21 research outputs found

    First Report of Circulating MicroRNAs in Tumour Necrosis Factor Receptor-Associated Periodic Syndrome (TRAPS)

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    Tumor necrosis factor-receptor associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) is a rare autosomal dominant autoinflammatory disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of long-lasting fever and inflammation in different regions of the body, such as the musculo-skeletal system, skin, gastrointestinal tract, serosal membranes and eye. Our aims were to evaluate circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) levels in patients with TRAPS, in comparison to controls without inflammatory diseases, and to correlate their levels with parameters of disease activity and/or disease severity. Expression levels of circulating miRNAs were measured by Agilent microarrays in 29 serum samples from 15 TRAPS patients carrying mutations known to be associated with high disease penetrance and from 8 controls without inflammatory diseases. Differentially expressed and clinically relevant miRNAs were detected using GeneSpring GX software. We identified a 6 miRNAs signature able to discriminate TRAPS from controls. Moreover, 4 miRNAs were differentially expressed between patients treated with the interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist, anakinra, and untreated patients. Of these, miR-92a-3p and miR-150-3p expression was found to be significantly reduced in untreated patients, while their expression levels were similar to controls in samples obtained during anakinra treatment. MiR-92b levels were inversely correlated with the number of fever attacks/year during the 1st year from the index attack of TRAPS, while miR-377-5p levels were positively correlated with serum amyloid A (SAA) circulating levels. Our data suggest that serum miRNA levels show a baseline pattern in TRAPS, and may serve as potential markers of response to therapeutic intervention

    Conditions for FT-derived neurosphere differentiation.

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    <p>Seven different conditions involving various combinations of an adhesive substrate with serum-containing medium were used to differentiate FT-derived neurospheres. After 7 days, the differentiated cells were subsequently immunostained for markers to identify neurons (ÎČTIII, neurofilament), astrocytes (GFAP), and oligodendrocytes (O1). Although all seven conditions generated these cell types, exposing neurospheres to serum resulted in a more rapid differentiation process. N.D.: not done.</p

    Generation of motor neurons (MNs) from FT-derived neurospheres.

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    <p>Individual neurospheres were treated with RA and either Shh-N or Hh-Ag1.3 for 4–5 days, plated onto an adhesive substrate, and cultured in serum-containing medium with appropriate growth factors for 7–10 days. Differentiated cells were subsequently evaluated for the expression of MN and MN progenitor markers. <b>a</b>) Differentiated cells from a P7 FT (30 DIV) stained positive for Olig2 (i, red) Pax6 (ii, green). The merged images co-stained for DAPI (blue) are shown in (iii). <b>b</b>) The MN-specific marker MNR2 is expressed by FT-derived neurospheres (green). Donor: P7 FT, 30 DIV. <b>c</b>) Expression of Tuj-1 (i, green) and ChAT (ii, red). The merged image co-stained for DAPI is shown in (iii). Donor: P6 FT, 36 DIV. Scale bars: 100 ”m.</p

    <i>In vivo</i> survival and differentiation of FT-derived NPCs transplanted into the developing chick spinal cord.

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    <p><b>a</b>) Neurospheres were isolated from a P2 transgenic rat that expressed eGFP in every cell. Scale bar: 100 ”m. <b>b</b>) GFP<sup>+</sup> NPCs from a P2 rat were transplanted into a stage 10 (33 hrs) chick neural tube at the prospective rostral end of the developing spinal cord. This image was taken immediately after injection, and the rostral end is pointing towards the bottom. Scale bar: 200 ”m. <b>c</b>) After 3 DIO (∌stage 22), GFP<sup>+</sup> cells had survived and begun to take on the morphology of neurons and glia. Scale bar: 50 ”m. <b>d–e</b>) Neurospheres from a 6-month-old human were transplanted into a stage 10 (33 hrs) chick spinal cord at the rostral end. After 3 DIO, transplanted cells were labeled with the human-specific antibody HSP27 (green) and can be seen migrating away from the transplantation site. Two different embryos are shown in (d) and (e). The image in (e)i is a magnified view of the migrating cells from the highlighted area in (e). Scale bars: (d) and (e): 200 ”m, (e)i: 50 ”m. <b>f–h</b>) After 7 DIO, some FT-derived NPCs (green, f–h(i)) expressed the neuronal marker Tuj-1 (red, f(ii)), the astrocyte marker GFAP (red, g(ii)), or the oligodendrocyte marker MBP (red, h(ii)). In all cases (f–h), a merged image of (i) and (ii) along with the nuclear marker DAPI is shown in (iii). Scale bars: 50 ”m.</p

    Variable expression of MNR2 in FT-derived neurospheres undergoing MN differentiation.

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    <p>Scatter graph illustrating the variability in MNR2 expression in differentiated neurospheres under four sets of differentiation conditions. The X axis is the experiment number, and the Y axis is the average proportion of cells derived from each neurosphere expressing MNR2, Tuj-1 and/or GFAP. MNR2, which was used to identify MN generation, was expressed by cells in roughly the same proportion among conditions (1), (2), and (3) with more inconsistent results under condition (4). In 3 of the 28 experiments where the small molecule agonist, Hh-Ag1.3, was used in place of Shh-N, 100% expression of MNR2 was observed. See Results for more detail.</p

    Inducing differentiation of FT-derived neurospheres.

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    <p><b>a</b>) An <b>i</b>ndividual neurosphere from a P5 FT (42 DIV) was plated at T = 0 on a laminin-coated coverslip and cultured in media that contained 10% serum. <b>b</b>) Morphological properties of differentiation were evident after 18 hours of exposure to these differentiating conditions. Scale bar: 100 ”m.</p

    Identification of neural progenitor cell (NPC) markers in the rat FT.

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    <p><b>a</b>) Dissection of a P9 FT fixed in 4% formaldehyde. The arrow indicates the start of the FT. <b>b</b>) Immunohistochemical staining of a whole mount P3 FT for the NPC marker Nestin (red, i) with the distribution of cells indicated with DAPI (blue, ii). A merged image of b(i) and (ii) is shown in b(iii). Scale bar: 1 mm. <b>c</b>) Expression of Nestin (green) and DAPI (blue) in a longitudinal section of a P1 FT. Scale bar: 50 ”m. <b>d</b>) Expression of Nestin (red) and DAPI (blue) in a transverse section of a P1 FT. Scale bar: 20 ”m. The arrow in b(ii) indicates the location along the FT from which this section was taken.</p