486 research outputs found


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    制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:甲2651号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2008/3/24 ; 早大学位記番号:新481

    Dehydration of main-chain amides in the final folding step of single-chain monellin revealed by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy

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    Kinetic IR spectroscopy was used to reveal β-sheet formation and water expulsion in the folding of single-chain monellin (SMN) composed of a five-stranded β-sheet and an α-helix. The time-resolved IR spectra between 100 μs and 10 s were analyzed based on two consecutive intermediates, I1 and I2, appearing within 100 μs and with a time constant of ≈100 ms, respectively. The initial unfolded state showed broad amide I′ corresponded to a fluctuating conformation. In contrast, I1 possessed a feature at 1,636 cm−1 for solvated helix and weak features assignable to turns, demonstrating the rapid formation of helix and turns. I2 possessed a line for solvated helix at 1,637 cm−1 and major and minor lines for β-sheet at 1,625 and 1,680 cm−1, respectively. The splitting of the major and minor lines is smaller than that of the native state, implying an incomplete formation of the β-sheet. Furthermore, both major and minor lines demonstrated a low-frequency shift compared to those of the native state, which was interpreted to be caused by hydration of the C=O group in the β-sheet. Together with the identification of solvated helix, the core domain of I2 was interpreted as being hydrated. Finally, slow conversion of the water-penetrated core of I2 to the dehydrated core of the native state was observed. We propose that both the expulsion of water, hydrogen-bonded to main-chain amides, and the completion of the secondary structure formation contribute to the energetic barrier of the rate-limiting step in SMN folding

    Chemical Robots

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    Successful Extracorporeal Life Support for Life-threatening Hypercapnia with Bronchiolitis Obliterans after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) is a disease with a poor prognosis, and a key factor that limits long-term survival after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). We here report a case of a 31-year woman with acute lymphatic leukemia, which was treated by chemotherapy and HSCT, and consequently developed BO 2 years after HSCT. A non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection occurred and showed gradual exacerbation. She started taking anti-mycobacterial drugs, but lost appetite, felt tired and finally lost consciousness one month after beginning medication. Arterial blood gas revealed marked hypercapnia. Using extracorporeal life support (ECLS), the carbon dioxide concentration was reduced and her consciousness recovered. To our knowledge, this is the first case in which ECLS was successfully used for hypercapnia in a patient with BO

    Molecular Design and Functional Control of Novel Self-Oscillating Polymers

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    If we could realize an autonomous polymer system driven under biological conditions by a tailor-made molecular design, human beings could create unprecedented biomimetic functions and materials such as heartbeats, autonomous peristaltic pumps, etc. In order to achieve this objective, we have investigated the molecular design of such a polymer system. As a result, we were the first to demonstrate a self-oscillating polymer system driven in a solution where only malonic acid existed, which could convert the chemical energy of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction into a change in the conformation of the polymer chain. To cause the self-oscillation in solution, we have attempted to construct a built-in system where the required BZ system substrates other than the organic acid are incorporated into the polymer itself. That is, the novel polymer chain incorporated the metal catalyst of the BZ reaction, a pH-control site and an oxidant supply site at the same time. As a result of introducing the pH control and oxidant supply sites into the conventional-type self-oscillating polymer chain, the novel polymer chain caused aggregation-disaggregation self-oscillations in the solution. We clarified that the period of the self-oscillation of the novel self-oscillating polymer chain was proportional to the concentration of the malonic acid. Therefore, the concentration of the malonic acid can be determined by measuring the period of the novel self-oscillating polymer solution. In this review, we introduce the detailed molecular design of the novel self-oscillating polymer chain and its self-oscillating behavior. Moreover, we report an autonomous self-oscillating polymer gel actuator that causes a bending-stretching motion under the constant conditions

    Colorectal Carcinoma with Extremely Low CA19-9

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    Aim. The aim of this study is to determine the significance of postoperative sequential measurements of serum CA19-9 in patients with extremely low serum level. Patients and Methods. Serum level of CA19-9 of 1096 patients who underwent surgery was measured preoperatively and every three months after surgery for 5 years. Patients with CA19-9 level of less than 2 U/mL at the time of diagnosis were defined as Extremely Low CA19-9 (ELCA). Results. One hundred and seven patients (9.8%) were ELCA. Of these, 86 underwent surgery with curative intent. Serum levels of CA19-9 in patients who did not undergo curative resection (N = 12) and who developed recurrence (N = 10) were less than 2.0 U/mL in all occasions during followup. In all patients without recurrence, serum level of CA19-9 also remained less than 2.0 U/mL. Conclusion. In patients with extremely low CA19-9, who consist of 9.8% of colorectal carcinoma cases, postoperative sequential measurement of serum level of CA19-9 contributed neither to assessment of curability of surgical resection nor to detection of recurrence