134 research outputs found

    Communication évaluée dans le service d’assistance téléphonique

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    L’impératif de la communication organisée contraint les organisations de services aux personnes à mettre en place des stratégies de communication cohérentes qui contribuent à créer une image homogène de l’organisation. L’efficacité des pratiques communicatives instaurées par l’organisation est constamment suivie grâce au dispositif d’évaluation très développé. En prenant appui sur l’exemple d’une compagnie aérienne d’origine nord-américaine, cet article analyse les méthodes d’évaluation interne (effectuée par les services de contrôle de qualité) et externe (effectuée par les clients) mises en œuvre au sein de son service d’assistance téléphonique. La comparaison des résultats de ces deux évaluations indépendantes mais portant sur la même conversation téléphonique peut montrer la divergence soit des intérêts respectifs de la compagnie et de ses clients, soit leur conception distincte du but social des interactions de service qu’est la satisfaction du client.The imperative of organized communication compels service organizations to develop coherent communication strategies that help create a consistent image of the organization. The effectiveness of communication practices recommended by the organization is constantly monitored using many evaluation mechanisms. Building on the example of an airline of North American origin, this article analyzes the internal (performed by the services of quality control) and external (conducted by customers) evaluation methods implemented within its call center. Comparing the results of these two independent – but based on the same telephone conversation – evaluations, can show either the difference of the interests of the company and its customers or their distinct comprehension of the social goal of service interactions that is customer satisfaction

    A simple and low-cost technique of creating a Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) machine on the example of a severe phlegmon of lower limb in lower socio-economic area.

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    The Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) is an approved method of healing lower extremity ulcers of various origin, accelerating the wound closure process, thus decreasing the hospital-stay time and lowering the cost of the treatment. Although it is scarcely needed in developing countries such as Kenya, there is a lack of official supplier of the NPWT equipment. We present an improvised method of constructing a reliable and effective NPWT dressing form widely available tools in a case of treating a post-traumatic phlegmon in a HIV-positive patient

    20 Years of Secretagogin: Exocytosis and Beyond

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    Calcium is one of the most important signaling factors in mammalian cells. Specific temporal and spatial calcium signals underlie fundamental processes such as cell growth, development, circadian rhythms, neurotransmission, hormonal actions and apoptosis. In order to translate calcium signals into cellular processes a vast number of proteins bind this ion with affinities from the nanomolar to millimolar range. Using classical biochemical methods an impressing number of calcium binding proteins (CBPs) have been discovered since the late 1960s, some of which are expressed ubiquitously, others are more restricted to specific cell types. In the nervous system expression patterns of different CBPs have been used to discern different neuronal cell populations, especially before advanced methods like single-cell transcriptomics and activity recording were available to define neuronal identity. However, understanding CBPs and their interacting proteins is still of central interest. The post-genomic era has coined the term “calciomics,” to describe a whole new research field, that engages in the identification and characterization of CBPs and their interactome. Secretagogin is a CBP, that was discovered 20 years ago in the pancreas. Consecutively it was found also in other organs including the nervous system, with characteristic expression patterns mostly forming cell clusters. Its regional expression and subcellular location together with the identification of protein interaction partners implicated, that secretagogin has a central role in hormone secretion. Meanwhile, with the help of modern proteomics a large number of actual and putative interacting proteins has been identified, that allow to anticipate a much more complex role of secretagogin in developing and adult neuronal cells. Here, we review recent findings that appear like puzzle stones of a greater picture


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    Autorzy zgromadzonych w monografii artykułów poruszają się w różnie wytyczonych przestrzeniach kultury. Jej różnorodność, wielość kultur, rozmaitość ich przejawów, historyczność i zmienność nośników jest obecnie nie tylko przyjmowana jako oczywistość zarówno przez badaczy, jak i uczestników kultury, ale i przez wszystkich chyba pożądana (Fragment tekstu)

    Analiza uwarunkowań jakości życia u chorych z chromaniem przestankowym poddawanych nadzorowanemu treningowi na bieżni

