19 research outputs found

    Образ міста у “Вступній новелі” та “Арабесках” М. Хвильового

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу образу міста у “Вступній новелі” та “Арабесках” М. Хвильового. Досліджуються елементи “міського тексту” Харкова, присутні у творах. Образ міста, зображеного у новелах, співвідноситься з містом концентричного й ексцентричного типу, містом-дівою, містом- блудницею, містом-карнавалом, містом-ярмарком. Ключові слова: образ міста, місто концентричного типу, місто ексцентричного типу, місто-діва, місто-блудниця, місто-карнавал, “міський текст” Харкова.Стаття посвящается образу города в “Вступительной новелле” и “Арабесках” М. Хвылевого. Исследуются элементы “городского текста” Харькова, присутствующие в произведениях. Образ города, изображенного в новеллах соотносится с городом концентрического и эксцентрического типа, городом-девой, городом-блудницей, городом-карнавалом. Ключевые слова: образ города, город концентрического типа, город эксцентрического типа, город-дева, город-блудница, город-карнавал, “городской текст” Харькова.The article is devoted to an image of a city in M. Hvylevogo’s “The introductory short story” and “Arabesques”. Elements of Kharkovs “the city text” are investigated. The image of the city represented in short stories corresponds with a city of concentric and eccentric type, a city-maiden, a city-loose woman, a city-carnival. Keywords: an image of a city, a city of concentric type, a city of eccentric type, a city-maiden, a city-loose woman, a city-carnival, “the city text” of Kharkov

    Le granite panafricain calco-alcalin et hautement potassique de tin amzi (hoggar central) : pétrographie et géochimie

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    L’évolution tectonique de la chaîne panafricaine dans le massif du Hoggar est caractérisée par la collision continentale entre le craton ouest africain (marge continentale passive) et le bouclier touareg (marge active). Cette collision est accompagnée par la mise en place de granites d’âges différents à travers le Hoggar. Les roches du complexe plutonique de Tin Amzi situé au sud-ouest de Tamanrasset sont composées de granitoïdes variés affleurant sous forme de plutons ou de dykes. Les granites sont représentés par deux faciès principaux, l’un à biotite l’autre à biotite et à amphibole. Les enclaves retrouvées sont des xénolithes de socle et des enclaves microgrenues sombres. L’étude géochimique et les déformations enregistrées par les granitoïdes (plans de cisaillement, recristallisation du quartz, structures d’enroulement…) ont montré qu’ils appartiennent à la série calco-alcaline hautement potassique à affinité transalcaline liés à un contexte de collision et sont syn à tardi tectoniques et post collisionel


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    The Gara Adjemamaye peralkaline granite outcrops in the Egere-Aleksod terrane (central Hoggar). The main facies is a grey to cream heterogranular rock composed of quartz, mesoperthite, sodi-calcic amphibole, sodic pyroxene, annitic biotite, opaques, Fe-Ti oxides, zircon and abundant (Th, U, REE) bearing minerals. The latter are often finely dispersed in veins crossing the rock, suggesting crystallization due to extensive late-stage remobilization. This work represents a contribution to the crystal-chemistry of these rare minerals and the metasomatic mobility of incompatible elements such as Ti, Zr and REE in igneous environments.UnpublishedTlemcen (Algeria)restricte


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    The Gara Adjemamaye peralkaline granite outcrops in the Egere-Aleksod terrane (central Hoggar). The main facies is a grey to cream heterogranular rock composed of quartz, mesoperthite, sodi-calcic amphibole, sodic pyroxene, annitic biotite, opaques, Fe-Ti oxides, zircon and abundant (Th, U, REE) bearing minerals. The latter are often finely dispersed in veins crossing the rock, suggesting crystallization due to extensive late-stage remobilization. This work represents a contribution to the crystal-chemistry of these rare minerals and the metasomatic mobility of incompatible elements such as Ti, Zr and REE in igneous environments

    Detrital pyrope garnets from the El Kseibat area, Algeria : a glimpse into the lithospheric mantle beneath the north-eastern edge of the West African Craton

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    Pyrope garnet grains found in Cretaceous and Quaternary alluvial sediments in the El Kseibat area (Algeria) suggest the presence of kimberlites along the NE margin of the West African Craton. The garnets have been studied using major- and trace-element chemistry to obtain information about the composition and thermal properties of the lithospheric mantle beneath this area. Most of the garnet grains are lherzolitic in composition (group G9), but range up to high Cr contents (>10% Cr₂O₃); two grains are harzburgitic (G9/G10). Three differently metasomatised groups of pyrope garnets were distinguished: (1) depleted grains that have low Sr, Ti, and Zr contents; (2) grains having low Sr and Ti and high Zr contents; and (3) grains with high Ti and Zr contents. Each group reflects a different stage and intensity of metasomatism. A range of chondrite-normalised rare earth element (REEn) patterns also reflects several styles of metasomatism. Based on geochemical features, most grains appear to be derived from Archean to Proterozoic mantle. The geotherm estimated from the garnet compositions is typically cratonic (ca 40 mW/m²), but somewhat higher than that estimated for the interior of the Craton using heat flow constraints (33 ± 8 mW/m²). Depleted garnets give P–T estimates up to 950 °C, 40 kbar; those showing melt-related metasomatism (high Ti, Zr) go up to 1400 °C and >50 kbar. Nearly all garnet grains were derived from the graphite stability field at depths of 100–170 km, but some may be derived from the diamond stability field. The pyrope garnets of the El Kseibat area indicate that their lithospheric-mantle source has a lherzolitic composition as a result of several stages of metasomatism.11 page(s

