15 research outputs found
Seabed monitoring with Girona 500 AUV working as HROV
This paper presents the use of Girona 500 AUV as a Hybrid ROV (HROV)
to inspect underwater habitats by combining basic teleoperation and automatic
way-point following. This duality allows safe movements, when inspecting visually
the seabed, together with precise way-point movements, when mapping or
reaching the area. Also, the use of a HROV containing its own energy simplifies the
management of the umbilical cable, which can be smaller, and integrates all safety
measures of an AUV. The Girona 500 AUV has been tested acting as HROV during 3
campaigns at 80 metres depth in a project for evaluating the state of transplanted
gorgonians.Peer Reviewe
Reliability of two measurement indices for gingival enlargement
Background and objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the concordance of the vertical gingival overgrowth index (GOi) and the horizontal Miranda & Brunet index (MBi) and to compare their reliability and reproducibility for an early diagnosis of gingival enlargement. A wide range of methods has been employed to determine the severity of drug-induced gingival enlargement (DIGE) that has resulted in uncertainty with regard to the prevalence of this side effect. In recent studies, different indices have been used to grade DIGE. The large variability observed between studies and the differences between vertical and horizontal gingival-enlargement measurements could be the result of the use of nonreliable indices during the measurement process. Some indices involve invasive procedures that require many measurements, or even a data-processing system, while others are less convenient and technically expensive and complex. In previous studies we used two complementary indices - the vertical GOi and the horizontal MBi. The results of these studies found some differences between both indices, with the MBi rendering higher estimates of DIGE prevalence that was attributed to its greater sensitivity for the detection of minimal changes in gingival thickness. To our knowledge, there are no studies comparing different measurement indices for gingival enlargement that are supported by statistical concordance analysis. Material and methods: Twelve plaster casts from patients who had worn orthodontic brackets, and who had different degrees of chronic inflammatory gingival enlargement, were analyzed. Three previously trained examiners registered twice the degree of buccal overgrowth, using the GOi and MBi, in all cast models with a minimum interval of 7 d between the first and the second evaluation. In total, from each cast, measurements from 16 gingival sites were taken using the GOi, and from nine gingival units (mesial and distal sites measurements) using the MBi. Concordance analysis of the registered measurements (intra-examiner and among examiners) for each index and between indices was assessed using the nonweighted Kappa index with a confidence interval of 95%. Results: We obtained 648 values for the GOi and the MBi. The overall score 0 (indicating absence of enlargement) was 32.7% and 19.8% for GOi and MBi, respectively, score 1 (light/moderate) was 39.7% and 48.1%, and score 2 (severe) was 27.6% and 32.1%. Concordance analysis for each index showed intra-examiner Kappa values of 0.820 for the GOi and 0.830 for the MBi. Interexaminer Kappa values were 0.720 for the GOi and 0.770 for the MBi. Concordance between indices showed Kappa values for the same examiner of 0.600, whereas concordance among different examiners was 0.550. Discrepancies between indices indicated a systematic skew, with 79-82.1% of discrepancy associated with a higher value for the MBi compared with the GOi. Conclusion: Both gingival enlargement indices analyzed are reliable, complementary and applicable for measuring gingival overgrowth. However, the MBi shows, with fewer measurements, a greater sensitivity than the GOi for the detection of the early stages of gingival enlargement, being adequate for the screening of large populations at risk
Industrial dynamics, innovation and the urban system in Spain: trajectories of medium-sized cities
[ES] El artículo pretende un primer acercamiento a las dinámicas industriales de las ciudades intermedias españolas. Además de una revisión de las teorías económicas convencionales del crecimiento industrial localizado, en la explicación se incide en claves internas y específicas
para cada ciudad, como la posible existencia de sistemas productivos capaces de activar círculos virtuosos de innovación. Para ello se analizan la evolución y estructura sectorial dentro
del sistema urbano español, a partir de los datos de empresas y empleo de la Seguridad Social (2000-2006), explorando la asociación espacial de ambos aspectos con diversos indicadores de innovación económico-empresarial.[EN] The article endeavours to provide an approach to the industrial dynamics of mediumsized Spanish cities. In addition to containing a survey of the conventional economic theories on localised industrial growth, the explanation stresses internal keys specific to each city, such as the possible existence of production systems that can activate virtuous circles of
