305 research outputs found


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    Since 1995, reclamation has been used by the government to provide new land areas for settlements, ports, urban areas, tourism areas, etc. Proponents of reclamation have mentioned several positive benefits of reclamation: creating new land, developing tourism, improving the economy of communities around the coast, increasing employment, increasing productive land, and helping improve aquatic habitats. However, reclamation also has negative impacts: eliminating fishermen's livelihoods, causing water pollution, destroying ecosystems, and eliminating access to fishing grounds.  Out of many negative impacts of reclamation, what has not been widely discussed is the negative impact on women, especially women who work in post-production sector. This article aims to fill this research gap. This article raises the results of a study on the negative impact of sea wall reclamation on female clam shellers in coastal area of Kalibaru, Cilincing, North Jakarta. Based on data collected using the Feminist Participatory Action Research (FPAR) approach with the FGD and in-depth interview methods, various impacts of the sea wall construction were found felt by women shellfish workers: economic impacts, psychological impacts, ecological impacts, socio-cultural impacts, etc. This article focuses on discussing the impact of sea wall construction reclamation on female clam shellers by highlighting the conditions before and after the construction of the sea wall, and the differences in the impacts and effects of sea wall construction based on gender using a feminist political ecology approach


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    This Joint Volume has sought to combine seven papers, which all incorporated the notion of transparency, in various ways, as the center piece of their research. The authors have looked at important dimensions in nowadays society and analyzed whether the notion of transparency is visible and how. As the idea of transparency is a central element in all spheres of society, the chosen topics demonstrate the wide-ranging investigation of areas of expertise. Nevertheless, all chapters sought to detect to which degree transparency is practiced in particular spheres and how this affects democratic accountability, institutional efficiency as well as social discipline. Of course next to the question of how to reach more transparency the issue of how much transparency is needed as well as desirable cannot be neglected

    The Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals

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    This book draws attention to political aspects of sustainable development goal-setting, exploring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the global-national nexus during their first five years. After broad global deliberation and political negotiations, the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs were adopted in the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 2015, and by now many countries have political structures in place for working towards their realisation. This book explores three concepts to call attention to the political qualities of processes related to the SDGs: legitimacy, responsibility, and accountability. Legitimacy is required to obtain broad political ownership for policy goals in order for them to become effective in addressing cross-border sustainability challenges. Responsibility needs to be clearly distributed among political institutions if a long-term set of broad goals such as the SDGs are to be realised. Accountability to the public is the retrospective mirror of political responsibility. The Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals contributes new knowledge on political processes at the nexus of global and national levels, focussing on three countries at different levels of socio-economic development and democratisation: namely Ghana, Tanzania, and Sweden. These countries illustrate a variety of challenges related to the realisation of the SDGs. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of sustainable development, international organisations, and global politics


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    Skizofrenia merupakan gangguan pikiran berupa kombinasi dari halusinasi, delusi, berpikir, dan berperilaku tidak teratur sehingga skizofrenia merupakan penyakit gangguan otak parah yang menginterprestasikan realita secara abnormal. Rasionalitas pemakaian obat secara rasional berarti hanya menggunakan obat-obatan yang telah terbukti keamanan dan efektifitasnya dengan uji klinik. Salah satu penanganan skizofrenia adalah dengan terapi farmakologi menggunaan antipsikotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan ini untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan antipsikotik pada pasien skizofrenia rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Naimata Periode Juli-September 2018. Parameter yang digunakan adalah tepat indikasi, tepat pasien dan tepat dosis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan metode Total Sampling. Data yang digunakan diambil dari rekam medik pasien, resep pasien dan catatan rawat inap pasien skizofrenia sebanyak 37 pasien. Dari hasil penelitian, skizofrenia banyak terjadi pada pasien laki-laki (68%) dan berusia 26-35 tahun (43%). Gejala yang banyak terjadi adalah gejala positif yaitu halusinasi (36%) dan tipe skizofrenia yang paling banyak diderita adalah tipe paranoid(92%). Penggunaan antipsikotik terbanyak adalah antipsikotik kombinasi haloperidol dan chlorpromazine(84%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat ketepatan penggunaan antipsikotik yaitu kategori tepat indikasi 97%, tepat pasien 37% dan tepat dosis 92%

