7,671 research outputs found


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    Background: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a degenerative process that decreased testosterone and increased dihydrotestosterone. Prostate hyperplasia occurs due to constringency of the lumen, caused urinary retention. One of the surgical procedures performed is the TURP operation followed by Continuous Bladder Irrigation using 0.9% NaCl liquid and sterile water. This procedure caused TURP syndrome. Objective: To find out the difference of irrigation fluid between 0.9% NaCl and sterile water against transurethral resection of prostate syndrome (TURP). Method: Quantitative research, analytic observational research design using secondary data. The population in this study was postoperative TURP patients with irrigation using 0.9% NaCl fluid and sterile water from 2015 until June 2019. Sampling technique using purposive sampling with the total respondents was 72 people, 36 respondents for the NaCl 0, 9% group and 36 respondents for the sterile water group. Results: This study results that 72 post-operative TURP respondents aged over 71 years as many as 38 people (52.8%), aged 50-70 years as many as 34 people (47.2%). The duration of operation of 72 respondents was 58 people (80.6%), the time required was less than 1 hour, as many as 14 respondents (19.4%) the time spent on TURP operations was more than 1 hour. In postoperative TURP patients used NaCl irrigation fluid 0.9% of 36 respondents had TURP syndrome as many as 22 people (61.1%), hadn’t TURP syndrome as many as 8 people (22.2%), moderate TURP syndrome as much 5 people (13.9%) and high TURP syndrome were 1 person (2.8%). The post-operative TURP patients used sterile water from 36 respondents did not caused TURP syndrome as many as 18 people (50%), mild TURP syndrome 13 people (36.1%), and moderate TURP syndrome as many as 5 people (13.9%)

    Real-time scheduling of tertiary storage

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    To prove the efficiency of Promote-IT we implemented alternative schedulers based on different scheduling models and scheduling paradigms. The evaluation shows that Promote-IT performs better than the other heuristic schedulers. Additionally, Promote-IT provides response-times near the optimum in cases where the optimal scheduler can be computed. We developed a toolbox called JukeTools to easily implement, evaluate and compare jukebox schedulers


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    The offer of medical services depends on medical personnel and more than this, on the management in the medical field since any resource not managed well or not managed at all is only a lost one, regardless its value. Management is therefore the key, theQuality, Medical Services, Management

    Criterion validity of the Multidimensional Scale of Irrational Beliefs (MSIB) with respect to anxiety, depression, and life satisfaction

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    Using a sample of 200 participants, this study seeks to establish criterion validity of the Multidimensional Scale of Irrational Beliefs (MSIB), a newly developed, purely cognitive measure of irrational beliefs. As predicted by Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, scores on the MSIB are correlated highly and positively with scores on Beck’s Depression Inventory and the trait scale of the State-Trait-Anxiety Inventory. Moreover, analyses revealed medium-sized negative correlations with life satisfaction. Each of these relations is shown to be unaffected by age, sex, and social desirability. Differential associations between subdimensions of the MSIB with criteria are discussed regarding the separability of irrationality concepts

    Leadership and Organizational Communication in Critical Times

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    When we talk about the leadership, the dimension of the organization is not important. Leaders can exist in small companies as well as in big companies. It all depends on people and the results reached by the group. If on leader will have very good results with his followers it will mean very much for him. It will also mean very much for the respective company since results will be better if realized with unified forces. Leaders are very good in communication and this means a lot in general and in special in difficult times as crisis times are. As a major issue during the crisis time is related to the communication, this paper brings together the leadership and communication as vital processes for an organization’s survival and evolution.organizational culture, organizational communication, crisis, critical times, leadership.

    The Leadership Mix for Increasing the Organization’s Competitiveness

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    We live in times of crisis, times of challenge, times of innovation and, more recently, times of major events (political regimes shocks, destructive earthquakes a.s.o.). All these require a huge dose of flexibility, power, speed and positive attitude. The concept of leadership has to adapt to this reality and to ensure giving its best for getting the best. This article offers an image of how leadership should look nowadays and why its important ingredients worth so much from the competitiveness perspective. As we’ve seen in the practical life, leadership is, most of all, a matter of attitude, of the way in which you see yourself and the people around you and how you make the decisions about progressing together!leadership; competitiveness; leadership mix; competence; teamwork.

    Sub and supersolutions, invariant cones and multiplicity results for p-Laplace equations

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    For a class of quasilinear elliptic equations involving the p-Laplace operator, we develop an abstract critical point theory in the presence of sub-supersolutions. Our approach is based upon the proof of the invariance under the gradient flow of enlarged cones in the W01,pW^{1,p}_0 topology. With this, we prove abstract existence and multiplicity theorems in the presence of variously ordered pairs of sub-supersolutions. As an application, we provide a four solutions theorem, one of the solutions being sign-changing.Comment: 29 page