innovation. Evolution and sector structure within the Spanish urban system are therefore analysed, on the basis of business and employment figures from Social Security (2000-2006), exploring the spatial association of both aspects with diverse indicators of economic and business innovation.El artículo forma parte del proyecto de investigación sobre Estrategias de innovación industrial y desarrollo
económico en las ciudades intermedias de España, financiado por la Fundación BBVA (2006-2008).Peer reviewe
Salivary secretory disorders, inducing drugs, and clinical management
Background: Salivary secretory disorders can be the result of a wide range of factors. Their prevalence and negative effects on the patient's quality of life oblige the clinician to confront the issue. Aim: To review the salivary secretory disorders, inducing drugs and their clinical management. Methods: In this article, a literature search of these dysfunctions was conducted with the assistance of a research librarian in the MEDLINE/PubMed Database. Results: Xerostomia, or dry mouth syndrome, can be caused by medication, systemic diseases such as Sjögren's Syndrome, glandular pathologies, and radiotherapy of the head and neck. Treatment of dry mouth is aimed at both minimizing its symptoms and preventing oral complications with the employment of sialogogues and topical acting substances. Sialorrhea and drooling, are mainly due to medication or neurological systemic disease. There are various therapeutic, pharmacologic, and surgical alternatives for its management. The pharmacology of most of the substances employed for the treatment of salivary disorders is well-known. Nevertheless, in some cases a significant improvement in salivary function has not been observed after their administration. Conclusion: At present, there are numerous frequently prescribed drugs whose unwanted effects include some kind of salivary disorder. In addition, the differing pathologic mechanisms, and the great variety of existing treatments hinder the clinical management of these patients. The authors have designed an algorithm to facilitate the decision making process when physicians, oral surgeons, or dentists face these salivary dysfunctions
Testing Sparus II AUV, an open platform for industrial, scientific and academic applications
This paper describes the experience of preparing and testing the SPARUS
II AUV in different applications. The AUV was designed as a lightweight vehicle combining
the classical torpedo-shape features with the hovering capability. The robot
has a payload area to allow the integration of different equipment depending on
the devices and systems. Its flexibility, easy operation and openness makes the SPARUS
II AUV a multipurpose platform that can adapt to industrial, scientific and academic
applications. Five units were developed in 2014, and different teams used and
adapted the platform for different applications. The paper describes some of the
experiences in preparing and testing this open platform to different applications.Peer Reviewe
Involving fishers in scaling up the restoration of cold-water coral gardens on the Mediterranean continental shelf
12 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, supplementary data https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109301Cold-water gorgonians dwelling on the continental shelf are a common by-catch of bottom-contact fishing practices. Given the slow growth and limited recruitment of cold-water gorgonians, the impact of fishing activities may seriously compromise the conservation of the highly complex coral gardens communities. For this reason, the development of effective active and passive restoration methods is nowadays a priority in order to enhance the natural recovery of impacted cold-water coral gardens. However, the ecological restoration of mesophotic and deep-sea communities remains extremely limited, due to its technological requirements and associated costs, which bring its wide-scale and long-term application into question. This study reports the preliminary results of the first large-scale active restoration of more than 400 cold-water gorgonians on the Mediterranean continental shelf. By actively involving local fishers during two consecutive fishing seasons, by-catch gorgonians were recovered and returned to the continental shelf (at 80–90 m depth). The monitoring surveys performed by using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) revealed that 460 gorgonian transplants survived over an area of 0.23 ha. The reintroduced cold-water gorgonian population was compared to a reference natural population in terms of size and spatial structure. The cost of the restoration amounted to 140,000 €/ha, which is significantly lower than that of any deep-sea restoration actions performed to date. The results of this cost-effective active restoration highlight the viability of large-scale restoration of impacted cold-water coral communities, with promising results for the conservation and recovery of mesophotic and deep-sea ecosystemsThis work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, Grant/Award Number: No 689518 (MERCES); the Fundación Biodiversidad of the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition through the Pleamar Programme (RESCAP project), co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund; Spanish Ministry for Education, Culture and Sports, Grant/Award Number: FPU 2014_06977 (FPU 2014 grant), and the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness, Grant/Award Number: IJCI-2015-23962 (JdC 2015 grant).CL acknowledges the financial support from ICREA [ICREA Academia programme]With the institutional support of the ‘Severo OchoaCentre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe
