485 research outputs found

    Il frammento di Elvio Mancia e un incipit tragico

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    In ORF4 71 fr. 1 (p. 270 f. Malcovati), the orator was probably alluding to the Euripidean Hecabe (lines 1-9 and 21-27)

    Il cratere di Derveni, Nonno e il bouplex di Licurgo

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    The well-known bronze krater from Derveni, as well as some passages from Nonnus’ Dionysiaca, testify to an ancient exegetical tradition identifying Lycurgus’ weapon (at Il. 6.135) with an ox-goad

    The PEP Survey: Infrared Properties of Radio-Selected AGN

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    By exploiting the VLA-COSMOS and the Herschel-PEP surveys, we investigate the Far Infrared (FIR) properties of radio-selected AGN. To this purpose, from VLA-COSMOS we considered the 1537, F[1.4 GHz]>0.06 mJy sources with a reliable redshift estimate, and sub-divided them into star-forming galaxies and AGN solely on the basis of their radio luminosity. The AGN sample is complete with respect to radio selection at all z<~3.5. 832 radio sources have a counterpart in the PEP catalogue. 175 are AGN. Their redshift distribution closely resembles that of the total radio-selected AGN population, and exhibits two marked peaks at z~0.9 and z~2.5. We find that the probability for a radio-selected AGN to be detected at FIR wavelengths is both a function of radio power and redshift, whereby powerful sources are more likely to be FIR emitters at earlier epochs. This is due to two distinct effects: 1) at all radio luminosities, FIR activity monotonically increases with look-back time and 2) radio activity of AGN origin is increasingly less effective at inhibiting FIR emission. Radio-selected AGN with FIR emission are preferentially located in galaxies which are smaller than those hosting FIR-inactive sources. Furthermore, at all z<~2, there seems to be a preferential (stellar) mass scale M ~[10^{10}-10^{11}] Msun which maximizes the chances for FIR emission. We find such FIR (and MIR) emission to be due to processes indistinguishable from those which power star-forming galaxies. It follows that radio emission in at least 35% of the entire AGN population is the sum of two contributions: AGN accretion and star-forming processes within the host galaxy.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, to appear in MNRA

    Molecular Gas, Dust and Star Formation in Galaxies: II. Dust properties and scalings in \sim\ 1600 nearby galaxies

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    We aim to characterize the relationship between dust properties. We also aim to provide equations to estimate accurate dust properties from limited observational datasets. We assemble a sample of 1,630 nearby (z<0.1) galaxies-over a large range of Mstar, SFR - with multi-wavelength observations available from wise, iras, planck and/or SCUBA. The characterization of dust emission comes from SED fitting using Draine & Li dust models, which we parametrize using two components (warm and cold ). The subsample of these galaxies with global measurements of CO and/or HI are used to explore the molecular and/or atomic gas content of the galaxies. The total Lir, Mdust and dust temperature of the cold component (Tc) form a plane that we refer to as the dust plane. A galaxy's sSFR drives its position on the dust plane: starburst galaxies show higher Lir, Mdust and Tc compared to Main Sequence and passive galaxies. Starburst galaxies also show higher specific Mdust (Mdust/Mstar) and specific Mgas (Mgas/Mstar). The Mdust is more closely correlated with the total Mgas (atomic plus molecular) than with the individual components. Our multi wavelength data allows us to define several equations to estimate Lir, Mdust and Tc from one or two monochromatic luminosities in the infrared and/or sub-millimeter. We estimate the dust mass and infrared luminosity from a single monochromatic luminosity within the R-J tail of the dust emission, with errors of 0.12 and 0.20dex, respectively. These errors are reduced to 0.05 and 0.10 dex, respectively, if the Tc is used. The Mdust is correlated with the total Mism (Mism \propto Mdust^0.7). For galaxies with Mstar 8.5<log(Mstar/Msun) < 11.9, the conversion factor \alpha_850mum shows a large scatter (rms=0.29dex). The SF mode of a galaxy shows a correlation with both the Mgass and Mdust: high Mdust/Mstar galaxies are gas-rich and show the highest SFRs.Comment: 24 pages, 28 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication in A&

    Automated mining of the ALMA archive in the COSMOS field (A3COSMOS): II. Cold molecular gas evolution out to Redshift 6

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    We present new measurements of the cosmic cold molecular gas evolution out to redshift 6 based on systematic mining of the ALMA public archive in the COSMOS deep field (A3COSMOS). Our A3COSMOS dataset contains ~700 galaxies (0.3 < z < 6) with high-confidence ALMA detections in the (sub-)millimeter continuum and multi-wavelength spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Multiple gas mass calibration methods are compared and biases in band conversions (from observed ALMA wavelength to rest-frame Rayleigh-Jeans(RJ)-tail continuum) have been tested. Combining our A3COSMOS sample with ~1,000 CO-observed galaxies at 0 < z < 4 (75% at z < 0.1), we parameterize galaxies' molecular gas depletion time and molecular gas to stellar mass ratio (gas fraction) each as a function of the stellar mass, offset from the star-forming main sequence (Delta MS) and cosmic age (or redshift). Our proposed functional form provides a statistically better fit to current data (than functional forms in the literature), and implies a "downsizing" effect (i.e., more-massive galaxies evolve earlier than less-massive ones) and "mass-quenching" (gas consumption slows down with cosmic time for massive galaxies but speeds up for low-mass ones). Adopting galaxy stellar mass functions and applying our function for gas mass calculation, we for the first time infer the cosmic cold molecular gas density evolution out to redshift 6 and find agreement with CO blind surveys as well as semi-analytic modeling. These together provide a coherent picture of cold molecular gas, SFR and stellar mass evolution in galaxies across cosmic time

