52 research outputs found

    Acoustic characteristics of Italian Parkinsonian speech: a study on early-stage patients

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    Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a neurological illness which also has effects on speech production, resulting in segmental and suprasegmental abnormalities. The aim of the current study is to test the validity of two acoustic parameters - %V and VtoV - for the detection of rhythmical variation in early-stage PD speech, in comparison to healthy speech. 40 Italian native speakers were enrolled in the research, 20 early-stage PD subjects and 20 neurologically healthy and matched controls, and a corpus of read speech was collected. The results of voice analysis confirmed an alteration of vocalic duration and %V in PD productions. In particular, %V could be a reliable cue for PD speech characterization, even at the very early onset of the disease

    Tecnologie per l’analisi del parlato e alfabetizzazione in italiano L2. Il caso di immigrati senegalesi adulti

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    A training experience that takes advantage of technologies for acoustic analysis in order to taylor the learning experience on learners abilities and learning style

    VtoV: a perceptual cue for rhythm identification

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    Current metrics for the quantification of speech rhythm take into account parameters not easily detectable by listeners. To overcome this limit, in this study we propose a new model based on a parameter that account for listeners' ability to discriminate between different rhythmic patterns. Starting from the results of a spectro-acoustic analysis conducted on singing, we found that Perceptual Centres align close to Vowel Onset Points (VOP). To test the perceptual relevance of interval between two consecutive VOPs, that we call VtoV intervals, we analyzed a multilingual corpus of TV news, advertisings and recited speech. The signal was segmented into vocalic/consonantal portions and into VtoV intervals. The standard deviation of all parameters was calculated. The results of the analysis show that VtoV is a crucial parameter both to classify languages on a rhythmic basis and to account for intra-linguistic speech style variations

    Oltre “no buono”. L’espressione di gusti e preferenze nella scrittura in italiano L2 di apprendenti vulnerabili

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    The communicative functions related to the expression of personal tastes and preferences are attested very early in the process of L2 learning. Moreover, the importance to focus on these functions in L2 (Italian) classes, even in literacy courses and especially with adult refugees and asylum seekers, has been extensively demonstrated. The present study has a twofold objective. Firstly, it aims at identifying forms of expression of personal tastes and preferences in written production of L2 Italian vulnerable low-literate learners. Secondly, it intends to investigate L2 Italian teaching experiences related to the two above mentioned functions, with a review of teaching materials. To reach the first goal, the ScrItAV corpus was consulted and 107 short texts, produced by refugees and asylum seekers in L2 Italian literacy classes at the University L’Orientale of Naples were selected. An error analysis was carried out on the micro-corpus by means of the UAM Corpus Tool software. For the second research objective, 10 L2 Italian literacy teachers were administered an online questionnaire about methods and materials used in teaching how to express tastes and preferences in the second language; 12 textbooks of Italian as L2 for literacy levels were also examined. The corpus analysis allowed to recognize the forms in which the two functions are realized in written productions of low-literate learners of Italian as L2 and to describe the path from the Pre Alpha A1 to A1 level. If learners succeeded in expressing their tastes especially about food, colours and aspects of the city of Naples, what seems to be less developed and trained, but also more crucial, is the expression of what is disliked. To such vulnerable learners, often experiencing a traumatic past and a difficult present in reception camps, the ability to verbalize what is not going well, what is perceived as unacceptable, what is not preferred can be very urgent. This communicative need does not seem to be satisfied in literacy classes and by textbooks of Italian as L2, in which the positive forms are more numerous and more frequent than the negative ones

    Speech Rhythm Variation in Early-Stage Parkinson's Disease: A Study on Different Speaking Tasks

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    Patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) usually reveal speech disorders and, among other symptoms, the alteration of speech rhythm. The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to test the validity of two acoustic parameters—%V, vowel percentage and VtoV, the mean interval between two consecutive vowel onset points—for the identification of rhythm variation in early-stage PD speech and (2) to analyze the effect of PD on speech rhythm in two different speaking tasks: reading passage and monolog. A group of 20 patients with early-stage PD was involved in this study and compared with 20 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HCs). The results of the acoustic analysis confirmed that %V is a useful cue for early-stage PD speech characterization, having significantly higher values in the production of patients with PD than the values in HC speech. A simple speaking task, such as the reading task, was found to be more effective than spontaneous speech in the detection of rhythmic variations

    The Challenge of Planning Conservation Strategies in Threatened Seascapes: Understanding the Role of Fine Scale Assessments of Community Response to Cumulative Human Pressures

