16 research outputs found

    Extracellular adenosine signaling induces CX3CL1 expression in the brain to promote experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis and its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) are debilitating neuroinflammatory diseases mediated by lymphocyte entry into the central nervous system (CNS). While it is not known what triggers lymphocyte entry into the CNS during neuroinflammation, blockade of lymphocyte migration has been shown to be effective in controlling neuroinflammatory diseases. Since we have previously shown that extracellular adenosine is a key mediator of lymphocyte migration into the CNS during EAE progression, we wanted to determine which factors are regulated by adenosine to modulate EAE development. METHODS: We performed a genetic analysis of wild type and CD73−/− (that are unable to produce extracellular adenosine and are protected from EAE development) to identify factors that are both important for EAE development and controlled by extracellular adenosine signaling. RESULTS: We show that extracellular adenosine triggered lymphocyte migration into the CNS by inducing the expression of the specialized chemokine/adhesion molecule CX3CL1 at the choroid plexus. In wild type mice, CX3CL1 is upregulated in the brain on Day 10 post EAE induction, which corresponds with initial CNS lymphocyte infiltration and the acute stage of EAE. Conversely, mice that cannot synthesize extracellular adenosine (CD73−/− mice) do not upregulate CX3CL1 in the brain following EAE induction and are protected from EAE development and its associated lymphocyte infiltration. Additionally, blockade of the A2A adenosine receptor following EAE induction prevents disease development and the induction of brain CX3CL1 expression. The CX3CL1 induced during EAE is found on the choroid plexus, which is the barrier between the blood and cerebral spinal fluid in the brain and is a prime entry point into the CNS for immune cells. Furthermore, CX3CL1 expression can be induced in the brains of mice and in choroid plexus cell line following A2A adenosine receptor agonist administration. Most importantly, we show that CX3CL1 blockade protects against EAE development and inhibits lymphocyte entry into the CNS. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that extracellular adenosine is an endogenous modulator of neuroinflammation during EAE that induces CX3CL1 at the choroid plexus to trigger lymphocyte entry into the brain

    CD73 Is Critical for the Resolution of Murine Colonic Inflammation

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    CD73 is a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol-(GPI-) linked membrane protein that catalyzes the extracellular dephosphorylation of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) to adenosine. Adenosine is a negative regulator of inflammation and prevents excessive cellular damage. We investigated the role of extracellular adenosine in the intestinal mucosa during the development of Dextran-Sulfate-Sodium-(DSS-)salt-induced colitis in mice that lack CD73 (CD73−/−) and are unable to synthesize extracellular adenosine. We have found that, compared to wild-type (WT) mice, CD73−/− mice are highly susceptible to DSS-induced colitis. CD73−/− mice exhibit pronounced weight loss, slower weight recovery, an increase in gut permeability, a decrease in expression of tight junctional adhesion molecules, as well as unresolved inflammation following the removal of DSS. Moreover, colonic epithelia in CD73−/− mice exhibited increased TLR9 expression, high levels of IL-1β and TNF-α, and constitutive activation of NF-κB. We conclude that CD73 expression in the colon is critical for regulating the magnitude and the resolution of colonic immune responses.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant A1072434-A2)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant R01NS063011

    The human male liver is predisposed to inflammation via enhanced myeloid responses to inflammatory triggers

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    BACKGROUND & AIM: Men have a higher prevalence of liver disease. Liver myeloid cells can regulate tissue inflammation, which drives progression of liver disease. We hypothesized that sex alters the responsiveness of liver myeloid cells, predisposing men to severe liver inflammation. METHODS: Luminex was done on plasma from Hepatitis B Virus infected patients undergoing nucleoside analogue cessation in 45 male and female patients. We collected immune cells from the sinusoids of uninfected livers of 53 male and female donors. Multiparametric flow cytometry was used to phenotype and characterize immune composition. Isolated monocytes were stimulated with TLR ligands to measure the inflammatory potential and the expression of regulators of TLR signaling. RESULTS: We confirmed that men experienced more frequent and severe liver damage upon Hepatitis B Virus reactivation, which was associated with inflammatory markers of myeloid activation. No differences were observed in the frequency or phenotype of sinusoidal myeloid cells between male and female livers. However, monocytes from male livers produced more inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in response to TLR stimulation than female monocytes. We investigated negative regulators of TLR signaling and found that TOLLIP was elevated in female liver-derived monocytes. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that enhanced responsiveness of myeloid cells from the male liver predisposes men to inflammation, which was associated with altered expression of negative regulators of TLR signaling

    HIV Cell-to-Cell Spread Results in Earlier Onset of Viral Gene Expression by Multiple Infections per Cell

