87 research outputs found


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    This research aimed to find out the correlation between self- directed learning and reading comprehension of the fifth- semester students of the English department of FKIP Universitas Riau. The researchers used a descriptive quantitative method as the data approach. The samples of this research were 74 students from the fifth-semester students of the English department of FKIP Universitas Riau. The research instruments are a questionnaire and a test. The questionnaire is for the data on self-directed learning while the test is for the data on reading comprehension. To analyze the data, the researchers employed SPSS Statistics 25. The data analysis showed that the mean score of the student's self-directed learning is 215.18, classified as moderate level, while the mean score of the student's reading comprehension is 56.35, categorized as moderate level. Moreover, the research finding showed the correlation coefficient of the two variables is 0.694, indicating a positive and moderate correlation. Also, the determinant coefficient is 0.48 which implies self-directedlearning has a 48% influence on the students’ reading comprehension, leaving the other 52% to other factors. After finding that there is a moderate relationship between self- directed learning and reading comprehension, it is suggested that students should apply self-directed learning activities well, for it can result in better reading comprehension. This is mainly because self-directed learning gives them the freedom to choose their own reading materials and learning objectives


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    This study aims to determine the effect of variables (1) workload on teacher work stress levels, (2) dual role conflict on teacher work stress levels, (3) workload and dual role conflict together on teacher work stress levels. The research respondents were principals of public elementary schools in Tanjung Medan District, Rokan Hilir Regency, totaling 148 people with a sample of 108. The data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires as research instruments. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The instrument reliability coefficient was calculated using the Cronbach alpha formula. The results showed that there was a positive and significant effect of workload on the teacher's work stress level of 0.517, there was a positive and significant influence of dual role conflict on the teacher's work stress level of 0.458. Meanwhile, together there is an effect of workload and dual role conflict on the teacher's work stress level of 0.54


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    Pesatnya perkembangan bioteknologi harus berkontribusi pada kesejahteraan manusia, dengan mengedepankan norma etika dan kemaslahatan semua mahluk hidup. Tetapi tidak seperti hal nya dengan pengaplikasia senjata biologis sebagai senjata penghancur massal. Artikel ini membahas bagaimana sejarah senjata biologis sampai era terbaru lahirnya indikasi Corona Virus salah satu senjata kimia. Dalam kajian filsafat, penggunaan senjata biologis dapat dilihat dari sudut pandang aksial, yaitu dengan menunjukkan teori kegunaan ilmu yang diperoleh dan kaidah-kaidah dari apa yang telah kita peroleh. Sikap memikirkan kebaikan pada semua aspek harus dipilih ketika mengaplikasikan suatu sains. Aksiologi mencover ide tentang subjek nilai, seperti nilai etika, agama, dan nilai estetika. Aksiologi menjawab banyak permasalahan yang berhubungan dengan fungsi sains, keterkaitan antara fungsi dan norma moral, penentuan objek menurut aturan moral, dan kaitan antara metode ilmiah dan teknik dan prosedur norma moral. Oleh sebab itu nilai moral dan kemanusiaan harus diperhatikan dalam mengaplikasikan rekayasa genetika dalam pembuatan senjata pemusnah massal


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the variables (1) leadership knowledge on the effectiveness of the principal's work, (2) managerial competence on the effectiveness of the principal's work, (3) leadership knowledge and managerial competence together on the effectiveness of the principal's work. Research respondents were principals of public elementary schools in Rokan Hilir Regency, totaling 305 people with a sample of 173. Data was collected through questionnaires as a research instrument. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The instrument reliability coefficient was calculated using the Cronbach alpha formula. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence of leadership knowledge on the work effectiveness of the principal of 0.707, and there was a positive and significant influence of managerial competence on the work effectiveness of the principal of 0.603. Meanwhile, together there is an effect of leadership knowledge and managerial competence on the effectiveness of the principal's work of 0.553

    PERBANDINGAN MODAL SOSIAL ANGGOTA DI DUA KELOMPOK TANI (Studi Kasus Kelompok Tani Teratai Merah Dan Kelompok Tani Teratai Putih)

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    Social capital has an important role in achieving the goals of farmer groups. Each member of a farmer group has different social capital, even though the farmer group is in the same area. This research aims to analyze the comparison of social capital of members of the Red Lotus Farmers Group and the White Lotus Farmers Group in Cinandang Village, Dawarblandong District, Mojokerto Regency and to analyze the relationship between social capital and farmer group class. The research method uses quantitative methods. Sampling was carried out using a stratified random sampling approach. The data used is data from interviews with 40 members of the Red Lotus Farmers Group and 27 members of the White Lotus Farmers Group. The analysis technique used is the Mann-Whitney test and the software used is IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Based on the research results, there are differences in the social capital (trust, social norms, networks and participation) of members of the Red Lotus Farmers Group and the White Lotus Farmers Group. The differences between members of the Red Lotus Farmers Group and the White Lotus Group are due to different indicator scores of trust, social norms, networks and participation of farmer group members. The social capital correlation test shows that there is a relationship between social capital and farmer group class

    An Analysis Of The Fifth Semester Students' Speaking Fluency Of English Study Program Of Riau University

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    This study was about speaking fluency level of the fifth semester students of English Study Program of Riau University. This is a descriptive quantitative research with 2 minutes recorded speech as primary data. 24 students were chosen from population of 75 students. The cluster random sampling was used to choose the students from 3 different classes.. The speeches were analysed through 2 steps: Spectrograms analysis & statistical analysis. The study showed that a small number of students speaking fluency level in English Study Program of Riau University are still in level Intermediate and although most students are categorized Good, at least the number of who are in level Advance is three times bigger then those in Intermdiate. Despite of the fact the students's speaking fluency can be concluded as good, the writer would like to recommend other researchers to conduct similar research upon other speaking fluency test so that we can compare it for deeper analysis, more objective and holistic picture speaking fluency

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menyimak melalui Metode Bercerita dengan Boneka Jari pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun di Kb Al-abrar Desa Teberau Panjang Kecamatan Gunung Toar.

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    Based on the results of field observations on listening skills through storytelling with finger puppets in children aged 4-5 years is still low and teachers are still using methods that dominate and not varied. The problems that arise in the listening skills of children aged 4-5 years play group Al-Abrar Teberau Panjang. This study aims to determine the increase listening skills through storytelling with finger puppets in children aged 4-5 years in a play group Al-Abrar Teberau Panjang district Gunung Toar. The sample used in this study amounted to 15 childrens. Based on data analysis and the results showed that percentage of listening skills through storytelling with finger puppets increase significantly. Can be seen from the results of prior actions is 39.2% and then perform an action using a finger puppet, subsequently implemented the results obtained 41.62% next actions result 74.4%. If seen before by the actions that are in the low category as many as 12 children or 80%, moderate category as many as 3 children or 20% and there is no higher category or 0%. It can be seen that after the treatment, the listening skills of children has increased very significantly that there are children who are in the high category as many as 5 children or 33.33%, moderate category as many as 10 people or 66.34%, and there is no children in the low category or 0%
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