25 research outputs found

    Review on etiopathogenesis and role of lifestyle modification in the management of Khalitya (hairfall)

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    Now a days, the world is full of glamour and glory. The concept of beauty is gaining more and more attention globally, which is defined on some factors, amongst them hair is an important one. Hair is a mirror of healthy or unhealthy state of the body. Ayurvedic approach, falling of hair is coined as Khalitya. In Ayurvedic texts management of Khalitya has been described in the form of Nasya, Shiroabhyanga, Shirolepa and Rasayana therapy. The main aim of this paper is to explain the Nidana of Khalitya in present era and treat the disease too


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    Ojas is considered as essence of seven Dhatus or equivalent to Bala or Sleshma. Ojas can also be considered as living radiant energy present in human body. In Ayurveda literature the term Oja is not clearly explained by Ayurveda community. The classical Ayurveda text describes Ojakshaya as one of the Ojavikara which may be prevalent in various diseases. The pathogenesis of Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus) also describes this phenomenon. The prevalence of Oja kshaya can be clinically evaluated in the patients of Madhumeha and the same if kept in mind during treatment may arrest the further progress of the disease to complications like Diabetic Retinopathy, Neuropathy etc. In Ayurveda classics Ojakshaya is described in relation of Madhumeha. So, there will be prevalence of Ojakshaya in patient of Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus). Therefore, in this review article an attempt is made to understand the concept of Oja and Ojakshaya in diabetes mellitus


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    The scientific art of living called as Ayurveda is based upon the basic ancient science of way of living as well as reliable on the philosophical grounds. Ayurveda has its roots in the Philosophical sciences and has its applications. The fundamentals or principles are based upon the experiments which were done by our Acharya so many times. And due to this, these ancient rules and code of conduct are still applicable in this modern world. But modern science wants evidence-based study and hence, so many experiments with well observations, investigations were going on to convince the people of the modern world for the validity of these ancient concepts. So, the concepts of Swabhavoparam Vada (Basic Principle of Ayurveda) with its application must be studied thoroughly. This concept “Swabhavoparam Vada” insists on the Homeostasis or Natural Destruction. According to which disease will subside due to natural destruction phenomenon & maintaining of Dhatu Samya is done. That happens due to the fundamental of “Hetu-Hetorvaratananam” which implies to avoid the causative factors (Nidana Parivarjana) responsible for causing a disease. So, this study is an effort to understand the relationship of Swabhvaoparama Vada & Nidana Parivarjana and how this principle is used in the Madhumeha disease (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus), which is a metabolic disorder and relied upon the Diet and Lifestyle

    Sandhya Avacharana w.s.r. to evening time: Tool to achieve longevity

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    Ayurveda is the scientific way of living which provide us the perfect health, wealth and happiness. The key role of Ayurveda is not only in enhancing the life span of an individual but also to improve the quality of life. Ayurvedic concepts are holistic in its nature hence, it is believed that the longevity with the quality can be assured by our deeds mentioned in our samhitas. Code of Conduct of life described in several places in ancient texts which addressed to the social health, occupational health, spiritual health, etc. aspects of human being. There are so many activities throughout the day which directly and indirectly influence our body and the mind So, the state of Health and Indriyajaya are achieved when these concepts are being followed in a proper way. Now a days, Evening time of the day can be considered as the most leisure time where everyone goes for the travel, for evening walks, read nobles and books, and enjoy evening snacks and small meals with colleagues, friends and family whereas students are usually busy with their coaching schedules. But these kinds of deeds are further responsible for causing many types of ailments. Specially, there are five deeds which should not be done in evening time and if done due to pranjnaapraadha then they vitiated the doshas and causes vyadhi

    Understanding of Nityaga Kaala from Geographical perspective in India

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    Philosophies are the foundation for any science, the primary inquest for any science actually starts from philosophy. Whatever scientific theories have been laid today are the transformed versions of philosophy only, Ayurveda being a philosophical science has proven its relevance till date, because of its thumping philosophical background. The philosophy of Shadpadartha is the common root for Indian philosophies and Ayurveda, Dravya or substance/matter is considered to be the foremost Padartha by Vaisheshika philosophers, though Ayurveda has placed it after Samanya, Vishesha and Guna, it has given utmost importance to it because of its applicability and supremacy in Chikitsa. Charaka Samhita has emphasized the importance of the Karana Dravyas for the homeostasis of body tissue and thus maintaining good state of health, the Nine Karana Dravyas viz, Pancha Mahabhuta, Atma, Manas, Kaala and Disha/ Dik or Desha are the materialistic causes for the creation and health


