279 research outputs found

    Macierzyństwo po żydowsku w narracjach matek żyjących w Polsce

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    This article discusses the maternal experiences of three women of Jewish origin. The data was collected by means of a free-text interview with narrative elements, and analyzed by means of the linguistic-narrative method of text analysis. The main question we seek to answer is: What types of motherhood do Jewish mothers represent? and What are the characteristics of each of them? The aims of the article are (1) to juxtapose the three styles of motherhood and describe each of them, and (2) to show the importance of the transfer of the culture of origin and upbringing for the performance of the parental role by Jewish women. In this paper, we discuss the cultural pattern of motherhood, by juxtaposing the figure of the Polish Mother with the Yiddish Mame. We then outline the detailed methodological design of the article. In the next section, we characterize three types of motherhood: mono-cultural, bicultural and multicultural. Our analysis leads to a conclusion indicating that despite contemporary social changes, mothers are still responsible for the religious upbringing of their children. At the same time, we point out the similarities between the Polish Mother and the Yiddish Mame.W niniejszym artykule prezentujemy macierzyńskie doświadczenia trzech kobiet żydowskiego pochodzenia. Dane zebrane zostały za pomocą wywiadu swobodnego z elementami narracji, a analizowane za pomocą językowo-narracyjnej metody analizy tekstu. Głównym pytaniem, na które staramy się znaleźć odpowiedź, jest: Jakie typy macierzyństwa prezentują matki Żydówki? I czym charakteryzuje się każdy z nich? Cele artykułu to: (1) Zestawienie trzech stylów macierzyństwa i charakterystyka każdego z nich, (2) Ukazanie znaczenia transferu kultury pochodzenia i wychowania dla pełnienia roli rodzicielskiej przez kobiety pochodzenia żydowskiego. W artykule przedstawiamy kulturowy wzór macierzyństwa, zestawiamy figurę Matki Polki z Jidysze Mame. Następnie prezentujemy szczegółowe założenia metodologiczne. W kolejnej części charakteryzujemy trzy typy macierzyństwa: jednokulturowe, dwukulturowe i wielokulturowe. Nasze analizy prowadzą do wniosków końcowych, wskazujących na to, że pomimo współczesnych przemian społecznych nadal za religijne wychowanie dzieci odpowiadają matki. Jednocześnie wskazujemy na podobieństwa pomiędzy matką-Polką a Jidysze Mame

    Legal aspects of the support for innovative activities of scientists and researchers

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    CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest wskazanie postaw służących najbardziej efektywnemu wsparciu prawnemu naukowców zaangażowanych w innowacyjne projekty mające na celu rozwój gospodarki, którzy podejmują współpracę z przedsiębiorcami PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Ukazany zostaje problem rozbieżności interpretacyjnych pojęć z zakresu badań i rozwoju oraz wynikających stąd zagrożeń dla ochrony praw naukowców. Autorka poprzez przegląd literatury przedmiotu analizuje prawne aspekty kooperacji pomiędzy nauką a biznesem.PROCES WYWODU: Prezentowane są narzędzia umożliwiające zabezpieczenie praw własności intelektualnej, w ten sposób aby potencjał intelektualny naukowców przyczyniał się do osiągnięcia sukcesu ekonomicznego uczelni i przedsiębiorców, bez uszczerbku dla praw bezpośrednio zaangażowanych w odkrycie twórców. Wskazano na powszechną praktykę, w której kapitał ludzki musi ustępować machinerii biznesu i marketingu, w tym miejscu zostaje wskazana zostaje kluczowa rola uniwersytetu jako dysponenta praw własności intelektualnej – strony umów zawieranych z przedsiębiorcami i reprezentanta praw twórców. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Wywód prowadzi do konkluzji, że pojęcie transferu technologii powinno zostać na trwałe zastąpione terminem transferu innowacji. Z uwagi na fakt, że to właśnie procent skomercjalizowanych wyników badań prowadzonych przez uczelnie stał się wyznacznikiem ich sukcesu wnioski artykułu potwierdzają ważną rolę transferu innowacji.WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Rosnąca aktywność naukowców w środowisku biznesu zwraca uwagę na konieczność zapewnienia konkurencyjności uczelni. Szczególnego znaczenia nabierają metody zarządzania należącymi do nich prawami wyłącznymi, pozwalające na zapewnienie efektywnego transferu innowacji.RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to define attitudes that effectively provide legal support for researchers that are engaged in the innovative projects, who are cooperating with the entrepreneurs. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The problem to analyze are discrepancy in interpretation of the basic term from the field of research and development and the threats that results from it. Author by presenting an overview of literature, analyzes legal aspects of the cooperation between business and science. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Presented are tools to protect intellectual property rights in such a way that the economic success of the universities and entrepreneurs is guaranteed without prejudice to the rights of scientists directly involved in the discovery. It is underlined that it is a common situation that the human capital must give way business and marketing. It indicates the key role of the university as an owner of intellectual property rights – a party to agreements of the transfer of innovation and a representative of the rights of scientists. RESEARCH RESULTS: This article intends to draw attention to the significance of implementation of the results of scientific research. Due to differences in interpretation of the term technology, the article provide a conclusion that the said term should be replaced with the innovation transfer. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Percentage of commercialized results of research conducted by the university has become an important determinant of competitiveness of the universities. The management of the intellectual property rights registered for the university, which helps effectively transfer innovation, seem particularly important

    Compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals since the Doha Declaration : a public health triumph or failure?

