19 research outputs found

    Vote Prediction Models for Signed Social Networks

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    Voting is an integral part of the decision-making mechanism in many communities. Voting decides which bills become laws in parliament or users become administrators on Wikipedia. Understanding a voter's behaviour and being able to predict how they will vote can help in selecting better and more successful policies or candidates. As votes tend to be for or against a particular agenda, they can be intuitively represented by positive or negative links respectively in a signed network. These signed networks allow us to view voting through the lens of graph theory and network analysis. Predicting a vote translates into predicting the sign of a link in the network. The task of sign prediction in signed networks is well studied and many approaches utilize social theories of balance and status in a network. However, most conventional methods are generic and disregard the iterative nature of voting in communities. Therefore this thesis proposes two new approaches for solving the task of vote prediction in signed networks. The first is a graph combination method that gathers features from multiple auxiliary graphs as well as encoding balance and status theories using triads. Then, it becomes a supervised machine learning problem which can be solved using any general linear model. Second, we propose a novel iterative method to learn relationships between users to predict votes. We quantify a network's adherence to status theory using the concept of agony and hierarchy in directed networks. Analogously, we use the spectral decomposition of the network to measure its balance. These measures are then used to predict the votes that comply the most with the social theories. We implement our approaches to predict votes in the elections of administrators in Wikipedia. Our experiments and results on the Wiki-RfA dataset show that the iterative models perform much better than the graph combination model. We analyse the impact of the voting order on the performance of these models. Furthermore, we find that balance theory represents votes in Wikipedia elections better than status theory

    Certifiable Unlearning Pipelines for Logistic Regression: An Experimental Study

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    Machine unlearning is the task of updating machine learning (ML) models after a subset of the training data they were trained on is deleted. Methods for the task are desired to combine effectiveness and efficiency (i.e., they should effectively “unlearn” deleted data, but in a way that does not require excessive computational effort (e.g., a full retraining) for a small amount of deletions). Such a combination is typically achieved by tolerating some amount of approximation in the unlearning. In addition, laws and regulations in the spirit of “the right to be forgotten” have given rise to requirements for certifiability (i.e., the ability to demonstrate that the deleted data has indeed been unlearned by the ML model). In this paper, we present an experimental study of the three state-of-the-art approximate unlearning methods for logistic regression and demonstrate the trade-offs between efficiency, effectiveness and certifiability offered by each method. In implementing this study, we extend some of the existing works and describe a common unlearning pipeline to compare and evaluate the unlearning methods on six real-world datasets and a variety of settings. We provide insights into the effect of the quantity and distribution of the deleted data on ML models and the performance of each unlearning method in different settings. We also propose a practical online strategy to determine when the accumulated error from approximate unlearning is large enough to warrant a full retraining of the ML model

    Cost-Effective Retraining of Machine Learning Models

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    It is important to retrain a machine learning (ML) model in order to maintain its performance as the data changes over time. However, this can be costly as it usually requires processing the entire dataset again. This creates a trade-off between retraining too frequently, which leads to unnecessary computing costs, and not retraining often enough, which results in stale and inaccurate ML models. To address this challenge, we propose ML systems that make automated and cost-effective decisions about when to retrain an ML model. We aim to optimize the trade-off by considering the costs associated with each decision. Our research focuses on determining whether to retrain or keep an existing ML model based on various factors, including the data, the model, and the predictive queries answered by the model. Our main contribution is a Cost-Aware Retraining Algorithm called Cara, which optimizes the trade-off over streams of data and queries. To evaluate the performance of Cara, we analyzed synthetic datasets and demonstrated that Cara can adapt to different data drifts and retraining costs while performing similarly to an optimal retrospective algorithm. We also conducted experiments with real-world datasets and showed that Cara achieves better accuracy than drift detection baselines while making fewer retraining decisions, ultimately resulting in lower total costs

    Scalably Using Node Attributes and Graph Structure for Node Classification

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    The task of node classification concerns a network where nodes are associated with labels, but labels are known only for some of the nodes. The task consists of inferring the unknown labels given the known node labels, the structure of the network, and other known node attributes. Common node classification approaches are based on the assumption that adjacent nodes have similar attributes and, therefore, that a node’s label can be predicted from the labels of its neighbors. While such an assumption is often valid (e.g., for political affiliation in social networks), it may not hold in some cases. In fact, nodes that share the same label may be adjacent but differ in their attributes, or may not be adjacent but have similar attributes. In this work, we present JANE (Jointly using Attributes and Node Embeddings), a novel and principled approach to node classification that flexibly adapts to a range of settings wherein unknown labels may be predicted from known labels of adjacent nodes in the network, other node attributes, or both. Our experiments on synthetic data highlight the limitations of benchmark algorithms and the versatility of JANE. Further, our experiments on seven real datasets of sizes ranging from 2.5K to 1.5M nodes and edge homophily ranging from 0.86 to 0.29 show that JANE scales well to large networks while also demonstrating an up to 20% improvement in accuracy compared to strong baseline algorithms