    The Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals

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    This book draws attention to political aspects of sustainable development goal-setting, exploring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the global-national nexus during their first five years. After broad global deliberation and political negotiations, the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs were adopted in the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in 2015, and by now many countries have political structures in place for working towards their realisation. This book explores three concepts to call attention to the political qualities of processes related to the SDGs: legitimacy, responsibility, and accountability. Legitimacy is required to obtain broad political ownership for policy goals in order for them to become effective in addressing cross-border sustainability challenges. Responsibility needs to be clearly distributed among political institutions if a long-term set of broad goals such as the SDGs are to be realised. Accountability to the public is the retrospective mirror of political responsibility. The Politics of the Sustainable Development Goals contributes new knowledge on political processes at the nexus of global and national levels, focussing on three countries at different levels of socio-economic development and democratisation: namely Ghana, Tanzania, and Sweden. These countries illustrate a variety of challenges related to the realisation of the SDGs. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of sustainable development, international organisations, and global politics


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    This research aims to determine the effect of the best organic fertilizer and its response and interaction in applying organic fertilizer and biochar on the growth of rice bean plants. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors consisting of 6 levels and 3 replications. factors namely the first factor of organic fertilizer namely: control (P0), guano 15 tons/ha (P1), and cow dung 15 tons/ha (P2). The second factor is biochar (B) namely 5 tons/ha (B2), 10 tons/ha (B3), and 15 tonnes/ha (B5). The results of the research showed that applying 15 tons/ha of guano fertilizer and 10 tons/ha of biochar had an authentic influence on the growth parameters of plant height, number of leaves, and stem diameter. The type of fertilizer, sometimes cattle 15 tons/ha and biochar 15 tons/ha, significantly affects plant height and stem diameter parameters.Keywords: Guano fertilizer, manure, biocharINTISARI Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pupuk organik yang terbaik dan respon serta interaksinya  pada aplikasi pupuk organik dan biochar terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kacang nasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan dua faktor yang terdiri dari 6 taraf dan 3 ulangan. faktor yakni faktor pertama pupuk organik yakni : kontrol (P0), guano 15 ton/ha (P1) dan kotoran sapi 15 ton/ha (P2). Faktor kedua  biochar (B) yakni 5 ton/ha ( B2), 10 ton/ha (B3) dan 15 ton/ha (B5). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan pemberian pupuk guano 15 ton/ha dan biochar 10 ton/ha memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata terhadap parameter pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun  diameter batang. Jenis pupuk kadang sapi 15 ton/ha dan biochar 15 ton/ha  memberikan pengaruh nyata pada parameter tinggi tanaman dan diameter batang. Kata kunci: Pupuk guano, pupuk kandang,biocha

    Foderförsörjning och välfärd i ekologisk grisköttproduktion

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    Foder i ekologisk produktion ska till huvuddelen vara hemmaproducerat. Begränsade möjligheter att använda tillgängliga foderresurser och fodertillsatser innebär svårigheter när det gäller att tillgodose djurets behov av livsnödvändiga aminosyror. Detta kan försämra produktionen och ger ett försämrat proteinutnyttjande med förluster av kväve till miljön som följd. En viktig del i ekologisk grisproduktion är att djuren kan utföra sina naturliga beteenden. Tillgången till grovfoder ger längre ättider och bidrar till minskad förekomst av aggressioner och stress. Hälsoläget hos grisar påverkas av inhysningsform och klimat och kan därför skilja mellan utomhus- och inomhusproduktion. Projekt Eko-gris syftar bl.a. till att undersöka hur lägre innehåll av aminosyror i fodret samt hur olika inhysningssystem påverkar slaktsvinens produktion, slaktkroppsegenskaper, köttkvalitet och grisarnas beteende. Vidare studeras förekomst av parasiter och infektionssjukdomar. Produktion och beteende påverkades inte av fodrets aminosyrainnehåll, men skiljde mellan ute- och innegrisar. Lägre aminosyranivå inverkade inte negativt på grisarnas dagliga viktökning. Varken foderutnyttjande eller slaktkroppskvalitet skiljde signifikant mellan grupperna. Inte heller påverkades grisarnas beteenden av fodrets aminosyranivå. Grisarna i utomhussystemet växte snabbare än inomhusgrisarna (910 mot 821 g; p<0,001), men ingen skillnad förelåg i foderutnyttjande (34,3 mot 35,5 MJ/kg viktökning; p=0,203). Inte heller fanns någon signifikant skillnad i slaktkroppens köttinnehåll (56,8 mot 57,9 %; p=0,134). Beteendestudierna visade att utomhusgrisarna rörde sig betydligt mer än inomhusgrisarna. Det fanns även en tendens till att de bökade mer. ”Nosa”, ”nafsa”, ”knuffa” och ”bita-svans” förekom oftare inne än ute

