83 research outputs found

    Uncovering the genomic heterogeneity of multifocal breast cancer.

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    Multifocal breast cancer (MFBC), defined as multiple synchronous unilateral lesions of invasive breast cancer, is relatively frequent and has been associated with more aggressive features than unifocal cancer. Here, we aimed to investigate the genomic heterogeneity between MFBC lesions sharing similar histopathological parameters. Characterization of different lesions from 36 patients with ductal MFBC involved the identification of non-silent coding mutations in 360 protein-coding genes (171 tumour and 36 matched normal samples). We selected only patients with lesions presenting the same grade, ER, and HER2 status. Mutations were classified as 'oncogenic' in the case of recurrent substitutions reported in COSMIC or truncating mutations affecting tumour suppressor genes. All mutations identified in a given patient were further interrogated in all samples from that patient through deep resequencing using an orthogonal platform. Whole-genome rearrangement screen was further conducted in 8/36 patients. Twenty-four patients (67%) had substitutions/indels shared by all their lesions, of which 11 carried the same mutations in all lesions, and 13 had lesions with both common and private mutations. Three-quarters of those 24 patients shared oncogenic variants. The remaining 12 patients (33%) did not share any substitution/indels, with inter-lesion heterogeneity observed for oncogenic mutation(s) in genes such as PIK3CA, TP53, GATA3, and PTEN. Genomically heterogeneous lesions tended to be further apart in the mammary gland than homogeneous lesions. Genome-wide analyses of a limited number of patients identified a common somatic background in all studied MFBCs, including those with no mutation in common between the lesions. To conclude, as the number of molecular targeted therapies increases and trials driven by genomic screening are ongoing, our findings highlight the presence of genomic inter-lesion heterogeneity in one-third, despite similar pathological features. This implies that deeper molecular characterization of all MFBC lesions is warranted for the adequate management of those cancers

    Efficient mouse transgenesis using Gateway-compatible ROSA26 locus targeting vectors and F1 hybrid ES cells

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    The ability to rapidly and efficiently generate reliable Cre/loxP conditional transgenic mice would greatly complement global high-throughput gene targeting initiatives aimed at identifying gene function in the mouse. We report here the generation of Cre/loxP conditional ROSA26-targeted ES cells within 3–4 weeks by using Gateway® cloning to build the target vectors. The cDNA of the gene of interest can be expressed either directly by the ROSA26 promoter providing a moderate level of expression or by a CAGG promoter placed in the ROSA26 locus providing higher transgene expression. Utilization of F1 hybrid ES cells with exceptional developmental potential allows the production of germ line transmitting, fully or highly ES cell-derived mice by aggregation of cells with diploid embryos. The presented streamlined procedures accelerate the examination of phenotypical consequences of transgene expression. It also provides a unique tool for comparing the biological activity of polymorphic or splice variants of a gene, or products of different genes functioning in the same or parallel pathways in an overlapping manner

    Subclonal diversification of primary breast cancer revealed by multiregion sequencing.

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    The sequencing of cancer genomes may enable tailoring of therapeutics to the underlying biological abnormalities driving a particular patient's tumor. However, sequencing-based strategies rely heavily on representative sampling of tumors. To understand the subclonal structure of primary breast cancer, we applied whole-genome and targeted sequencing to multiple samples from each of 50 patients' tumors (303 samples in total). The extent of subclonal diversification varied among cases and followed spatial patterns. No strict temporal order was evident, with point mutations and rearrangements affecting the most common breast cancer genes, including PIK3CA, TP53, PTEN, BRCA2 and MYC, occurring early in some tumors and late in others. In 13 out of 50 cancers, potentially targetable mutations were subclonal. Landmarks of disease progression, such as resistance to chemotherapy and the acquisition of invasive or metastatic potential, arose within detectable subclones of antecedent lesions. These findings highlight the importance of including analyses of subclonal structure and tumor evolution in clinical trials of primary breast cancer

    Regulation of the tumor suppressor p53 by Mdm2 and Mdm4

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    Mdm2 and Mdm4 are critical negative regulators of the p53 tumor suppressor. Mdm4-null mutants are severely anemic and exhibit impaired proliferation of the fetal liver erythroid lineage cells. This phenotype may indicate a cell-intrinsic function of Mdm4 in erythropoiesis. In contrast, red blood cell count was nearly normal in mice engineered to express low levels of Mdm2, suggesting that Mdm2 might be dispensable for red cell production. In the first part of the thesis, we further explore the tissue-specific functions of Mdm2 and Mdm4 in the erythroid lineage by crossing the conditional Mdm4 and Mdm2 alleles to an erythroid-specific-cre (EpoRGFP-Cre ) knock-in allele. Our data show that Mdm2 is required for rescuing erythroid progenitors from p53-mediated apoptosis during primitive erythropoiesis. In contrast, Mdm4 is only required for the high erythropoietic rate during embryonic definitive erythropoiesis. Thus, in this particular cellular context, interestingly, Mdm4 only contributes to p53 regulation at a specific phase of the differientation program.<p><p>Moreover, a large body of evidence indicates that aberrant expression of either MDM2 or MDM4 impairs p53 tumor suppression function and consequently favors tumor formation. Overexpression of MDM2 was observed in 10% of 8000 human cancers from various sites, including lung or stomach, and MDM4 was found amplified and/or overexpressed in 10-20% of over 800 diverse tumors including lung, colon, stomach and breast cancers. Remarkably, selective MDM4 amplification occurs in about 65% of human retinoblastomas. In contrast, MDM2 amplifications are relatively rare (about 5%) in retinoblastomas, indicating that depending on the tumor context (cell type, initiating oncogene, …), MDM4, rather than MDM2, overexpression might be selected for as a more efficient mean of suppression of p53 function. As part of a large effort to better understand why different cell types require distinct combinations of mutations to form tumours, we will examine the molecular basis for selective up-regulation of Mdm4 in retinoblastomas. In this context, we have successfully generated 2 conditional transgenic mouse lines expressing either mycMdm2 or mycMdm4 driven by the PCAGGs promoters in the ROSA26 locus. Since a cassette containing a floxed transcriptional stop element is inserted upstream of the transgenes, we can achieve tissue-specific expression and spatio-temporal regulation of the transgenes by using different Cre and CreER. By the use of N-terminal myc-tag fused with the transgenes, we are able to compare the expression levels of the transgenes. Finally, due to C-terminal IRES-GFP element, we can easily identify transgene expressing cells. One of our aims is to use this Mdm4 conditional transgenic mouse line as the first, non-chimeric, mouse model of retinoblastoma that can be used as an appropriate preclinical model to improve treatment of this disease.<p>Doctorat en Sciencesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Evolutionarily Conserved Role of Nucleostemin: Controlling Proliferation of Stem/Progenitor Cells during Early Vertebrate Development

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    Nucleostemin (NS) is a putative GTPase expressed preferentially in the nucleoli of neuronal and embryonic stem cells and several cancer cell lines. Transfection and knockdown studies indicated that NS controls the proliferation of these cells by interacting with the p53 tumor suppressor protein and regulating its activity. To assess the physiological role of NS in vivo, we generated a mutant mouse line with a specific gene trap event that inactivates the NS allele. The corresponding NS(−/−) embryos died around embryonic day 4. Analyses of NS mutant blastocysts indicated that NS is not required to maintain pluripotency, nucleolar integrity, or survival of the embryonic stem cells. However, the homozygous mutant blastocysts failed to enter S phase even in the absence of functional p53. Haploid insufficiency of NS in mouse embryonic fibroblasts leads to decreased cell proliferation. NS also functions in early amphibian development to control cell proliferation of neural progenitor cells. Our results show that NS has a unique ability, derived from an ancestral function, to control the proliferation rate of stem/progenitor cells in vivo independently of p53

    Widespread Overexpression of Epitope-Tagged Mdm4 Does Not Accelerate Tumor Formation In Vivo▿

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    Mdm2 and Mdm4 are critical negative regulators of p53. A large body of evidence indicates that elevated expression of either Mdm2 or Mdm4 may favor tumor formation by inhibiting p53 tumor suppression function. To explore this possibility in vivo, we generated conditional Mdm2 and Mdm4 transgenic mice. We show that although both transgenes are designed to be expressed ubiquitously and at comparable levels, only the Mdm4 transgenic protein is produced at high levels in vivo. In contrast, exogenous Mdm2 is constitutively degraded in a proteasome-dependent manner, indicating that cells are equipped with efficient mechanisms that prevent Mdm2 accumulation in vivo. Mice that are homozygous for the Mdm4 transgene die during embryogenesis owing to severe vascular maturation defects. Importantly, this lethality is not rescued on a p53-null background, indicating that high levels of Mdm4 impact on a pathway(s) other than p53 that controls vascular and embryonic development. Mice expressing a single copy of the Mdm4 transgene are viable and, surprisingly, are not prone to spontaneous, radiation-induced or Eμ-myc-induced tumor formation. The findings have clear implications for cancer etiology as well as for cancer therapy

    Circulating Tumor DNA to Interrogate the Safety of Letrozole-Associated Controlled Ovarian Stimulation for Fertility Preservation in Breast Cancer Patients.

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    Current fertility preservation strategies for young breast cancer patients planning a future motherhood include the association of controlled ovarian stimulation with the aromatase inhibitor letrozole (let-COS) to harvest mature oocytes while maintaining low estradiol levels. Despite this is a widely adopted protocol, the safety of let-COS on breast cancer outcomes has been poorly investigated and its use remains off-label. We assessed the safety of let-COS in breast cancer patients using circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) as a surrogate biomarker of disease recurrence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe