253 research outputs found

    Tri-hamiltonian vector fields, spectral curves and separation coordinates

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    We show that for a class of dynamical systems, Hamiltonian with respect to three distinct Poisson brackets (P_0, P_1, P_2), separation coordinates are provided by the common roots of a set of bivariate polynomials. These polynomials, which generalise those considered by E. Sklyanin in his algebro-geometric approach, are obtained from the knowledge of: (i) a common Casimir function for the two Poisson pencils (P_1 - \lambda P_0) and (P_2 - \mu P_0); (ii) a suitable set of vector fields, preserving P_0 but transversal to its symplectic leaves. The frameworks is applied to Lax equations with spectral parameter, for which not only it unifies the separation techniques of Sklyanin and of Magri, but also provides a more efficient ``inverse'' procedure not involving the extraction of roots.Comment: 49 pages Section on reduction revisite

    The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Health Care Professionals Burnout

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between Emotional Intelligence (EI) and burnout in health care professionals. More specifically, this survey has the purpose of demonstrating the role of EI as a protective factor against the risk of burnout. Health professionals (doctors, nurses, and other caregivers) composed the sample. Data, collected during professional training, provided 148 employees. Major results of this survey underline the relationship between EI and burnout. As we expected, there is a negative and significant correlation between burnout and Emotional Intelligence. Moreover, burnout varies depending on length of service: burnout increases between 5 and 10 years of experience and decreases over 10 years. Indeed, burnout is differently expressed amongst healthcare professionals: more specifically, Psycho-physical exhaustion, Detriment of the relationships and Burnout (total score) has an impact on physician (doctors) more than other investigated health professionals. These findings seem to suggest the opportunity to improve Emotional Intelligence abilities through specific training programs, useful to promote the ability to cope with stress and to enrich the relationships in the workplace

    Gauge Fixing in Higher Derivative Gravity

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    Linearized four-derivative gravity with a general gauge fixing term is considered. By a Legendre transform and a suitable diagonalization procedure it is cast into a second-order equivalent form where the nature of the physical degrees of freedom, the gauge ghosts, the Weyl ghosts, and the intriguing "third ghosts", characteristic to higher-derivative theories, is made explicit. The symmetries of the theory and the structure of the compensating Faddeev-Popov ghost sector exhibit non-trivial peculiarities.Comment: 21 pages, LaTe

    Ostrogradski Formalism for Higher-Derivative Scalar Field Theories

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    We carry out the extension of the Ostrogradski method to relativistic field theories. Higher-derivative Lagrangians reduce to second differential-order with one explicit independent field for each degree of freedom. We consider a higher-derivative relativistic theory of a scalar field and validate a powerful order-reducing covariant procedure by a rigorous phase-space analysis. The physical and ghost fields appear explicitly. Our results strongly support the formal covariant methods used in higher-derivative gravity.Comment: 22 page

    A new duality transformation for fourth-order gravity

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    We prove that for non-linear L = L(R), the Lagrangians L and \hat L give conformally equivalent fourth-order field equations being dual to each other. The proof represents a new application of the fact that the operator is conformally invariant.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Gen. Relat. Grav. in prin

    Equivalence of black hole thermodynamics between a generalized theory of gravity and the Einstein theory

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    We analyze black hole thermodynamics in a generalized theory of gravity whose Lagrangian is an arbitrary function of the metric, the Ricci tensor and a scalar field. We can convert the theory into the Einstein frame via a "Legendre" transformation or a conformal transformation. We calculate thermodynamical variables both in the original frame and in the Einstein frame, following the Iyer--Wald definition which satisfies the first law of thermodynamics. We show that all thermodynamical variables defined in the original frame are the same as those in the Einstein frame, if the spacetimes in both frames are asymptotically flat, regular and possess event horizons with non-zero temperatures. This result may be useful to study whether the second law is still valid in the generalized theory of gravity.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Constraining Newtonian stellar configurations in f(R) theories of gravity

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    We consider general metric f(R)f(R) theories of gravity by solving the field equations in the presence of a spherical static mass distribution by analytical perturbative means. Expanding the field equations systematically in \cO(G), we solve the resulting set of equations and show that f(R)f(R) theories which attempt to solve the dark energy problem very generally lead to γPPN=1/2\gamma_{PPN}=1/2 in the solar system. This excludes a large class of theories as possible explanations of dark energy. We also present the first order correction to γPPN\gamma_{PPN} and show that it cannot have a significant effect.Comment: 4 pages; v2: added references, modified abstract and introduction, conclusions unchange

    Higher-Derivative Boson Field Theories and Constrained Second-Order Theories

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    As an alternative to the covariant Ostrogradski method, we show that higher-derivative relativistic Lagrangian field theories can be reduced to second differential-order by writing them directly as covariant two-derivative theories involving Lagrange multipliers and new fields. Despite the intrinsic non-covariance of the Dirac's procedure used to deal with the constraints, the explicit Lorentz invariance is recovered at the end. We develop this new setting on the grounds of a simple scalar model and then its applications to generalized electrodynamics and higher-derivative gravity are worked out. For a wide class of field theories this method is better suited than Ostrogradski's for a generalization to 2n-derivative theoriesComment: 31 pages, Plain Te

    Local adsorption structure and bonding of porphine on Cu(111) before and after self-metalation

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    We have experimentally determined the lateral registry and geometric structure of free-base porphine (2H-P) and copper-metalated porphine (Cu-P) adsorbed on Cu(111), by means of energy-scanned photoelectron diffraction (PhD), and compared the experimental results to density functional theory (DFT) calculations that included van der Waals corrections within the Tkatchenko-Scheffler approach. Both 2H-P and Cu-P adsorb with their center above a surface bridge site. Consistency is obtained between the experimental and DFT-predicted structural models, with a characteristic change in the corrugation of the four N atoms of the molecule's macrocycle following metalation. Interestingly, comparison with previously published data for cobalt porphine adsorbed on the same surface evidences a distinct increase in the average height of the N atoms above the surface through the series 2H-P, Cu-P, cobalt porphine. Such an increase strikingly anti-correlates the DFT-predicted adsorption strength, with 2H-P having the smallest adsorption height despite the weakest calculated adsorption energy. In addition, our findings suggest that for these macrocyclic compounds, substrate-to-molecule charge transfer and adsorption strength may not be univocally correlated

    Determinant-Gravity: Cosmological implications

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    We analyze the action d4xdetBgμν+CRμν\int d^4x \sqrt{\det||{\cal B} g_{\mu\nu}+ {\cal C} R_{\mu\nu}}|| as a possible alternative or addition to the Einstein gravity. Choosing a particular form of B(R)=R{\cal B}(R)= \sqrt {R} we can restore the Einstein gravity and, if B=m2{\cal B}=m^2, we obtain the cosmological constant term. Taking B=m2+B1R{\cal B} = m^2 + {\cal B}_1 R and expanding the action in 1/m2 1/m^2, we obtain as a leading term the Einstein Lagrangian with a cosmological constant proportional to m4m^4 and a series of higher order operators. In general case of non-vanishing B{\cal B} and C{\cal C} new cosmological solutions for the Robertson-Walker metric are obtained.Comment: revtex format, 5 pages,8 figures,references adde