    The EU Common Position on Arms Export Policies: Europeanising Transparency

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    In 2008, as a response to several scandals in arms exports, the EU Member States adopted a legally binding Council Common Position on Arms Exports in order to avoid the export of armaments to crisis regions. The adoption succeeded a Code of Conduct from 1998, the first detailed agreement in the field of arms deliveries between EU governments, and pushed for further harmonisation in the field of European arms export policies. The Member States emphasize the importance of such efforts and push for the adoption of common rules on the European level. However, it remains to be seen whether the implementation on the national level is successful. Another important aspect in the domain of arms exports is transparency both in the licensing process and the assessment of licensing decisions. To increase this transparency on a European and national level, harmonisation efforts were introduced through the Code of Conduct and Common Position. Although the Member States are legally obliged to report to the EU on their arms transfers since 2008, the implementation of the criteria set out in the EU Common Position remains in the hands of Member States. This raises the question, which impact the development of the EU Common Position has had domestically. Therefore, this chapter sets out to analyse to what extent the Common Position has harmonized the national policies in the field of arms export and has made them more transparent to the wider public and different public actors. Moreover, it will be investigated how different Member States are influencing the development of the EU Code of Conduct

    Feeding silage to fattening pigs - effects on nitrogen utilization and ammonia losses from fresh manure

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    This study evaluated the effect of feeding silage to pigs on nitrogen (N) utilization and ammonia (NH3) volatilization. In total, 128 Yorkshire x Hampshire (30-110 kg) pigs were fed commercial feed (Control) or commercial feed mixed with dried, milled silage in pelleted form (Pellet-S), fresh, chopped silage (Silage-Ch) or intensively treated silage (Silage-Pr). Silage replaced 20% of the crude protein (g/kg). Diet affected daily N excretion, which was higher for pigs fed Silage-Ch and Silage-Pr than for pigs in the Pellet-S and Control treatments. Ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N) content in the manure and NH3 volatilization from fresh manure were higher for Control pigs than for pigs in the other treatments. Overall, these results show that pre-treatment of silage influences N utilization and excretion. Furthermore, the results indicate that feeding silage to pigs can reduce NH3 volatilization from fresh manure

    Nanoplasmonic sensing and capillary electrophoresis for fast screening of interactions between phosphatidylcholine biomembranes and surfactants

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    Nanoplasmonic sensing (NPS), based on localized surface plasmon resonance, with sensors composed of glass covered with golden nanodisks and overlaid with a SiO2 coating was applied in this study. Egg phosphatidylcholine (eggPC), being an easily accessible membrane-forming lipid, was used for preparation of biomimicking membranes. Small unilamellar vesicles with an approximate hydrodynamic diameter of 30 nm, formed by sonication in HEPES buffer, were adsorbed within 10 min on the sensor surface either as intact vesicles or as a planar bilayer. The adsorbed biomembrane systems were further utilized for interaction studies with four different well-known surfactants (negatively and positively charged, zwitterionic, and non-ionic) and each surfactant was tested at concentrations below and above the critical micelle concentration (CMC). Our results allowed the evaluation of different NPS patterns for every particular supported membrane system, surfactant, and its concentration. The most significant effect on the membrane was achieved upon the introduction of zwitterionic surfactant micelles, which in fact completely solubilized and removed the lipid membranes from the sensor surface. Other surfactant micelles interacted with the membranes and formed mixed structures remaining on the sensor surface. The studies performed at the concentrations below the CMCs of the surfactants showed that different mixed systems were formed. Depending on the supported membrane system and the type of surfactant, the mixed systems indicated different formation kinetics. Additionally, the final water rinse revealed the stability of the formed systems. To investigate the effect of the studied surfactants on the overall surface charge of the biomembrane, capillary electrophoresis (CE) experiments were carried out in parallel with the NPS analysis. The electroosmotic flow mobility of an eggPC-coated fused silica capillary was used to measure the total surface charge of the biomembrane after its treatment with the surfactants. Our results indicated in general good correlation between CE and NPS data. However, some discrepancies were seen while applying either zwitterionic or positively charged surfactants. This confirmed that CE analysis was able to provide additional data about the investigated systems. Taken together, the combination of NPS and CE proved to be an efficient way to describe the nature of interactions between biomimicking membranes and amphiphilic molecules.Peer reviewe