
PERBANDINGAN MODAL SOSIAL ANGGOTA DI DUA KELOMPOK TANI (Studi Kasus Kelompok Tani Teratai Merah Dan Kelompok Tani Teratai Putih)


Social capital has an important role in achieving the goals of farmer groups. Each member of a farmer group has different social capital, even though the farmer group is in the same area. This research aims to analyze the comparison of social capital of members of the Red Lotus Farmers Group and the White Lotus Farmers Group in Cinandang Village, Dawarblandong District, Mojokerto Regency and to analyze the relationship between social capital and farmer group class. The research method uses quantitative methods. Sampling was carried out using a stratified random sampling approach. The data used is data from interviews with 40 members of the Red Lotus Farmers Group and 27 members of the White Lotus Farmers Group. The analysis technique used is the Mann-Whitney test and the software used is IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Based on the research results, there are differences in the social capital (trust, social norms, networks and participation) of members of the Red Lotus Farmers Group and the White Lotus Farmers Group. The differences between members of the Red Lotus Farmers Group and the White Lotus Group are due to different indicator scores of trust, social norms, networks and participation of farmer group members. The social capital correlation test shows that there is a relationship between social capital and farmer group class

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