134 research outputs found

    Current Practice, Attitude, and Behaviour towards Road Safety Behaviour among the Drivers in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    The Jakarta Police Department reported that between January and July 2008, traffic accidents in Jakarta caused 1499 people badly injured [15]. The literature also shows that most people who are killed in road crashes or road accidents in Indonesia are drivers [15]. Given the fact that there has been a huge number of road accidents in Indonesia, the understanding of road safety among the drivers across the country remain unclear. The aim of this research is to investigate the current practices, attitude, and perception towards road safety behaviour of drivers in Jakarta, Indonesia. This research used mix methods of qualitative by doing the semi-structured interviews and quantitative by using questionnaires. The nine interview participants were carefullychosen through three different criteria, bus drivers, car drivers, and motorcyclists. Questionnaires were also given to around a hundred people who drive for work in South Jakarta area and were analysed using SPSS software. The findings from the semi-structured interviews show that there is a similar perspective towards road safety behaviour among the drivers. They view road safety behaviour as an attitude in following the safety signs. The drivers also agreed that the biggest obstacle to act safely is the road condition in Jakarta that consists of holes. The result from the questionnaire presents that 71.03 percent of 128 drivers agreed that the road condition in Jakarta is not safe. In conclusion, providing road safety behaviour training should be considered by Police Department before releasing the driving license for drivers. Keywords: perception, attitude, behaviour, drivers, obstacle

    Pengelolaan Limbah Medis Padat pada Puskesmas Kabupaten Pati

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    Puskesmas merupakan salah satu unit pelayanan kesehatan yang menghasilkan limbahmedis padat. Puskesmas di Kabupaten Pati telah memiliki incinerator untuk mengelolalimbah medis padat. Masalah penelitian adalah bagaimana proses pengelolaan limbahmedis padat di Puskesmas Kabupaten Pati dan apakah sudah sesuai dengan KepmenkesNo.1428/Menkes/SK/XII/2006. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui bagaimana prosespengelolaan limbah medis padat di Puskesmas Kabupaten Pati. Metode penelitiandeskriptif dengan rancangan studi kasus di 3 Puskesmas, yaitu Puskesmas A, B, dan C.Instrumen penelitian menggunakan pedoman wawancara,alat perekam gambar, dan alatperekam suara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses pengelolaan limbah medis padatpada puskesmas yang seharusnya menggunakan incinerator, belum semua puskesmasmelakukannya. Puskesmas A melakukan penanganan akhir limbah medis padatmenggunakan incinerator, Puskesmas B dengan pembakaran biasa, dan PuskesmasC dengan melakukan pembakaran di dalam tong berdiameter 40 cm tanpa tidakmenggunakan incinerator. Simpulan penelitian, pengelolaan limbah medis padat padaPuskesmas Kabupaten Pati belum sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam pengelolaan limbahmedis menurut Kepmenkes No 1428/MENKES/SK/XII/2006. Public Health Center is one of the health care unit that produces solid medical waste.Public Health Centers in Pati have incinerator to manage solid medical waste. Researchproblem was how to process solid medical waste in health centers Pati and whether it is inaccordance with Kepmenkes No.1428/Menkes/SK/XII/2006. Research purpose to determinethe process of solid medical waste management in health centers Pati. Descriptive researchmethods by case study in 3 health centers, namely A , B , and C. Research instrument wereinterview guides, image recording, and voice recorder. Th e results showed solid medicalwaste management processes in health centers should use the incinerator, but not all healthcenters did it. Health center A handling solid medical waste by incinerators, Health centerB by usual burning, and Health Center C burning in the barrel with diameter of 40 cmwithout incinerator. Th e conclusions, medical management of solid medical waste in healthcenter Pati not accordance with the provision of management medical waste according toKepmenkes No. 1428/MENKES/SK/XII/2006