In vitro study of the apical microleakage with Resilon root canal filling using different final endodontic irrigants
Background: endodontic microleakage or microfiltration refers to the percolation of fluids and micro-organisms at the interface of the obturation material and the walls of the root canal system. The aim of this in vitro study was to compare apical microfiltration of Resilon root canal filling by employing three different final irrigant solutions. Material and Methods: 128 single-rooted teeth were employed. The crowns were sectioned horizontally at the cemento-enamel junction and instrumented with 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and 17% EDTA gel to obtain an instrumented 040 apical caliber. An intermediate irrigation was performed with distilled water. The roots were then randomly assigned to three experimental groups with three different final irrigants: (A) 20% citric acid (CA); (B) 2% chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX); and (C) 5.25% NaOCl, plus two control groups (positive and negative). They were then dried, obturated with RealSeal , and cleared by Robertson's technique. Apical microleakage was measured by the dye penetration method and assessed with a 4.5x stereomicroscope. Data were statistically analyzed by one way ANOVA and post hoc analysis for multiple comparisons. Results: mean and standard deviations for apical microleakage were: 2% CHX (0.24 mm ± 0.22), 20% CA (0.25 mm ± 0.20), and 5.25% NaOCl (0.87 mm ± 0.32). Significant differences were reported among the group irrigated with NaOCl, CHX and CA (P<0.001). Conclusions: a higher rate of apical microleakage was observed when the final irrigation was performed with NaOCl whilst lower rates were reported for CHX and CA
Sparus II, design of a lightweight hovering AUV
Peer Reviewe
Salivary secretory disorders, inducing drugs, and clinical management
Background: Salivary secretory disorders can be the result of a wide range of factors. Their prevalence and negative effects on the patient's quality of life oblige the clinician to confront the issue. Aim: To review the salivary secretory disorders, inducing drugs and their clinical management. Methods: In this article, a literature search of these dysfunctions was conducted with the assistance of a research librarian in the MEDLINE/PubMed Database. Results: Xerostomia, or dry mouth syndrome, can be caused by medication, systemic diseases such as Sjögren's Syndrome, glandular pathologies, and radiotherapy of the head and neck. Treatment of dry mouth is aimed at both minimizing its symptoms and preventing oral complications with the employment of sialogogues and topical acting substances. Sialorrhea and drooling, are mainly due to medication or neurological systemic disease. There are various therapeutic, pharmacologic, and surgical alternatives for its management. The pharmacology of most of the substances employed for the treatment of salivary disorders is well-known. Nevertheless, in some cases a significant improvement in salivary function has not been observed after their administration. Conclusion: At present, there are numerous frequently prescribed drugs whose unwanted effects include some kind of salivary disorder. In addition, the differing pathologic mechanisms, and the great variety of existing treatments hinder the clinical management of these patients. The authors have designed an algorithm to facilitate the decision making process when physicians, oral surgeons, or dentists face these salivary dysfunctions
Estil i estils: teoria i aplicacions de l'estilística
Textos: Vicent Salvador, Lluís Payrató, Ramon Pla, Josep M. Fulquet, Margarida Bassols, Magí Camps i Ernest Rusinés.
Edició: Lluís Payrató i Neus NoguéEls textos aplegats en aquest volum provenen de la voluntat de presentar una reflexió àmplia i oberta sobre l’estilística, l’estil i els estils, i són el resultat de les contribucions al dinovè Col·loqui Lingüístic de la Universitat de Barcelona (2012). Una reflexió que sigui aplicable a una gran diversitat de tipus de text, i que estigui ben exemplificada amb aquesta variació, atès que s’ha considerat precisament que el fenomen de la variació lingüística està present com una mena de background o rerefons en tots els estudis estilístics. En la primera part s’apleguen diversos treballs sobre estilística dels textos literaris i no literaris, sobre els textos multimodals i sobre la relació entre estilística i traducció. En la segona part es recullen les reflexions fruit d’una taula rodona sobre l’estil i els mitjans de comunicació