46 research outputs found

    Selected aspects of patients functioning before and after desensitization with specific allergen immunotherapy

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    Wprowadzenie. Choroby alergicznie s膮 jednym z wa偶niejszych problem贸w zdrowotnych, przek艂adaj膮cych si臋 na wyst臋powanie r贸偶nego typu uci膮偶liwo艣ci. W艣r贸d metod maj膮cych na celu leczenie tych chor贸b, coraz bardziej powszechne staje si臋 stosowanie swoistej alergenowej immunoterapii (Specific Allergen Immunotherapy - SAI). Jednak偶e, podej艣cie to wymaga wysokiej adherencji do leczenia, co mo偶e wp艂ywa膰 na jako艣膰 偶ycia pacjent贸w. Cel pracy. Ocena jako艣ci 偶ycia i codziennego funkcjonowania w grupie pacjent贸w, kt贸rzy stosowali swoist膮 immunoterapi臋 alergenow膮. Materia艂 i metody. Grup臋 badan膮 stanowi艂o 80 os贸b doros艂ych, kt贸re zdecydowa艂y si臋 na zastosowanie SAI oraz leczy艂y si臋 w dw贸ch ma艂opolskich plac贸wkach. Badanie obejmowa艂o ocen臋 jako艣ci 偶ycia oraz wybranych aspekt贸w funkcjonowania (oraz ich retrospektywn膮 ocen臋). Zastosowane metody to: autorska ankieta oraz skr贸cona wersja ankiety the World Organization Quality of Life-BREF. Wyniki. Zastosowanie SAI pozwoli艂o na zredukowanie cz臋sto艣ci (Me=4,00 do 2,00; p<0,001) i nasilenia objaw贸w (Me=4,00 do 2,00; p<0,001) zwi膮zanych z alergi膮. Zmniejszy艂a si臋 tak偶e uci膮偶liwo艣膰 objaw贸w alergii (Me=4,00 do 2,00; p<0,001). Ponadto, zaobserwowano popraw臋 w zakresie og贸lnego dobrostanu (Me=4,00 do 5,00; p<0,001) oraz satysfakcji 偶yciowej (Me=4,00 do 5,00; p<0,001). Wnioski. Swoista terapia alergenowa wydaje si臋 by膰 wartym rozwa偶enia podej艣ciem wp艂ywaj膮cym na popraw臋 satysfakcji 偶yciowej pacjent贸w oraz zmniejszenie uci膮偶liwo艣ci zwi膮zanych z sam膮 alergi膮.Introduction. Allergic diseases belong to the most important health problems responsible for the incidence of various types of discomfort. The application of specific allergen therapy (SAI) is becoming a more and more frequent method aimed at treating allergic diseases. However, this approach requires a strict adherence to medical treatment, which may affect patients'quality of life. Aim. Assessment of quality of life and everyday functioning in the group of patients who underwent a specific allergen therapy. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 80 adult patients who decided to undergo SAI treatment and were treated in two health care facilities in Ma艂opolska region. The study included an assessment of life quality and selected aspects of functioning (as well as their retrospective assessment). As far as the applied methods are concerned, the study was based on the authors'own questionnaire and an abbreviated version of the World Organization Quality of Life-BREFquestionnaire. Results. SAI treatment made it possible to reduce both the incidence (Me=4.00 to 2.00; p<0.001) and intensity (Me=4.00 to 2.00; p<0.001) of allergic symptoms. Also the discomfort caused by the allergy was decreased (Me=4.00 to 2.00; p<0.001). Moreover, some improvement in general well-being (Me=4.00 to 5.00; p<0.001) and life satisfaction (Me=4.00 to 5.00; p<0.001) was observed. Conclusions. Specific allergen immunotherapy seems to be worth considering as it improves patients' life satisfaction and reduces discomfort caused by the allergy itself

    Space Redevelopment of Old Landfill Located in the Zone between Urban and Protected Areas: Case Study

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    Landfills are elements of the waste management system, without possibility of further reclaiming, according to the requirements of a closed-loop economy, but with the possibility of transforming the area into other functions. The research combined monitoring of plant species, suggesting the composition of vegetation cover for pro-ecological management, analysis of functional and infrastructural incorporation of the landfill in the surrounding landscape, and proposals for reclamation and social application. An assessment of geotechnical safety was also made. Modernization of the landfill suggests that the pressure placed on other untouched locations should decrease. The designed space allows reintroducing socio-ecological life into this degraded area. Taking advantage of the character of the area, including variable development and significant landscape potential on the outskirts of a large city in the vicinity of protected areas, there is the possibility of creating new spatial quality following the standards of modern architecture-urban planning. One of the innovative elements of the project is the implementation of energy from renewable sources, including landfill biogas, photovoltaic panels and heat pumps. The development design includes social expectations and adaptation of new techniques to functioning in times of increased sanitary threats. The proposed design direction may be considered as a recommended trend for the sustainable development of urban areas.O