    Perilaku Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks dengan Pemeriksaan Iva oleh Wanita Usia Subur(wus) di Desa Sorek Satu Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pangkalan Kuras Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Kanker serviks merupakan penyakit yang terjadi pada leher rahim (serviks). Kanker serviks menempati urutan kedua dari seluruh jenis kanker pada perempuan dengan insiden 9,7% dan jumlah kematian 9,3% dari seluruh kanker pada perempuan di dunia. Menurut data dari Puskesmas Pangkalan Kuras tahun 2016 untuk jumlah WUS yang melakukan pemeriksaan IVA sebanyak 22 (0,29%). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku wanita usia subur (WUS) di Desa Sorek Satu Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pangkalan Kuras Kabupaten Pelalawan Tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik kuantitatif, dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi 2960 dengan sampel 156, dengan menggunakan tehnik samping random sampling.Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat dan bivariate dengan uji Chi Square. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden melakukan perilaku deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan pemeriksaan IVA sebanyak 35 (77,6%), responden dengan pengetahuan rendah sebanyak 103 (66,0%)(POR = 3,039 ; 95% CI 1,401-6,590), responden dengan sikap negatif sebanyak 88 (56,4%)(POR = 2,362 ; 95% CI 1,095-5,094). responden yang tidak melakukan tindakan sebanyak 118 (75,6%)(POR = 2,694 ; 95% CI 1,198-6,060)., responden yang tidak pernah mendapatkan informasi sebanyak 79 (50,6%)(POR = 2.378 ; 95% CI 1,085-5,212). dan responden yang tidak mendapat dukungan keluarga sebanyak 93 (59,6%)(POR = 2,419 ; 95% CI 1,124-5,203). Berdasarkan uji statistik diperoleh P value dari lima variabel <a (0,05, terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap, tindakan, media informasi, dukungan keluarga terhadap perilaku deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan pemeriksaan IVA. Saran diharapkan wanita usia subur meningkatkan kesadaran untuk melakukan IVA guna deteksi dini adanya kanker serviks

    Perbandingan Pengetahuan Infeksi Nosokomial Pada Tenaga Kerja Medis Dan Non Medis Di Rumah Sakit (Studi Analitik Di Rumah Sakit Bhakti Asih Brebes)

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    Background. Hospital is a complex place. People met in there. Diseases exist in there. Hospital is a source of disease for people, include patients and also medical staff. Nosocomial infection is kind of infection that be got by patients when they stayed for hospitalization. Cutting the chain of infection journey, we can avoid it happened. One of many ways to cut the chain of infection journey is improving the staff's nosocomial infection knowledge.Aims. The research wanted to know the awareness of hospital staff about the dangerous of nosocomial infection. The research wanted to measure the quality of facilities in RS Bhakti Asih Brebes, and wanted to improve the awareness of staff medical about medical treatments that make nosocomial infection. This research also wanted to improve the cleaning service in hospital room.Methods. This research used descriptive analytic observational method with survey collecting method. The research design was cross sectional which is no intervention by researcher. This research population is staff in RS BhaktiResult. Most of respondents are female with 5 – 7 year work experiences. Medical and non medical staff in RS Bhakti Asih had good knowledge about nosocomial infection. The knowledge about it and how to avoid it were analyzed, and there were no significance differences (p&gt;0,05) between knowledge in medical staff and non medical staff.Conclusion. There were no significance differences in medical staff and non medical staff about nosocomial infection knowledge and how to avoid

    Pengaruh Lama Inokulasi Dan Ukuran Larva Chilo Sacchariphagus Boj. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Untuk Perbanyakan Sturmiopsis Inferens Towns. (Diptera: Techinidae) Di Laboratorium

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    The objective of the research was to study the inoculation period and larvae size of Chilo sacchariphagus for mass rearing of Sturmiopsis inferens. The research was conducted in laboratory of Sugarcane Reasearch and Devolopment Sei Semayang Binjai, Medan, North Sumatera from September until October 2014 using a randomized complete design with two factors and three replications. The first factor was inoculation periods (5, 10, and 15 minutes) and the second factor was larvae sizes of C. sacchariphagus (&lt; 1.5, 1.5 - 2 and &gt; 2 cm). The results showed that inoculation period and larvae size significantly effected the percentage of parasititation and total of pupa. The highest percentage of parasititation (4,63 %) on inoculation period for 5 minutes with larvae size &gt; 2 cm and the lowest (0.71 %) on inoculation period for 10 minutes with larvae size &lt; 1.5 cm. The highest total of pupal (2.61 pupal) on inoculation period for 5 minutes with larvae size &gt; 2 cm and the lowest (0.71 pupal) on inoculation period for 10 minutes with larvae size &lt; 1.5 cm. The highest percentage of pupal to become imago (92.5 %) on larvae size &gt; 2 cm and the lowest (7.5 %) on larvae size &lt; 1.5 cm and sex ratio of male and female S. inferens is 1 : 1.2

