5,007 research outputs found

    Evaluation of laser range-finder mapping for agricultural spraying vehicles

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    In this paper, we present a new application of laser range-finder sensing to agricultural spraying vehicles. The current generation of spraying vehicles use automatic controllers to maintain the height of the sprayer booms above the crop. However, these control systems are typically based on ultrasonic sensors mounted on the booms, which limits the accuracy of the measurements and the response of the controller to changes in the terrain, resulting in a sub-optimal spraying process. To overcome these limitations, we propose to use a laser scanner, attached to the front of the sprayer's cabin, to scan the ground surface in front of the vehicle and to build a scrolling 3d map of the terrain. We evaluate the proposed solution in a series of field tests, demonstrating that the approach provides a more detailed and accurate representation of the environment than the current sonar-based solution, and which can lead to the development of more efficient boom control systems

    Identification and tunable optical coherent control of transition-metal spins in silicon carbide

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    Color centers in wide-bandgap semiconductors are attractive systems for quantum technologies since they can combine long-coherent electronic spin and bright optical properties. Several suitable centers have been identified, most famously the nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond. However, integration in communication technology is hindered by the fact that their optical transitions lie outside telecom wavelength bands. Several transition-metal impurities in silicon carbide do emit at and near telecom wavelengths, but knowledge about their spin and optical properties is incomplete. We present all-optical identification and coherent control of molybdenum-impurity spins in silicon carbide with transitions at near-infrared wavelengths. Our results identify spin S=1/2S=1/2 for both the electronic ground and excited state, with highly anisotropic spin properties that we apply for implementing optical control of ground-state spin coherence. Our results show optical lifetimes of ∼\sim60 ns and inhomogeneous spin dephasing times of ∼\sim0.3 μ\mus, establishing relevance for quantum spin-photon interfacing.Comment: Updated version with minor correction, full Supplementary Information include

    Domain growth by isothermal aging in 3d Ising and Heisenberg spin glasses

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    Non-equilibrium dynamics of three dimensional model spin glasses - the Ising system Fe0.50_{0.50}Mn0.50_{0.50}TiO3_3 and the Heisenberg like system Ag(11 at% Mn) - has been investigated by measurements of the isothermal time decay of the low frequency ac-susceptibility after a quench from the paramagnetic to the spin glass phase. It is found that the relaxation data measured at different temperatures can be scaled according to predictions from the droplet scaling model, provided that critical fluctuations are accounted for in the analyzes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Non-equilibrium dynamics in an interacting nanoparticle system

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    Non-equilibrium dynamics in an interacting Fe-C nanoparticle sample, exhibiting a low temperature spin glass like phase, has been studied by low frequency ac-susceptibility and magnetic relaxation experiments. The non-equilibrium behavior shows characteristic spin glass features, but some qualitative differences exist. The nature of these differences is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figure

    Marinbiologiske forbedringer av miljøet i Bjørvika/Bispevika. Vurdering av muligheter

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    Årsliste 2006Rapporten beskriver hvilke muligheter som foreligger for å forbedre det marinbiologiske miljøet i Bjørvika-/Bispevikaområdet etter at anleggsarbeider som berører vannet i området er fullført. Hensikten er å få et rikere plante- og dyreliv i området ved transplantasjon av enkelte makroalger og ålegras samt utplassering av kunstige rev spesielt konstruert til å begunstige dyrelivet (bl.a. fisk). Forholdene i området vil ikke bli like bra som i øvrige deler av fjorden, men en klar forbedring av forholdene er mulig, sammenlignet med dagens tilstand. Det forutsettes at tilførsler fra overløp og andre lokale tilførsler blir redusert ved rensetekniske tiltak. Etablering av nytt liv i området vil også kunne ha en selvrensingseffekt i tillegg til de estetiske og rekreasjonsmessige fordelene. For god gjennomføring av arbeidet er det nødvendig med pilotprosjekt for å finne frem til teknikker og gunstige substrater, samt at de enkelte artene og de kunstige revene gir forventet resultat. Kostnader for pilotprosjekt og fullskalaforsøk er anslått.Oslo Vann- og Avløpsetate

    Memory and superposition in a spin glass

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    Non-equilibrium dynamics in a Ag(Mn) spin glass are investigated by measurements of the temperature dependence of the remanent magnetisation. Using specific cooling protocols before recording the thermo- or isothermal remanent magnetisations on re-heating, it is found that the measured curves effectively disclose non-equilibrium spin glass characteristics such as ageing and memory phenomena as well as an extended validity of the superposition principle for the relaxation. The usefulness of this "simple" dc-method is discussed, as well as its applicability to other disordered magnetic systems.Comment: REVTeX style; 8 pages, 4 figure

    Optical properties of carbon nanofiber photonic crystals

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    Carbon nanofibers (CNF) are used as components of planar photonic crystals. Square and rectangular lattices and random patterns of vertically aligned CNF were fabricated and their properties studied using ellipsometry. We show that detailed information such as symmetry directions and the band structure of these novel materials can be extracted from considerations of the polarization state in the specular beam. The refractive index of the individual nanofibers was found to be n_CNF = 4.1.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Vortex Fluctuations in High-Tc Films: Flux Noise Spectrum and Complex Impedance

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    The flux noise spectrum and complex impedance for a 500 {\AA} thick YBCO film are measured and compared with predictions for two dimensional vortex fluctuations. It is verified that the complex impedance and the flux noise spectra are proportional to each other, that the logarithm of the flux noise spectra for different temperatures has a common tangent with slope ≈−1\approx -1, and that the amplitude of the noise decreases as d−3d^{-3}, where dd is the height above the film at which the magnetic flux is measured. A crossover from normal to anomalous vortex diffusion is indicated by the measurements and is discussed in terms of a two-dimensional decoupling.Comment: 5 pages including 4 figures in two columns, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
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