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    The World Health Organization has once declared antiretroviral therapy a state of global emergency. It has initiated a difficult process of change of international policies on export of patent-protected pharmaceutical products to developing countries. Since the World Trade Organization (WTO) adopted the "Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health" at its 4th Ministerial Conference in Doha, the public health activists seemed to believe that once it will be implemented, there is hope for third world countries which combat HIV/AIDS epidemic. It was not a long time after when it turned out that such a complex problem consisting of polar opposite interests cannot be handled in the traditional manner of adopting universal provisions of international law. The article focuses on the circumstances which have been a starting point for one of the most controversial policies undertaken by the WTO countries. It shows the consequences of putting into practice the reform of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights. The aim of the article is to summarize experience of past two decades of tackling the problem and to assess the approach that has been undertaken by the involved countries

    The role of diploma brand in the prospect of demographic slump in Poland (2010-2020)

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    Przedmiotem artykułu są zmiany w polskim szkolnictwie wyższym wynikające z umasowienia szkolnictwa wyższego, przeobrażeń strukturalnych gospodarki w kierunku modelu postindustrialnego oraz liberalnych reform sektora publicznego. Celem analiz jest pokazanie, że w warunkach rosnącej konkurencji coraz większe znaczenie będzie miała marka dyplomu uczelni. W Polsce marka dyplomu uczelni nie odgrywała dotąd znaczącej roli, ponieważ zaległości edukacyjne, a przede wszystkim koniunktura demograficzna, zapewniały wystarczająco wysoki poziom popytu na usługi edukacyjne w szkolnictwie wyższym. Ten okres już minął i w nadchodzących latach rywalizacja o studentów będzie coraz większa, a marka dyplomu już zaczyna odgrywać decydującą rolę w tym, które uczelnie pozostaną na rynku edukacyjnym, a które będą musiały przejść głęboką restrukturyzację lub po prostu zniknąć z rynku.This article focuses on changes in Poland’s higher education resulting from: the massification of higher education, structural transformations within the economy towards the post-industrial model, and liberał reforms of the public sector. The aim of this analysis is to show that the brand of a university diploma will become increasingly important in the context of growing competition. To date, the brand of a diploma has not played a significant role in Poland’s higher education as educational insufficiencies and, most notably, positive demographic trends, ensured a sufficient demand for higher education services. As this period is now gone, the coming years will see growing competition for students, and the brand of a diploma will determine (as we are beginning to see) which universities will survive on the educational market and which ones will have to undergo deep restructuring or, simply, disappear from the market

    Re-evaluation of the significance of penicillin binding protein 3 in the susceptibility of Listeria monocytogenes to β-lactam antibiotics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Penicillin binding protein 3 (PBP3) of <it>L. monocytogenes </it>has long been thought of as the primary lethal target for β-lactam antibiotics due to the excellent correlation between the MICs of different β-lactams and their affinity for this protein. The gene encoding PBP3 has not yet been directly identified in this gram-positive bacterium, but based on <it>in silico </it>analysis, this protein is likely to be encoded by <it>lmo1438</it>. However, studies examining the effects of mutations in genes encoding known and putative <it>L. monocytogenes </it>PBPs have demonstrated that inactivation of <it>lmo1438 </it>does not affect sensitivity to β-lactams.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, overexpression of <it>lmo1438 </it>was achieved using an inducible (nisin-controlled) expression system. This permitted the direct demonstration that <it>lmo1438 </it>encodes PBP3. PBP3 overexpression was accompanied by slightly elevated PBP4 expression. The recombinant strain overexpressing PBP3 displayed significant growth retardation and greatly reduced cell length in the stationary phase of growth in culture. In antibiotic susceptibility assays, the strain overexpressing PBP3 displayed increased sensitivity to subinhibitory concentrations of several β-lactams and decreased survival in the presence of a lethal dose of penicillin G. However, the MIC values of the tested β-lactams for this recombinant strain were unchanged compared to the parent strain.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present study allows a reevaluation of the importance of PBP3 in the susceptibility of <it>L. monocytogenes </it>to β-lactams. It is clear that PBP3 is not the primary lethal target for β-lactams, since neither the absence nor an excess of this protein affect the susceptibility of <it>L. monocytogenes </it>to these antibiotics. The elevated level of PBP4 expression observed in the recombinant strain overexpressing PBP3 demonstrates that the composition of the <it>L. monocytogenes </it>cell wall is subject to tight regulation. The observed changes in the morphology of stationary phase cells in response to PBP3 overexpression suggests the involvement of this protein in cell division during this phase of growth.</p