    Treosulfan-based conditioning vs. low-dose busulfan-based conditioning for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a cost-utility analysis in Poland

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    Introduction: In Poland, busulfan conditioning is used for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). Cost-utility analyses comparing alternative conditioning regimens in patients undergoing allo-HSCT have not been conducted so far. Material and methods: A United Kingdom-based partitioned survival model was adapted to the Polish setting to compare treosulfan to low-dose busulfan conditioning regimen from the public payer鈥檚 perspective in Poland. Patient characteristics, overall survival (OS), event-free survival (EFS), and the rate of adverse events were obtained from the randomized MC-FludT.14/L trial. Parametric survival models of up to 5 years (the cure threshold), with subsequent mortality defined using survival of the general population of Poland adjusted for cancer survivors, were used to extrapolate OS and EFS beyond the trial duration. Published utilities were adjusted for age using age-dependent general population utilities. The costs of treatment, adverse events, and inpatient/outpatient care were assessed via official remuneration schemes. Results: Treosulfan-based conditioning outperformed low-dose busulfan, i.e. it was more effective with incremental quality-adjusted life years (QALY) of 0.78 and less expensive by 1,139 PLN per patient over the lifetime horizon. Deterministic sensitivity analyses revealed treosulfan was highly cost-effective (i.e. incremental cost-utility ratio was lower than the gross domestic product per capita in Poland) compared to low-dose busulfan, if most uncertain parameters are changed or alternative scenarios are implemented. The probability of treosulfan being cost-effective with a threshold of 155,514 PLN was 99.6%. Conclusions: Compared to low-dose busulfan, treosulfan is a highly cost-effective conditioning regimen for allo-HSCT patients ineligible for standard conditioning regimens

    New Computer Method of Derivative Thermal Express Analysis of Cast Iron for Operational Prediction of Quality of Melts and Castings

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    This method is based on the determination of similarity criterion Z as the average temperature difference between the reference and analyzed curves in the solidification region. The purpose of this work is to describe the thermal express-analysis (TDA) device created by us and the substantiation of the reliability and sensitivity of the results of the new method, including the definition of a two-sided confidence interval using Student's t-test. The error of the method was determined with the Student's criterion taken into account. The high sensitivity of the method to the metallurgical prehistory of the gray and white cast iron melts was confirmed. The method has been successfully tested under laboratory and experimental-industrial conditions on induction melting cast iron. The new method uses a disposable environmentally friendly submersible steel sampler with a heat-resistant coating inside and out. The method allows for the quick adaptation to the conditions of specific foundries (especially with the frequent changes of classes and types of cast iron) due to replenishing the database of the reference samples.The basic features of the new method are its universality, self-adaptability, speed, relative simplicity, and high sensitivity to the metallurgical prehistory of molten iron

    The Shigella OspC3 Effector Inhibits Caspase-4, Antagonizes Inflammatory Cell Death, and Promotes Epithelial Infection

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    SummaryCaspase-mediated inflammatory cell death acts as an intrinsic defense mechanism against infection. Bacterial pathogens deploy countermeasures against inflammatory cell death, but the mechanisms by which they do this remain largely unclear. In a screen for Shigella flexneri effectors that regulate cell death during infection, we discovered that Shigella infection induced acute inflammatory, caspase-4-dependent epithelial cell death, which is counteracted by the bacterial OspC3 effector. OspC3 interacts with the caspase-4-p19 subunit and inhibits its activation by preventing caspase-4-p19 and caspase-4-p10 heterodimerization by depositing the conserved OspC3 X1-Y-X2-D-X3 motif at the putative catalytic pocket of caspase-4. Infection of guinea pigs with a Shigella ospC3-deficient mutant resulted in enhanced inflammatory cell death and associated symptoms, correlating with decreased bacterial burdens. Salmonella Typhimurium and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infection also induced caspase-4-dependent epithelial death. These findings highlight the importance of caspase-4-dependent innate immune responses and demonstrate that Shigella delivers a caspase-4-specific inhibitor to delay epithelial cell death and promote infection

    Modelowy projekt prewencji chor贸b uk艂adu kr膮偶enia na przyk艂adzie do艣wiadcze艅 programu SOPKARD. Cz臋艣膰 druga - podprogramy diagnostyczne i interwencyjne

