16 research outputs found

    The use of platelet-rich plasma for percutaneous treatment of tendinopathies

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    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has increasing popularity in the treatment and management of tendon healing. The release of growth factors from activated platelets is thought to aid in the healing mechanisms post-trauma. There are, however, no standardised methods and application techniques to allow for efficient comparison between different clinical trial studies. This review summaries the current literature in PRP and tendon, and focuses on one centrifugation technique used by the author. Further studies are required to establish a homogeneous application approach, and to pinpoint the mechanisms behind PRP activity, as firm conclusions for it's efficacy cannot be made from the current literature. © 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Desequilíbrios musculares entre flexores dorsais e plantares do tornozelo após tratamento conservador e acelerado da ruptura do tendão calcâneo Muscle imbalance between ankle dorsiflexors and plantarflexors after conservative and accelerated treatment of Achilles tendon rupture

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    A ruptura do tendão calcâneo (TC) reduz a sobrecarga mecânica dos flexores plantares (FP) do tornozelo. Essa alteração muda o equilíbrio natural entre os FP e flexores dorsais (FD) do tornozelo. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar as razões isocinéticas concêntricas convencionais de torque de pacientes submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico de ruptura aguda do TC após dois protocolos diferentes de reabilitação. Após procedimento cirúrgico para reconstrução do TC, a amostra foi dividida de forma intencional em dois grupos: conservador (GC, 11 homens, 41,3±7,9 anos) e grupo acelerado (GA, 13 homens, 43,5±13,7 anos). O GC permaneceu com imobilização gessada no tornozelo por seis semanas (tratamento tradicional), enquanto o GA usou uma órtese robofoot em posição neutra e, após duas semanas, iniciou mobilização e apoio precoce do tornozelo, com reabilitação por seis semanas. Após 3 meses de pós-operatório, a razão do torque concêntrico máximo dos FD pelos FP do tornozelo foi avaliada por dinamômetro isocinético. As razões de torque do lado operado se mantiveram superiores às do lado saudável mesmo após 3 meses de pós-operatório (p<0,05). Não foi encontrada diferença no equilíbrio muscular entre os grupos. Pode-se concluir que os dois grupos requerem um período mais longo de reabilitação para recuperar o equilíbrio natural do tornozelo no lado operado.<br>Achilles tendon rupture reduces ankle plantarflexor (PF) muscles mechanical overload. This change in the ankle joint mechanics changes the natural muscle balance between dorsiflexor (DF) and PF muscles. The purpose of this study was to assess such imbalance by concentric conventional isokinetic torque ratios of patients who underwent different rehabilitation protocols after surgical repair of the Achilles tendon. After surgery, subjects were assigned to either a conservative or to an accelerated rehabilitation group. The conservative group (11 men, 41.3±7.9 years old) remained with a plaster cast for 6 weeks after surgery. The accelerated group (13 men, 43.5±13,7 years old) used a"robofoot" cast for 2 weeks and underwent ankle mobilization and early weight bearing for a period of 6 weeks post-immobilization. At 3 months post-surgery the ratio between the maximal concentric DF torque and the maximal concentric PF torque was evaluated with an isokinetic dynamometer. Torque ratios on the surgery side were higher (p<0.05) than on the sound side in both groups. No differences of muscle balance could be found between the groups. These results suggest that both groups require further rehabilitation to regain the natural muscle balance between surgery-side ankle DF and PF muscles