    How nostalgia affects brand equity? Consumers’ attitudes towards nostalgic generational and transgenerational brands

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    Purpose: The article aims to expand the nostalgic brand management area by empirically examining the impact of nostalgia on all components of brand equity and, consequently, on the consumers’ attitudes and purchase intention. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted in the form of direct and indirect communication with 1000 Polish respondents using the personal and online survey techniques. Two main stages of research were carried out in the fourth quarter of 2018. Findings: The results confirm that consumers are nostalgic towards both generational and transgenerational brands, what positively affects the perceived quality of brands, associations connected with them, as well as consumers’ loyalty. The rating of nostalgic brands equity is higher than in case of brands perceived as non-nostalgic, with the exception of brands from the automotive industry. The nostalgic brands equity depends on age of the respondents but is not dependent on the consumers’ gender. It was also confirmed that brand equity is rated higher in case of nostalgic transgenerational brands than the generational ones. Practical Implications: The results can serve as a guide for managers in implementing the nostalgic brand strategy. Originality/value: The consumers’ attitudes were evaluated considering the type of the nostalgic brand.peer-reviewe


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    Background: A growing body of evidence supports the belief that yoga benefits physical and mental health. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the sense of coherence and sense of agency are more developed in people practicing hatha-yoga than in the group of people who have never practiced yoga. Methods: TAHE, SOC-29 questionnaire and short microphenomenological interview conducted on a group of 15 people (8 yoga instructors, 7 in the control group). Results: It has been shown that the study group has significantly higher scores in both the sense of agency and sense of coherence than the control group. In addition, a statistically significant correlation was observed between the part of the values mentioned above. Conclusions: There are indications that the hatha-yoga exercise increases the sense of agency, which in the long run can contribute to better mental health. In order to find a clear and certain link between the sense of coherence and the sense of agency additional research is necessary

    Key Competences in Europe: Opening Doors For Lifelong Learners Across the School Curriculum and Teacher Education

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    The aim of the study is to provide a comparative overview of policy and practice concerning the development and implementation of key competences in the education systems of the 27 Member States of the European Union. In particular, the study assesses the implementation of the 8 key competences contained in the European Reference Framework of Key Competences in primary and secondary schools across the EU as well as the extent to which initial and in-service education and training of teachers equips them with the skills and competences necessary to deliver key competences effectively.key competences, lifelong learning, cross-curricular, competence

    Influence of opioid peptides on human neutrophil apoptosis and activation in vitro.

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    BACKGROUND: It has been shown that cells of the immune system release opioid peptides and possess receptors for them. The concentrations of opioid peptides in the peripheral circulation rapidly increase during inflammation and acute stress response. AIMS: The effect of opioid peptides Met-enkephalin (M-ENK) and beta-endorphin (beta-END) on the oxidative metabolism of normal human neutrophils and their death by apoptosis in vitro was investigated. METHODS: Isolated from peripheral blood, neutrophils were incubated in the presence or absence of 10(-6) to 10(-10) M of M-ENK and beta-END for 12 and 18 h. Apoptosis of neutrophils was determined in vitro by flow cytometric analysis of cellular DNA content and Annexin V-FITC protein binding to the cell surface. The MTT-reduction assay was employed to estimate the oxidative metabolism of neutrophils. RESULTS: Treatment with M-ENK caused a significant increase in apoptotic cells after 18 h of culture: *0 M (control) versus 10(-10) M, p < or = 0.02; **10(-10) M versus 10(-10) M, p < or = 0.02. Treatment with beta-END caused a significant increase in apoptotic cells after 12 h of culture: 0 M versus 10(-8) M, p < or = 0.03; **0 M versus 10(-10) M, p < or = 0.04. We found the significant increase in MTT reduction by neutrophils in the presence of M-ENK and beta-END both before and after the culture. However, the ability of neutrophils to reduce the MTT salt to formazan decreased significantly after the culture. CONCLUSIONS: We observed that the in vitro effect of opioid peptides on the neutrophil survival and their functional state was time and dose dependent. The presence of antioxidants in the culture medium modifies neutrophil survival

    Consumers’ choice behaviour toward green clothing

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    Purpose: The article aims to identify the factors influencing consumers’ choice of green clothing products in the context of the theory of consumption values. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted on 496 Polish consumers in December 2020 from who 212 had experience in purchasing green clothing products. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed and structural equation modelling was used for analysis. Findings: The results show that emotional, conditional, and environmental values had significantly positive impact on consumers’ choice behaviour toward green clothing products; however functional, social and epistemic values had no influence on it. Practical Implications: The results are important for retailers and producers of green clothing products for building a marketing communication campaign for Polish market as well as labelling and creating eco-brands for those products. Originality/value: The recognition of Polish consumers’ incentives of buying green clothing through the lens of consumption values theory.peer-reviewe