    Optimizing a Data Science System for Text Reuse Analysis

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    Text reuse is a methodological element of fundamental importance in humanities research: pieces of text that re-appear across different documents, verbatim or paraphrased, provide invaluable information about the historical spread and evolution of ideas. Large modern digitized corpora enable the joint analysis of text collections that span entire centuries and the detection of large-scale patterns, impossible to detect with traditional small-scale analysis. For this opportunity to materialize, it is necessary to develop efficient data science systems that perform the corresponding analysis tasks. In this paper, we share insights from ReceptionReader, a system for analyzing text reuse in large historical corpora. The system is built upon billions of instances of text reuses from large digitized corpora of 18th-century texts. Its main functionality is to perform downstream text reuse analysis tasks, such as finding reuses that stem from a given article or identifying the most reused quotes from a set of documents, with each task expressed as a database query. For the purposes of the paper, we discuss the related design choices including various database normalization levels and query execution frameworks, such as distributed data processing (Apache Spark), indexed row store engine (MariaDB Aria), and compressed column store engine (MariaDB Columnstore). Moreover, we present an extensive evaluation with various metrics of interest (latency, storage size, and computing costs) for varying workloads, and we offer insights from the trade-offs we observed and the choices that emerged as optimal in our setting. In summary, our results show that (1) for the workloads that are most relevant to text-reuse analysis, the MariaDB Aria framework emerges as the overall optimal choice, (2) big data processing (Apache Spark) is irreplaceable for all processing stages of the system's pipeline.Comment: Early Draf

    Robustness of Sketched Linear Classifiers to Adversarial Attacks

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    Linear classifiers are well-known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks: they may predict incorrect labels for input data that are adversarially modified with small perturbations. However, this phenomenon has not been properly understood in the context of sketch-based linear classifiers, typically used in memory-constrained paradigms, which rely on random projections of the features for model compression. In this paper, we propose novel Fast-Gradient-Sign Method (FGSM) attacks for sketched classifiers in full, partial, and black-box information settings with regards to their internal parameters. We perform extensive experiments on the MNIST dataset to characterize their robustness as a function of perturbation budget. Our results suggest that, in the full-information setting, these classifiers are less accurate on unaltered input than their uncompressed counterparts but just as susceptible to adversarial attacks. But in more realistic partial and black-box information settings, sketching improves robustness while having lower memory footprint.Peer reviewe

    Provable randomized rounding for minimum-similarity diversification

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    When searching for information in a data collection, we are often interested not only in finding relevant items, but also in assembling a diverse set, so as to explore different concepts that are present in the data. This problem has been researched extensively. However, finding a set of items with minimal pairwise similarities can be computationally challenging, and most existing works striving for quality guarantees assume that item relatedness is measured by a distance function. Given the widespread use of similarity functions in many domains, we believe this to be an important gap in the literature. In this paper we study the problem of finding a diverse set of items, when item relatedness is measured by a similarity function. We formulate the diversification task using a flexible, broadly applicable minimization objective, consisting of the sum of pairwise similarities of the selected items and a relevance penalty term. To find good solutions we adopt a randomized rounding strategy, which is challenging to analyze because of the cardinality constraint present in our formulation. Even though this obstacle can be overcome using dependent rounding, we show that it is possible to obtain provably good solutions using an independent approach, which is faster, simpler to implement and completely parallelizable. Our analysis relies on a novel bound for the ratio of Poisson-Binomial densities, which is of independent interest and has potential implications for other combinatorial-optimization problems. We leverage this result to design an efficient randomized algorithm that provides a lower-order additive approximation guarantee. We validate our method using several benchmark datasets, and show that it consistently outperforms the greedy approaches that are commonly used in the literature.Peer reviewe

    Cost-Aware Retraining for Machine Learning

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    Retraining a machine learning (ML) model is essential for maintaining its performance as the data change over time. However, retraining is also costly, as it typically requires re-processing the entire dataset. As a result, a trade-off arises: on the one hand, retraining an ML model too frequently incurs unnecessary computing costs; on the other hand, not retraining frequently enough leads to stale ML models and incurs a cost in loss of accuracy. To resolve this trade-off, we envision ML systems that make automated and cost-optimal decisions about when to retrain an ML model. In this work, we study the decision problem of whether to retrain or keep an existing ML model based on the data, the model, and the predictive queries answered by the model. Crucially, we consider the costs associated with each decision and aim to optimize the trade-off. Our main contribution is a Cost-Aware Retraining Algorithm, CARA, which optimizes the trade-off over streams of data and queries. To explore the performance of CARA, we first analyze synthetic datasets and demonstrate that CARA can adapt to different data drifts and retraining costs while performing similarly to an optimal retrospective algorithm. Subsequently, we experiment with real-world datasets and demonstrate that CARA has better accuracy than drift detection baselines while making fewer retraining decisions, thus incurring lower total costs.Peer reviewe