to discuss strict liability crimes in the UK’s environmental legislations and civil penalties in the UK, the detrimental effects of applying its principle and the reasons for supplementing criminal penalties for environmental offences with civil penalties. This will be done through the adoption of a doctrinal legal research method. The incorporation of strict liability principle in the UK’s legislations can be found in the Environmental Protection Act 1990, the Water Resources Act 1991, Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 (SI 2010 No. 675). The detrimental effects of the principle application are the ignorance of mens rea element, unfair trial, ineffective environmental damage prevention, and contradictory to release right. The reasons for applying civil penalties of criminal law violation in regard with violating environmental law are this punishment is possible to be imposed on companies, it strengthens another kind of non-criminal sentence sanction, it is a peaceful solution, a polluter may manage by himself to repair the damage, it has no stigma on the polluter and it has wider law enforcement form. There is a dearth of literature looking at the latest UK’s legislation incorporating strict liability principle application. This article will fill this literature gap.

    Pengaturan Humaniter Tentang Persenjataan Perang yang Diperkenankan untuk Dapat Dipergunakan oleh Para Pihak yang Terlibat dalam suatu Konflik Bersenjata

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    Hukum Humaniter Internasional membentuk sebagian besar hukum publik Internasional dan terdiri dari peraturan-peraturan yang pada masa konflik bersenjata berusaha melindunggi orang-orang yang tidak atau tidak dapat lagi terlibat dalam perang dan untuk membatasi alat dan cara berperang yang digunakan. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengurangi dan mencegah penderitaan manusia pada saat terjadinya konflik bersenjata. Aturan-aturan itu harus dipatuhi tidak hanya oleh pemerintah-pemerintah dan angkatan bersenjatanya, tetapi juga kelompok-kelompok perlawanan bersenjata dan setiap pihak yang terlibat dalam suatu konflik

    Lama Kerja Berhubungan dengan Kepatuhan Perawat dalam Pelaksanaan SOP Triage di IGD

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    Kepatuhan terhadap Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) merupakan komponen penting dalam manajemen keselamatan pasien. Dalam Triage diperlukan petugas yang berpengalaman dan kompeten karena dilakukan dengan cepat dan akurat. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional . sampel menggunakan teknik total sampling, instrumen yang digunakan lembar observasi menggunakan metode konstruktif. Mengetahui hubungan lama kerja dengan kepatuhan perawat dalam melaksanakan SOP triage di IGD. Analisa menggunakan uji alternatif yaitu uji fisher exact menunjukkan perawat yang bekerja lama patuh 57,1% dan yang baru 19% tidak patuh dan uji fisher exact menunjukan p=0,120. Tidak ada hubungan antara lama kerja dengan kepatuhan perawat dalam pelaksanaan SOP triage. Kata Kunci: Lama Kerja, Kepatuhan Perawat, SOP Triag

    Tuhan dalam Kepercayaan Manusia Modern (Mengungkap Relasi Primordial antara Tuhan dan Manusia)

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    God, is one of the most important parts of a person's religious life. Godless means human nature as human beings have been violated. For every mankind that God is transcendent unity so belief in God itself occupies a primordial position in the level of one's faith. However, the current conception of the existence of the primordial relationship between humans and God that has been replaced by the new idols that materialism, capitalism, and other isms. Which is then set aside God in concrete reality, this is in line with what is perceived by Karl Marx about God itself. And how he position God in someone's life and someone's religious life about importance of God in life. So, in the belief of modern humans, religion is only seen as something that only has a purpose for life in the hereafter, but not in this world

    Konsep Ideal Pendidikan Islam sebagai Relasi Primordial Manusia dengan Tuhan

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    Education is an urgent thing for human life. For that education has a primary position in human life. But in the context of education is perceived as a tool to gain wealth and power. His soul and heart were filled with worldly hopes. The existence of existing education no longer leads man to discover who his Lord is, but  directed at the gods that are material (new idols). Therefore, Islamic education should be understood as one of the right concepts to restore human relations with God. The concept of Islamic education is an appropriate means to restore humans to their primordial relation with God. The concept of Islamic education in line with national education as set forth in the 1945 Constitution and the National Education System Law no. 20 year 2003. Is an education system that comes from a single paradigm that is the concept of Oneness of God. Islamic education introduces "Tauhid", the philosophy of the state also embraces the concept of monotheism in the first principle of Belief in the One Supreme. From this single paradigm can then be drawn the conclusion that Islamic education is the only concept of education that can restore man to God
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