196 research outputs found

    Construction of an ethnographical database of groups of immigrants and their descendats in the province of Buenoas Aires

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    In Argentina, research about immigration has traditionally been made fundamentally upon two majorities: Spanish and Italian. There were few specific anthropological studies concerning small and medium groups of immigrations (Cape Verdeans, Polish, Greek, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, etc.). As a result of our experience in the field of anthropology, working with some of these goups and their descendants, we became aware of the need of a tool which allows, in a flexible way, to recognize the profile which characterizes the studied communities and those which will be studied in the future. Our ultimate goal was to establish in advance, sufficiently representative comparisons to describe similarities and differences between distinctive groups. Without such a tool, it would be difficult to characterize the modifications which where produced and still take place as a consequence of the cultural change and the intercultural contact.At this stage of the research, diverse specialist in statistics were consulted, who agreed that a database is the best tool for this purpose, since it allows flexible and more efficient storage and management of the information. Thus, we considered two steps: 1. Definition and development of the data base structure, 2. Elaboration of an interface for actualization and modification of the collected data.Fil: Maffia, Marta Mercedes. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Etnografía; ArgentinaFil: Mehltreter, Klaus. Instituto de Ecología; MéxicoFil: Basaldúa, Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Lo afro y lo indígena en Argentina. Aportes desde la antropología social al análisis de las formas de la visibilidad en el nuevo milenio

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    Lo que se denomina «nuevas formas de la visibilidad» de afrodescendientes, inmigrantes africanos y pueblos indígenas son analizadas a partir de los avances de dos investigaciones sobre población indígena y afro en Argentina. La primera, centrada en el análisis de la inmigración caboverdeana iniciada a fines del siglo xix y principios del xx, se proyecta hoy al análisis de las migraciones desde países del África subsahariana, articulando estos colectivos con el estudio de las organizaciones de afrodescendientes de la Argentina. La segunda, focalizada en el análisis de población indígena qom (toba) migrante a las grandes ciudades, se proyecta hoy a la comprensión de la cuestión indígena en general.What is known as «new forms of visibility» of Afro descendants, African immigrants and indigenous peoples are analyzed from the advances of two research works on indigenous and Afro population in Argentina. The first, centered on the analysis of Cape Verdean immigration started at the end of the 19th century and early 20th century, is nowadays being projected to the analysis of migrations from countries in sub-Saharan Africa, articulating these groups with the study of organizations of African descendants of Argentina. The second, focused on the analysis of qom (toba) indigenous population migrating to the big cities, is nowadays being projected to the understanding of the indigenous question in general.Fil: Tamagno, Liliana Ester. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Maffia, Marta Mercedes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    El proceso de visibilización de la población africana de la Argentina : Caboverdianos, nuevos inmigrantes africanos y afrodescendientes

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    Fil: Maffia, Marta Mercedes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Etnografía; ArgentinaFil: Zubrzycki, Bernarda. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Etnografía; Argentina

    Reflexividad en torno a las tensiones y los conflictos generados en la interfase del campo de la militancia afro con el campo académico

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    Fil: Maffia, Marta Mercedes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Pablo Gustavo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Lo afro y lo indígena en Argentina. Aportes desde la antropología social al análisis de las formas de la visibilidad en el nuevo milenio

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    Fil: Tamagno, Liliana Ester. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Laboratorio de Investigación en Antropología Social; ArgentinaFil: Maffia, Marta Mercedes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Etnografía; Argentin

    Migración y asociativismo de caboverdeanos en Argentina

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    The aim of the present work is to characterize the Cape Verdean migration towards Argentina, the association phenomenon and the role that the new generations of the first immigrants descendants have begun to play in their struggle for the visibilization and achievement of full rights as citizens. This migration, which was more outstanding from the beginnings of the twentieth century to around the 1970s, even though it was not as large as other migratory currents that arrived in Argentina, was steady for decades. In the article, firstly, we deal with the analysis of choosing Argentina as destination based on concepts of migratory networks, the main places for settling and the arrival periods, and then we focus on the ethnic belonging of the group, identity issues, “invisibility”, the association phenomenon with its tensions and conflicts. To conclude, we examine the relationship between the new and old generations, particularly in reference to the process of “de-invisibilization” and the first steps in the construction of new identities crossed by a dimension, which we could call, afrodiasporaEl presente trabajo tiene por objetivo caracterizar la emigración caboverdeana hacia la Argentina,  el fenómeno del asociativismo y el papel que las nuevas generaciones de descendientes de los primeros inmigrantes, han comenzado a jugar en las luchas por la visibilización y conquista de  plenos derechos como ciudadanos. Esta migración, que se registra con mayor intensidad a partir de las primeras décadas del siglo XX hasta aproximadamente la década de mil novecientos setenta, si bien no fue muy numerosa respecto a otras corrientes migratorias que llegaron a la Argentina, mantuvo continuidad durante décadas. En el artículo abordamos, en primer término,  el análisis de la elección de la Argentina como destino en base a los conceptos de cadenas y redes migratorias, los principales lugares de asentamiento y períodos de arribo, para luego detenernos en la pertenencia étnica del grupo, las cuestiones identitarias, la “invisibilidad”, el asociativismo con sus tensiones y conflictos. Para finalizar exploramos la relación entre las nuevas y las viejas generaciones, en referencia particularmente al proceso de “des-invibilización” y los primeros pasos en la construcción de nuevas identidades atravesadas por una dimensión, que podríamos llamar, afrodiaspóric


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    Per un docente di italiano L2 può essere molto utile conoscere il background sociolinguistico dei propri apprendenti, al fine di comprenderne i comportamenti linguistici e di selezionare alcune forme pragmalinguistiche e varietà oggetto di insegnamento. Partendo da questo presupposto, la presente ricerca intende delineare in maniera esplorativa il profilo sociolinguistico dell’apprendente srilankese di italiano L2 a Napoli. I dati raccolti attraverso la somministrazione di un questionario sociolinguistico a 40 srilankesi adulti (di cui 19 donne) hanno permesso di ricavare informazioni sugli usi linguistici in Sri Lanka, di osservare le trasformazioni nel repertorio linguistico post-immigratorio di tali apprendenti e di ipotizzare il ruolo dei diversi codici di cui esso si compone, con uno sguardo anche al dialetto napoletano.   Sri Lankan learners of L2 Italian in Naples: notes for a sociolinguistic profile Gathering information about the sociolinguistic background of learners could be very helpful for an L2 Italian teacher, in order to understand linguistic behaviors and select pragma-linguistic forms and L2 varieties to focus on. Starting from this assumption, this study aims to outline a possible sociolinguistic profile of Sri Lankan learners of L2 Italian in Naples. Data was collected through the administration of a sociolinguistic questionnaire to 40 adult Sri Lankan immigrants (of which 19 were female). The learners’ linguistic repertoires before migration to Italy was described and its restructuring after migration was observed, trying to explain the relationship between the different languages and with a specific focus on the Neapolitan dialect.&nbsp