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    Cell-to-cell spread of HIV, a directed mode of viral transmission, has been observed to be more rapid than cell-free infection. However, a mechanism for earlier onset of viral gene expression in cell-to-cell spread was previously uncharacterized. Here we used time-lapse microscopy combined with automated image analysis to quantify the timing of the onset of HIV gene expression in a fluorescent reporter cell line, as well as single cell staining for infection over time in primary cells. We compared cell-to-cell spread of HIV to cell-free infection, and limited both types of transmission to a two-hour window to minimize differences due to virus transit time to the cell. The mean time to detectable onset of viral gene expression in cell-to-cell spread was accelerated by 19% in the reporter cell line and by 35% in peripheral blood mononuclear cells relative to cell-free HIV infection. Neither factors secreted by infected cells, nor contact with infected cells in the absence of transmission, detectably changed onset. We recapitulated the earlier onset by infecting with multiple cell-free viruses per cell. Surprisingly, the acceleration in onset of viral gene expression was not explained by cooperativity between infecting virions. Instead, more rapid onset was consistent with a model where the fastest expressing virus out of the infecting virus pool sets the time for infection independently of the other co-infecting viruses

    Intracellular growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis after macrophage cell death leads to serial killing of host cells

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    A hallmark of pulmonary tuberculosis is the formation of macrophage-rich granulomas. These may restrict Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) growth, or progress to central necrosis and cavitation, facilitating pathogen growth. To determine factors leading to Mtb proliferation and host cell death, we used live cell imaging to track Mtb infection outcomes in individual primary human macrophages. Internalization of Mtb aggregates caused macrophage death, and phagocytosis of large aggregates was more cytotoxic than multiple small aggregates containing similar numbers of bacilli. Macrophage death did not result in clearance of Mtb. Rather, it led to accelerated intracellular Mtb growth regardless of prior activation or macrophage type. In contrast, bacillary replication was controlled in live phagocytes. Mtb grew as a clump in dead cells, and macrophages which internalized dead infected cells were very likely to die themselves, leading to a cell death cascade. This demonstrates how pathogen virulence can be achieved through numbers and aggregation states. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.22028.00

    Single-cell RNA sequencing of liver fine-needle aspirates captures immune diversity in the blood and liver in chronic hepatitis B patients

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    Background and Aims: HBV infection is restricted to the liver, where it drives exhaustion of virus-specific T and B cells and pathogenesis through dysregulation of intrahepatic immunity. Our understanding of liver-specific events related to viral control and liver damage has relied almost solely on animal models, and we lack useable peripheral biomarkers to quantify intrahepatic immune activation beyond cytokine measurement. Our objective was to overcome the practical obstacles of liver sampling using fine-needle aspiration and develop an optimized workflow to comprehensively compare the blood and liver compartments within patients with chronic hepatitis B using single-cell RNA sequencing. Approach and Results: We developed a workflow that enabled multi-site international studies and centralized single-cell RNA sequencing. Blood and liver fine-needle aspirations were collected, and cellular and molecular captures were compared between the Seq-Well S3 picowell-based and the 10× Chromium reverse-emulsion droplet–based single-cell RNA sequencing technologies. Both technologies captured the cellular diversity of the liver, but Seq-Well S3 effectively captured neutrophils, which were absent in the 10× dataset. CD8 T cells and neutrophils displayed distinct transcriptional profiles between blood and liver. In addition, liver fine-needle aspirations captured a heterogeneous liver macrophage population. Comparison between untreated patients with chronic hepatitis B and patients treated with nucleoside analogs showed that myeloid cells were highly sensitive to environmental changes while lymphocytes displayed minimal differences. Conclusions: The ability to electively sample and intensively profile the immune landscape of the liver, and generate high-resolution data, will enable multi-site clinical studies to identify biomarkers for intrahepatic immune activity in HBV and beyond.</p

    The 5'-Ectoenzyme Cd73 Promotes Toxoplasma Gondii Persistence In The Cns While Limiting Systemic Immunopathology