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    PT. Sriwijaya Air merupakan salah satu maskapai penerbangan di Indonesia yang berorientasi pada penerbangan domestik. Mengingat profil perusahaan yang cukup dikenal pada bidang transportasi udara oleh masyarakat Indonesia karena harga dan kualitas yang ada tidak kalah bersaing dengan maskapai penerbangan lainnya. Bahkan PT. Sriwijaya Air memiliki keunggulan pada On Time Performance. Namun, image PT. Sriwijaya Air belum menempati urutan tiga terbesar di Indonesia sebagai maskapai penerbangan nasional. Dalam usahanya untuk membentuk corporate image, PT. Sriwijaya Air mengedepankan kualitas layanan baik melalui layanan elektronik pada situs perusahaaan (www.sriwijayaair.co.id). Kualitas pelayanan elektronik (e-service quality) terdiri dari ease of use, website design, assurance, personalization dan responsiveness. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran e-service quality yang diterapkan perusahaan dan pengaruh e-service quality terhadap corporate image. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan metode yang digunakan explanatory survey. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden yakni pelanggan yang telah mengunjungi dan menggunakan website perusahaan PT. Sriwijaya Air dengan teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan yaitu systematic random sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi linier berganda. Variabel independent dalam penelitian ini yaitu ease of use (X1), website design (X2), assurance (X3), personalization (X4) dan responsiveness (X5) sedangkan variabel dependent yaitu corporate image (Y). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tanggapan pelanggan mengenai e-service quality terhadap corporate image secara umum dinilai tinggi. Faktor yang mendapat penilaian tinggi yaitu personalization dan responsiveness, sedangkan website design mendapat nilai terendah. Berdasarkan pengujian SPSS ver. 20 menunjukkan adanya korelasi simultan antara e-service quality dengan corporate image. Adapun saran untuk perusahaan adalah mempertahankan personalization dan responsiveness serta memperbaiki website design yang menarik pada situs perusahaan sehingga dapat membentuk kepuasan pelanggan dalam menggunakan penerbangan Sriwijaya Air sehingga menciptakan image perusahaan yang baik di mata pelangggan. Kata Kunci : E-service Quality, Corporate Image, Maskapai Penerbangan. PT. Sriwijaya Air is one of the airlines in Indonesia which operates in domestic routes. Given the curret company profile is not yet well known in the field of air transport by the people, not worth the price and the quality are there and do not compete with other airlines. Moreover, PT.Sriwijaya is very punctual, it can be seen from its on time performance. However, its image has not been in the best three in Indonesia as a national airlines. In developing its corporate image, PT. Sriwijaya Air takes the quality of service into account through electronic service on its own website (www.sriwijayaair.co.id). The quality of electronic service was divided into five categories, those were the ease of use, website design, assurance, personalization dan responsiveness. This research aimed at investigating the image of electronic service quality that is applied in the company and the effects of it towards its corporate image. The research was conducted by using descriptive and verification analysis where the explanatory survey was applied as a method of the research. The sample of this research was taken from 100 costumers that have ever used and visited the website of this company. The sample was taken by using random technique sampling. The analysis of the data was double linear regression analysis. The independent variables were the ease of use (X1), website design (X2), assurance (X3), personalization (X4) dan responsiveness (X5). The dependent variables was corporate image (Y). The result of the research showed that the responses of costumers about the electronic service quality towards its corporate image was significantly high. The factors that really influencing were personalization and responsiveness, however the website design got the lowest score. Based on the SPSS analysis version 20 showed that there was a simultaneous correlation between electronic quality and corporate image. The suggestion for the company is it has to maintain the personalization and responsiveness and try to redesign an interesting website design in order to be able to create best costumers satisfaction of using PT. Sriwijaya Air. Therefore, it will bring a good image for the company. Key words: E-service Quality, Corporate Image, Airline


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan efektifitas penggunaan pembelajaran Model Role Playing dalam kemampuan berbahasa Jawa siswa di Kelas V SDN Kedunggaleng Kecamatan Wonoasih Kota Probolinggo. Hasil penelitian menunujukkan adanya peningkatan prilaku siswa. Rata-rata siswa yang mau mendengarkan percakapan temannya sebesar 5,56%. Rata–rata siswa yang dapat berbicara bahasa Jawa sebesar 22,22%. Rata–rata siswa yang dapat membaca tek bahasa Jawa ada peningkatan sebesar 35,19%. Rata–rata siswa yang dapat menulis bahasa Jawa ada peningkatan sebesar 37,04%. Siswa yang belajarnya tuntas dari 32 siswa, sebanyak 22 siswa

    Implementasi Instrument Assessment HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) Tema 7 di Kelas 1 Sekolah Dasar

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    Assessment adalah upaya yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data/informasi dari proses dan hasil pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, untuk melakukan penilaian pendidik membutuhkan alat penilaian yang disebut instrumen yang berupa soal-soal untuk menguji kemampuan kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan prosedur pengembangan, tingkat validitas, dan tingkat kepraktisan dari produk yang dikembangkan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah ADDIE dengan 5 tahapan yaitu: Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluate. Hasil implementasi yang telah didapatkan dalam penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat validitas materi pada produk sebesar 100% dan berada pada kategori sangat valid, tingkat validitas bahasa pada produk sebesar 92% dan berada pada kategori sangat valid. Tingkat kepraktisan produk yang didapatkan dari respon guru sebesar 87% dan berada pada kategori sangat praktis. Berdasarkan hasil implementasi dari penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrument assessment HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) secara keseluruhan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran