6 research outputs found

    Selected physiotherapeutic techniques and immune response in low back pain

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    Physiotherapy, as an element of medical rehabilitation, comprises such methods of function improvement as: massage, kinesiotherapy, physical therapy or manual therapy. In this area, medicine offers a wide range of treatment methods, practically at every stage of a patient’s recovery. Physiotherapy is used to enhance quality of life of people with disabilities, chronic diseases or after injuries, but also as a form of prevention of dysfunctions.The aim of the study  is to present the influence of physiotherapy of low back pain on factors of immune response based on literature review.Effectiveness of a given treatment is most easily noticeable in clinical practice. It is usually the patient who evaluates the efficiency of treatment, through experiencing less pain, easier performance of certain actions or overall better functioning in everyday life. Apart from registering the subjective experience of patients, the focus is on finding objective methods of evaluating effectiveness of physiotherapy and on attempts at scientific explanation of noticeable and perceptible influence of rehabilitation treatment. This also applies to the treatment of lumbar-sacral pain. The involvement of many inflammatory mediators such as nitric oxide, interleukins, matrix metalloproteinases, prostaglandin , tumor necrosis factor alpha and a group of cytokines. and a variety of cytokines have already been  identified in the dysfunction of this region

    The effect of soft tissue therapy for recreational runners with non-specific low back pain

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    Background: Many of recreational runners have not practiced running before and for years have lived sedentary lives. Non-specific low back pain may occur in this group of runners during movements of the lumbar spine while running. Aim: Reporting of efficacy and effectiveness of manual therapy in this target group of runners was the aim of this study. Material and methods: The study comprised of 40 recreational runners (29 males, 11 females; mean age: 42±12) training three times a week.  In order to check how the training duration affected the results of treatment tree groups were compared: runners training for no longer than one month (A: 8 runners), runners training from 1 to 3 months (B: 12 runners) and runners training for more than 3 months (C: 20 runners). The pain intensity numerical scale (NRS) and finger-floor test were determined before and after therapy, which consists of myofascial release and compression technique. Results: The significant differences in the fingers-floor test and intensity of pain before and after therapy were observed. The results of fingers-floor test decreased from 11.27 to 6.14 after therapy, and pain intensity measured by NRS decreased from 3.75 to 0.94 after therapy. The best treatment effect measured by numerical scale was achieved by runners from group B and the lowest effects in group A. Conclusions: Non-specific low back pain physiotherapy based on soft tissue techniques is statistically highly effective for improve finger-toe flexibility and decrease the intensity of pain

    Możliwości samodzielnego funkcjonowania w opinii pacjentów z mózgowym porażeniem dziecięcym u progu dorosłości – badanie wstępne

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    Background: According to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, the rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy should be aimed at achieving the maximum level of functioning. It is extremely important to know the opinions of the patients regarding their needs and expectations. Objective: The aim of the study was to identify and present the opinions of cerebral palsy patients on the possibility of independent functioning in adulthood within the context of their functional assessment. Materials and methods: The study included 29 people aged between 15 and 18. Functional assessments were performed using scales describing mobility, hand functions and communication. In addition, a questionnaire and a patient survey card were used. Results: More than half of the surveyed patients (55.2%) plan to live independently. A negative correlation between The Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level and adult independence was observed. Only 34.5% of patients with cerebral palsy report disability as a cause of interpersonal problems. The most common obstacles to independent living were mobility difficulties (41.4%), job-finding problems (24.1%), and lack of accessibility (20.7%). Conclusions: The level of functioning of patients with CP affects their perception of independent living. Patients classified at a GMFCS level I and II and patients with hemiplegia are more likely to achieve independence in adulthood than those classified at a GMFCS level IV and V or those with diplegia and tetraplegia.Wstęp: Zgodnie z koncepcją Międzynarodowej Klasyfikacji Funkcjonowania, Niepełnosprawności i Zdrowia rehabilitacja osób z mózgowym porażeniem dziecięcym powinna być ukierunkowana na osiągnięcie maksymalnego poziomu funkcjonowania. Niezwykle ważne jest poznanie opinii samych pacjentów na temat ich potrzeb i oczekiwań. Cel pracy: Poznanie i przedstawienie opinii pacjentów z MPD dotyczących możliwości samodzielnego funkcjonowania w dorosłym życiu w kontekście ich oceny funkcjonalnej. Materiał i metody: Grupę badaną stanowiła młodzież w wieku 15-18 lat – 29 osób. Za pomocą skal opisujących możliwości poruszania się, funkcji rąk i komunikacji (GMFCS, MASC, CFCS) dokonano oceny funkcjonalnej. Ponadto posłużono się kwestionariuszem ankiety i kartą badania pacjenta. Wyniki badań: Ponad połowa badanych pacjentów (55,2%) wyobraża sobie egzystencję bez pomocy drugiej osoby. Stwierdzono ujemną korelację pomiędzy stopniem GMFCS a samodzielnością w dorosłym życiu. Tylko 34,5% pacjentów z MPD, jako przyczynę problemów w kontaktach z rówieśnikami podaje niepełnosprawność. Wśród przeszkód na drodze do samodzielnego życia, najczęściej chorzy wymieniali trudności w poruszaniu się (41,4%), problem ze znalezieniem pracy (24,1%), czy wreszcie bariery architektoniczne (20,7%). Wnioski: Poziom funkcjonowania pacjentów z MPD wpływa na ich wyobrażenie samodzielnego życia. Chorzy z poziomem funkcjonalnym GMFCS I i II oraz chorzy z hemiplegią łatwiej osiągają niezależność w dorosłym życiu niż chorzy z poziomem funkcjonalnym GMFCS IV i V oraz z di- czy tetraplegią

    Evaluation of influence of stretching therapy and ergonomic factors on postural control in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain

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    [b]Introduction and objectives. [/b]The vertical orientation of the body in the upright standing position is maintained by keeping the body’s centre of gravity (COG) upright, above the base of support, by a dynamic interplay of visual, vestibular, and somatosensory control systems. The objectives of this study were: to compare the postural control strategy between people with and without low back pain (LBP), to estimate the influence of the stretching therapy on the postural control strategy, and to discover the relationship between the restriction of spine mobility and occurrence of some ergonomic factors. [b]Materials and methods.[/b] The study consisted of 32 patients with LBP and 25 healthy controls. Postural characteristics of the subjects were measured with the use of a computerized force platform. The software programme filters and measures COG sway velocity in different conditions. Additional measurements and tests were conducted in patients after stretching therapy. Based on survey research, all individuals were selected and evaluated from the aspect of ergonomics. [b]Results[/b]. The results of the COG sway velocity vary under the testing conditions. From the aspect of ergonomic attitude and influence of the rehabilitation, results varied in the groups. [b]Conclusions[/b]. Ergonomic factors are often accompanied by the appearance of LBP. The restrictions within the musculoskeletal system cause disorders in muscle synergies, which is expressed by an increase in the angular velocity of the COG. In patients with chronic back pain syndrome, selected stretching therapy techniques improves the range of motion of the spine and reduces pain