    Total Molecular Gas Masses of Planck - Herschel Selected Strongly Lensed Hyper Luminous Infrared Galaxies

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    We report the detection of CO(1 - 0) line emission from seven Planck and Herschel selected hyper luminous (LIR(8-1000um) > 10^13Lsun) infrared galaxies with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). CO(1 - 0) measurements are a vital tool to trace the bulk molecular gas mass across all redshifts. Our results place tight constraints on the total gas content of these most apparently luminous high-z star-forming galaxies (apparent IR luminosities of LIR > 10^(13-14) Lsun), while we confirm their predetermined redshifts measured using the Large Millimeter Telescope, LMT (zCO = 1.33 - 3.26). The CO(1 - 0) lines show similar profiles as compared to Jup = 2 -4 transitions previously observed with the LMT. We report enhanced infrared to CO line luminosity ratios of = 110 (pm 22) Lsun(K km s^-1 pc^-2)^-1 compared to normal star-forming galaxies, yet similar to those of well-studied IR-luminous galaxies at high-z. We find average brightness temperature ratios of = 0.93 (2 sources), = 0.34 (5 sources), and = 0.18 (1 source). The r31 and r41 values are roughly half the average values for SMGs. We estimate the total gas mass content as uMH2 = (0.9 - 27.2) x 10^11(alphaCO/0.8)Msun, where u is the magnification factor and alphaCO is the CO line luminosity to molecular hydrogen gas mass conversion factor. The rapid gas depletion times are, on average, tau = 80 Myr, which reveal vigorous starburst activity, and contrast the Gyr depletion timescales observed in local, normal star-forming galaxies.Comment: published in MNRAS, 9pages, 5fig

    The Far-Infrared, UV and Molecular Gas Relation in Galaxies up to z=2.5

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    We use the infrared excess (IRX) FIR/UV luminosity ratio to study the relation between the effective UV attenuation (A_IRX) and the UV spectral slope (beta) in a sample of 450 1<z<2.5 galaxies. The FIR data is from very deep Herschel observations in the GOODS fields that allow us to detect galaxies with SFRs typical of galaxies with log(M)>9.3. Thus, we are able to study galaxies on and even below the main SFR-stellar mass relation (main sequence). We find that main sequence galaxies form a tight sequence in the IRX--beta plane, which has a flatter slope than commonly used relations. This slope favors a SMC-like UV extinction curve, though the interpretation is model dependent. The scatter in the IRX-beta plane, correlates with the position of the galaxies in the SFR-M plane. Using a smaller sample of galaxies with CO gas masses, we study the relation between the UV attenuation and the molecular gas content. We find a very tight relation between the scatter in the IRX-beta plane and the specific attenuation (S_A), a quantity that represents the attenuation contributed by the molecular gas mass per young star. S_A is sensitive to both the geometrical arrangement of stars and dust, and to the compactness of the star forming regions. We use this empirical relation to derive a method for estimating molecular gas masses using only widely available integrated rest-frame UV and FIR photometry. The method produces gas masses with an accuracy between 0.12-0.16 dex in samples of normal galaxies between z~0 and z~1.5. Major mergers and sub-millimeter galaxies follow a different S_A relation.Comment: 11 pages, 6 pages appendix, 11 figures, accepted to Ap

    Probing the Timescale of the 1.4 GHz Radio emissions as a Star formation tracer

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    Radio used as a star formation rate (SFR) tracer presents enormous advantages by being unaffected by dust and radio sources being pinpointed at the sub-arc-second level. The interpretation of the low frequency 1.4 GHz luminosity is hampered by the difficulty in modeling the cosmic ray paths in the interstellar medium, and their interactions with the magnetic field. In this work, we compare the SFR derived from radio observations, and the ones derived from spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling. We aim at better understand the behavior of the SFR radio tracer, with a specific emphasis on the link with star-formation histories. We used the SED modeling code Code Investigating GALaxy Emission, CIGALE, with a non-parametric star formation history model (SFH) and fit the data over the wavelength range from the ultraviolet (UV) up to the mid-infrared (mid-IR). We interpret the difference between radio and SED-based SFR tracers in the light of recent gradients in the derived SFH. To validate the robustness of the results, we checked for any remaining active galaxy nuclei (AGN) contribution and tested the impact of our SFH modeling approach. Approximately 27% our galaxies present a radio SFR (SFRradio_{\rm radio}) at least ten times larger than the instantaneous SFR from SED-fitting (SFRSED_{\rm SED}). This trend affects primarily the galaxies that show a declining SFH activity over the last 300 Myr. Both SFR indicators converge toward a consistent value, when the SFHs are averaged over a period larger than 150 Myr to derive SFRSED_{\rm SED}. Although the radio at low frequency 1.4 GHz is a good tracer of the star formation activity of galaxies with constant or increasing SFH, our results indicate that this is not the case for galaxies that are quenching. Our analysis suggests that the star formation time sensitivity of the radio low frequency could be longer than 150 Myr.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure
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