2,908 research outputs found

    Revocation of disciplinary decisions directly

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    La figura de la revocatoria directa, establece que la administración al advertir un error sobre sus decisiones puede revocar directamente los actos que por ella han sido proferidos, es así como las decisiones de fondo dentro de un proceso disciplinario son susceptibles de revocar sólo cuando infrinjan manifiestamente las normas constitucionales, legales o reglamentarias en que deben fundarse o cuando con ellos se vulneren o amenacen manifiestamente los derechos fundamentalesThe figure of direct recall, states that the administration noticing an error on their decisions can directly revoke the acts that she has been proffered, is how substantive decisions in disciplinary proceedings are likely to withdraw only when infringing manifestly constitutional, legal or regulatory standards that must be founded with them or when infringement or manifestly threaten fundamental rights

    Delitos bagatelares

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    Los delitos bagatelares analizados en el presente escrito, permitirán establecer si el comportamiento de las personas frente a la sociedad, aunque se registren como infracciones penales, no configurarán un riesgo efectivo que afecte el patrimonio económico de las personas naturales o jurídicas

    Effect of Essential Oils in the Control of Fungal Diseases in Small Grains

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    Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and oats (Avena sativa L.) are important crops due to their high consumption in our daily diet worldwide. They are the main food of consumption per capita due to the high amino-acid content as well of vitamins. However, grain production is limited due to the negative impact of the diseases that cause significant yield loss. Diseases in oats, such as crown rust caused by Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae (Pca), and in wheat such as Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by the fungus Fusarium graminearum. Foliar diseases such as tan spot incited by the fungi (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis), Septoria nodorum blotch (Parastagonospora nodorum), and spot blotch (Bipolaris Sorokiniana) are known to compromise grain yield and seed quality. The integrated pest management for these diseases is by using tolerant/resistant plant varieties, crop rotation, and mostly fungicide applications due to their high efficacy controlling fungal diseases. However, the overuse of synthetic fungicides has led to the development of pathogen resistance, and concerns in the environment and human health. Therefore, it is necessary to explore new products with lower toxicity and less negative impact on human health and the environment. Biopesticides such as essential oils (EOs) and pure bioactive compounds present in the EOs are substances with known antifungal properties, multiple mechanisms of action, and low toxicity in humans and environment. However, little is known about their effect on the fungal pathogens that affect small grains. The objectives of this study were: (1) To determine the potential EOs in the control of oat crown rust in vivo, (2) To determine the potential effect of EOs and bioactive compounds in the control of three important pathogens that cause foliar diseases in wheat in vitro, and (3) To determine in vitro and in vivo the potential as fungicide of two EOs, two commercial products with EOs, and two bioactive compounds presents in EOs, in the control of the fungal pathogen Fusarium graminearum. For the first objective, a two-year field study experiment, was conducted testing two EOs, neem and karanja, at two concentrations (52 and 72 %) and three rates (3.7, 7.5, 11.25 L/ha). The synthetic commercial fungicide Headline (Pyraclostrobin) and a nontreated (water) were used as checks. Applications of the above treatments were made at the flag leaf stage (Zadok’s- 37) in two oats cultivars, Horsepower and Goliath. Percentage of disease incidence (%DI), stem lodging percentage, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), test weight (TW), and yield were assessed for each year. In both years, the two essential oils showed a higher yield and a reduced %DI at the highest concentration and rate compared with the untreated check. The synthetic fungicide, Headline, showed a significantly higher yield (

    (In)tolerance and political violence in Colombia:Materials for an account of political tolerance

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    This dissertation arguesthat, when responding to instances of political intolerance, the main problem an account of political tolerance needs to deal with is that certain conditions be met, yet which are not present in the contexts where political intolerance appears; thus, it seems that in those situations,political tolerance is impossible.This is exemplified through the extermination of laUnión Patriótica(UP), a Colombian political party, framed in a situation of constant and systematic political exclusion and violence in a deeply polarised society. I hold that this impossibility is not a conceptual problem fortolerance initself, butratherfor how tolerance has been approached heretofore: when dealing with political tolerance, contemporary accounts thereof portray it as the outcome of various processes within a liberal and democratic polity.Accordingly, Iargue that these theories of tolerance presuppose that the most fundamental question of social cooperation hasalready been settled in terms of the constitution of a pluralist liberal-democratic order endorsed by the collectivity of citizens.I alsounveil the social, moral,and legal-political background assumptions that recognition, recognition-based tolerance,and liberal theories of toleration rely on. Additionally, I explain how these assumptions are challenged in situations such as the extermination of the UP. Finally, Iestablish that contemporary theories of tolerance are of limited use in explaining its role in situationsof political intolerance,where the very foundations of social and political collaboration are called into question.This viewisjuxtaposed to a different (less ambitious) understanding of tolerance, not as the outcome but as thecondition of a pluralistic liberal-democratic society.Starting from the claim of the toleree, political toleration must beresponsiveto that unconditional imperative. As such, it has a role to play in constituting democratic ordersin contextswhere the conditions for those societies are still disputedand far from being settled

    Aproximaciones al Amazonas como Bien Común Natural: Entre el Pluralismo Jurídico y la Seguridad Ambiental

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    El creciente deterioro ambiental planetario y la consecuente preocupaci n de movimientos ambientalistas y de los gobiernos por proteger los ecosistemas que a n sobreviven al esquema de explotaci n y extracci n de recursos naturales con el fin de detener o bien disminuir los efectos nocivos del cambio clim tico sobre el planeta ha provocado numerosas iniciativas por parte de las potencias para cooperar con los pa ses que poseen dichos ecosistemas en torno a su protecci n Actualmente la situaci n de calentamiento global junto al creciente deterioro d e los diferentes ecosistemas y de recursos naturales no renovables han llevado a que tanto gobiernos como organizaciones no gubernamentales y emergentes movimientos ambientalistas de car cter transnacional sean cada vez m s conscientes de la amenaza mundial que implica no proteger el medio que nos otorga la subsistencia esto es la naturaleza Es por ello que la mayor a de gobiernos en conjunto con movimientos sociales han intentado generar pol ticas que disminuyan y mitiguen el impacto nocivo del calentamiento global pero poco han hecho frente a la verdadera causa del problema que es el desarrollo de actividades productivas y extractivista