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    Wstęp. Zaburzenia układu sercowo-naczyniowego w ostatnim czasie stały się obszarem zainteresowań osób skupiających się na ocenie jakości życia pacjentów. Holistyczna ocena stanu pacjenta sprowadza się nie tylko do sfery biologicznej, ale także skupia się nad samopoczuciem i możliwościami funkcjonalnymi chorego. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była analiza predyktorów jakości życia u pacjentów z chromaniem przestankowym poddawanych nadzorowanemu treningowi na bieżni. Badania miały opisać związek pomiędzy treningową zmianą dystansu chromania, a aktualnym samopoczuciem chorego. Materiał i metody. Do badań włączono 19 kolejnych osób z chromaniem przestankowym, leczonych w Poradni Angiologicznej Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie. Badania pro-wadzono w okresie od 03.2017 do 04.2018. Kryterium włączenia do badań stanowiło potwierdzone rozpoznanie PAD w skali Rutherforda 2 i 3. Pacjenci zostali poddani nadzorowanemu treningowi na bieżni przez okres 3 miesięcy (3 treningi tygodniowo; łącznie 36). Chory kontynuował wysiłek na bieżni do po-jawienia się bólu o średnim natężeniu, następnie odpoczywał do całkowitego ustąpienia dolegliwości bólowych. W celu oceny aktualnego samopoczucia chorych, przeprowadzono autorski kwestionariusz jakości życia przed rozpoczęciem treningu, po 18 i 36 treningu. Wyniki. Stwierdzono występowanie istotnej różnicy w ocenie satysfakcji życiowej między pierwszym i trzecim pomiarem (p=0,048), przeciętna różnica wyniosła ok. 10 pkt na 175. Wykazano występowanie dodatniej zależności między wielkością zmiany dystansu, a poprawą jakości życia chorego (p=0,02). Wyznaczono równanie regresji liniowej, które pozwoliło określić wpływ takich zmiennych jak: wiek, płeć, status palenia, BMI, czas trwania choroby na poprawę jakości życia pacjentów z chromaniem przestankowym poddawanych nadzorowanemu treningowi na bieżni. Wnioski. Potreningowa poprawa dystansu chromania wpływa na poprawę jakości życia u pacjentów z miażdżycą kończyn dolnych. Wzmacnia to argument o zasadności rozpowszechnienia nadzorowanego treningu na bieżni, jako jednej z ważnych składowych leczenia zachowawczego osób z miażdżycą za-rostową kończyn dolnych.Introduction: Cardiovascular system disorders have recently become more popular for people explore the quality of life of patients. Holistic assessment of their condition is not only to the biological sphere, but also focuses on the patient's well-being and functional abilities. Aim of the study. The subject of the study was an analysis of predictors of life’s quality for patients with intermittent claudication undergoing supervised treadmill training. The research described the relationship between the training change in the distance of claudication and the patient's current well-being. Material and methods. The study included 19 people with intermittent claudication treated at the Angiological Clinic of the University Hospital in Krakow. The research was last from 03.2017 to 04.2018. The inclusion criterion was the confirmed diagnosis of PAD in the Rutherford 2 and 3 scale. The patients have undergone supervised treadmill training for 3 months (3 trainings a week, total 36). The patient continued his effort on the treadmill until a medium intensity pain appeared, then he rested until the pain subsided completely. In order to assess the current well-being of the patients, an original quality of life questionnaire was made before the training, after 18th and 36th training. Results. There was a significant difference in the assessment of life satisfaction between the first and third measurement (p = 0.048), the average difference was about 10 pts to 175. There was a positive relationship between the distance change and the quali-ty of life (p = 0.02). The linear equation regression was detemined, which allowed to determine the influence of such variables as: age, sex, smoking status, BMI, duration of the disease on improving the quality of life of patients with intermittent claudication undergoing supervised treadmill training. Conclusions. The posttraining improvement of claudication distance improves the quality of life in patients with atherosclerosis of the lower limbs. It is a strong argument that supervised treadmill training should be a one of the important components of the conservative treatment of people with peripheral artery disease

    Ovulatory Response of Weaned Sows to an Altered Ratio of Exogenous Gonadotrophins

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    [EN] At weaning, 33 mixed parity Hypor sows received either an injection of 400 IU equine chorionic gonadotrophin and 200 IU human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) (PG600; n = 13), PG600 with an additional 200 IU hCG 24 h later (Gn800; n = 11), or served as non-injected controls (n = 9). All gonadotrophin treated sows received an injection of 750 IU hCG at 80 h after weaning to induce ovulation (designated as time 0 h). At 0, 24, 36, 40, 44, 48, and 60 h, all sows were subject to transrectal ultrasonography to determine numbers and sizes of large (>6 mm) follicles and time of ovulation. The interval from injection of 750 IU hCG to ovulation was shorter in Gn800 compared to PG600 sows (p = 0.02), and more Gn800 sows had ≥9 preovulatory follicles compared to PG600 and controls (p = 0.02 and 0.003, respectively). Follicular cysts were evident in both PG600 and Gn800 sows.SIThis work was supported by California State University Agriculture Research Institute (Grants 58982 and 58909), and CalPoly internal funding programs Baker/Koob and RSCA.We gratefully acknowledge Merck Animal Health, for financial support and the provision of PG600 and Chorulon