    Paleomagnetic and magnetostructural study of Jurassic formations of Gara Djebilet (Tindouf Basin, Southwestern Algeria)

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    International audienceRecent geochemical analyzes and 40Ar/39Ar datings of dolerite sills and dykes and basalticlava flows from Southwestern Algeria (Tindouf, Reggane, Bechar and Hank basins) haveshown that these rocks are related to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). TheCAMP is one of the largest among the Mesozoic basaltic provinces identified and formed about200 Ma ago as a preamble to the breakup of Pangea. These data were solid arguments for undertakinggeological observations and sampling for paleomagnetic studies and magnetic fabrics onthe CAMP formations. A network of three long doleritic dykes (198.9 ± 1.8 Ma) located in theTindouf Basin were targeted to clarify the structural context of their emplacement (magneticfabrics) and to determine a new reliable Mesozoic pole.The magnetic fabric, in almost all the sections sampled, is defined mainly through groupingof k1 and k2 axes on the dyke plane whereas axis k3 is almost perpendicular to the dykeplane. This fabric can therefore be interpreted as the magma flow direction. The new Jurassicpaleomagnetic pole, of excellent quality, is very close to those obtained on detrital formationsof the Algerian Sahara and close to those recently determined on igneous formations of Morocco.This new pole is also very close to the North African pole at 200 Ma. These results representa new contribution for a better knowledge of the geodynamic context during this period

    Paleomagnetic and magnetostructural study of Jurassic formations of Gara Djebilet (Tindouf Basin, Southwestern Algeria)

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    International audienceRecent geochemical analyzes and 40Ar/39Ar datings of dolerite sills and dykes and basalticlava flows from Southwestern Algeria (Tindouf, Reggane, Bechar and Hank basins) haveshown that these rocks are related to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). TheCAMP is one of the largest among the Mesozoic basaltic provinces identified and formed about200 Ma ago as a preamble to the breakup of Pangea. These data were solid arguments for undertakinggeological observations and sampling for paleomagnetic studies and magnetic fabrics onthe CAMP formations. A network of three long doleritic dykes (198.9 ± 1.8 Ma) located in theTindouf Basin were targeted to clarify the structural context of their emplacement (magneticfabrics) and to determine a new reliable Mesozoic pole.The magnetic fabric, in almost all the sections sampled, is defined mainly through groupingof k1 and k2 axes on the dyke plane whereas axis k3 is almost perpendicular to the dykeplane. This fabric can therefore be interpreted as the magma flow direction. The new Jurassicpaleomagnetic pole, of excellent quality, is very close to those obtained on detrital formationsof the Algerian Sahara and close to those recently determined on igneous formations of Morocco.This new pole is also very close to the North African pole at 200 Ma. These results representa new contribution for a better knowledge of the geodynamic context during this period

    Paleomagnetic and magnetostructural study of Jurassic formations of Gara Djebilet (Tindouf Basin, Southwestern Algeria)

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    International audienceRecent geochemical analyzes and 40Ar/39Ar datings of dolerite sills and dykes and basalticlava flows from Southwestern Algeria (Tindouf, Reggane, Bechar and Hank basins) haveshown that these rocks are related to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). TheCAMP is one of the largest among the Mesozoic basaltic provinces identified and formed about200 Ma ago as a preamble to the breakup of Pangea. These data were solid arguments for undertakinggeological observations and sampling for paleomagnetic studies and magnetic fabrics onthe CAMP formations. A network of three long doleritic dykes (198.9 ± 1.8 Ma) located in theTindouf Basin were targeted to clarify the structural context of their emplacement (magneticfabrics) and to determine a new reliable Mesozoic pole.The magnetic fabric, in almost all the sections sampled, is defined mainly through groupingof k1 and k2 axes on the dyke plane whereas axis k3 is almost perpendicular to the dykeplane. This fabric can therefore be interpreted as the magma flow direction. The new Jurassicpaleomagnetic pole, of excellent quality, is very close to those obtained on detrital formationsof the Algerian Sahara and close to those recently determined on igneous formations of Morocco.This new pole is also very close to the North African pole at 200 Ma. These results representa new contribution for a better knowledge of the geodynamic context during this period

    Paleomagnetic and magnetostructural study of the Gara Djebilet Jurassic magmatic formations (Tindouf Basin, Southwest Algeria)

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    International audienceRecent geochemical analyses and 40Ar/39Ar dating of dolerite sills and dykes and basalt lava flows in southwesternAlgeria (Tindouf, Reggane, Bechar area and Hank basins) showed that these rocks are linked to the CentralAtlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). The later is one of the largest identified Mesozoic basalt provinces formedapproximately 200 Ma ago as a preamble to the Pangea dismemberment. These data were strong arguments toundertake geological field observations and a sampling for paleomagnetic and magnetic fabric study in CAMPprovince formations. Three long doleritic dykes (198.9 1.8 Ma) in the Tindouf basin were targeted in order topoint out the structural context of their emplacement (magnetic fabric) and to determine a new reliable Mesozoicpole. The magnetic fabric, in almost the whole sampled sections, is defined mainly by clustering of k1 and k2axes on the dyke plane whereas the k3 axis is nearly perpendicular to it. This fabric is therefore interpreted as dueto magma flow. The new Jurassic paleomagnetic pole, of excellent quality, is very close to those obtained fromcoeval detrital Algerian Saharan formations and also close to those recently determined from coeval Morrocan igneousformations. It is very close to the 200 Ma mean NW African pole too. These results represent a considerablecontribution of to a better knowledge of the geodynamical context during this period