    Analisis Perbandingan Pola Kerjasama Kemitraan Peternak Ayam Broiler Di Kota Pekanbaru (Studi Kasus PT. Ramah Tamah Indah)

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    This research was done at PT. Ramah Tamah Indah in Pekanbaru City, this research aim to know companies system and concept of partnership, implementation conception of partnership, .and knowing comparison mount the breeder earnings. This research was done during eight month, from March to November 2009. Teclmique of intake sampel is method of purposive sampling where breeder taken as responder is breeder with the scale criterion of effort ~ 10.000 tail of chicken broiler. From entire/all breeder population taken 5 breeder which have partner with the division system of result of pursuant to Index Produce (IP) and 5 breeder which have partner with the system of sharing holder 50:50. The result show the partnership concept that could be realized are conservancy fee range, medium produce the livestock provided by a company, gift insentive, technical aid from the company, marketing guarantee, and election of system of result division agreed on by both parties. Average of net earning of effort livestock of chicken of broiler system of index production (IP) is Rp 5.891.662,-and for the system of sharing holder 50:50 is Rp 11.466.241,-. And seen from result the T test obtained conclusion that at this period, earnings of breeder of system of sharing holder 50:50 bigger than system breeder of index production (IP

    A Study on the Ability of the Fourth Semester Students of English Study Program Fkip Ur in Writing a Paragraph

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    This descriptive research was conducted to find out the ability of the fourth semester students of English Study Program FKIP UR in writing a paragrafh. The sample was 60 of the fourth semester students of English study program FKIP UR which was decided by using Simple Random Sampling technique. The data were collected by giving a written test to the students. The students are expected to write a paragraph by choosing one of the given topics. The students\u27 score were graded by three raters and were analyzed by using Harris\u27 scoring system which concerned with five aspects of writing; content, form, grammar, style, and mechanics. The findings showed that there were 53 students (88%) in good level and 7 students (12%) in average level, and no student in excellent, poor and very poor level. It was also found that the students\u27 ability in organization aspect was the highest among the other aspects, with the average score of 69,26, while grammar aspect was the lowest one, with the average score of 63,52. Based on the result obtained, it can be inferred that the fourth semester students of English Study Program FKIP UR were able to write a paragraph and their level of ability was in good level with the average score of 67,48.This study recommended to the students to keep improving their ability and to the further study in the writing skill can focus more on how to improve students\u27 grammar in writing

    An assessment of the impacts of child oral health in Indonesia and associations with self-esteem, school performance and perceived employability

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    Background Previous surveys have indicated that a majority of Indonesian children have poor oral health. However, little detailed information is available on underlying causation and none that examine impacts of oral health on child self-esteem, school performance and perceived employability. The aim of this study was to determine levels of child oral health in primary school children in Indonesia, the prevalence of key causal factors; and, to determine relationships between oral health, self-esteem and school academic performance. Methods Cross-sectional epidemiological study in a sample (n = 984) of children aged 6–7 and 10–11 years old attending three public schools in Indonesia. A dental visual impact study was conducted, in which teachers reported their perceptions of the impact of child oral health on school academic performance. Oral health behaviors, self-esteem, and school performance were assessed. The children were clinically examined to measure dental caries and oral cleanliness. Results Teachers believe that children with visually poor oral health and impaired smiles are more likely to perform poorly at school, be socially excluded and have lower job prospects than their peers with visually good oral health and healthy smiles. The percentages of children with decayed teeth were 94 and 90% in the 6-7- and 10–11-year age groups, respectively. Families reported high levels of child consumption of sugar-containing foods and drinks; many had irregular use of fluoride toothpaste. Children with substantial plaque on their teeth achieved significantly lower levels of school performance than their peers with clean teeth. Significant associations were found between school performance and self-esteem for these children. Conclusions The study findings highlight the need for preventive care programs to improve the oral health of children in Indonesia and prospective determination of associations between child oral health; self-esteem and school academic performance
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