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    The protozoan pathogen Toxoplasma gondii is a highly successful parasite that infects up to a third of the world's population, causing morbidity and mortality in the immunocompromised and when acquired congenitally. As an obligate intracellular pathogen, T. gondii has adapted to acquiring key nutrients from its host. Unlike vertebrate cells which are capable of de novo adenosine synthesis, T. gondii must rely solely on the purine salvage pathway, necessitating the presence of host-generated adenosine. CD73, present on vertebrate host cells but not T. gondii parasites, is a surface-anchored glycoprotein that catalyzes the conversion of AMP to adenosine, which is then sensed by the cell through transmembrane adenosine receptors. The enzyme is highly expressed in various tissues, including the brain, lymphoid organs, and in many immune cell subsets. To determine the role of CD73-generated adenosine in T. gondii infection, I infected wildtype and CD73-knockout mice with the Toxoplasma gondii ME49 strain via the oral route. CD73-/- mice did not succumb to reactivation of infection, and had fewer brain cysts developing in the CD73-/- mice. The reduced cyst burden was due to a defect in T. gondii differentiation to cyst-forming bradyzoites in the brain in the absence of CD73, and was independent of adenosine receptor signaling. In vitro differentiation in primary murine astrocytes and human fibroblasts was also CD73-dependent, and could be rescued by exogenous supplementation with adenosine or blocked with pharmacological inhibition of CD73, while treatment with an adenosine receptor agonist had no effect. Thus CD73- generated adenosine directly promoted T. gondii persistence and differentiation to long-lived tissue cysts. To further investigate the reason for the reduced parasite burden in the CNS, I inoculated WT and CD73-/- mice with T. gondii via peritoneal inoculation. Unexpectedly, CD73-/- mice were markedly susceptible to T. gondii intraperitoneal infection. Susceptibility was associated with elevated IL1[beta], TNF[alpha], IFN[gamma] and nitric oxide production, and increased infiltration of neutrophils and T cells into the peritoneal cavity. CD73 expression on both hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cells was required to prevent immunopathology, and the absence of CD73 promoted local dissemination of the parasite. Thus, CD73 plays opposite functions in acute and chronic infections with a protozoan pathogen

    Gamma Interferon Positively Modulates Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans-Specific RANKL(+) CD4(+) Th-Cell-Mediated Alveolar Bone Destruction In Vivo

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    Recent studies have shown the biological and clinical significance of signaling pathways of osteogenic cytokines RANKL-RANK/OPG in controlling osteoclastogenesis associated with bone pathologies, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and other osteolytic disorders. In contrast to the inhibitory effect of gamma interferon (IFN-γ) on RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis reported recently, alternative new evidence is demonstrated via studies of experimental periodontitis using humanized NOD/SCID and diabetic NOD mice and clinical human T-cell isolates from diseased periodontal tissues, where the presence of increasing IFN-γ is clearly associated with (i) enhanced Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans-specific RANKL-expressing CD4(+) Th cell-mediated alveolar bone loss during the progression of periodontal disease and (ii) a concomitant and significantly increased coexpression of IFN-γ in RANKL(+) CD4(+) Th cells. Therefore, there are more complex networks in regulating RANKL-RANK/OPG signaling pathways for osteoclastogenesis in vivo than have been suggested to date

    Extracellular adenosine signaling induces CX3CL1 expression in the brain to promote experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    Abstract Background Multiple sclerosis and its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) are debilitating neuroinflammatory diseases mediated by lymphocyte entry into the central nervous system (CNS). While it is not known what triggers lymphocyte entry into the CNS during neuroinflammation, blockade of lymphocyte migration has been shown to be effective in controlling neuroinflammatory diseases. Since we have previously shown that extracellular adenosine is a key mediator of lymphocyte migration into the CNS during EAE progression, we wanted to determine which factors are regulated by adenosine to modulate EAE development. Methods We performed a genetic analysis of wild type and CD73−/− (that are unable to produce extracellular adenosine and are protected from EAE development) to identify factors that are both important for EAE development and controlled by extracellular adenosine signaling. Results We show that extracellular adenosine triggered lymphocyte migration into the CNS by inducing the expression of the specialized chemokine/adhesion molecule CX3CL1 at the choroid plexus. In wild type mice, CX3CL1 is upregulated in the brain on Day 10 post EAE induction, which corresponds with initial CNS lymphocyte infiltration and the acute stage of EAE. Conversely, mice that cannot synthesize extracellular adenosine (CD73−/− mice) do not upregulate CX3CL1 in the brain following EAE induction and are protected from EAE development and its associated lymphocyte infiltration. Additionally, blockade of the A2A adenosine receptor following EAE induction prevents disease development and the induction of brain CX3CL1 expression. The CX3CL1 induced during EAE is found on the choroid plexus, which is the barrier between the blood and cerebral spinal fluid in the brain and is a prime entry point into the CNS for immune cells. Furthermore, CX3CL1 expression can be induced in the brains of mice and in choroid plexus cell line following A2A adenosine receptor agonist administration. Most importantly, we show that CX3CL1 blockade protects against EAE development and inhibits lymphocyte entry into the CNS. Conclusions We conclude that extracellular adenosine is an endogenous modulator of neuroinflammation during EAE that induces CX3CL1 at the choroid plexus to trigger lymphocyte entry into the brain.</p