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    Du偶a cz臋sto艣膰 zawa艂贸w serca i udar贸w m贸zgu w Polsce spowodowa艂a wzrost zainteresowania dzia艂aniami profilaktycznymi. Niestety, dzia艂ania prewencyjne, cho膰 coraz liczniejsze, najcz臋艣ciej s膮 prowadzone przypadkowo, niesystematycznie i za kr贸tko. Dlatego autorzy projektu SOPKARD opracowali schemat optymalnego dla polskich warunk贸w programu przesiewowego. Czas jego trwania przewidziano na minimum 10 lat, aby w spos贸b systematyczny obj膮膰 ca艂膮 populacj臋 badanej miejscowo艣ci. Podstawow膮 struktur臋 Programu stanowi膮 dwie sk艂adowe &#8212; dzia艂ania podstawowe, dotycz膮ce wszystkich mieszka艅c贸w zaproszonych na badania, oraz modu艂 z pog艂臋bion膮 diagnostyk膮 i interwencjami, realizowanymi u os贸b z grup wysokiego ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. Dodatkowo, w projekcie za艂o偶ono okresow膮 kontrol臋 uzyskanych efekt贸w biologicznych i ekonomicznych, kt贸r膮 przeprowadza si臋 co 5 lat za pomoc膮 sonda偶u reprezentacyjnego. Podstawowym zadaniem interwencji podstawowej jest edukacja zdrowotna i diagnostyka g艂贸wnych czynnik贸w ryzyka chor贸b serca i naczy艅. Podstaw膮 stratyfikacji badanych jest ocena ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego za pomoc膮 algorytm贸w PRECARD i SCORE. G艂贸wnym realizatorem w podstawowym module Programu s膮 piel臋gniarki, bardzo dobrze przeszkolone w zakresie oceny ryzyka i edukacji zdrowotnej. Prowadz膮 one badania przesiewowe w kierunku nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego, dyslipidemii i cukrzycy wraz z interpretacj膮 wynik贸w i samodzieln膮 ocen膮 ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego. Rozszerzon膮 cz臋艣膰 dodatkow膮, zale偶n膮 od wynik贸w bada艅 przeprowadzonych w cz臋艣ci podstawowej, stanowi膮 podprogramy diagnostyczne i interwencyjne. Jej zadaniami s膮: pog艂臋biona diagnostyka os贸b z ju偶 istniej膮cymi zaburzeniami lub zagro偶onych znacznym ryzykiem wyst膮pienia chor贸b serca i naczy艅 oraz wdra偶anie metod niefarmakologicznych. W sk艂ad tego dodatkowego modu艂u wchodz膮: podprogramy diagnostyczne (kardiologiczny, np. badania echokardiograficzne, pr贸by wysi艂kowe EKG, oraz neurologiczny, np. badania doplerowskie t臋tnic dom贸zgowych wewn膮trz- i zewn膮trzczaszkowych, MRI m贸zgu), diagnostyczno-interwencyjne (psychologiczno-psychiatryczny na podstawie przesiewowych bada艅 psychometrycznych, pediatryczny u dzieci z rodzin obarczonych wysokim ryzykiem) oraz interwencyjne (dietetyczny, aktywno艣ci ruchowej, pomocy pal膮cym). Podstaw膮 wszystkich algorytm贸w diagnostycznych i leczniczych Programu SOPKARD s膮 najnowsze zalecenia europejskich towarzystw naukowych w dziedzinie kardiologii, nadci艣nienia t臋tniczego, mia偶d偶ycy i cukrzycy

    Forming of the microstructure in Fe-C-V alloys

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. [24].W pracy przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 mikrostruktury stop贸w Fe-C-V, o zawarto艣ci w臋gla w zakresie 1,45-2,23% i wanadu w zakresie 7,33-15,08%, krystalizuj膮cych w spos贸b obj臋to艣ciowy, przy czym szczeg贸ln膮 uwag臋 zwr贸cono na stopy oko艂oeutektyczne. Krystalizuj膮ca w stopach Fe-C-V eutektyka sk艂ada si臋 z ferrytu i w臋glik贸w wanadu typu VC1-x i jest zaliczana do grupy eutektyk w艂贸knistych. W pracy okre艣lono eksperymentalnie przebieg linii eutektycznej dla stop贸w Fe-C-V oraz wyznaczono zale偶no艣膰 na stopie艅 nasycenia eutektycznego dla tych stop贸w.The study presents the results of microstructural examinations of the volume solidifying Fe-C-V alloys containing carbon in the range of 1.45-2.23% and vanadium in the range of 7.33-15.08%. Attention was focussed on near-eutectic alloys. The Fe-C-V eutectic crystallising in these alloys is composed of ferrite and vanadium carbides of VC1-x type, and as such is included in the group of fibrous eutectics. During research, the experimental eutectic lines were plotted for Fe-C-V alloys, and a formula enabling calculation of the eutectic saturation ratio of these alloys was proposed.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: stopy FE-C-V, eutektyka, 偶eliwo wysokowanadowe, mikrostruktura. KEYWORDS: FE-C-V ALLOYS, eutectic, high-vanadium cast iron, microstructure