22 research outputs found

    Brukarens roll i välfärdsforskning och utvecklingsarbete

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    Tekstene er fra forelesninger samt fra doktorantkurset "Brukarmedverkan i forskning och utvecklingsarbete inom hälso- och sjukvård, socialt arbete och omsorg". Kurset ble avholdt våren 2009.Fra omslag: På 1980-talet blev ”brukare” ett modeord i offentlig förvaltning och förvaltningsforskning. Termen betecknar den som använder sig av välfärdsservice (jfr. engelskans service user), eller ”slutmottagare” av offentlig nyttighet eller åtgärd. Brukare av välfärdstjänster vet hur hjälp och service fungerar i praktiken och kan därför ge synnerligen viktig återkoppling enligt devisen: ”Den som har skorna på fötterna vet var de skaver”. Välfärdsorganisationer har all anledning att involvera brukare i planering och policyarbete i syfte att utveckla förmågan att göra rätt saker. Det finns inte mycket dokumentation och forskning kring brukarmedverkan i utvecklingsarbete och forskning på välfärdsområdet. I synnerhet saknas kunskap om hur välfärdstjänster tas emot och realiseras i brukarens livssammanhang. En ambition i doktorandkursen ”brukarmedverkan i forskning och utvecklingsarbete inom hälso- och sjukvård, socialt arbete och omsorg” var att samla och presentera kunskaper på området. Kursen genomfördes våren 2009 i ett unikt samarbete mellan Karlstads Universitet, Sheffield University i England, Högskolan i Hedmark i Norge, Hälsohögskolan i Jönköping och Högskolan i Borås/FoU Sjuhärad Välfärd. Texterna i denna bok härrör från kursens föreläsningar och paperarbeten. De ger många exempel på hur brukare kan involveras i forskning och utvecklingsarbete, och presenterar en rad praktiska metoder för brukarsamverkan. Boken rekommenderas till välfärdens politiker och yrkespersoner, till studenter som förbereder sig för välfärdens yrken liksom till forskare och utvecklingsarbetare som vill utveckla samarbete med brukare och brukarorganisationer. Den vänder sig givetvis även till brukare och brukarorganisationer som vill engagera sig i forskning och utvecklingsarbete

    Common variants near CAV1 and CAV2 are associated with primary openangle glaucoma.

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    l e t t e r s We conducted a genome-wide association study for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) in 1,263 affected individuals (cases) and 34,877 controls from Iceland. We identified a common sequence variant at 7q31 (rs4236601[A], odds ratio (OR) = 1.36, P = 5.0 × 10 −10 ). We then replicated the association in sample sets of 2,175 POAG cases and 2,064 controls from Sweden, the UK and Australia (combined OR = 1.18, P = 0.0015) and in 299 POAG cases and 580 unaffected controls from Hong Kong and Shantou, China (combined OR = 5.42, P = 0.0021). The risk variant identified here is located close to CAV1 and CAV2, both of which are expressed in the trabecular meshwork and retinal ganglion cells that are involved in the pathogenesis of POAG. Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, affecting approximately 70 million people 1 . It is a chronic degenerative optic neuropathy with progressive loss of retinal ganglion cells and axons resulting in a corresponding thinning of the neuroretinal rim of the optic nerve and a characteristic visual field defect. It is distinct from other forms of optic neuropathy in that the neuro retinal rim of the optic nerve retains its normal pink color as it becomes progressively thinner, leading to an enlarged opticnerve cup. POAG is the most common form of glaucoma. Excluding rare primary juvenile glaucoma with age of onset between 10 and 35 years, POAG is arbitrarily divided into highpressure glaucoma (defined as ≥22 mmHg) and normalpressure glaucoma. POAG is thought to have a multifactorial etiology, with the main risk factors being age, elevated intraocular (IOP) pressure, family history, race, central corneal thickness (CCT), hypertension, diabetes and myopia. The familiality of POAG has been known for decades, and studies have revealed three to ninefold greater risk of POAG in firstdegree relatives of POAG cases than in the population in general 2 . Common variants near CAV1 and CAV2 are associated with primary openangle glaucom

    18 Eye Clinic

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    We conducted a genome-wide association study for primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) in ,263 affected individuals (cases) and 34,877 controls from Iceland. We identified a common sequence variant at 7q3 (rs423660[A], odds ratio (OR) = .36, P = 5.0 × 0 −0 ). We then replicated the association in sample sets of 2,75 POAG cases and 2,064 controls from Sweden, the UK and Australia (combined OR = .8, P = 0.005) and in 299 POAG cases and 580 unaffected controls from Hong Kong and Shantou, China (combined OR = 5.42, P = 0.002). The risk variant identified here is located close to CAV1 and CAV2, both of which are expressed in the trabecular meshwork and retinal ganglion cells that are involved in the pathogenesis of POAG. Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide, affecting approximately 70 million people 1 . It is a chronic degenerative optic neuropathy with progressive loss of retinal ganglion cells and axons resulting in a corresponding thinning of the neuroretinal rim of the optic nerve and a characteristic visual field defect. It is distinct from other forms of optic neuropathy in that the neuro retinal rim of the optic nerve retains its normal pink color as it becomes progressively thinner, leading to an enlarged opticnerve cup. POAG is the most common form of glaucoma. Excluding rare primary juvenile glaucoma with age of onset between 10 and 35 years, POAG is arbitrarily divided into highpressure glaucoma (defined as ≥22 mmHg) and normalpressure glaucoma. POAG is thought to have a multifactorial etiology, with the main risk factors being age, elevated intraocular (IOP) pressure, family history, race, central corneal thickness (CCT), hypertension, diabetes and myopia. The familiality of POAG has been known for decades, and studies have revealed three to ninefold greater risk of POAG in firstdegree relatives of POAG cases than in the population in general 2 . Common variants near CAV1 and CAV2 are associated with primary openangle glaucom

    Speech by Jamie Magnusson, CWSE Interim Head, at protest against threats to feminists at the Unviersity of Toronto

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    Review of Universities and Globalization: Critical Perspectives

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    Feminist Analysis of Neoliberal Restructuring and Higher Education

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