152 research outputs found

    Beyond Geometry : Towards Fully Realistic Wireless Models

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    Signal-strength models of wireless communications capture the gradual fading of signals and the additivity of interference. As such, they are closer to reality than other models. However, nearly all theoretic work in the SINR model depends on the assumption of smooth geometric decay, one that is true in free space but is far off in actual environments. The challenge is to model realistic environments, including walls, obstacles, reflections and anisotropic antennas, without making the models algorithmically impractical or analytically intractable. We present a simple solution that allows the modeling of arbitrary static situations by moving from geometry to arbitrary decay spaces. The complexity of a setting is captured by a metricity parameter Z that indicates how far the decay space is from satisfying the triangular inequality. All results that hold in the SINR model in general metrics carry over to decay spaces, with the resulting time complexity and approximation depending on Z in the same way that the original results depends on the path loss term alpha. For distributed algorithms, that to date have appeared to necessarily depend on the planarity, we indicate how they can be adapted to arbitrary decay spaces. Finally, we explore the dependence on Z in the approximability of core problems. In particular, we observe that the capacity maximization problem has exponential upper and lower bounds in terms of Z in general decay spaces. In Euclidean metrics and related growth-bounded decay spaces, the performance depends on the exact metricity definition, with a polynomial upper bound in terms of Z, but an exponential lower bound in terms of a variant parameter phi. On the plane, the upper bound result actually yields the first approximation of a capacity-type SINR problem that is subexponential in alpha

    Semi-Transitive Orientations and Word-Representable Graphs

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    A graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a \emph{word-representable graph} if there exists a word WW over the alphabet VV such that letters xx and yy alternate in WW if and only if (x,y)E(x,y)\in E for each xyx\neq y. In this paper we give an effective characterization of word-representable graphs in terms of orientations. Namely, we show that a graph is word-representable if and only if it admits a \emph{semi-transitive orientation} defined in the paper. This allows us to prove a number of results about word-representable graphs, in particular showing that the recognition problem is in NP, and that word-representable graphs include all 3-colorable graphs. We also explore bounds on the size of the word representing the graph. The representation number of GG is the minimum kk such that GG is a representable by a word, where each letter occurs kk times; such a kk exists for any word-representable graph. We show that the representation number of a word-representable graph on nn vertices is at most 2n2n, while there exist graphs for which it is n/2n/2.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0810.031

    Strongly simplicial vertices of powers of trees

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    AbstractFor a tree T and an integer k⩾1, it is well known that the kth power Tk of T is strongly chordal and hence has a strong elimination ordering of its vertices. In this note we obtain a complete characterization of strongly simplicial vertices of Tk, thereby characterizing all strong elimination orderings of the vertices of Tk

    Independent sets in bounded-degree hypergraphs

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    AbstractIn this paper we analyze several approaches to the Maximum Independent Set (MIS) problem in hypergraphs with degree bounded by a parameter Δ. Since independent sets in hypergraphs can be strong and weak, we denote by MIS (MSIS) the problem of finding a maximum weak (strong) independent set in hypergraphs, respectively. We propose a general technique that reduces the worst case analysis of certain algorithms on hypergraphs to their analysis on ordinary graphs. This technique allows us to show that the greedy algorithm for MIS that corresponds to the classical greedy set cover algorithm has a performance ratio of (Δ+1)/2. It also allows us to apply results on local search algorithms on graphs to obtain a (Δ+1)/2 approximation for the weighted MIS and (Δ+3)/5−ϵ approximation for the unweighted case. We improve the bound in the weighted case to ⌈(Δ+1)/3⌉ using a simple partitioning algorithm. We also consider another natural greedy algorithm for MIS that adds vertices of minimum degree and achieves only a ratio of Δ−1, significantly worse than on ordinary graphs. For MSIS, we give two variations of the basic greedy algorithm and describe a family of hypergraphs where both algorithms approach the bound of Δ

    Fast Coloring Despite Congested Relays

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    We provide a O(log6logn)O(\log^6 \log n)-round randomized algorithm for distance-2 coloring in CONGEST with Δ2+1\Delta^2+1 colors. For Δpolylogn\Delta\gg\operatorname{poly}\log n, this improves exponentially on the O(logΔ+polyloglogn)O(\log\Delta+\operatorname{poly}\log\log n) algorithm of [Halld\'orsson, Kuhn, Maus, Nolin, DISC'20]. Our study is motivated by the ubiquity and hardness of local reductions in CONGEST. For instance, algorithms for the Local Lov\'asz Lemma [Moser, Tardos, JACM'10; Fischer, Ghaffari, DISC'17; Davies, SODA'23] usually assume communication on the conflict graph, which can be simulated in LOCAL with only constant overhead, while this may be prohibitively expensive in CONGEST. We hope our techniques help tackle in CONGEST other coloring problems defined by local relations.Comment: 37 pages. To appear in proceedings of DISC 202

    Improved distributed algorithms for coloring interval graphs with application to multicoloring trees

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    Post-print (lokagerð höfundar)We give a distributed (1+eps)-approximation algorithm for the minimum vertex coloring problem on interval graphs, which runs in the LOCAL model and operates in O((1/eps) log* n) rounds. If nodes are aware of their interval representations, then the algorithm can be adapted to the CONGEST model using the same number of rounds. Prior to this work, only constant factor approximations using O(log* n) rounds were known. Linial's ring coloring lower bound implies that the dependency on log* n cannot be improved. We further prove that the dependency on 1/eps is also optimal. To obtain our CONGEST model algorithm, we develop a color rotation technique that may be of independent interest. We demonstrate that color rotations can also be applied to obtain a (1+eps)-approximate multicoloring of directed trees in O((1/eps)log* n) rounds.Magnus M. Halldorsson is supported by grants 152679-05 and 174484-05 from the Icelandic Research Fund. Christian Konrad is supported by the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP) at Warwick University and by EPSRC award EP/N011163/1."Peer Reviewed