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    Ayurveda always provides the study of any concept from various dimensions. The physiological and anatomical entities explained in Ayurveda have many facets leading to deeper understanding of concepts. The entity of Bala according to Ayurveda is also multidimensional. Bala as described in Ayurveda is quite similar to concept of immunity. It can be correlated with the entities like Ojas, Vyadhi Kshamatava, Kapha Prakrita Karma. Bala plays a key role in diagnosis and treatment of diseases in Ayurveda. Its functioning depends on the equilibrium of various physiological characteristics like Agni, Aahara, Dosha, Prakriti, Sarata etc. Immunity is the main component in determining the prognosis, progression and waning of diseases. Thus, Bala and immunity are inter-related and go hand in hand. While looking into Ayurveda literature it is evident that the Bala entity is involved in Sadhya- Asadhyatwa, Arishta Lakshana, Nidan Panchaka Ghataka like Hetu, Poorvaroopa, Rupa, Samprapti etc. Thus, Bala Parikshana is pivotal in the diagnosis. Similarly, Bala also determines the treatment modality to be used in any kind of Vyadhi. It is also important in determining the line of treatment. Choice of treatment for that matter is largely dependent on Bala. Hence it can be concluded that the Bala entity is multifaceted and is definitely pivotal for the diagnosis and treatment in Ayurvedic point of view

    Influence of Parent’s Lifestyle in Children Behaviour – An Ayurveda Perspective

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    Role of parents is very crucial as children adopt the behavior and lifestyle which are followed by their parents in pediatrics population. In pediatric age group the world of children is only their parents, so if parents have no time for them, they feel lonely and anxious. Also parents over expectation, careless nature towards their child are the causes of psychological disorders in pediatric age group. Aim - To establish the relationship between parent’s behaviour and children psychology. Material and Methods - Literature review of psychology of children from classics by considering its different aspects, scholarly articles and information on internet has been referred thoroughly. Discussion and Conclusion - Overburden of parents expectation, loneliness, parents unhealthy relationship are responsible for increasing stress which leads to persistence of disease of pediatric age. Whatever the etiological factors including the genetic predisposition and course of disease pathology, the physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being of the parents, proper nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and after birth of child and practice of a wholesome regimen, play a prime role in achieving a healthy offspring. All the protocol mentioned in classics are very cost effective and easy to administer even in today’s life style, and therefore have very crucial role to prevent the psychological diseases in pediatric age group

    Nootropic (medhya) effect of Bhāvita Śaṇkhapuṣpī tablets: A clinical appraisal

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    Background: Nootropic (medhya) potential of śaṅkhapuṣpī (Convolvulus pluricaulis Choisy.) is reported in Ayurvedic literature and modern studies are now validating the same. In spite of plentiful preclinical researches already carried out during the past decades, only meager clinical efforts exploring its nootropic activity have been reported. Present clinical study is an attempt to evaluate the nootropic effect of Śaṅkhapuṣpī tablets. Aims and Objective: To evaluate the nootropic effect of śaṅkhapuṣpī tablets prepared by three Bhāvanā (levigation) of its cūrṇa (powder) with its own Svarasa (fresh juice). Materials and Methods: Thirty volunteers between the age 16 and 25 years participated in this single group pre-post study. Weschler′s memory scale was adopted to collect data before (pre) and after (post) intervention period (2 months). Paired t-test was used for analyzing the data. Results: In auditory immediate test and delayed test, 41.03% and 48% improvement was found which statistically highly significant (<0.001). In visual immediate and delayed test 32.5% and 44.87% improvement was found respectively, which shows highly significant result (<0.001). Conclusion: Results reveal that śaṅkhapuṣpī tablet shown highly significant results in improving memory, especially in long term memory loss in younger age group

    The Candrarki of Dinakara: A Text Related to Solar and Lunar Tables

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    A set of tables devoted to the sun and the moon, titled the Candrarki ("Related to the moon and sun"), was compiled in Sanskrit by Indian astronomer Dinakara along with a short accompanying text, intended to give guidance on how to construct a calendar (pancanga) for any desired year and geographical circumstances. The epoch of this table-text is 9 April 1578. We present here an edition of the text, a literal translation, and detailed technical commentary

    “Surviving the storm through the shelter of Ayurveda” – International webinar on integrated approach to combat COVID-19 – A conference report

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    COVID-19 has put forward a conundrum that needs to be addressed together by every system worldwide. Traditional medical systems need to be incorporated to the battle against COVID. The time-tested and experiential wisdom in these streams of knowledge are to be utilized.. All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, took one of the initial steps in this respect, bringing together the exponents of Ayurveda all over the world to contribute their ideas in understanding, preventing and managing COVID-19. The meeting was conducted on May 5, 2020, 3:00 p. m. and included representatives from the Ministry of AYUSH, the national institutes, research bodies, and international organizations of Ayurveda. The program had six sessions, which encompassed the current understanding of the disease, the clinical presentations, Ayurvedic analysis of the same, methods of salutogenesis, disease prevention and cure that can be implemented in this scenario, and considerations while applying the Ayurvedic wisdom to other parts of the world. The meeting was broadcasted live on Facebook as well as YouTube