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    Assessing the distribution and intensity of human threats to biodiversity is a prerequisite for effective spatial planning, harmonizing conservation purposes with sustainable development. In the Mediterranean Sea, the management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is rarely based on explicit consideration of the distribution of multiple stressors, with direct assessment of their effects on ecosystems. This gap limits the effectiveness of protection and is conducive to conflicts among stakeholders. Here, a fine scale assessment of the potential effects of different combinations of stressors (both land- and marine-based) on vulnerable rocky habitats (i.e. lower midlittoral and shallow infralittoral) along 40 km of coast in the western Mediterranean (Ionian Sea) has been carried out. The study area is a paradigmatic example of socio-ecological interactions, where several human uses and conservation measures collide. Significant differences in the structure of assemblages according to different combinations of threats were observed, indicating distinct responses of marine habitats to different sets of human pressures. A more complex three-dimensional structure, higher taxon richness and \u3b2-diversity characterized assemblages subject to low versus high levels of human pressure, consistently across habitats. In addition, the main drivers of change were: closeness to the harbour, water quality, and the relative extension of beaches. Our findings suggest that, although efforts to assess cumulative impacts at large scale may help in individuating priority areas for conservation purposes, the fact that such evaluations are often based on expert opinions and not on actual studies limits their ability to represent real environmental conditions at local scale. Systematic evaluations of local scale effects of anthropogenic drivers of change on biological communities should complement broad scale management strategies to achieve effective sustainability of human exploitation of marine resources

    Implications of Proprotein Convertases in Ovarian Cancer Cell Proliferation and Tumor Progression: Insights for PACE4 as a Therapeutic Target

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    AbstractProprotein convertases are a family of kexin-like serine proteases that process proteins at single and multiple basic residues. Among the predicted and identified PC substrates, an increasing number of proteins having functions in cancer progression indicate that PCs may be potential targets for antineoplastic drugs. In support of this notion, we identified PACE4 as a vital PC involved in prostate cancer proliferation and progression, contrasting with the other co-expressed PCs. The aim of the present study was to test the importance of PCs in ovarian cancer cell proliferation and tumor progression. Based on tissue-expression profiles, furin, PACE4, PC5/6 and PC7 all displayed increased expression in primary tumor, ascites cells and metastases. These PCs were also expressed in variable levels in three model ovarian cell lines tested, namely SKOV3, CAOV3 and OVCAR3 cells. Since SKOV3 cells closely represented the PC expression profile of ovarian cancer cells, we chose them to test the effects of PC silencing using stable gene-silencing shRNA strategy to generate knockdown SKOV3 cells for each expressed PC. In vitro and in vivo assays confirmed the role of PACE4 in the sustainment of SKOV3 cell proliferation, which was not observed with the other three PCs. We also tested PACE4 peptide inhibitors on all three cell lines and observed consequent reduced cell proliferation which was correlated with PACE4 expression. Overall, these data support a role of PACE4 in promoting cell proliferation in ovarian cancer and provides further evidence for PACE4 as a potential therapeutic target

    Anticancer effects of novel resveratrol analogues on human ovarian cancer cells

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    Resveratrol, a naturally occurring phytoalexin, has long been known to play an important regulatory role in key functions in cell physiology. This multifunctional role of resveratrol is explained by its ability to interact with several targets of various cell pathways. In the recent past, synthetic chemical modifications have been made in an attempt to enhance the biological effects of resveratrol, including its anti-cancer properties. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of action of novel trans-restricted analogues of resveratrol in which the C-C double bond of the natural derivative has been replaced by diaryl-substituted imidazole analogues. In ovarian cancer models, the results of in vitro screening revealed that the resveratrol analogues exhibited enhanced anti-proliferative properties compared with resveratrol. We found that the resveratrol analogues also significantly inhibited Akt and MAPK signalling and reduced the migration of IL-6 and EGF-treated cells. Finally, in ascite-derived cancer cells, we demonstrated that the resveratrol analogues reduced the expression of epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers. Collectively, these findings indicate the enhanced anti-cancer properties of the resveratrol analogues

    NMR-Based Metabolomic Approach Tracks Potential Serum Biomarkers of Disease Progression in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia associated with alterations in carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism. The prognosis of T2DM patients is highly dependent on the development of complications, and therefore the identification of biomarkers of T2DM progression, with minimally invasive techniques, is a huge need. In the present study, we applied a H-1-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (H-1-NMR)-based metabolomic approach coupled with multivariate data analysis to identify serum metabolite profiles associated with T2DM development and progression. To perform this, we compared the serum metabolome of non-diabetic subjects, treatment-naive non-complicated T2DM patients, and T2DM patients with complications in insulin monotherapy. Our analysis revealed a significant reduction of alanine, glutamine, glutamate, leucine, lysine, methionine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine in T2DM patients with respect to non-diabetic subjects. Moreover, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, tyrosine, and valine levels distinguished complicated patients from patients without complications. Overall, the metabolic pathway analysis suggested that branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) metabolism is significantly compromised in T2DM patients with complications, while perturbation in the metabolism of gluconeogenic amino acids other than BCAAs characterizes both early and advanced T2DM stages. In conclusion, we identified a metabolic serum signature associated with T2DM stages. These data could be integrated with clinical characteristics to build a composite T2DM/complications risk score to be validated in a prospective cohort
